The magic of deep facial massage: features of the method and technique of execution

From the name of the deep facial massage procedure, it becomes clear that its characteristic feature is the very strong effects of the massage therapist. This procedure is so painful that not everyone can endure it. There are some types of massages that are simple, but deep facial massage is not one of them, and although it can be performed at home, of course, if you have experience and relevant knowledge, the procedure is quite dangerous, which has resulted in a significant list of contraindications for it. The essence of the massage is to apply strong pressure primarily to the muscles, although both the skin and blood vessels have a beneficial effect. The technique includes all common massage movements, including stroking, rubbing, including finger joints. The technique of abruptly changing strong movements to relaxing ones is also used.

Indications and effect

It is worth taking a closer look at all the nuances of deep massage for those who suffer from insufficient skin elasticity, if there is swelling and very stagnant areas of fat deposits. It is possible to correct or slightly adjust the contour of the face; accordingly, if there are problems in this area, then such a massage will be very appropriate. Problems that are specific to older people are also being solved. As for the effect after the massage, it is as follows:

  • There is a sharp relaxation of facial muscles. This is due to the fact that the master’s work is aimed largely at the deep facial muscles and the periosteum area.
  • The effect of smoothing out wrinkles is so impressive that it can only be compared with Botox injections, but this procedure is cheaper, safer, and not as harmful as Botox, because after a massage nothing happens to neuromuscular conduction, unlike injections, when the face seems to be paralyzed.
  • You can notice relaxation of the whole body, not just the face.
  • It is impossible not to take into account the emotional state of the patient after the procedure, because emotions also have a certain impact on the aging process. It is worth emphasizing the complete release from suppressed emotions, as well as the patient’s sense of calm.

The benefits of the technique

A properly performed massage has a positive effect not only on the appearance of the face, but also on the condition of the entire body as a whole:

  • The conductivity of neurons improves: facial expressions remain clear and pronounced longer;
  • Regular practice keeps the muscles in shape and prevents the skin from stretching. Accordingly, unpleasant phenomena in the form of: drooping tissue or a double chin will be eliminated;
  • Blood circulation in the muscles is stimulated, metabolism is accelerated;
  • Deep wrinkles are eliminated and small expression lines become less noticeable.

Interesting fact: with the right technique, 1 hour of massage can replace 7-8 hours of sleep. In just one session, the whole body will relax, stress will disappear, and the nervous system will noticeably calm down.


This type of massage involves not just light interaction with the skin and muscles, but intense, sometimes even harsh, treatment of tissues. This means that with one awkward movement you can cause yourself injury, including serious injury. If we are talking about making an appointment at the salon, then even before that it is worth consulting with a cosmetologist and dermatologist to determine whether this procedure will be dangerous. People who have only recently suffered from a nerve disease cannot withstand the pain, their blood vessels are fragile, and massage of the deep facial muscles is prohibited. This category also includes people who have open inflammatory wounds, including those caused by piercings.

You should find out whether the intracranial pressure is too high, and whether there is such a disease as rosacea.

Without a preliminary conversation with a specialist, this procedure can be very dangerous.

The Master's Path

The technique of deep tissue massage is increasingly gaining popularity. Accordingly, highly specialized specialists are required. Who are fluent in these magical techniques. At the beginning of training, you should take the matter seriously. Realize that the responsibility for the health and well-being of your clients will be on your shoulders.

To begin with, it’s a good idea to experience all the colorful sensations yourself. Painful and pleasant. See the first changes. Compare yourself before and after a German deep massage.

Interesting: What type of facial aging does you have and what can you do about it?

Deep massage technique

It does not matter where the massage will be performed, since makeup removal always occurs. The specialist should be informed if Botox injections have been performed before, as well as if dentures are installed, since if they are present, the specialist will have to significantly adjust the technique. With great effort, two thumbs draw a line that starts from the area between the eyebrows and reaches the opposite upper corners of the forehead, after which these lines are shifted closer to the center. In fact, the skin and muscles are stretched very much; the practitioner can use only the thumbs or the whole palm - it doesn't matter. As for the cheeks, you should also press them with your thumbs from the middle of the ear to the edges of the chin. Here again, after the thumbs, the master can use the whole hand. Next comes the clasping of the face with both hands - the chin is clasped from below, and from above, respectively, the forehead, and so on. All muscle zones are worked out, and when choosing movements you can improvise. You need to move your hands towards each other, grabbing muscles, tissues, etc. In order to do a deep facial massage at home, you can watch a training video at the same time. It is very important not to rush, since connective tissues are fragile and with sudden movement it is very easy to cause microtrauma. Several minutes are allocated for each zone - these zones are the places where the facial muscles are attached.

