Laundry soap in cosmetology: for face, hair and body. Laundry soap for papilloma, warts, lice, bruises, sunburn

The continuous development of the beauty industry leads to the fact that more and more new facial care products appear on the shelves of cosmetic stores: various foams, tonics, etc. But this assortment cannot in any way affect ordinary laundry soap, the experience of using which has been accumulated for decades. Many housewives use it as a healing treatment for facial skin. But it is impossible to say unequivocally that washing with laundry soap is only beneficial; its use can also lead to negative consequences.

How to choose laundry soap: which is better, 65% or 72%?

The modern variety of laundry soap includes a whole line of its subspecies. Along with traditional brown bars, you can also find white bars on store shelves. One thing remains unchanged - the stamped numbers are 65, 70 and 72%.

Laundry soap works great for removing stains

These values ​​are indicators of the alkali or fatty acid content in soap. The higher it is, the better the soap will cope with dirt . Respectively. When choosing between soap with a value of 65% or 72%, it is better to opt for the second.

Strong antibacterial properties of soap

The oldest chemical product was first obtained quite by accident by ancient women when they cooked meat over a fire. They used drops of fat mixed with ash to clean dishes. The composition of this product was completely natural. Much later, the French came up with a way to produce laundry soap from olive oil and lye. Modern soap makers widely use sodium lauryl sulfate and synthetic fatty acids.

Benefits of using laundry soap against acne:

  • cleansing the skin of bacteria and impurities;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost.

Laundry soap helps with acne, acts as an antimicrobial agent, but greatly increases the pH of the skin. The pH of the alkaline product reaches 11–12. These properties are most pronounced in cheap varieties of laundry soap. Such products cause damage to the beneficial microflora of the epidermis.

The benefits and harms of laundry soap, medicinal properties

The main advantages of laundry soap when washing are:

  • naturalness
  • antibacterial properties
  • hypoallergenic - soap can be used to wash even newborn clothes

But besides this, it will be useful in the house in the following cases:

  • in the kitchen - for washing dishes and processing vegetables and fruits
  • when cleaning - as the main antiseptic
  • in body care – to get rid of dandruff and acne
  • in the bathroom - for treating toothbrushes for disinfection

Laundry soap saves from stains on clothes

The healing properties of laundry soap are also widely known:

  • for minor cuts and burns – as a bactericidal component
  • for acute viral diseases and influenza - as an effective antiviral agent for rinsing the nose
  • in proctology – for the treatment of hemorrhoids
  • for sweaty feet and thrush in women - how to
  • antifungal agent
  • for constipation - as a laxative

For the body, laundry soap is an excellent antibacterial agent.

But with such a variety of useful and medicinal properties, we should not forget about some of the dangers of this type of soap. It should not be used daily as a personal hygiene product. Due to the high level of alkali, it strips away the natural protective layer on the body. As a result, the skin will become less elastic and the aging process will occur faster.

Use of soap in the household

Laundry soap is used in the household in various areas:

  1. When washing laundry or heavily soiled items. Laundry soap ideally removes even the most difficult stains.
  2. When soaked, it has a gluing effect, due to which, several years ago, it was used when gluing window frames, instead of paste or glue.
  3. When protecting plants from pests (aphids) and diseases.
  4. It is used to repair zippers on clothes or shoes. Rubbing with laundry soap improves glide and helps eliminate damage.
  5. In a bathhouse, moisten a broom with a solution of laundry soap. This allows the skin to remain more youthful and healthy. This remedy effectively helps in the treatment of many skin diseases.
  6. It has an antiseptic effect and is therefore used for treating hands and surfaces and for disinfecting toothbrushes.

    Soap is used when washing clothes or heavily soiled items. Laundry soap ideally removes even the most difficult stains.

How to wash your hair with laundry soap?

Experts are still actively arguing about the admissibility of washing your hair with laundry soap. The main arguments against this are the high alkali in the soap, which, accordingly, washes away the necessary fat layer from the scalp.

At the same time, supporters of this hair cleaning product say that neutralizing the effect of alkali on the skin by rinsing with a vinegar solution makes this version of an unconventional shampoo quite an effective remedy. In any case, you should always be guided by the individual tolerance of such specific products and feel on your hair whether it is permissible or controversial to use soap as a shampoo.

