Mumiyo for face, hair and body at home

Composition of mumiyo for face

Its composition includes about 50 elements from the periodic table. The uniqueness of the product is that the percentage of substances in it coincides with the percentage of substances in the human body. Surprisingly, this is true! Mumiyo is a biologically active drug that is absorbed by humans with maximum benefit.

Amino acids provide a pronounced rejuvenating effect when using mumiyo for the face. There are about 20 of them in the substance. That is why mumiyo for the face has:

  • Regenerating effect
  • tightening
  • nourishes the skin
  • rejuvenates
  • evens out skin texture
  • corrects the contour
  • relieves inflammation
  • gives a healthy color

Humic acids heal the body due to the amino acids, salts and microelements they contain. A distinctive feature of “resin” is its very easy digestibility.

Attention! Shilajit is a hypoallergenic drug, therefore it is well suited for use with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Essential oils and resins provide an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

Shilajit: benefits for the skin

It is difficult to call mumiyo a product that is at least somewhat attractive: it is dark brown in color, has a specific aroma, and has a bitter taste. In cosmetic procedures you don’t have to mess with taste, you can get used to the rest - beauty requires sacrifice.

Shilajit is a hypoallergenic substance. You can start using it even without preliminary tests. For allergy sufferers there is no better option.

What makes mummy for the face indispensable?

  • Mumiyo does not mask, does not correct, but actually heals the skin. Any microtraumas, scars, scars - everything becomes a thing of the past after several courses of procedures with mumiyo.
  • Shilajit fights inflammation. This is especially true for young girls who are battling acne and skin imperfections. Also, mumiyo leaves no chance for wen, pustules and other pests.
  • Shilajit accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. It is easier for renewed skin to breathe; it seems to glow from within, radiating beauty and health.
  • Mumiyo rejuvenates. Noticeable. After applying it to the skin of your face, you will feel some tightness - it is this action of the mummy that causes wrinkles to smooth out, the skin begins to produce collagen and elastin more energetically, as a result - the skin looks noticeably younger and healthier.
  • Mumiyo cleanses the skin. Blackheads, oily shine - this is not about your skin if you regularly use mummy to beauty your face.

Appearance of mummy for the face

Mumiyo is formed in the mountains and looks like a shiny, dark-colored resin. It tastes bitter and has a peculiar smell. Very soluble in water.

Easily absorbs moisture. This explains its ability to flow in high humidity and “turn to stone” in dry conditions. At average humidity, it retains its shape while remaining plastic.

Body skin care

The neck and décolleté area require constant care. High-quality cosmetics for these areas have a high price. Why overpay if regular baby cream and mummy are a cheap but very worthy alternative to products from cosmetics manufacturers.


Elasticity and healthy skin color return after about a month of applying this homemade cosmetic composition: 5 g of purified mumiyo, dissolved in a teaspoon of water and mixed with the contents of a tube of baby cream (90–100 g). Apply daily to pre-cleaned, slightly damp skin of the neck, arms and décolleté with light massaging movements for about one minute. After half an hour, blot off the remaining cream with a napkin, then rinse with cosmetic milk.

Important: the cream is applied only along massage lines.

It happens that plans are disrupted by a bruise on the arms or legs that appears unexpectedly, for no apparent reason. Is it possible to use cosmetics with mumiyo in this case? The answer is clear: yes, it is not only possible, but also necessary. In fact, bruises appear for a reason; they usually signal certain problems. Most often - about a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which mountain balsam helps to replenish. To enhance the effect, you can also add badyagu.

Water treatments

For those who prefer spa treatments, the beauty industry offers a bath that restores youth. Pour 5 grams of mumiyo dissolved in a glass of water into warm water. It is recommended to take such a bath in the evening for 20 minutes. Course – 30 procedures.

For cellulite and stretch marks

Shilajit is traditionally used to get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. 1 g of mumiyo with 1 tablespoon of rose or orange oil can be rubbed into areas of cellulite or used for anti-cellulite wrapping. The procedure is best done in the evening, before going to bed.

Small hematomas, broken knees, sunburn, pustular lesions, age spots - these and other troubles on the skin of the body are eliminated with creams and balms based on the mumiyo product.

How to choose the right mummy

To get the maximum benefit from using mumiyo for the face, you need to buy it at the pharmacy. When purchasing a product in other places, there is a possibility of getting a fake. How can you check the naturalness of mumiyo?

  • Place a piece in water - the real mummy will dissolve
  • “Mountain resin” does not dissolve in vegetable oil
  • A piece of mumiyo will begin to melt in your hand
  • If you break off a small part, the fracture site will have sharp corners
  • The smell of a quality product is strong and pleasant. Taste is bitter

DIY shampoo with mumiyo

There is nothing easier than making mumiyo shampoo yourself. To your regular shampoo, add a couple of match-head sized pieces of mumiyo and shake well. Gradually the mummy will dissolve into a cavity and an excellent hair remedy is ready. Cosmetologists recommend applying this shampoo to the hair roots for five minutes, massaging the scalp, and only then rinse.