The result can be achieved in at least 10 sessions per course, and there should be two or even three courses per year, but this is rather an average number of procedures, without adjustment for age and condition of the face as a whole. Young girls need to do it rarely, older women - more often.

After the publication of the material “How to become younger without a surgeon,” there was a need to provide clarification about the “Sculptural facial massage” procedure (deep plastic facial massage or myoplastic facial massage).

Age-related changes, one way or another, leave every year more and more noticeable marks on the face of every person. Any rejuvenation methods affect the achievement of the desired result, but effectiveness is achieved through a set of procedures and their regularity. One of these mandatory and regular procedures should be a very effective procedure that can slow down the aging process and at the same time has a very limited list of contraindications - the procedure of deep plastic facial massage .

According to many experts, the procedure of plastic facial massage is an alternative not only to injection, but even to surgical methods of anti-aging facial correction, especially important if the latter have contraindications for use. According to Natalya Tselovalnikova, a cosmetologist at the Philosophy of Perfection Beauty and Health Center, deep plastic massage is a very pleasant way of rejuvenation, and one of the most effective and efficient ways to quickly restore lost contours and oval of the face, as well as remove or reduce the consequences of obvious age-related changes.

According to Natalya, and unequivocally confirmed by the reviews of the Center’s Clients, her proprietary techniques (methods) of influencing the skin during plastic (sculptural) facial massage, even after the first procedure, give the following results:

  • The skin on the face becomes elastic and fresh
  • Improves complexion
  • Pores become smaller and oily shine disappears
  • The oval is restored, as well as the contours of the face and neck
  • Folds and wrinkles are smoothed out
  • Increases tone and elasticity, tightens facial muscles

And this is not a miracle at all. The movements that underlie the technique actively influence both the facial muscles and the various layers of the skin and nearby tissues, and as a result the following occurs:

  • relaxing tense muscles and increasing the tone of flaccid ones;
  • activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • the influence extends to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, lymphatic system, nerves and blood vessels;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen;
  • removal of toxins.

Like any cosmetic procedure, plastic massage for facial rejuvenation has its own characteristics. For this reason, we strongly recommend doing deep plastic facial massage in a cosmetology office/center/salon that has a medical license to provide cosmetology services. Firstly, it will be carried out by a specialist with special education and skills, which guarantees high expected results. Secondly, the risk of unpleasant consequences is reduced to a minimum. And of course, before taking a plastic massage course, you will receive qualified advice from a cosmetologist, who will, among other things, help you choose individual rejuvenation methods specifically for your skin.

A full course of plastic facial massage usually lasts 10-15 sessions (depending on the condition of the skin).

Frequency of sessions: every other day or two.

After completing a massage course, you can expect the following results:

  • the double chin is removed;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases;
  • nasolabial folds are smoothed;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • jowls tighten;
  • skin color improves;
  • swelling decreases;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • cheeks are tightened;
  • the junior oval returns;
  • pores narrow;
  • the degree of rash decreases;
  • age spots go away;
  • stretch marks and scars become less noticeable;
  • Migraine and chronic fatigue syndrome disappear.

Unfortunately, this technique without surgical facelift when influencing deep subcutaneous processes also has its contraindications, for example:

  • deep or medium peeling done the day before;
  • skin damage: burns, wounds, ulcers;
  • rosacea;
  • infectious rashes;
  • diseases of the blood, lymphatic system;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infections;
  • herpes.

We hope that we were able to answer most of your questions, and interested you in the possibility of rejuvenating your skin without surgery and modeling the oval of your face so that no one will guess how old you really are.

Call, make an appointment and come to the Philosophy of Perfection Beauty and Health Center.

