Mask (scrub) made of honey and coffee: for hair, body and face

Regular scrubbing helps keep the skin toned and keeps it youthful longer. A scrub for cleaning the epidermis made from coffee and honey has gained particular popularity due to the availability and low cost of ingredients.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences, before starting, it is important to familiarize yourself with recipes for different types of skin, recommendations and contraindications for use, as well as features of treating the body and face.

Facial scrub: recipe for coffee with honey

A scrub based on honey and coffee not only removes the stratum corneum of dead cells from the face, but also nourishes the skin with the valuable trace elements of honey. Caffeine gives tone to the skin, increases blood circulation, which leads to the smoothing of fine wrinkles. Honey helps prevent the development of bacteria, and therefore minimizes the risk of new acne and inflammation.

To prepare this scrub you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons coffee;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

How to prepare : combine all ingredients and mix until smooth, apply to dry face, rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

The course of masks should be repeated several times a week for a month. If your skin is oily, you can add one crushed aspirin tablet to the scrub and dilute the mixture with warm water.

For dry skin, the same scrub recipe is suitable, but with the addition of olive or sunflower oil (1 tbsp.).

Additional emollient ingredients

To soften the skin, it is recommended to add the following ingredients to the scrub:

  • almond, flaxseed, grape, peach or olive oil;
  • banana, apple, grape puree;
  • cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cream;
  • vegetable milk, steamed oatmeal, rice or semolina;
  • shea or coconut butter;
  • flower pollen.

As an abrasive, you can use a mixture of coffee with salt, clay, oatmeal, kelp powder, coarse sugar, etc.

Body scrub for cellulite: homemade recipe

One of the simplest, yet most effective homemade scrub recipes involves sea salt. The product copes well with orange peel, stretch marks, improves body tone, tightens the skin and intensively nourishes it.

To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon coffee and honey;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of any oil (olive, sunflower, almond).

How to prepare : mix everything thoroughly and actively massage the body for 2-3 minutes. For massage, it is better to use a hard washcloth so that the effect of the procedure is more noticeable. After this, leave the scrub on the skin for another 5-10 minutes and rinse with cool water. Taking a contrast shower will further enhance the effect of the scrub.

A contraindication to the use of such scrubs is an allergic reaction to the components of the composition: before use, you need to test a small amount of the product on the crook of your elbow or the back of your wrist. If there is no redness or itching, the product can be used on the entire body.

Try making aromatic soursop tea

Application technology

Correct application of a cosmetic product is very important to obtain maximum effect. How to apply cleanser:

  1. It is best to heat the products to achieve a more effective result.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to clean skin using smooth massage movements.
  3. More mixture should be applied to problem areas. The mixture must be left on the skin for a few minutes so that the honey has time to nourish the skin.
  4. After this procedure, it is advisable to take a warm shower, after which you can apply a cream that will moisturize the skin.

Bath scrub: recipe with ground coffee and honey

High temperature and steam open the pores and cleanse every cell of the skin. In order for the care process to be most effective, after the first trip to the bathhouse, it is recommended to use all kinds of masks and scrubs.

A bath scrub made from honey and salt has a cleansing effect, removes harmful substances from the body and stimulates sweating.


It is necessary to mix in equal proportions:

  • fine sea salt;
  • coffee grounds;
  • honey.

Add a couple drops of rosemary, ylang-ylang or tea tree essential oil.


  1. Apply with massaging movements to the skin and go into the bathhouse. Stay as long as possible (without fanaticism), but not less than 20 minutes.
  2. When the skin is hot and steamed, give a light massage and rinse with a cool infusion of herbs.

After the procedure, be sure to smear your body with nourishing cream and wrap yourself in a warm towel.

What do the reviews say?

For the most part they are positive. Users usually report slight redness after using the scrub, but it soon goes away and is most likely due to the action of the active ingredients. A light massage using a special brush has proven itself to be excellent. After scrubbing, the skin immediately looks well-groomed, becomes soft and smooth.

If, in addition to the scrub, you regularly exercise and eat right, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. After just a few months of regular procedures, a lasting effect can be observed. But do not forget that after an active course the body needs rest!

Face mask: recipe made from honey and coffee at home

A universal cleansing mask suitable for any skin, especially oily and combination skin.

Cleansing mask recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon warm honey;
  • 1 teaspoon coffee;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of soda.

How to prepare : mix the ingredients until smooth, apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. Rinse off the mask after 10 minutes with cool water. After washing, it is advisable to wipe your face with an ice cube and then apply a nourishing cream.

This simple mask significantly reduces oily shine, blackheads and, with regular use, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Contraindication is high blood pressure. You should also apply it with caution when there is a capillary network and nearby vessels, as the ingredients of the mask increase blood circulation and can aggravate the situation.


Before scrubbing, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.

  • Allergy to coffee or bee products. Do not use if you are or are likely to be allergic to the ingredients.
  • Too sensitive skin. Do not use strong cleansers for this skin type.
  • Closely located capillaries. Scrub particles can damage capillaries and cause bruising.
  • Presence of wounds and scratches on the skin. It is better to wait until all the damage has healed so as not to damage the skin.
  • Various skin diseases. It is best to consult with an experienced cosmetologist before use, who will make sure that this product is suitable for you, or will select another method for cleansing your skin.