We should also not forget that most modern manufacturers use synthetic components as the basis for the production of this type of soap. It is very unlikely that you will be able to find an exact prototype of the classic brown soap of Soviet times.

Accordingly, the result on your hair may differ from your grandmother’s. However, the general thing is that due to the alkali content, hair prone to oiliness will not have to be washed as often as before. This effect will not be achieved immediately, but after about 2-3 weeks of such washing.

To wash your hair, you should use a soap solution made from laundry soap.

The most important thing to remember when conducting an experiment is that it is not the bar of soap itself that is used as a means for washing your hair, but a soap solution. A mandatory component of the procedure should be rinsing your hair with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice. This water neutralizes the harmful effects of alkali on the scalp and hair and makes it silkier and smoother.

Is soap harmful?

Cleansing your face with this product is harmful. It is associated with a large amount of alkali. This substance has a negative effect on the skin if used in large quantities. Alkali is especially harmful to hair: it causes increased fragility.

Acid helps neutralize alkali . After washing, you can rinse your face and hair with a weak solution of citric acid. This will make your facial skin soft and your hair manageable and silky.

Using alkaline soap too often is very harmful. And if you wash your face with it several times a day, then due to excessive dryness, the skin will begin to produce an increased amount of oil. This will make her have even more acne.

When using this hygiene product, you must remember that it is not able to eliminate the cause of acne and redness of the skin. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to contact a cosmetologist. He will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for acne. It should include the use of special cosmetics and diet.

Laundry soap is a highly effective hygienic product. It is beneficial when used correctly. Washing with alkalis too often leads to the exact opposite effect; the skin will become dry and wrinkled. If after washing your face turns red or becomes covered in a rash, you should consult a doctor.


Facial careHydrogen peroxide for facial skin

DIY shampoo from laundry soap

As already mentioned, a soap solution is not used to wash hair directly. Preparing such a conditional shampoo is not at all difficult. For this you will need:

  • half a bar of laundry soap
  • 250 ml water or herbal decoction
  • favorite aromatic oil

Laundry soap can be used to create excellent hair shampoo

All ingredients need to be mixed. If the soap does not dissolve well, this solution should be heated over a fire. You only need a little oil - a couple of drops. The prepared shampoo is stored in the refrigerator and warmed to room temperature before use. In the best case, instead of ordinary water, you should take melted ice or snow.

Chemical composition of laundry soap

The useful product consists exclusively of natural ingredients. Includes:

  • natural fats - beef, fish, lamb or pork fat, which have previously undergone a bleaching and deodorizing procedure;
  • sodium;
  • lauric and palmitic acids, thanks to which the soap produces rich foam;
  • alkali;
  • White clay;
  • water.

Sometimes the composition of a useful product may also include rosin; it does not cause harm, but increases the shelf life of the soap.

Does laundry soap help against dandruff and how to use it?

Reviews from thousands of people who have experienced laundry soap as a remedy for dandruff convince us that it is indeed quite effective. To get rid of white flakes on your head, you should wash your hair with soap and water several times - two or three times a week. After dandruff disappears, you need to change the soap to regular shampoo. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to wash your hair with laundry soap once every two to three weeks.

To get rid of dandruff, you should wash your hair with laundry soap.

Homemade laundry soap recipe

Despite the fact that laundry soap is inexpensive, you can not buy it, but make it at home with your own hands. Soap cooking occurs without direct use of the stove. To prepare, you will need several ingredients - 1 liter of vegetable oil or melted fat, about 400 g of lukewarm water and 150 g of sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda.

  • Pour water into a large saucepan and stir soda in it; meanwhile, heat the oil in a separate container.
  • Carefully add a soda solution to the heated oil.
  • The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed for 40 minutes, it is advisable to do this alternately with a wooden spatula and a mechanical mixer.

When the soap acquires the consistency of thick sour cream, it can be poured into prepared molds, cover them with lids and put the product in a dry place for 3-4 days. After this period, the soap is opened and cut into bars of the required size, and then put away for another 3 weeks so that it matures properly.

