Ichthyol ointment will pull out any pimple, but the main thing is not to overdo it

The product in today's review is one of the best in the treatment of acne, because ichthyol ointment is something wonderful , but at the same time dangerous . It is important to discuss how to use acne ointment correctly and not harm the skin.

Take the wrong step, and the skin will deteriorate considerably(: Therefore, I will try to explain my vision of treatment with this remedy as clearly as possible. And according to tradition, I will share my experience of using it, and the experience of my friend, by the way, his experience was extremely unpleasant, so read more carefully so as not to repeat the mistakes of others!

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ichthammol, which is part of the ointment as an active substance, has a local irritating effect on the sensitive endings of nerve fibers when directly exposed to the mucous membranes and skin. In this case, weak irritation is gradually replaced by a decrease in the sensitivity of the latter, which leads to the development of reflexes that change the trophism of tissues.

Causes denaturation of protein molecules. Absorbed by mucous membranes and skin. It has a positive effect on inflamed skin and subcutaneous layers (especially in combination with alcohol), restores blood circulation, regulates the tone of blood vessels, improves metabolism, and increases the elasticity of the skin.

The analgesic effect of the drug on the deep layers of soft tissue, as a rule, appears several hours after treatment of the affected area.

Main properties of Ichthyol ointment:

  • Ability to relieve pain and inflammation. Ichthammol inhibits the activity of the enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase , which are involved in the breakdown of arachidonic acid , and thus prevents the formation of compounds that are powerful mediators of inflammation. In addition, the substance reduces the production of prostaglandins , thereby reducing the intensity of pain.
  • Antibacterial action. The properties of the drug are manifested against Gram (+) bacteria, which are the main causative agents of skin infections in humans. In particular, ichthammol is effective against epidermal and Staphylococcus aureus , as well as against group A streptococci .
  • Antimycotic action. Certain dermatophytes (for example, the zoophilic fungus Microsporum canis and the geophilic fungus Microsporum gypseum) exhibit high sensitivity to 0.2% solutions of ichthamol, while to disrupt the life processes of pathogens of candidiasis (C. albicans) and mold onychomycosis (S. brevicaulis, Aspergillus spp. ) products with a higher concentration of the substance are used.

Brief “dossier” on the drug

The active component of the ointment is ichthammol . This component provides the basic properties of the product, which:

  1. “kills” microbes;
  2. disinfects;
  3. stimulates the process of tissue regeneration.

The medicine is sold in dark glass jars and tubes. In addition to ichthyol (10 and 20%), the composition contains petroleum jelly.

The ointment has a dark brown color, a viscous consistency (similar to toothpaste), and has a not very pleasant smell . An alternative form of release of the ointment is ichthyol suppositories.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Ichthyol ointment are skin diseases ( erysipelas , burns, eczema , abscesses , etc.), arthritis and neuralgia of a traumatic or inflammatory nature.

The properties of ichthammol allow the drug to be used in gynecology and urology for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs ( metritis and parametritis , prostatitis , salpingitis and a number of other diseases).

Why is Ichthyol ointment used for varicose hemorrhoidal veins?

The use of the drug in the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids is due to its ability to:

  • disinfect inflamed hemorrhoids, stop inflammation and eliminate painful manifestations of hemorrhoids;
  • accelerate cell restoration and tissue epithelization, thus promoting the healing of anal fissures;
  • stimulate the outflow of venous blood, improve blood circulation in the rectal area, reduce itching and discomfort in the anus.

Efficiency: when will it help?

The product is effective for any skin lesions accompanied by inflammation or bacterial infection. Ichthyol ointment works very well against subcutaneous acne. Such elements are difficult to treat, so there are not too many drugs that give results in their treatment.

Main indications for use:

  • Subcutaneous formations with purulent contents;
  • Boils;
  • Pustules;
  • Acne;
  • Skin damage due to exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • Erysipelas.

Ichthyol effectively eliminates acne not only on the face. It can be used to eliminate painful formations on the back, armpits, buttocks, and groin. Accordingly, the pharmaceutical drug has a positive effect on any inflamed rash, as well as open and closed comedones due to the ability not only to destroy microorganisms, but also to dissolve fatty plugs that clog pores.

Ichthyol ointment, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Ichthyol ointment is used as a means of external therapy. The drug, without rubbing, is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas and covered with a piece of gauze.

After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly.

The duration of use is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis and characteristics of the clinical picture. The instructions for use of Ichthyol ointment indicate that liniment can be used by an adult 2-3 times a day.

