Wen on the body: reasons, how to get rid of it

Small bumps appear under the skin.

They grow slowly and are usually not a nuisance.

These are lipomas - formations that form from fat cells under the surface of the skin.

Doctors consider lipomas to be benign formations, that is, they are not initially dangerous. But they can cause serious harm. Therefore, any changes need to be monitored.

What is the difference between lipoma and atheroma?

Patients often confuse these benign formations, despite their different origins. Yes, outwardly it is difficult to distinguish them. But the symptoms and complications of the diseases are not similar and therefore doctors treat them with different methods. We talked about the nature of lipoma. Now let's describe the essence of atheroma.

This is the name of a skin cyst that occurs when the sebaceous glands become clogged. It consists of waste products of glands, closed by a membrane.

Mainly appears on the head. It does not form in areas of the body where there are no sebaceous glands.

It often gets inflamed. Swelling and pain occur in the area of ​​the atheroma. Any tumor of this type must be removed urgently. Medicines won't help.

But lipomas are mostly harmless and you can live with them for decades.

We will talk in detail about what to do with lipoma later. For now, let's focus on identifying the formation.

What does a lipoma look like?

Fatty soft subcutaneous formations are not fixed in one place and move slightly if you press on them. The skin over the lipoma does not change. It looks healthy - does not darken, does not redden and maintains normal elasticity.

How big does a lipoma look?

New growths grow very slowly. Within a few years they reach 2-3 cm, and only in the rarest cases do they grow up to 10 cm. Such lipomas are called giant.

The larger the lipoma, the more dangerous it is. Not by itself, but because it puts pressure on neighboring tissues and can disrupt blood circulation. In addition, large tumors are a serious cosmetic problem, especially when they form on exposed parts of the body.

Sometimes not one lipoma grows, but several. But most patients have no more than one or two. Dozens of lipomas are rare. Mostly men face this problem. Doctors call the phenomenon multiple familial lipomatosis.

From the description of lipomas, let's move on to the reasons for their occurrence.

Why do lipomas appear?

Doctors still don't know exactly why lipomas form. Some people inherit a predisposition to developing these tumors. However, only a small number of such cases are known.

However, the doctors proved something. Most often, lipomas occur in people with diseases:

  • Cowden's syndrome

Occurs in one person in a million. It manifests itself in a large number of formations that arise in the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

  • Banayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome

One of the variants of Cowden's syndrome. Causes the growth of many benign formations and mental retardation. Increases the risk of cancer.

  • Gardner's syndrome

Patients develop benign tumors. Mainly on the skin and bones.

  • Madelung's disease

Growth of fat masses around the back, neck and shoulder girdle. A little-studied disease - only 300 cases are known.

  • Painful obesity

A rare disorder that causes many painful lipomas to form.

Some researchers associate the appearance of lipomas with injuries after a strong blow. Post-traumatic lipomas.

Other risk factors:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Liver disease

Lipomas are very rare in children. And in adults they grow mainly not in youth, but closer to 40 years. Most often they form in men and women between 40 and 60 years old, especially if there are known cases of lipomas in the family.

Doctors suggest that up to 1% of the world's population is affected by such formations. Probably even more. It is impossible to know for sure, because many people are not bothered by neoplasms and they go to the doctor only to find out why the lipoma is inflamed.

Reasons for the appearance of wen

Lipomas are common neoplasms. They can appear in patients of any gender and age. Most often, single lumps appear, but in some cases, groups of similar formations can be seen - this disease is called lipomatosis.

The reasons for its development have not been established, but several factors are believed to contribute to it:

  • hereditary predisposition - the risk of lipomas is especially high if they are present in the history of relatives;
  • complications or circulatory disorders after injury in the lower leg;
  • overweight and sedentary lifestyle;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands - most often occurs in patients with oily skin;
  • metabolic and hormonal disorders, including diabetes;
  • other reasons, including poor quality nutrition, working with chemicals, and bad habits.

Wen often occurs spontaneously. At first they are small and may go unnoticed because they do not cause discomfort. They are detected only when they increase significantly in size and become visually noticeable.

