Bruises for no reason: why blood vessels burst on the body

In people suffering from this disease, it is not a spider vein that forms, but a solid burgundy or red spot. Such vessels are simply not able to narrow; they are filled with blood, which is why they give the skin its characteristic burgundy and red-violet tones. It is worth noting that this problem is by no means uncommon - out of every thousand newborns, three babies are born with port-wine stains.

At an early age, such growths appear flat, pink, red or purple. Most often they are located on the face and neck, but can be located on any other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Port-wine stains grow with the child. Over time, they change color, thicken, and dark nodules appear on the surface. Unfortunately, port-wine stains never disappear on their own; they remain with a person for life.

What dangers do port-wine stains pose?

Port-wine stains, especially those on the face, certainly lead primarily to psychological and social difficulties. A child with such an education develops low self-esteem, and in the future he may experience serious problems in communication. It is more difficult for a person with a wine stain on his face to arrange his personal life, find a well-paid job and advance in his career.

Meanwhile, port-wine stains are not as innocent as they seem; they can be very dangerous:

  • If the spot is located on the temple, forehead or eyelids, it can trigger the development of glaucoma (a disease of high eye pressure). In this case, there is a high risk of complete loss of vision;
  • Sometimes the skin in the area of ​​the spots can become much thicker and thereby make it difficult to move the joints of the arms and legs, and if the spot is on the cheek, even interfere with chewing food;
  • With age, the surface of port-wine stains becomes uneven, and dark red nodules appear on it, consisting of dilated vessels - angiomas. They are easily injured, bleed and heal poorly;
  • Sometimes port-wine stains indicate the presence of certain genetic diseases that require attention and appropriate treatment.

Causes of intradermal hemorrhages

  • Domestic injury

Living under time pressure, a person is constantly in a hurry to get somewhere and sometimes does not notice how in the course of his actions he receives some minor injuries or bruises. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship in this: injury - damaged/burst vessels in the legs - bruise. There will be no injuries - there will be no hemorrhages.

  • Phlebeurysm

With this disease, moderate venous hypertension is created in the superficial venous system due to valve incompetence and the formation of blood stagnation in the veins. Along with this, there is already an overstretched, swollen vein (varix - from the Latin swelling), the wall of which becomes thinner (analogy: the more we inflate a balloon, the more likely it is to burst), at some point it cannot stand it and bursts. Therefore, if a vein is swollen in the temple, leg or body, then you need to contact a vascular surgeon/phlebologist. And together with the doctor, plan treatment - from simple lifestyle modification to surgery to remove large veins.

  • Non-physiological loads

A modern girl can walk or stand in high heels for 8–10 hours a day, which, in turn, leads to a significant weakening of the mechanisms of venous blood outflow and an increase in venous pressure, hypertension in the legs. This may contribute to the appearance of a bruise. The best solution in this situation is to give up heels or at least reduce the duration of wearing them, increase the volume of dynamic load, which also helps venous outflow.

  • Taking hormonal medications containing female sex hormones (including oral contraceptives)

The reason for prescribing hormonal drugs may be banal contraception, treatment of gynecological, dermatological or other group of diseases. These drugs contain female sex hormones, which, in addition to regulating the cycle and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in women, also affect the vascular system: they provoke bruises on the legs, the vessels become brittle, their elasticity decreases, and the diameter of the veins increases. The decision to discontinue, replace the drug and treat increased vascular fragility is made only after an in-person examination of the patient and review of the medical history. In this case, therapy is carried out by gynecologists, vascular surgeons/phlebologists.

  • Condition after respiratory infections

Most viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, coronavirus infection, ARVI) are tropic to vascular structures, and after a person has had one of them, bruises may appear on the body that were not there before. In this situation, the body needs to be given time to recover; you can also include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, kiwi, rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, parsley, broccoli, sweet red peppers, sauerkraut, etc.), vitamin P ( citrus fruits, buckwheat, black currants, rose hips, raspberries, tomatoes, beets, red bell peppers, asparagus, plums, etc.). It is possible to take synthetic analogues of these drugs, but before doing so, you must see a doctor.

  • Vasculitis

A group of diseases that is accompanied by inflammation of the vascular wall, and sometimes by its increased permeability and fragility.

