Laser QOOL hair removal: the most gentle, the safest!*

Qool hair removal is a type of laser therapy used to remove unwanted hair on various parts of the body, including areas of increased sensitivity (armpits, nasal cavity, face, groin area, intergluteal space). This type of hair removal got its name (“qool” - “fresh, cold”) by combining thermal energy with cold air flows through a built-in contact cooling system, which reduces discomfort and avoids skin irritation after the procedure.

Qool hair removal

Qool hair removal has many advantages over other types of hair removal. For example, this is the only type of laser therapy recognized by dermatocosmetologists and endocrinologists as quite effective for the treatment of limited hypertrichosis, as well as the fight against unwanted hair in patients with dark skin, for whom other types of laser therapy are contraindicated.

Description of the method and its features

Qool hair removal today is considered one of the most comfortable methods of combating excess hair growth on the body, despite the fact that to achieve a stable visual effect it is necessary to undergo at least 8-10 procedures with an interval of 14 days (that is, the course of laser therapy is about 4-5 months). The air cooling technology used in devices for this type of hair removal is more effective compared to water cooling, so the procedure is practically painless and does not require prior anesthesia.

Neodymium lasers are used for work. These are solid-state laser emitters, the active medium of which is yttrium aluminum garnet doped with neodymium ions. Neodymium lasers (FriendlyLight, Nd YAG) are capable of generating waves with a length from 532 nm to 1064 nm, which allows the use of such devices not only for the destruction of hair follicles, but also for the removal of tattoos, scars, the treatment of inflammatory non-infectious skin pathologies, as well as comprehensive rejuvenation.

Neodymium laser FriendlyLight Nd

How does a neodymium laser work?

Like all types of lasers, neodymium devices are optical quantum generators and emit induced energy waves that can heat epidermal cells to the desired temperature. Under the influence of heat, the hair follicle surrounding the hair root is heated and destroyed, while the surrounding tissues are not affected. In essence, Qool hair removal is controlled photothermolysis, since laser radiation is delivered strictly to the target area (in this case, to the hair follicle).

Unlike ruby, diode and alexandrite lasers, the energy of which can penetrate to a depth of no more than 2.8 mm, the Qool hair removal laser is capable of reaching deep subcutaneous layers located at a depth of 4 to 8 mm. This allows you to influence not only the follicle itself and the hair root, but also the hair papilla - a section of connective tissue containing nerve endings and blood vessels that nourish the hair. Coagulation (sealing) of blood vessels, which occurs on average within 5 days after the procedure, leads to insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicle, as a result of which it gradually dies and hair growth stops. This property makes Qool hair removal one of the most effective hair removal techniques, the results of which last for a period of 4 to 10 years.

Mechanism of action of a neodymium laser


  • Valeria, 28 years old: “ Using this technology, I solved some problems with unwanted hair on my face. The area is very delicate, you understand; a razor and wax cannot help here. At first, it was scary to entrust such an important part of the body to the laser; I spent a long time collecting information about the procedure, conducting social media. poll among friends. When I decided to have the procedure, I spent a long time and meticulously choosing a salon, of which there are quite a few in our city. I liked the procedure itself, although I was very afraid. After the hair removal, I was worried that it would start to grow stronger, but it turned out okay. For the upper lip, six sessions were enough for me until I didn’t need any more treatment. I just started doing my bikini line, after the fourth session I can already see quite a lot of progress, the rest of the body is next.”
  • Natalya, 35 years old: “ The procedure didn’t suit me very well, so there won’t be an enthusiastic review. Maybe I was wrong somewhere, but to be honest I was counting on a quick effect in one go. The cost of the session is quite significant for me, so I hesitated for a long time, but when I heard about the 10-year guarantee, I found the money for epilation of the bikini area. As for painlessness, of course, everything is true. At some points there was a slight tingling sensation, but, of course, it cannot be compared with an electric epilator. After the session, my hair grew back, a little less frequently than before, but I didn’t go for the next procedures due to lack of funds.”
  • Oleg, 24 years old: “ I don’t think it’s shameful to visit beauty salons and do any procedures. Cosmetic body care is as important a process as physical training. I had a problem that couldn't be solved using traditional methods. In general, my shoulders and back are almost completely covered with thick hair. You understand, it’s quite inconvenient to ask a girl to shave my back every time; I couldn’t do it myself either. On the advice of my beloved, I went to a beauty salon for the first time, where I received comprehensive information about possible ways to get rid of hair. Qool chose hair removal because it was painless, despite the fact that there were cheaper options. Don’t think that I’m too suspicious and afraid of pain, but after listening to stories about traditional hair removal from my girlfriend, I decided that I’m not ready for this yet. The first procedure gave a quick result, I didn’t even expect this, but my hair also grew out quite quickly. Now there are already five sessions, the hair has become much weaker and thinner, the consultant said that at least 12 epilations are necessary for my “shaggy hair”. I hope that after this the hair will at least lose such thickness and density, but then I’ll think about what other methods can be used to cope.”