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Deep massage techniques

Techniques that involve the use of strong influences are enough to choose what is needed for a particular problem. Lymphatic drainage deep facial massage is characterized by first relieving muscle spasms and tension, after which, moving strictly along the massage lines, the master presses on the face. When the deep layers of the skin are thoroughly worked out, the smooth muscles of the face will begin to contract very actively. Sculptural facial massage has a roughly similar technique and solves the same problems, with some clarifications. True, it is worth saying that this procedure also affects the décolleté area - the master always starts with it until he gets to the face itself. Assahi facial massage, which originates in Japan, is characterized by the fact that before performing it, milk is applied to the face to remove makeup, that is, the procedure is not performed on dry skin. In addition to standard effects on muscles, the specialist also reaches the lymph nodes, so for home use it is very important to know their location and act with extreme caution. Chiroplastic facial massage, which was invented in sunny Spain, is highly effective.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Facial massage is not recommended for persons with open abrasions and wounds on the surface of the skin, signs of allergic and infectious dermatitis, and symptoms of herpes. We also advise you to temporarily refrain from the procedure in the presence of acute signs of ENT pathologies, the development of ARVI and other diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being.

Absolute restrictions are arterial hypertension, vascular pathologies (rosacea, increased fragility of capillaries, etc.), blood diseases and malignant processes in the body.


It is worth noting that many people preferred deep massage to the Botox procedure, since after the massage the facial features become softer, the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles disappear, but the main thing is that you can make facial movements as before, which is the case with Botox injections is difficult.

They warn about the difficulties when performing this procedure at home, and also that you need to be prepared for severe pain, which is sometimes very difficult to endure in the salon. For some, this therapy is indeed a shock, but few are dissatisfied with the result.

They advise not to be afraid of potential pain, but to go to the salon with the thought of an incredible result.

How does plastic facial massage work?

When exposed to certain points on the face and neck, the process of cell and tissue regeneration is triggered by improving subcutaneous blood circulation. At the same time, the sebaceous glands also begin to work actively. The nervous and lymphatic systems are normalized. Plastic massage starts all processes, leads to increased tone and strengthening of muscles. If muscle spasms are present, they also disappear. The launch of lymphatic drainage contributes to the disappearance of swelling, while toxic substances are actively removed from the cells of the subcutaneous layer.

What you need to know before undergoing plastic facial massage

  1. The procedure should be performed only in specialized cosmetology establishments.
  2. It is necessary to optimize the skin according to the skin type: if the surface of the skin is oily, then the face is lubricated with talcum powder, and dryness is removed with a moisturizer.
  3. Before the procedure, the skin is steamed and deeply cleansed.
  4. Plastic massage lasts no more than 20 minutes.
  5. The course involves 10 to 15 plastic massage sessions, which are carried out every other day.
  6. After the course there should be a rehabilitation period of up to two months; during rehabilitation, supportive procedures and masks are carried out.

Precautionary measures

Deep massage is performed with force. The session often horrifies sophisticated ladies. In this case, the feeling of pain is unacceptable. Patients are embarrassed by the force of pressure and expect unpleasant sensations. The obvious occurrence of such indicates a low qualification of the master. When performing the procedure yourself, it is easier to regulate the pressure. Bruising, excessive redness, and swelling are unacceptable.

Important! You should be alert to different sensations on the symmetrical parts of the impact zone. Muscle training must be built in the same way. The heterogeneous effect on the muscles will be reflected in the appearance.

The technique has contraindications. It is recommended to avoid deep massage if:

  • presence of Botox injections, plastic surgery;
  • rashes, inflammation, rosacea in the affected area;
  • infectious diseases;
  • carrying out peeling several days before the intended session;
  • serious diseases (oncology, problems with the heart, blood vessels, bones);
  • mental disorders.

A reduced pain threshold can become a serious limitation for the deep technique. Doubts about the possibility of the procedure are a reason to consult a doctor. Even bad teeth and the presence of fillings can affect the course of the session. The nuances of the procedure are discussed in advance.

The declared effectiveness of the anti-aging effect is far from the only factor in the choice of technique. Sometimes the decisive factor is the complexity of the impact and the need for sufficient professional training.

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