Vasculitis is divided into several types:

  • Primary is an independent process in the vascular system, and not a consequence of the pathology of other organs. The group of primary vasculitis, accompanied by the appearance of bruises, includes: Wegener's granulomatosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, microscopic polyangiitis, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, hypersensitivity vasculitis, cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, Behçet's disease, vasculitis in rheumatic diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren), etc. In such cases, etiotropic therapy of the pathology, that is, treatment of the underlying cause, is carried out by a rheumatologist, and vascular surgeons/phlebologists, cardiologists, and dermatologists help treat the consequences of the disease.
  • Secondary - there is another disease (oncological or infectious origin), against the background of which hemorrhages appear on the skin. One example is vasculitis against the background of exacerbation of viral hepatitis. This also includes the previously mentioned respiratory infections. With effective treatment of the underlying disease, bruising on the body disappears.

How to get rid of wine stains?

Until quite recently, port-wine stains were either not treated, or doctors resorted to surgery (skin grafting) - a very traumatic and dangerous procedure, since if the stain was tumorous in nature, its remaining cells could transform into malignant ones.

It is important to understand that several forms of nevus of the most diverse origin can exist on the skin of the same person. If you were manipulated to remove one port-wine stain, then other formations on the body may have a different origin; they should be studied separately.

When contacting about a nevus formation, the diagnostic process begins with an examination. The doctor records the size of the spot, its shape, accurately describes the location of port-wine stains, the participation of hair follicles in the process, and much more. If difficulties arise in diagnosis, a number of additional studies are carried out.

What are the differences between rosacea and rosacea?

What rosacea and rosacea are is easy to understand. But the diseases are difficult to distinguish from each other without qualified help. Couperosis or rosacea can be determined by symptoms. The main difference is that rosacea is never accompanied by purulent inflammation, the skin is smooth, without compactions.

Couperosis and rosacea on the face have differences in symptoms. With rosacea, small and large blood vessels are affected, causing the skin to acquire a reddish tint. In rare cases, rosacea is accompanied by a fiery skin color - there is a feeling that the skin is burning, but in fact there are no painful symptoms.

Unlike rosacea, rosacea is accompanied by painful sensations. In addition to redness, purulent inflammation and uneven relief are formed. The difference between rosacea and rosacea on the face is itching.

The difference between rosacea and rosacea is the course of the disease. Rosacea occurs in several stages:

  • Erythematous. Temporary redness of the skin occurs. Subsequently, the redness becomes persistent.
  • Papulopustular. In the area of ​​redness, rashes filled with reddish liquid appear. They arise due to metabolic disorders in the skin and vasodilation. Blood seeps into the surrounding tissues, coloring them in a characteristic color.
  • Phimosis. Densified nodules and plaques form on the skin.
  • Rhinoform. Accompanied by an increase in the size of the nose. This stage is typical only for men.

Methods for treating port-wine stains

In the past, methods such as radiotherapy, cryotherapy and sclerotherapy were used to treat port-wine stains. Not only did they not produce results, but they also left scars.

Laser therapy is the most effective way to treat this skin pathology. The Altermed clinic uses the latest developments in medical technology, based on the principle of selective exposure of the laser beam to blood vessels. As a result, the surrounding tissues around the spot remain intact, there is no risk of scars, burns or other complications, and the skin in the area of ​​the nevus acquires a normal color.

To completely get rid of a wine stain, several procedures are necessary. The result depends on its size: the larger the spot, the lower the percentage of effectiveness, i.e. the skin just brightens. Meanwhile, during the session, tissue nutrition, blood microcirculation improves, and oxygen saturation increases. It is especially worth noting that, as scientific and clinical studies have confirmed, the number of complications and treatment time using laser light are reduced by 30%.

If you are faced with such an unpleasant problem as port-wine stains, you should not delay, because the sooner you start treatment, the more effective it will be. At the Altermed clinic we will help resolve this issue as quickly and efficiently as possible: highly qualified specialists using the latest medical equipment work real miracles!

Let's sum it up

The main causes of bruising and increased fragility of blood vessels are listed above, but not all of them. There are quite a few of them, and treatment tactics in each specific case can differ radically. Moreover, completely different specialists can treat pathology: vascular surgeons/phlebologists, dermatologists, rheumatologists, infectious disease specialists. It is impossible to give any general recommendations without seeing the patient and without knowing the entire clinical picture. From a relatively harmless, which can have an effect, and in most cases does not harm, we can recommend eating more foods rich in vitamin C, vitamins P, or taking their synthetic analogues. But even here, allergic reactions to these drugs and food are possible, and there are also restrictions for certain groups of patients (for example, pregnant women).

Can rosacea be treated with laser?