When using ointment for boils or hidradenitis, apply about 2 g of ointment to the boil or inflamed sweat gland and firmly fix a gauze pad on the sore spot. The treatment is repeated every 8-10 hours.

Using Ichthyol ointment for acne, the product is applied to the inflamed area pointwise and covered with a cotton swab. After 2 hours, the remaining ointment can be removed.

Ichthyol against acne can also be used in the form of masks. This method of using the drug is suitable for people with extensive acne .

Apply the ointment to the face in a thick layer, avoiding the skin around the eyes and lips, for at least 2 hours, then remove it with a cotton pad and wash the face with milk. affected by acne are treated with a product containing salicylic acid .

It is recommended to make a mask at least 2 times a week. Since the drug has an unpleasant odor, it is better to use it before bed.

Application in gynecology involves the use of tampons soaked in ointment and 10% glycerin , which are inserted intravaginally 1 or 2 times a day.

For hemorrhoids, the drug can be used either in pure form or in combination with glycerin. To prepare lotions with glycerin, take the ingredients in equal parts and mix them until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

When used externally, the ointment is carefully applied with massage movements to painful areas 1-2 times a day (without rubbing!). For rectal use, the ointment is applied to a gauze swab, and then - after spontaneous cleansing of the intestines or a cleansing enema - the tampon is carefully inserted into the anus. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime.

The appearance of burning and pain are signals to consult a doctor. Consultation with a specialist is also required if, after 2 weeks of using the ointment, the patient does not experience any positive dynamics.

Ichthyol paste for acne spots

Ichthyol-based paste successfully copes with traces of acne localized in the upper layers of the dermis. To eliminate acne spots and scars originating from the deep layers of the skin, you will need an acid peel that has the ability to penetrate further.

To cope with scars and red pigmentation after acne, you must:

  • Apply the substance locally to post-acne;
  • You should take a little ointment;
  • Cover the top with a piece of gauze;
  • Secure with adhesive tape;
  • You need to cleanse your skin after 8 hours, so it’s better to apply lotions before bed.

special instructions

Ichthyol ointment is a safe product, the use of which is permissible even during pregnancy and lactation. However, some precautions must be taken when using this product.

Avoid swallowing the ointment and getting the ointment in the eyes. In addition, it is not intended for treating deep wounds.

The drug can leave stubborn stains on furniture and clothing, so it is recommended to cover the areas of skin treated with it with a bandage.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Ichthyol ointment has a small side effect. The most common of these is an allergic reaction . In this regard, doctors advise conducting a sensitivity test to the active substance on the wrist.

Very rarely, the medicine can cause dermatitis, tissue swelling and scars. Rarely, patients experience nausea and hyperemia.

Attention! Pregnant women, mothers during breastfeeding, and children under 6 years of age should not be treated


Level 4 ATC code matches:

  • Ichthyol
  • Fitoval
  • Antiseptol
  • Biosept
  • Diamond green
  • Incidin liquid
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Manisoft
  • Sodium tetraborate
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Septol
  • Fukortsin
  • Chlorophyllipt
  • Ectericide

Ichthyol ointment or Levomekol?

Levomekol is an antimicrobial agent based on methyluracil and chloramphenicol . It is used to cleanse wounds from purulent-necrotic masses (a sterile piece of gauze is impregnated with the ointment and loosely filled into the wound); it can be introduced into the purulent cavity using a catheter.

Thus, the drugs have different purposes, and it is incorrect to compare them. The choice is influenced by what this or that remedy is prescribed for. So, for purulent wounds, it is advisable to use Levomekol, while ichthyol will cope better with boils.

Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment?

Liniment Vishnevsky is a combined drug intended for the treatment of skin abscesses and phlegmon of soft tissues, carbuncles and boils , lymphadenitis , burns and frostbite, varicose and postpartum ulcers, thrombophlebitis , cephalosporosis , osteomyelitis , obliterating endarteritis , hemorrhoids , some diseases of the female genital area, radiculitis .

Shows antimicrobial activity, relieves inflammation, disinfects and stimulates local immunity.

In most cases, the drugs are interchangeable. Before making a choice in favor of one remedy or another, you should consult your doctor.