Attention! Since alkaline agents are used in the process of preparing a healthy product, you must use gloves, safety glasses and a respirator when preparing soap, otherwise you can cause harm to your health. It is advisable to open the windows in the room for ventilation.

Laundry soap against hair loss and hair growth

There is a proven opinion that laundry soap helps with hair loss and stimulates hair growth. To strengthen your hair, you need to use a saturated soap solution, applying it to clean, washed hair. Leave this mask on your hair for about 20 minutes and rinse it off with a decoction of the string with the addition of vinegar. It is recommended to use this mask two to three times a month.

Laundry soap is also used for hair growth

To accelerate hair growth, laundry soap itself is not very effective, but it serves as an indispensable addition to the proven burdock oil. To do this, you need to generously apply burdock oil to the scalp, wrap your head with film and a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Wash off with laundry soap and rinse with vinegar water. This procedure should be carried out once or twice a month.

What is it used for?

Initially, laundry soap was used for washing by women in the Soviet Union, when there were not as many cosmetic products as there are now. I had to look for available means at hand to maintain the beauty and health of the skin.

Nowadays, those who want to replace chemicals with natural ingredients have begun to pay attention to this product. In addition to fans of safe care, this soap is used by women who have inflammation on their skin. A pimple by its nature is a skin plug. This product eliminates all fats, promotes normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, which reduces the likelihood of acne.

Although laundry soap does not contain dangerous additives, it must be used carefully and without fanaticism. The alkali present in it not only removes dirt and grease well, but also breaks the protective layer of the skin. And this inevitably leads to overdrying.

Laundry soap for removing hair dye

Laundry soap is also effective in removing tired or deeply ingrained hair dye from hair. The effect is best shown on black color. To carry out this procedure, you need to wash your hair as usual, and then generously lather your hair with laundry soap. In this case, since the action is quite radical, an appropriate approach is needed - we take a bar of soap, and not a soap decoction.

After use, you should rinse your hair with a vinegar solution. It is also advisable to apply a nourishing hair mask. Your hair color will begin to lighten after the first application, but how quickly you will achieve the desired result depends on the durability of the dye you used and the duration of the coloring.


When you go to the store in search of a product, you will find the most extensive assortment. You can give preference to foreign brands, which are not cheap and are responsible for the quality of the goods. Don't be intimidated by children's brands designed for washing clothes. They will be the most beneficial for the skin, because they contain a minimum of alkalis and sodium, and the pH is normal.

Some brands that can be found on sale today:

  1. Haci Sakir Hamam keyfi from Turkey (costs about $8).
  2. Spivak "Coconut".
  3. "Maxima" with whitening effect.
  4. "Friend" for washing children's clothes.
  5. Duru "Children's". Türkiye.
  6. "Meridian".
  7. "Master Shine" with glycerin.
  8. "Eared nanny."
  9. "Stork".
  10. Pardo from Spain (cost does not exceed $1.7).

In addition to brands, pay attention to what% fatty acid content in the soap is indicated on the packaging.

GOST divides this product into 3 categories:

  • Category I - 70.5%: recommended for the care of mature skin against age-related wrinkles;
  • Category II - 69%: a product that is best chosen for treating acne and whitening age spots;
  • Category III - 64%: can be used to dry out oily skin and tighten enlarged pores.

If you take all these points into account, you will purchase a quality product that will save you from many cosmetic problems.

On a note. If you want to try laundry soap for the first time, first purchase a product with fragrances and fragrances in beautiful packaging, with the addition of various softening ingredients. Its use will allow the skin to get used to it. Yes, and you can see how she reacts to him. After 2 weeks you can buy a natural block.

Laundry soap for lice

As in the previous case, to stimulate hair growth, laundry soap alone is not effective enough to get rid of lice. But it is a necessary component in solving this problem with other substances. There are two classic recipes for getting rid of lice using this type of soap. For the first one you will need:

  • brown soap bar
  • boric or mercury ointment

It is advisable to wash the shaved area with soap, apply a thin layer of ointment and rub it in. The frequency of this process is 2 times a day for a week. The essence of the second recipe is to use a soap solution as a base. To do this, take:

  • bar of laundry soap 72%
  • 500 ml water
  • 50 ml kerosene

We grate a third of the laundry soap. Add 500 ml of water and cook over low heat, stirring, until completely dissolved. Cool to a temperature of approximately 50ºC and add kerosene. Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap it with film and wrap it with a towel. Leave on your head for 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Using laundry soap can get rid of lice

To get rid of odor and provide additional nutrition to your hair after such a stressful method, you can apply a nourishing balm mask. After this method, you need to additionally carefully comb your hair with a comb to get rid of nits.