Mask with mumiyo for hair

In principle, you can use mummy by adding it to any mask. For example, this: squeeze juice from several aloe leaves, add mumiyo the size of a match head and 1 egg yolk. Mix everything well with a whisk. Apply for one hour, wrapping your head with film and a towel.

Tips for using Shilajit

  • Mumiyo should be purchased at a pharmacy: it is sold in tablets so as not to purchase a fake
  • If you decide to purchase mumiyo in the form of resin, then you need to do this from well-known manufacturers
  • Before use, the mummy is dissolved in water. The tablets are crushed and filled with a small amount of water. Resin is taken ½ g per 10 ml of water
  • Face masks based on mountain resin are recommended to be used once a week.

What properties does it have?

The healing qualities of mumiyo have been known since ancient times, from where this information was passed on to traditional medicine. Various substances were found in its composition:

  • Macro- and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, chromium).
  • Organic acids (glycic, glutamic, petroselinic).
  • Terpene derivatives.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Carbohydrates, etc.

Despite the absence of any clinical trials, shilajit is widely used in unconventional healing practices. It is credited with the ability to activate metabolism, accelerate reparative and regenerative processes, increase the body's immune reactivity and vitality.

Shilajit exhibits antioxidant properties, reducing the damaging effects of external and internal stressors on cells and slowing down the aging process. Mountain resin has anti-inflammatory potential and promotes the healing of various injuries. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems. For cosmetology and dermatology, the following properties of mumiyo are of greatest importance:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Healing.
  • Rejuvenating.
  • Tonic.

Possessing a rich range of beneficial qualities, stone oil is important for skin of any type. With its help, you can dry out acne and speed up its resolution, increasing the protective properties of the epithelium. The anti-aging properties of mumiyo are actively in demand - smoothing out wrinkles, tightening sagging areas, evening out the relief and coloring.

Shilajit has a versatile effect on the skin - it stimulates metabolic, regenerative, and immune processes.

How to make basic care products

Face tonic

Mix 1/2 cup of water (you can use mineral water) with 5 crushed mummy tablets. Add 5 tbsp of neroli oil to the water. Pour the resulting tonic into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Apply morning and evening. Stir before use.

Cosmetic ice

To prepare it, use the same composition as for tonic. Pour into molds and freeze. Effectively moisturizes, tones and restores elasticity.

Base cream

Dissolve 15 mummy tablets (about 15 g) in a small amount of chamomile decoction. Add 50 g of baby cream to it and mix. Add Aevit, 3 capsules and 1 drop of rose oil. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Store the finished cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Cream enrichment

Grind 4 mummy tablets into powder. Place 10 grams of your cream in a glass container. Add mummy powder to the cream and stir. Then leave the enriched cream at room temperature for several hours. After aging, put it in the refrigerator.

Healing masks

How to make a mask that will be most effective:

  • If you suffer from dry skin - 2 parts butter or sea buckthorn oil and 1 part mumiyo
  • If with age you notice that pigment spots begin to appear on you - 3 parts of sour cream and one part each of a decoction of parsley and mumiyo
  • If your goal is to improve blood flow and skin tone - 4 parts mumiyo and 1 part lavender oil

How to use?

Apply masks to problem areas for half an hour , and then rinse with warm water. Masks restore skin tone, improve complexion and normalize metabolic processes of the epidermis.

Mumiyo for face - mask recipes

Before applying masks, clean your face of makeup and possible impurities. Apply along massage lines and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off.

Yolk mask

Nourishes, tones and moisturizes.

Prepare mumiyo: crush 10 tablets and dilute with a small amount of water. Separately beat the yolk and mix with mumiyo. Add half a spoonful of sour cream and honey to the mixture. Mix again.

Wrinkle eraser

Use this mask once every 7 days for 8 weeks. After the course, a break of 2 months is required. The result will be smooth, elastic and firm skin.

2 mummy tablets (1/2 g) pour 2 tbsp. l. water, mix with 2 tsp. pink clay and 1 tsp. jojoba oils. Stir milk into the resulting mixture little by little until a cream-like mass is obtained.

Mask with succinic acid

This mask rejuvenates, tightens, removes pigmentation and swelling.

2 tablets of mumiyo, dissolved in water, mixed with 2 tablets of succinic acid and ½ tsp. oil: olive or rosehip.

Cucumber refreshing mask

It refreshes, whitens, moisturizes and removes wrinkles.

Grate a fresh cucumber and dilute the resulting juice with 5 tablets of crushed mummy. Mix everything with 1 tsp. sour cream.

Oatmeal rejuvenating mask

Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with powder from 5 mummy tablets. Mix all this with cooled green tea: the mixture should be quite thick. Allow time to brew: about 15 minutes and apply to face.