Elimination of post-acne with ichthyol

Acne very often leaves behind cosmetic defects in the form of stagnant spots. First of all, they appear when trying to squeeze out an abscess, then small vessels are damaged and microcirculation is disrupted. Such defects are visible especially in the cold season. For acne marks, ichthyol ointment has established itself as one of the most effective remedies. Its effectiveness is based on its ability to improve blood circulation and stimulate cellular nutrition processes. This effect improves the condition of the capillaries. They become elastic and narrow, congestion and inflammation disappear in them, which leads to a significant reduction in the size of the spots. It is the ability to normalize microcirculation that explains the effectiveness of ichthyol against acne spots.

Reviews of Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment is a multifunctional product at a low cost, therefore, according to most consumers, it must be present in every home medicine cabinet.

The drug has found wide use for abscesses and eczema , it is used as a remedy for boils and acne, it is used to treat burnt skin and broken knees, and to treat thrush and hemorrhoids .

Many women claim that the drug is an indispensable tool for combating skin imperfections. The use of Ichthyol ointment for acne - reviews and photographs confirm this - allows you to relieve inflammation (regardless of its type), disinfect the affected area, reduce the size of acne, accelerate the release of the purulent contents of pustules and the resorption of subcutaneous pimples, as well as reduce their pain, narrow pores, remove peeling and soften the skin.

There are also many references on the Internet to the use of ichthyol for hemorrhoids . Reviews indicate that in cases where the disease is not too advanced, the drug will solve and effectively solve this delicate problem.

Almost everyone calls the only disadvantage of the product its unpleasant smell, but the mass of beneficial properties and the complex effect of the drug completely cover this disadvantage.

Description and chemical composition

Ichthyol ointment affects not only the symptoms. With its help, you can cope with the causes of acne and also soften your face. The peculiarities of the composition allow the ointment to be used not only to eliminate comedones, it successfully draws out purulent contents and affects deep subcutaneous pimples that are difficult to cure.

The composition contains ichthyol. The substance is extracted from oil shale resins. After drying, evaporation and temperature fluctuations, a high-viscosity mass is formed, saturated with a vitamin complex and many microelements.

The second component is Vaseline. This is an auxiliary substance necessary to obtain the desired consistency. The main disadvantage of the substance is its distinct specific smell, which many people do not like.

Price of Ichthyol ointment

How much liniment costs depends on the pricing policy of the manufacturing company and the volume of the tube/can. In Russian pharmacies, the price of Ichthyol ointment varies from 40 to 100 rubles.

In Ukraine, the drug costs about 20 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Ichthyol ointment d/nar.
    approx. 10% tube 25g No. 1 Ozone LLC 102 rub. order
  • Ichthyol ointment for external use. approx. 20% of bank 25gZAO Yaroslavl f.f.

    54 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

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According to dermatologists, Ichthyol ointment against acne is considered unfairly relegated to the background in acne therapy. In foreign countries, its use has been completely abandoned, but in Russia and the CIS they continue to use it. Compared to other medications developed for the treatment of acne, ichthyol has a number of advantages:

  • safe and does not cause side effects;
  • does not penetrate into the systemic circulation;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • does not irritate the skin;
  • easily washed off with water;
  • simple method of application;
  • high effectiveness for pustular skin lesions;
  • low cost.

The only drawback of the ointment that users note in their reviews is its pungent smell. Before using a remedy to treat acne, you need to take into account that you will have to spend the whole day at home, so the best option would be to apply compresses before bed.


Prominent representatives of the group of combined medications are Levomekol cream and ointment, which draw out all the pus from the wound in a few days. In addition, the product disinfects the skin and eliminates redness.

After 8-10 days (with 2 applications per day), a barely noticeable light pink mark will remain at the site of the abscess.

The main advantages of lekomekol are the acceleration of the formation of a purulent core and the suspension of the inflammatory process.


The abscess must mature - have you ever wondered what this means in practice? Maturation indicates the formation of a purulent core that appears in the duct of the sebaceous gland.

The reason for its appearance is infection and the onset of the inflammatory process. The duration of ripening can vary, from several days to a month. Throughout this period, pain persists.

Trying to squeeze out abscesses as they mature is useless, unpleasant and even dangerous.

Not only will a new rod “come out” in the same place after 2-5 days, and the extraction process itself will cause severe pain, there is a risk of injuring the skin and reinfecting the wound.

Using some means, you can speed up the maturation of the abscess and remove the pain syndrome, as well as eliminate redness and ensure rapid healing of the open wound after the rod comes out. These include drugs for external use - antibiotics and anti-inflammatory ointments.

Several traditional medicines are a good alternative.

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