Mask options

Using laundry soap, you can prepare anti-aging masks. Here are a few proven recipes.


To prepare this tightening and whitening mask, you will need the white of one egg. It must be whipped until foamy. While whisking, add ten drops of citrus juice. If the sebaceous glands of the skin work intensely, then to obtain juice you need to take lemon. If there is no excess fat content, then it is better to use an orange or grapefruit.

Separately, take a teaspoon of soap shavings (grate laundry soap), stir it in a small amount of warm water. Mix soapy water with whipped egg white. Apply the composition with a swab or brush. After the first layer has dried, apply the second. After applying the top layer, leave for a quarter of an hour and wash off the composition.


This composition cleanses, moisturizes and refreshes. For preparation you need fresh cucumber. It is peeled and grated. The cucumber mass is mixed with thick sour cream, taking a tablespoon of both products.

Pour a dessert spoon of soap shavings with a small amount of warm water and whisk. Combine both masses and apply to facial skin for twenty minutes.

Instead of cucumber, you can use other vegetables to prepare this version of the mask. Fresh zucchini, baked or steamed pumpkin, and cauliflower are perfect.

With clay and carrot juice

Mix a teaspoon of grated laundry soap with a tablespoon of warm water. Separately, dilute a tablespoon of blue clay with water to a very thick paste, and let the mixture brew a little.

Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth (you can use a juicer). Mix clay, a tablespoon of carrot juice and soapy water, mix and apply to face for twenty minutes. This composition perfectly refreshes, rejuvenates, eliminates wrinkles.

Honey with oat flakes

This version of the composition fights age-related changes and nourishes. Prepare a soap solution by stirring a dessert spoon of finely grated laundry soap in warm water. Pour two tablespoons of small oatmeal with soap solution and let the mixture brew.

Then add 10 grams of honey, mashed egg yolk and 5 ml of peach seed oil. Mix everything well and apply a thick layer to your face. Wash off after twenty minutes.


This composition is recommended for problem skin on which pimples often appear. For cooking you will need medium sized onions. Peel the onion and grind until puree in a blender. You can also grate it, but this is a less convenient option. Then you need to squeeze the juice out of the onion pulp through cheesecloth.

Separately, dilute a teaspoon of laundry soap shavings with a tablespoon of water. Mix soap solution, onion juice and a spoonful of sugar. Apply to the face with a swab in several layers, rinse ten minutes after applying the top layer.

The onion mask should not be applied if the skin is sensitive or has wounds. If after applying the composition a burning sensation appears, the procedure must be interrupted, that is, immediately wash.

Laundry soap for blackheads: masks

There is a fairly popular opinion that, as a cosmetic product for facial skin care, laundry soap can solve several problems at once: get rid of blackheads, pimples and wrinkles. The undeniable advantages of this method are as follows:

  • low cost of soap, and therefore high availability for many consumers
  • antibacterial effect
  • hypoallergenic

But at the same time, many cosmetologists warn against using laundry soap as a facial skin care product. Their main arguments are the following regarding the negative effects of soap:

  • destruction of the skin's natural protective covering
  • premature aging
  • dry skin

If, despite all these justifications, you still decide to use household soap as a cosmetic product, then we offer several recipes for masks. One of the options for getting rid of blackheads is simply applying a thick layer of soap solution for 3-5 minutes.

A more complex procedure requires the following steps:

  • prepare a paste with grated soap and water
  • add 3-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the resulting mixture
  • beat everything into foam
  • Apply to face, previously wiped with aloe leaf or juice
  • leave for 5-7 minutes
  • rinse with water
  • apply cream

Tar for facial beauty

As an option, tar soap can be used; it looks like laundry soap. The positive effect of birch tar on the skin has been proven by clinical studies. Natural tar has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Regular use of this soap can:

  • get rid of acne on the face;
  • destroy psoriatic plaques;
  • soothe the skin;
  • reduce itching;
  • even out the color.