Couperosis and rosacea can be eliminated with laser. Vascular networks are cauterized with laser beams. The method is effective at different stages of the disease - both at the initial and in advanced cases.

Laser beams quickly and permanently eliminate redness and spider veins from the skin surface. The number of sessions depends on the stage of rosacea and rosacea.

Laser removal of rosacea and rosacea is an effective method for spider veins. The procedure allows you to get a pronounced result and does not require a long recovery period. The effect of the procedure lasts for several years.

Facial swelling

A slight swelling of the facial tissues, which persists constantly, most often indicates the initial stage of an endocrine disease - hypothyroidism. Pigmentation quickly disappears after taking thyroid hormone - thyroxine.

Mild and persistent swelling of the face, which is accompanied by shortness of breath and swelling of the legs, usually in the ankles, as well as frequent getting up at night to go to the toilet, indicates circulatory failure and poor heart function.

When swelling of the face is accompanied by pallor, and visits to the toilet are very frequent, but urination is scanty, kidney disease can be suspected.

It is very dangerous when fluid accumulates only in the upper lip. If the swelling is accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, then this is an allergic reaction - Quincke's edema!

The condition can become a serious threat to life. In this case, an ambulance is needed.

Preventive measures

A mandatory point of treatment is a balanced diet. It is especially important for people suffering from allergies or congenital vascular weakness. Fatty and sweet dishes, hot seasonings, canned food, smoked meats and sausages are removed from the menu. It is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol and smoking; nicotine, tobacco tar and ethyl alcohol destroy the weak walls of blood vessels. The diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, animal proteins (fish, poultry). These products strengthen capillaries and stimulate the production of natural collagen.

It is important to protect your face from aggressive sun rays. Before going outside, apply a cream, gel or spray with a high SPF to your face. Properly selected decorative cosmetics can also hide redness. A foundation without mineral oils covers imperfections well and does not cause irritation. It is important to avoid contrasting procedures: steam baths, ice compresses. They have a destructive effect on fragile capillaries and increase the risk of their rupture.

What should you not eat if you have rosacea?

Rosacea and rosacea on the face are diseases that require a comprehensive approach to treatment. First of all, this concerns nutrition. To get rid of rosacea, you need to exclude dangerous and harmful foods from your diet:

  • Sweet and floury. They contain sugars that cause inflammation
  • Dairy products. Progesterone, which dairy products are rich in, enhances the functions of the sebaceous glands - there are more purulent inflammations on the skin.
  • Alcohol. It has been scientifically proven that alcoholic drinks themselves do not cause rosacea, but aggravate the course of the disease. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and causes an additional blush on the face.
  • Products containing caffeine (tea and coffee). They stimulate the production of the hormone cortisol, which triggers stress. Stressful situations often lead to inflammation on the skin.
  • Canned, pickled, salted, fried and spicy foods. They lead to acne on the skin, dilate blood vessels, and weaken the immune system.
  • Citrus and sweet fruits. Causes skin inflammation.

How is it formed

Every person from birth has a genetically determined skin color - the so-called permanent pigment.
When exposed to external and internal factors, an additional one is produced, which can be either a temporary physiological phenomenon (natural tanning) or a pathological one, difficult to remove even with special lasers (lentigo, vitiligo, etc.). The formation mechanism itself occurs in the epidermal layer. Here are located keratinocytes - epidermal cells. Their life cycle is up to 60 days, so they are constantly updated. To protect young and vulnerable cellular structures from sun exposure, melanocytes exist. They belong to the nervous system and are called upon to produce melanin, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

If the body is healthy, there is no overdose of solar radiation, melanocytes will produce a sufficient amount of protection. However, if there are failures, the “protectors” begin to be distributed unevenly, which leads to the formation of hyperpigmented areas.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease that tends to be chronic and relapsing. Often the symptoms of eczema are confused with allergic reactions, since the rashes can be similar in appearance. Eczema is characterized by the appearance of bright red spots and swelling of the skin. Grouped bubbles with transparent contents appear on a red background, after which crusts form.

The occurrence of the disease is associated with mechanical damage to the skin, microbial or fungal infection, and occupational hazards. Complex immune reactions characteristic of allergies also take part in the development of pathology.

What should you not do if you have rosacea?