Where do lipomas usually appear?

Neoplasms from adipose tissue can occur anywhere on the body. However, their favorite places are:

  • Breast
  • Shoulders
  • Hands
  • Neck
  • Armpits

Where does a lipoma form quite rarely?

On the back and stomach, as well as near internal organs, bones and muscles.

Depending on the location, lipomas are divided into several types:

  • Breast lipomas

Formed in women after menopause. They appear inside the gland and are asymptomatic. Doctors detect them by chance - through ultrasound or mammography. Lipoma is not dangerous and rarely turns into cancer.

  • Brain lipomas

They can appear in any part of the brain, but do not affect health because they have no symptoms. There is no need to treat them. The operation will not bring any benefit, and besides, it is also dangerous due to possible complications.

  • Spinal cord lipomas

May interfere with urination and cause back pain. Large tumors sometimes put pressure on the spinal cord, but such cases are rare. The formations are removed surgically.

  • Epidural lipomatosis

Excessive accumulation of fat between the vertebrae and spinal cord. Formed in Cushing's syndrome and severe obesity. Treated by weight loss.

  • Angiomyolipoma

Formation from adipose tissue and excessively enlarged blood vessels. Grows in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Sometimes it puts pressure on nerve endings, which causes back pain - such tumors need to be treated. Small lipomas do not need to be removed.

Lipoma often causes complications, and the location where it appears plays a big role. Almost any neoplasm can become dangerous.

What is atheroma?

Atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland that occurs when its duct is blocked. Sebum cannot come out and accumulates inside, it stretches the gland, and it turns into a cystic cavity. This can happen for a variety of reasons, often due to trauma to the skin.

Atheromas most often occur where there is a lot of hair and sebaceous glands: atheromas on the scalp, face, neck, back, genitals.

In its manifestations, atheroma resembles a lipoma: it is also a “bump” that is located under the skin, does not cause pain and easily moves when pressed. But there is one characteristic sign: usually there is a hole in the skin in the area of ​​atheroma through which contents with an unpleasant odor are periodically released. Inside the atheroma there is a substance that resembles cottage cheese or paste in consistency.

Atheroma is a benign formation. It's not cancer. The only thing that is dangerous about it is the possibility of suppuration. An infected and inflamed “bump” swells, turns red, and becomes painful. Sometimes it opens and pus comes out along with fat.

Atheromas can degenerate into malignant tumors, but this happens very rarely.

Why are lipomas dangerous?

Lipomas are harmless.

Most of them.

They grow very slowly and usually do not cause discomfort. Until they become too large and begin to put pressure on surrounding nerves, organs and blood vessels. Then pain arises.

If you have been diagnosed with a lipoma, this is not a death sentence. Most likely, you will live with her for many years and will rarely remember her existence.

Or you'll be out of luck.

The lipoma is growing and will turn into a giant tumor larger than 10 cm. It will put pressure on the spine. To other organs. For example, a mass near the intestines often causes constipation and vomiting.

What can a lipoma degenerate into??

Doctors do not yet have a consensus about the transformation of benign neoplasms into cancer cells.

Here's one point of view.

Malignant lipoma from adipose tissue is called liposarcoma. It is not the result of lipoma degeneration, but a separate species. Some treating doctors sometimes confuse lipoma and liposarcoma.

But doctors have a different opinion.

Lipoma contains benign and malignant cells. In the rarest of cases, she is reborn.

Let's summarize.

The likelihood of a wen turning into cancer is still in question. But it is known for sure that it does not always remain harmless. Sometimes it needs to be treated.

Diagnosis and detection of lipoma

Doctors usually diagnose lipomas during an examination. They examine the tumor and check the patient’s sensations. They are well aware of what a lipoma looks like, so in most cases additional tests are not needed.

However, there are exceptions.

Other neoplasms are similar to lipoma. Sometimes a simple examination is not enough to distinguish them - research is necessary:

  • Biopsy

The doctor cuts off a small part of the growth and examines the sample under a microscope. This is how it detects signs of cancer.