It should be used in moderation; frequent washing will only cause harm.

Does laundry soap help with acne?

In the fight against acne, laundry soap acts as a powerful antibacterial agent. The action occurs due to the high pH level of the soap, which dries out areas of inflammation.

The easiest method of use is washing. You should wash your face with household soap no more than once every two to three days. Apply soap foam to your face. You can first steam your face over a water bath.

As an option, you can apply soap paste to the pimple at night. If we are talking about acne on the body, then instead of shower gel, you should use a bar of regular brown soap once or twice a week.

Laundry soap is an excellent remedy in the fight against acne.

However, you shouldn’t be particularly fanatical about solving acne problems using this method. A fairly aggressive alkaline environment greatly dries out the skin and can cause flaking or excessive sebum production.

Laundry soap for acne: masks with salt and soda To prepare an anti-acne mask based on this type of soap and salt, you will need:

  • bar of soap
  • water
  • 1 teaspoon salt

After soaking the soap in water, beat it into a dense foam. Measure out approximately 1 tbsp and add 1 tsp of salt to it. It is advisable to take salt as finely as possible. Extra salt is best.

The resulting product should be applied to the skin along massage lines. The time the mask remains on the face is up to three minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a week. A well-known remedy for acne is also a mask based on soap and soda. For it you need:

  • bar of soap
  • water
  • 1 tsp soda

Just like in preparing the previous mask, you first need to whip up the soap foam. Add a thick solution of soda and water to it. For 1 tbsp of soap base you need about 1 tbsp of soda solution. Apply to clean skin. The time the mask remains on the face is up to 10 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a week.


The benefits and effects of this product are confirmed by positive reviews.

Elena, 37 years old

It always seemed to me that modern chemistry is praised undeservedly. If everyone switched to natural products, brands would simply suffer losses. Personally, I don’t use tonics and gels, but use exclusively laundry soap for washing. To protect my skin from drying out, I treat it with honey and regularly make masks with cucumber.

Olga, 28 years old

As soon as I started using this product, I was pleased with the result. But I washed my face too often, 3 times a week, so my face very soon began to itch terribly. I simply reduced the intensity of the procedures.

Valeria 23 years old

I tried a lot of creams and masks. Some were drying, others caused peeling. And then a friend with perfect skin shared her secret with me. It turned out that everything is simple. I have been using only laundry soap for three weeks now. She said no to creams! The skin is even, smooth, even the pores are narrowed.

Sveta, 30 years old

Previously, there were many small pimples on my face. And I got them out with this remedy! I've been using it for a month now, and I don't have a single pimple on my face. This is much better and cheaper than expensive cosmetics, which are often completely ineffective!

Inna, 27 years old

At first I used tar, but it didn’t suit me. Now I buy household goods and I’m just delighted! The oiliness of my skin has really decreased.

Laundry soap for face against wrinkles: masks

Despite conflicting opinions regarding the cause of premature skin aging when using laundry soap, there is a recipe for getting rid of wrinkles with its use. First of all, such advice is based on the centuries-old experience of past generations who, due to the lack of alternative facial skin care products, were forced to wash their faces with household soap.

Laundry soap is an excellent component for anti-wrinkle products

At the same time, it should be remembered that our grandmothers lived in an era of better environmental conditions and the absence of many modern sources of stress. Therefore, you should not fanatically believe in the miracle of laundry soap in the fight against wrinkles. For those who still dare to take a risk, the advice is this:

  • Exfoliate , apply soap foam to your face and leave for 3 minutes . Rinse and wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in calcium chloride. Rinse in a contrasting manner, alternating cool water with warm water.
  • Make steam baths . To do this, add a little grated household soap to a bowl of hot water. Thanks to this procedure, the internal and external reserves of facial skin cells are activated, it becomes smoother and cleaner.
  • The masks described above with salt and soda are also suitable. The first is as a peeling, and the second as improving the overall condition of the skin.

Negative sides

Even the most expensive acne treatment has side effects. Also, the use of laundry soap can negatively affect the condition of facial skin.