Also read reviews about what is better to choose: photoepilation or laser hair removal. Learn how to depilate or epilate properly. You may find this information useful on how to prevent ingrown hairs after hair removal.

What is the advantage of Qool hair removal over other types of laser hair removal?

Qool hair removal is quite expensive, but despite this, it is a very popular procedure among patients who want to get rid of unwanted hair on various parts of the body. The main advantages of neodymium lasers for hair removal are the painlessness of the procedure and long-term preservation of the achieved result. With proper skin care, hair usually does not appear for 4-5 years after the procedure, but some cosmetologists advise doing preventive treatment of the problem area, first every six months, then once a year.

Among the undoubted advantages of neodymium hair removal are:

  • Possibility of use in patients with any skin phototype. Long-wave radiation (the wavelength during Qool hair removal is more than 1000 nm) is practically not absorbed by the protein pigments of the skin and hair, so this type of laser can be used in patients with dark and tanned skin, while the risk of hyperpigmentation is minimal;
  • intactness of the epidermis. The specified radiation penetrates directly into the target area (hair follicle), while the epidermal cells are not damaged, which determines the absence of a rehabilitation period after the procedure;
  • admissibility of holding in the summer months. Other types of laser hair removal are contraindicated during periods of maximum ultraviolet ray activity. Neodymium laser does not affect melanin, so it can be used even under conditions of artificial or natural tanning;
  • minimal risk of side effects. After Qool hair removal, the likelihood of scars, scars, thermal burns and other consequences that can occur with classic laser hair removal is virtually eliminated.

Qool hair removal can be performed if you have a tan

In addition to a large number of advantages, hair removal with a neodymium laser also has disadvantages. A significant disadvantage for many is the long duration of the course - about 5 months, 2 procedures per month. Immediately after the first procedure, the hairs become thin, soft, lightened and seem to curl, but the hair follicle still retains its vitality, although its trophism is significantly impaired even after one session. To achieve complete destruction of the bulb along with the hair papilla and follicle, you need to do several procedures, that is, you will not be able to get an instant result using this method.

The disadvantages include the cost of Qool hair removal: one procedure costs, on average, from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles (depending on the area of ​​the treated surface, the number of outbreaks and the complexity of access).

Note! Despite the high cost and long course of procedures, Qool hair removal still remains one of the most popular ways to combat unwanted hair, since it is one of the few methods that allows you to get results that last for 4-5 years.

Qool hair removal is considered the most effective method of getting rid of unwanted hair



  1. Very long lasting effect even from 1 procedure.
  2. The effect is visible after the first procedures.
  3. Painless.
  4. Suitable for all hair and skin colors.
  5. Does not leave burns or scars.
  6. Fast procedure.
  7. Sustained effect 5-9 years.


  1. High price.
  2. Not forever (5-9 years).
  3. A minimum of 7 procedures are needed to achieve a lasting effect.

Preparation for the procedure

The advantages of Qool hair removal also include ease of preparation and the absence of a long rehabilitation period. The patient does not need to limit sports activities, change eating habits, or refuse to use cosmetics or visit the solarium. For individuals prone to irritation, limited sun exposure may be recommended for 7-10 days prior to the procedure, but in most cases this measure is not required.

Preparation for the procedure is simple and does not require preliminary premedication or significant changes to the usual regimen:

  • Hair should be removed from the body 24 hours before the session. For this purpose, it is recommended to use only a razor or a special cream (depilation with wax, sugar paste, or an epilator is prohibited);
  • After depilation, lotions, mousses, cosmetic milk and other care products should not be applied to the skin. Only hygienic showers are allowed using mild cleansers (not soap!);
  • If hair removal will take place in the armpit area, you should not use deodorant after shaving your hair. Traces of sweat must be removed with water;
  • similarly with epilation of the bikini area: after depilation in this area, you cannot use intimate deodorants.

Hair must be removed before the procedure

Note! If the patient is taking anticoagulants or other medications that affect blood clotting, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about the possibility of discontinuing them (no later than 72 hours before the session).

How does the procedure work?