  • Ultrasound, MRI and radiography

These studies show neoplasms on internal organs.

Also, with the help of ultrasound, the doctor can easily determine which formation is a lipoma and which is an atheroma.

How to get rid of lipoma

If you have a lipoma, then you do not need to remove it. More likely. But sometimes people want to get rid of even harmless wen, because the tumors:

  • Grow fast
  • Cause pain and discomfort
  • Disturbs the functioning of organs
  • They spoil the appearance

Sometimes doctors prescribe removal of formations that could not be diagnosed as lipomas. It is better to remove unknown tumors - this way you will reduce the threat of cancer.

How do doctors treat lipoma?

Basic methods:

  • Surgery

The doctor makes an incision in the skin over the formation, and then squeezes out the tumor. The larger the lipoma, the larger the incision should be. The method is not always successful, since it is difficult for the doctor to remove the entire lipoma, and it often grows back.

  • Liposuction

Since the lipoma is made of fat, it can be pumped out through a thin tube. Liposuction successfully reduces the size of the tumor.

  • Steroids

The doctor injects steroids into the lipoma, after which it shrinks and no longer hurts. The procedure does not remove the formation.

  • Laser removal

A safe operation that eliminates tumors larger than 3 cm. The laser beam does not damage healthy tissue and prevents bleeding and infection.

What is the best way to remove a lipoma?

The doctor will choose the appropriate treatment method after checking the formation. He needs to know:

  • Lipoma size
  • Number of neoplasms
  • Family and personal history of skin cancer
  • Feelings from education

(cost of one procedure)

  • Removal of lipoma, atheroma up to 1 cm in size on the body*
    1165 UAH
  • Removal of lipoma, atheroma measuring from 1 to 5 cm on the body*

    1560 UAH

  • Removal of lipoma, atheroma up to 1 cm in size on the face, head*

    1830 UAH

  • Removal of lipoma, atheroma measuring from 1 to 5 cm on the face*

    2500 UAH

  • Removal of lipoma, atheroma measuring from 1 to 5 cm on the head*

    2090 UAH

  • Surgical thread

    165 UAH

  • Surgeon consultation

    400 UAH

*the cost of anesthesia is taken into account separately

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of it on your own. If the lipoma interferes or grows quickly, then go for an examination with a doctor. Which one exactly? Now we'll talk about it.


Lipoma removal is performed through a small skin incision, the length of which does not exceed a few centimeters. During the operation, the formation is destroyed and removed along with the capsule, after which the completeness of removal is monitored using a mini-endoscope.

In our clinic, ultrasonic scissors (Harmonic) are used during the operation, which makes it possible to minimize tissue damage and eliminate the risk of bleeding. In addition, intersection and coagulation of vessels whose diameter does not exceed 5 mm is possible without the application of clips or ligatures. Using this technique allows you to avoid tissue burns, which can cause inflammation. The duration of the operation and the pain experienced by the patient are also significantly reduced.

After removing the lipoma, cosmetic intradermal sutures are applied that do not need to be removed, and to cover the postoperative wound, our clinic uses a new generation drug “Dermobond” - a protective film reliably protects the wound from moisture, infection, etc., and prevents the edges from diverging. This eliminates the need for daily dressings, and the patient can shower without fear of wound infection. After 1-2 weeks, the glue washes off on its own.

It is also possible to remove a lipoma using an electrocoagulator in the Valleylab mode (FORCE TRIAD, Switzerland). In this case, the traumatic effect on the tissue is minimal, the incision is carried out simultaneously with coagulation (stopping bleeding), which helps prevent the appearance of postoperative hematomas and the formation of rough scars. Thanks to electrosurgery, it became possible to remove the lipoma without bleeding and subsequent suturing. In addition, due to coagulation of nerve endings in the wound, painlessness is ensured in the postoperative period. Due to the bactericidal effect, there is no risk of developing edema or purulent complications. It should also be noted that the rehabilitation period is short: the very next day the patient can return to his usual pastime. Full recovery occurs within a week.

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