Rosacea and rosacea, although not the same thing, have similar limitations. If you have rosacea, you should avoid the following:

  • baths and saunas
  • artificial tanning in a solarium
  • traumatic facial cleansing
  • laser resurfacing
  • cosmetics with acids and alcohol
  • scrubs and peelings with hard particles
  • thermal masks
  • contrasting washes

Acne, rosacea and rosacea should be treated by eliminating harmful foods from the diet:

  • alcohol and carbonated drinks
  • baked goods, sweets and cakes
  • all types of red meat
  • canned, spicy and salty foods

Age spots and peeling

Melanin accumulation occurs in the upper layers of the epidermis. In order to remove unaesthetic problems, products that stimulate the renewal of the dermis are used. The most effective peelings are: chemical, mechanical, laser. They promote the regeneration of epidermal cells, forcing keratinocytes to produce new ones as quickly as possible, which will not have a large accumulation of coloring pigment. When eliminating the root causes of hyperpigmentation, there is a chance that you will forget about various spots for a long time.

Diagnosis of hyperemia

Red facial skin can be both a protective reaction to irritants and a signal of disturbances in the human body. Timely diagnosis and treatment help delay the development of serious pathologies. Studying the problem begins with collecting complaints and medical history. Thus, episodes of skin color changes should be carefully analyzed.

If the redness on the face is of a short-term local nature, has a clear connection with any cause, goes away on its own after it is eliminated and is not accompanied by other symptoms, then a person can cope with the change in skin color without outside help.

In cases of systematic red spots on the face, the causes of which are unclear, the help of a specialist is necessary. The reason to urgently contact him is the simultaneous combination of redness on the face and peeling, itching, burning, microcracks, as well as general weakness, fatigue and disruption of the internal organs.

In such cases, laboratory tests of blood and urine, available instrumental studies of the cardiovascular system (measurement of blood pressure and pulse, ECG and assessment of the condition of blood vessels) are performed. Taking into account preliminary data, the doctor may prescribe dermatological and allergological tests, determination of the hormonal profile, and in-depth instrumental procedures (radiography, ultrasound, MRI, CT).

Modern laboratory and instrumental equipment will provide the opportunity for comprehensive general clinical observation, and the joint work of several specialists will make it possible to more accurately determine the nature of facial redness and its causes.

Precancerous neoplasms (precancrosis)

Precancerous neoplasms are those that, under the influence of congenital or current causes, have acquired a tendency to malignant degeneration. As a rule, these are chronic conditions that are observed in a person for a long time.

Thus, precancerous tumors are dangerous neoplasms on the skin that can lead to the development of oncological processes. These include:

  • Actinic keratoma is a keratosis in which dry crusts and scales appear on the skin of older people. When they peel off, slight bleeding may occur.
  • Xeroderma pigmentosum is a hereditary tumor that develops due to increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. Rarely encountered, these are pigmented spots that become warty growths.
  • The cutaneous horn is a cone-shaped tumor that looks like a horn. Has a yellow or brown color. occurs in exposed areas of the body that are regularly subjected to friction or pressure. Typical for older people
  • Bowen's disease is an intraepidermal cancer. Without treatment, it can transform into invasive skin cancer. In the early stage, Bowen's disease appears as a small reddish-brown spot measuring 2-50 mm. has a flaky surface and raised, uneven edges. After removing the scales, a weeping but not bleeding surface remains.

Is it possible to do a chemical peel for rosacea?

Couperosis or rosacea on the face are diseases that require careful skin care. Aggressive chemical peels can only worsen the disease. Unprofessional acid peeling provokes persistent redness - the skin takes a long time to heal after the procedure. An unskilled approach to therapy and an illiterate selection of home remedies will aggravate the course of the disease. A cosmetologist knows how to treat rosacea and rosacea on the face.

For rosacea and rosacea, only delicate peels are indicated (for example, using mandelic or lactic acid). Antioxidant monopilings are prescribed for the erythematous form of rosacea. Superficial almond peeling does not cause peeling or burning.

For the pustular form, combinations of azelaic and lactic acid can be used. They inhibit the production of reactive oxygen species and regulate the formation of secretion from the skin glands. The doctor selects the acid composition for peeling individually depending on the nature and course of the disease.

Liver pigment spots

Deterioration in the functionality of internal organs can also lead to the formation of aesthetic defects. The liver plays the role of a filter, retaining and processing all dangerous substances, and then removing them from the body. In cases where she fails to cope with her duties, slow but sure intoxication occurs, which is manifested not only by internal, but also by external pathologies.

Metabolic processes in tissues are disrupted, including the normal distribution of melanin; it accumulates in certain areas. Most often it appears on the face. The contours of such spots are not uniform, they do not have a clear boundary. The color can also vary from light to dark brown.

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