The cold hair removal procedure takes approximately 1 hour. When treating the face, nasal cavity and other small areas, this figure is several times lower - about 15-20 minutes. In some cases, complete treatment may take up to 2-3 hours (for example, if hair is being removed from both legs).

Since Qool hair removal is an intact procedure, that is, the laser nozzle does not come into contact with the skin during the session, preliminary premedication with anesthetics is not required. Before starting work, the specialist must carefully examine the skin for visible damage, signs of inflammatory and infectious processes and other factors that could negatively affect the outcome of the procedure. After this, the doctor puts on protective glasses for himself and the patient and begins work.

During the procedure, the eyes must be protected with glasses

The sensations that the patient experiences during zonal treatment with a neodymium laser can be compared to mild tingling sensations. They are well tolerated even by people with a low pain threshold and can withstand even long sessions lasting more than 1 hour. The operation of the device during a session consists of light flashes: each flash means an impact on one follicle. Immediately after the session, a soothing cream with panthenol is applied to the skin.

Operating principle

This type of hair removal directly affects the hair follicles with radiation. By heating, only their bulbs are destroyed directly. With this method of exposure, the amount of melamine contained in the hair of each individual person affects the effectiveness of the procedure.

The more melamine, the more effective the outcome of the impact will be. But this does not mean that it is useless for people with blond and gray hair to use this procedure. It’s just that in this case you need a larger number of sessions for them to disappear completely and for a very long time.

Another point that influences the effectiveness of the process is intravitality, that is, undamaged skin. During laser operation, light also affects the skin. Using the most modern equipment for qool hair removal and directing the beam to accurately hit the follicle has a gentle effect. With this effect, the skin does not participate in this process. Therefore, there is no dependence on its color, and high quality results are guaranteed in all cases.

Precautions after hair removal

An important difference for many patients between Qool hair removal and other methods of radical removal of body and facial hair is the absence of strict restrictions after the procedure. The patient can sunbathe, go to the pool and play sports even on the day of the session, but some recommendations will still have to be followed:

  • Do not use products containing ethyl alcohol for 2-3 days;
  • on the first day it is recommended to refrain from using any cosmetic preparations;
  • in between procedures, it is better to use a depilatory cream or a razor to remove growing hair (the use of wax strips, epilators, and sugaring procedures is not allowed).

It is recommended to remove growing hairs using a razor.

If the procedure was carried out in the summer, before going outside it is better to use products with a sun protection factor of 30+.


I would like to note right away that the cost of such procedures is quite significant. This is largely due to the price of the equipment and the guaranteed long-term effect.

Before hair removal, it is recommended to visit a dermatocosmetologist, who usually consults in the same beauty salon where the sessions will take place. The first consultation will cost around $4, but all subsequent consultations will be free. Such events may vary from one beauty center to another, but as a rule, this is the scheme used. The doctor will observe and compare the effectiveness of the procedure, prescribe the necessary break between sessions and generally monitor progress.

Usually 6 to 15 procedures are prescribed, but this is all purely individual and largely depends on the structure, density and intensity of hair growth. Heredity factors and even age also influence. All this will be taken into account at the first visit, along with possible contraindications.

Estimated cost of qool hair removal for women

Epilation areaCost, $
Face and head
Upper lip12
Distance between eyebrows12
Bikini area
Bikini line25
Total bikini38
Other areas12
Complex offers
Bikini and thighs78
Bikini and shins79
Bikini and underarm areas50
Bikini, underarms and thighs98
Bikini, underarms and calves100
Bikini, underarms and legs (thighs and calves)143

We should not forget that modern men also want and have the opportunity to deal with excess hair on their bodies. Laser hair removal is also perfect for men; approximate prices for such services are given below.

Estimated cost of qool hair removal for men

Epilation areaCost, $
Face and head
Upper lip12
Distance between eyebrows12
Bikini line31
Distance between buttocks18
Other areas12
Complex offers
Face: upper lip, chin, cheeks61
Face and neck79
Bikini and underarm areas55

The cost of services will vary in different cities and even depend on the popularity of the beauty salon. The relative high cost of the procedure, however, does not deter potential clients, as evidenced by reviews from users who have already completed sessions. Here you can read which type of hair removal permanently removes hair and is considered the most effective.

How many sessions are needed?

A course of “cold” neodymium hair removal usually consists of 8-10 procedures (for particularly thick, long and coarse hair, up to 15-20 procedures may be required). It will not be possible to completely get rid of hair in one session, since no more than 30% of hair is in the active growth phase at the same time. The remaining follicles are in a “dormant” state, and their growth occurs after laser treatment, but the hair grows light, weak and short, since the nutrition of the hair papilla is disrupted due to coagulation of blood vessels.