According to some cosmetologists, laundry soap destroys the natural protective barrier of the skin, as a result of which the sebaceous glands begin to work twice as active, secreting even more sebum. As a result, the skin becomes even more oily, acne and bacteria multiply even more strongly in a favorable environment, and the alkali in the composition causes premature aging and irritation of the skin.

However, it is worth noting that negative manifestations occur when recommendations for using laundry soap for facial skin are not followed.

When deciding whether or not to use this product for facial care, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, and strictly follow the rules for using soap if the decision is made in favor of the product.

It is important to remember that neither laundry soap nor any other product will help get rid of acne forever if the root cause of its appearance is not resolved. Therefore, it is initially necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that led to the appearance of acne, and only then begin to get rid of them.

Laundry soap for stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks using a good old brown bar of soap, you need to follow this script:

  • Wash your body with traditional shower gel
  • scrub your body, paying special attention to problem areas - thighs, abdomen, buttocks
  • apply soap foam to your body
  • leave for 10-15 minutes
  • rinse with hot water
  • dry with a rough towel
  • apply nourishing cream

Use laundry soap as a remedy for stretch marks

Laundry soap for papillomavirus and warts: treatment

The method of removing warts and papillomas using laundry soap has been known for a very long time. There are two good approaches to solving this problem. A simpler one says that it is enough to lather the problem area every evening with a thick layer of 65% soap and leave it overnight. A more scrupulous one involves preparing a special medicine. For this:

  • Grind a piece of soap in a meat grinder or grater
  • add water
  • leave for 20 minutes
  • strain
  • to enhance the effect, you can add an infusion of medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, lubricate warts and papillomas with the resulting medicine warm every evening

You will be able to see results after four nights of regular use. This is possible due to the content of three unique acids in laundry soap - lauric, stearic and palmitic.

Laundry soap is a natural remedy for warts

It is this triad that helps solve such a difficult skin problem. However, it should be remembered that all ambiguous aspects of treatment should be started only after consulting a specialist doctor. As they say: “Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.”

For cleaning, for beauty, for health. Unobvious benefits of natural laundry soap


Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data
Regulations updated 11/16/2018

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  • Last name, first name, patronymic (if available), date of birth, gender
  • Residence address
  • Contact details (phone, email)
  • Place of work, including the name of the organization, address of the organization, contact details of the organization, position of the subject of personal data
  • Other data at your discretion and the discretion of NMGK JSC

3.4 NMZhK JSC works with counterparties and may provide personal data to third parties solely for the purpose of improving the quality of products, works, and services provided by NMZhK JSC.

3.5 If the subject of the PD has agreed to receive advertising information (mailings) of NMZhK JSC, NMZhK JSC has the right to transmit the specified advertising information by telephone, via text or graphic messages, by e-mail, in writing by mail or in any other way by at your own discretion.
4. Consent to the processing of personal data
4.1 You, as the subject of personal data, hereby give consent to NMGK JSC, located at the address specified in section 1 of these Regulations, to process your personal data, the list of which is specified in clause 4.3 of the Regulations, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border transfer of data taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, using and without the use of automation tools, for the purposes specified in clause 4.1 of the Regulations. You agree that, in addition to NMGK JSC, third parties have access to your personal data in full accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations, a list of which is available at the following link. NMZhK JSC guarantees compliance with your following rights: the right to receive information about which of your personal data is stored by NMZhK JSC; the right to delete, clarify or correct your personal data stored by NMGK JSC; other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2 You, as the subject of personal data, hereby give your consent to NMGK JSC, located at the address specified in section 2 of these Regulations, to process your personal data, the list of which is specified in clause 3.3 of the Regulations, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage , clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), including cross-border data transfer taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, with and without use automation equipment, for the purposes specified in clause 3.2 of the Regulations. You agree that, in addition to NMGK JSC, third parties have access to your personal data in accordance with clause 3.4. JSC "NMZhK" guarantees compliance with the following rights of the subject of personal data: the right to receive information about which of the personal data of the subject of personal data are stored by JSC "NMZhK"; the right to delete, clarify or correct your personal data stored by NMGK JSC; other rights established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3 The consent to the processing of personal data provided by the PD subject in accordance with these Regulations is valid until NMZhK JSC achieves the corresponding purpose of their processing or until the PD subject withdraws the said consent to the conditions of clause 4.4 of the Regulations.