Protein tightening mask

It is very effective for skin that has begun to lose elasticity, as it improves tone well. Also helps smooth out wrinkles.

Beat the egg white until foamy, gradually adding lemon juice: 10 drops. Separately, grind 10 tablets (2 grams) of mumiyo for the face and mix it with chilled green tea: the mixture should not be liquid. After preparation, mix all ingredients together. Apply to the face in layers: the next one after the previous one has dried.

Using mumiyo for the face at home gives very good results: the condition of the skin, its appearance improves, and the oval of the face is corrected. With regular use, the skin will remain in excellent condition for a long time and the aging process will slow down significantly.

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Mumiyo for facial skin: what is it like and how to work with it?

Mumiyo comes in two forms: liquid and tablets.

Liquid mumiyo is several times more effective than the tablet form, but mumiyo tablets for the face are much more convenient to use: they quickly turn into powder and can be added to any other product.

Face masks with aspirin: homemade recipes

No product with the addition of mumiyo can be used more often than once every 10 to 14 days - it is still a medicine. The course usually consists of 10 - 12 procedures - approximately 5 months. During this time, you will not only see the transformation of your skin, but also cure it of those shortcomings that have tormented you for years. The break between courses of procedures should be at least six months - there is no need to partake.

For best results, you should complete the course in its entirety. By abandoning the procedures for the 5th time, you will not cure the problem - you will only temporarily hide it.

Mumiyo is widely used in facial cosmetology - it is added to creams, masks, and used in salon procedures. You can do the same thing at home - shilajit can be ordered online or purchased at most pharmacies.

Mumiyo in cosmetology: women have been testing recipes for healing masks with mumiyo on themselves for centuries. Aristotle hardly cared about skin problems, but he described in detail in his works what mummy is and how it affects the body. Since Aristotle appreciated it, then perhaps you can try it for yourself.

For hair

Everyone knows that the condition of hair depends on the general condition of the body, so the fight for good and beautiful hair should begin with strengthening the immune system. This is ideal. But everyone wants to get visible results as quickly as possible. This is exactly the case when mumiyo is an irreplaceable thing.

To speed up hair growth and improve its appearance

A little substance added to your favorite shampoo awakens dormant hair follicles, as a result, the hair acquires a beautiful shine and becomes silky. Moreover, this shampoo does not need to be kept on your hair as a mask; traditional hair washing is enough.

Just two mummy tablets, dissolved in half a glass of water, accelerate hair growth. Apply this mixture to your hair an hour before washing. A more pronounced effect is observed when replacing water with herbal infusion. It could be chamomile, horsetail, nettle.

If you plan to wrap your head, then the time of contact of the solution with your head should be halved so as not to dry out the scalp. By the way, those with dry hair should add some oil to the mask, for example, burdock or castor.

Get rid of dandruff

Living without dandruff is a dream that can come true. It will take 20 to 30 rubs of a mummy solution based on a decoction of burdock root into the hair roots. The procedure is carried out twice a week, half an hour before washing your hair.

Subtleties of use and precautions

Mumiyo can be bought at almost any pharmacy. This may be a powder or tablet, but is usually a purified product. More effective is raw mountain wax .

The packaging of the mummy should indicate whether it has been cleaned.

In Russia, this is most often mumiyo from Altai or high mountains. The period of its use is unlimited. But so that the beneficial properties do not disappear over time, it is necessary to store it correctly. And this should be a cool place, for example, a refrigerator. The product itself must be placed in a dark, tightly sealed container.

If the substance is not purchased at a pharmacy (and the weight of one tablet is indicated on the packaging), then when preparing a mask from natural, unrefined mountain wax, you must strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in the recipe.

Contraindications and precautions

Any product is good in moderation. The wrong dosage may well be harmful. Therefore, the course of procedures must be followed by a break. Its duration is at least two months.

A child’s body can react unpredictably, so it is better to refrain from using mumiyo until the age of 12–14 years.

It is not advisable to use mumiyo for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those with individual intolerance to the components of the resin.

Important: before using any new cosmetic product for the first time, an allergy test must be performed. To do this, rub a small amount of the composition on the bend of the elbow or the inside of the wrist. It can be applied to the face only if there is no burning or redness in the tested areas.

The capabilities of this unique natural product are still poorly studied, however, its use as an excellent cosmetic product is based on centuries of experience. And this does not mean that it is time to stop experimenting with the creation of new recipes.


Mumiyo masks for facial skin, prepared at home, have a beneficial effect on the skin thanks to the components they contain:

  1. With rice flour and tocopherol, kelp, red wine, gelatin and others are intended to combat formed wrinkles.
  2. With cucumber it whitens and moisturizes.
  3. A mask with mumiyo and clay cleanses pores and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. With honey it is suitable for dry skin due to flaking and for moisturizing.
  5. A product with mountain wax and calendula oil will dry out acne and soothe inflamed skin.

That is, mumiyo is quite effective against many skin problems. It just requires regular use.

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