The interval between procedures is 14 days. After completing the course, a repeat procedure needs to be done only after a few years (the result lasts from 4 to 10 years), but some cosmetologists advise re-treating problem areas for preventive purposes according to the following scheme:

  • for two years from the date of hair removal - every six months;
  • in the future – once a year.

The number and frequency of Qool hair removal procedures is determined by a cosmetologist.

Repeated hair removal needs to be done only once; a course of several procedures is not required.


Reviews from clients who have already experienced the qool hair removal procedure indicate that the method is quite effective. The course consists of at least ten procedures, but lasting good results are noticeable after the fifth or sixth visit to the master. And even after the first visit to the clinic, a positive effect is noticeable. In the area of ​​the body that was treated, there are significantly fewer hairs, and those that grow are weak and thin.

The results of one course last for 5-10 years. Sometimes, a year or two after the course, thin individual hairs grow - they can be removed using any of the existing methods or undergo 1-2 additional hair removal sessions.


Cool hair removal has almost excellent tolerability. After it, there are no traces, burns, scars, hematomas left on the skin. In rare cases, slight swelling of the tissues (as a result of the interaction of water molecules and the thermal energy of the laser) and mild redness are possible. These side effects usually go away within a few days and do not require any treatment. Patients with increased dryness and a tendency to irritation may experience a feeling of tightness, burning, and itching. The incidence of these symptoms is extremely low (less than 1%), therefore these phenomena are not considered as complications and are classified as side effects of the procedure.

Qool hair removal is highly tolerable and has almost no side effects

Where to do

A competent choice of an experienced specialist (this should be a cosmetologist or a doctor of another profile, for example, a dermatologist) and a trusted clinic will help reduce the risk of possible problems to a minimum. It is better not to resort to the services of dubious establishments. Before making a final decision, weigh the pros and cons, because this is a matter of your health. You should not choose a clinic only based on the cost of the procedure in its price list. You should not contact an establishment if it offers hair removal at a reduced price. It is useful to study reviews about the clinic on the Internet from those who have already had this procedure done, and compare prices in several cosmetology centers. By the way, the price depends on the area of ​​the treated area.


Contraindications for neodymium laser hair removal, as well as other types of laser, are:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic system (deficient anemia, leukemia, hemoglobinopathy, etc.), accompanied by pathological bleeding and a disorder of coagulation function;
  • oncological diseases (including benign tumors);
  • autoimmune connective tissue disorders;
  • inflammatory skin pathologies during exacerbation;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • mental disorders, schizophrenia.

Any types of laser therapy are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and persons under 18 years of age.

Qool hair removal is prohibited during pregnancy

Note! If the procedure is used to get rid of hair on the legs, it is necessary to first exclude any vascular pathologies in this area, including varicose veins.

Cost of the procedure

Qool hair removal is a fairly expensive procedure, especially when you consider the cost of the entire course, which consists of approximately 10 procedures. Average prices for this service in cosmetology clinics are shown in the table below.

Table. How much does Qool hair removal cost?

Processing areaCost of 1 procedure (approximately)
Shin1800 rubles.
Full lower limbs3600 rubles.
Area above the upper lip720 rubles.
Nostrils1500 rubles.
Intergluteal fold3000 rubles.
Back1800 rubles.
Armpits1500 rubles.
Bikini area1500-2400 rubles.
Hands1200-2400 rubles.

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Reviews Olga (Khabarovsk) writes:

I'm having hair removal on my upper lip. After the first free test procedure, the hair on one side of the lip became lighter. You could immediately see the difference and compare the result with the hairs on the other side. After the second procedure, the hairs became light on both sides, but did not disappear. After the third procedure, they remained, but became more rare and only I can see them if I hold a mirror close. In general, they don't bother me anymore. The next stage is bikini hair removal.

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Photos before and after

Photos before and after Qool hair removal No. 1

Photos before and after Qool hair removal No. 2

Photos before and after Qool hair removal No. 3

Video - Qool hair removal

Qool hair removal is a modern, high-tech procedure for “cold” body hair removal, based on the gradual destruction of the hair follicle by stopping the supply of the dermal papilla of the bulb. The procedure allows you to painlessly get rid of unnecessary vegetation forever, while the risks of negative consequences and side effects if the treatment technology is followed are minimal. The disadvantages of the method include the duration (about 5 months) and the fairly high cost of the course, but these disadvantages are completely offset by the obvious advantages of the neodymium laser, which allows you to stop the growth of new hair in the problem area for up to 10 years.

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