4.4 The consent to the processing of your personal data provided by the PD subject in accordance with these Regulations can be withdrawn by you at any time. In this case, NMGK JSC is obliged to stop processing your personal data or ensure the termination of such processing (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of NMGK JSC) and in the event that the preservation of personal data is no longer required for the purposes of processing personal data. data, destroy personal data or ensure their destruction (if the processing of personal data is carried out by another person acting on behalf of NMGK JSC) within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the agreement to which the PD subject is a party, or another agreement between JSC "NMGK" NMZHK" and the subject of the PD.

You can send to NMGK JSC in one of the following ways the withdrawal of your previously provided consent to the processing of your personal data:

  • By contacting the hotline in the Russian Federation 8-800-250-00-07;
  • By sending a corresponding application by mail to the address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Zhirkombinat highway, 11;
  • By submitting a corresponding application through the feedback form on the website;
  • In a number of cases provided for in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, JSC “NMZhK” may continue processing your personal data after revoking your consent.

5. Security and storage of data
NMGK JSC guarantees that the data received from the subject of personal data is stored in a secure environment and is protected from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, change or destruction by both organizations and individuals.
The place of storage of personal data of the PD subject is the territory of the Russian Federation. 6. Telephone calls
Calls to the hotline of NMZhK JSC may be recorded.
This is carried out for the purposes of processing personal data stated in clause 3.2 of these Regulations. By making a call to the hotline of NMZhK JSC and continuing the conversation with the hotline operator, you thereby express consent to the processing of the data provided by the PD subject under the terms of these Regulations. 7. Change of personal data
The subject of personal data has the right to contact JSC “NMGK” to update his personal data. NMZhK JSC, within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is obliged to make the necessary changes to the data of the PD subject who applied.

  • By contacting the hotline in the Russian Federation 8-800-250-00-07;
  • By sending a corresponding application by mail to the address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Zhirkombinat highway, 11;
  • By submitting a corresponding application through the feedback form on the website;
  • In a number of cases provided for in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, JSC “NMZhK” may continue processing your personal data after revoking your consent.

8. Access to information
The subject of personal data, who has provided his personal data to JSC NMZhK, has the right to request from JSC NMZhK to provide information about what personal data is processed by JSC NMZhK. NMZhK JSC is obliged to provide this information within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To obtain such information, the PD Subject, who has provided his personal data to JSC NMZhK, can contact JSC NMZhK in one of the following ways, provided that you meet the requirements stipulated in Part 3 of Art. 14 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”:

  • By sending a corresponding application by mail to the address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Zhirkombinat highway, 11;
  • By submitting a corresponding application through the feedback form on the website;

In this case, the request must contain:

  • The number of the main document identifying the subject of the personal data, information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
  • Information confirming the participation of the subject of personal data in relations with NMZhK JSC (agreement number, date of conclusion of the agreement, symbolic verbal designation and (or) other information), or information otherwise confirming the fact of processing of personal data by the operator;

Laundry soap for sweaty feet

In terms of helping, primarily men, from excessive sweating of the feet, just using laundry soap will not be enough. An integrated approach is needed:

  • shoes made from natural materials
  • clean cotton socks every day
  • wearing different shoes in one season
  • use of antibacterial deodorants, etc.

If your feet sweat, wash them daily with laundry soap.

But the power of soap is shown by washing your feet with it every day. 72% soap is best. The main role here is played by antibacterial properties, which help get rid of bacteria that cause unpleasant odors. And the high alkaline content dries out the skin.

Contraindications to the use of soap

The main contraindication to the use of laundry soap is individual intolerance, which occurs extremely rarely. This usually happens with very frequent use of such a product , due to which the alkali included in the soap has an adverse effect on the skin.

Judging by the reviews, laundry soap should be used with extreme caution by people with dry, thin and delicate skin, trying to protect them from the early appearance of wrinkles.

Even when washing clothes using laundry soap, it is recommended to use gloves so as not to dry out the skin of your hands.

Even when washing clothes using laundry soap, it is recommended to use gloves so as not to dry out the skin of your hands.

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