Hair mask: recipe based on coffee and honey

Hair masks with coffee grounds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, strengthen the hair follicles, reduce hair loss, and also help in the fight against oily roots.


To ensure that using such a mask only brings pleasure and benefits your hair, you need to know a few rules:

  1. Before using the mask, you must conduct an allergy test: apply the composition to the skin behind the ear and wait 10 minutes. If the skin does not react in any way, this mixture can be used on the scalp.
  2. The composition is distributed at the roots of the hair; it is not necessary to apply along the entire length.
  3. The mask is used on dirty hair, after using it the hair is washed with shampoo.


For a classic mask you will need a few simple ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons coffee
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon vodka

How to prepare : Heat honey in a water bath, mix with coffee grounds. Add vodka and stir until smooth.


Apply the mixture to your hair and wrap it with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect. After 30-40 minutes, wash off the mask and rinse your hair well with shampoo.

Regular use of this product enhances hair growth, stops hair loss and removes oily shine.

The essence of peeling

To prepare peeling, coffee grounds are supplemented with various components depending on the type of skin and area of ​​use (body/face).

Important! Only natural coffee contains nutrients.

The resulting mixture is applied with rubbing, massaging movements. It effectively exfoliates dead cells, tones the skin and saturates it with beneficial acids.


Frequency depending on skin type:

  • For dry skin - once a week.
  • For oily people - 2 times a week.

You should completely avoid the procedure if your skin is too sensitive, otherwise you may injure it.

Indications for use

The main purposes of peeling are:

  • renewal and improvement of skin tone;
  • removing a layer of dead cells;
  • slowing down aging.

The procedure is recommended for women over 25 years of age.

Is it carried out in the salon?

When carrying out the procedure in the salon, special equipment and professional cosmetics are used.

This allows you to achieve better results and keep them longer compared to home cleansing.

Many cosmetologists prefer Mediderma products. Coffee peeling from the specified manufacturer gently and delicately cleanses the skin and helps achieve maximum effect.

The average cost of the service is 1500-2000 rubles. It is recommended to undergo several sessions (6-8) at intervals of 4-6 months.

Wrap: recipe made from coffee and honey

The wrapping procedure helps not only against cellulite, it is carried out for such problems as:

  • excess weight;
  • sagging and dry skin;
  • cellulite.

How to prepare : mix ground coffee or coffee grounds and liquid honey in a 2:1 ratio.


  1. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin and wrap tightly with plastic wrap.
  2. Wait about an hour.
  3. Then rinse the scrub thoroughly with warm water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

During the wrapping, slight tingling and burning is allowed. If the discomfort becomes stronger, you need to urgently wash off the composition from the skin.

The wrap is carried out in a course. If the skin is in good condition, it is enough to do it 1-2 times a month; in the most problematic cases, 10-15 procedures are carried out daily with a break of a week, then the course is repeated the required number of times until the desired result is obtained.


There are a number of contraindications that need to be taken seriously. Coffee wraps are not recommended:

  1. Pregnant and lactating women.
  2. With elevated body temperature and runny nose.
  3. For varicose veins and vascular mesh.
  4. For cardiovascular diseases.

Recommendations and cooking tips

How to make a healthy coffee-honey scrub:

  • use ground coffee as an abrasive (the drained grounds from the finished drink contain a minimum of useful substances);
  • to dissolve sugar crystals, heat honey to a temperature no higher than +40...+45°C;
  • mix honey first with other liquid ingredients (decoction, aloe juice, oils), and then with clay and coffee;
  • For additional skin nutrition, add 1-2 drops of oily vitamins A and E or 1 ampoule of vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) to the honey mixture.

For a daily light massage, you can use a mixture of honey, coffee and your favorite shower gel.

How else can men use coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds can replace many synthetic components used by men for hygiene and save a lot of money.

Hand cleansing paste with coffee grounds

Hand cleansing paste with abrasive is used by men to remove stubborn stains - tar, oil products, paints, soot, metal or cement dust and others. Due to the abrasive properties of coffee grounds, they can 100% replace synthetic pastes. In addition, coffee perfectly removes any odors. Having a jar of coffee grounds on hand will keep your hands clean, well-groomed and without any extra financial or time costs.

Coffee cake for foot odor

When using a coffee-salt scrub for your feet, you can significantly reduce sweating and get rid of the unpleasant odor in your shoes. In addition, you can stock up on fabric bags with dried coffee grounds - this will rid your shoes of moisture and unpleasant odor.

SPA body care treatments – a necessity or a luxury?

Carrying out body care procedures is simply necessary to maintain excellent health, good health and youth. And these are not empty words! Most surgeries help relieve fatigue and tension, energize and invigorate you for the whole day.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of body care services, each of which has its own purpose:

  • Preparatory preparations help improve blood flow in the microvasculature, reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat and reduce cellulite.
  • Lymphatic drainage helps remove excess fluid, which accumulates toxic substances.
  • Lipolytics accelerate the breakdown of fat deposits.
  • Corrective ones tone muscles and improve the structure of the skin.

The course of necessary body care procedures is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis of the skin condition, during which specialists select the most effective methods of treating existing defects.

After professional care, the skin becomes more elastic and toned. Many spa treatments can work real miracles, which is why they are gaining immense popularity among the population. This should not be surprising, because in beauty salons clients are immersed in a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

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