How to make facial peeling with Hilak Forte and what effect it will give

The pharmaceutical drug "Hilak Forte" for acne on the face is used if the skin rashes are caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Problems within the body often manifest themselves externally, negatively affecting the condition of the skin. Hylak Forte restores the irritated gastric mucosa and normalizes metabolic processes, as a result of which acne goes away and the dermis becomes cleaner. The main advantage of the drug is its maximum safety, which allows it to be used by pregnant and lactating women, and even newborns.

What is Hilak Forte

The drug is intended to normalize the internal microflora of the intestine, maintain normal water and electrolyte balance, and help strengthen the immune system. Contains a complex of active strains - products of internal metabolism:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Enterococcus faecalis;
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Among the auxiliary compounds: lactose enzyme, lactic and citric acids, potassium phosphate and stabilizing additives.

Hilak Forte is a drop for oral administration: water-based, with a characteristic sour odor and taste, yellowish in color. Produced in bottles of 30–100 ml, the packaging is equipped with dispenser caps.

How to remove pigment spots with peeling

Important! The peeling composition should include lightening substances, and not just acids with an exfoliating effect. Only then will it work for lightening.

Peeling "MangoBright" DermaQuest

Specialized peeling “MangoBright” from DermaQuest – lightening of pigment spots that have arisen due to photoaging (diffuse superficial pigmentation). Additionally, the MangoBright peeling has an active moisturizing effect due to the content of hyaluronic acid, and also restores and rejuvenates the skin - antioxidants and plant stem cells in the composition do their job!

Peeling is used to combat age spots with clearly defined boundaries (superficial), spot prevention and antioxidant protection - preparing the skin for summer, maintaining smoothness and hydration. MangoBright peeling is completely atraumatic, which makes it part of the “before going out” program.

Benefits of MangoBright peeling

  • Atraumatic – does not cause redness, peeling, there is no rehabilitation period
  • Comfortable when performing
  • Performed without interruption from social life

How does MangoBright peeling work? DermaQuest

  • Lightens pigment spots and evens out skin tone

The basis of the peeling is Mango pulp - a source of ingredients with a brightening effect, containing phytic and kojic acids - whiten, delicately exfoliate the surface layer of keratinized cells.

  • Restores skin damage – fights photoaging

Contains Sweet Orange Stem Cells and Green Tea Leaf Extract – restoration of damaged collagen structures and antioxidant system protecting the skin from free radicals.

  • Moisturizes the skin and restores barriers , eliminating dryness and tightness

Peeling contains lactic acid 30% and hyaluronic acid.

  • Prevention of premature skin aging

MangoBright peeling contains carnosine , a substance that captures and removes excess sugars that glue collagen fibers together. Prevents glycation – sweet aging of the skin.

Clinical results of peeling - reduction in the severity of age spots:

1st procedure – reduction by 37%,

4 procedures – for 87%.

“MangoBright” PEELING COURSE ranges from 6 to 8 procedures once every 10 days.

You can see the VIDEO the link .

Peeling SkinBright DermaQuest

Peeling "SkinBright" DermaQuest - to combat deep stagnant pigment spots that are not amenable to classical correction methods.

Composition of acids in SkinBright peeling

A combination of acids that does not require neutralization. Layer-by-layer lyses the epidermis, blocks melanogenesis, brightens the skin and prevents post-peeling hyperpigmentation.

  • Lactic acid 10% - loosens and moisturizes the skin;
  • Mandelic acid 10% - delicately exfoliates, has an antiseptic effect, prevents rashes during peeling;
  • Salicylic acid 10% is a true keratolytic, evenly exfoliates the epidermis;
  • Phytic acid 5% is a powerful antioxidant, has an anti-tyrosinase effect;
  • Citric acid 5% - tyrosinase blocker (brightens);

Whitening ingredients in SkinBright Peeling:

White Lily stem cells block the transfer of melanin to keratinocytes.

Plant extracts: licorice root, white mulberry, bearberry, red algae;

Benefits of SkinBright peeling

  • Whitening pigmentation, both focal and diffuse, of any origin, including deep and long-existing;
  • Safe for all phototypes, including dark skin;
  • It is applied in layers, it is possible until frost appears - the status is middle;
  • Rejuvenates the skin - has a stimulating effect on the dermis, evens out the relief and smoothes out wrinkles;

The course consists of up to 3-4 procedures in autumn and spring.

Performed once a month with appropriate home care.

The result of application - with strict adherence to the recommended pigmentation correction algorithm - is a guarantee of smooth and uniform facial skin!

Looking for a peeling for acne-prone skin? about which peeling is best for problem skin - read here .

Why is Hilak Forte needed?

The drug regulates the acid-base and salt balance of the intestines, accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium of its walls, normalizes digestive processes, and suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Hilak Forte is recommended for stabilizing intestinal function after treatment with antibiotics, abdominal surgery, infectious diseases, dietary disorders, exposure to chemicals, and intoxication. The microcultures, acids and salts present in the drops neutralize negative factors, restore the activity of the digestive tract, and improve the absorption of nutrients and electrolytes.

Indications for use

The low concentration of lactic acid, which is part of Hilak Forte, gently cleanses the skin, which allows the drug to be used for all skin types. Peeling is used for:

  • cleansing pores from acne and inflammation;
  • eliminating acne marks;
  • whitening facial skin, getting rid of age spots;
  • cleansing sebum, narrowing pores;
  • stabilization of facial skin color;
  • eliminating small wrinkles.

Note! There are no clear age restrictions; the procedure can be used by everyone. There is also no limit on the number of repetitions of peeling with Hilak Forte. Since lactic acid is contained in small quantities, this method of care can be used by those with dry skin types, but with less frequency.

After this procedure, the epidermis looks young and fresh, and blackheads become smaller or disappear completely. It should not be used by people who are intolerant to the components that make up the drug.

For what pathologies is Hilak Forte used?

The list of indications for prescribing the drug includes:

  • intestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, diarrhea;
  • consequences of radiation treatment, taking sulfonamides and other antimicrobial agents;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • gastritis with decreased secretory function of the stomach;
  • digestive disorders due to climate change (travelers' diarrhea);
  • chronic poisoning with symptoms of intestinal disorders;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • skin inflammatory diseases;
  • recovery stage for salmonellosis;
  • dysfunction and inflammation of the gallbladder.

The drug is used in combination with other medications, complementing their action and neutralizing the body's negative reactions. Therapy must be supplemented with detoxification measures and a special diet.

Progress of the procedure

The procedure does not require any special preparation. The process involves the following steps:

  1. Complete cleansing of the facial skin from decorative cosmetics and impurities.
  2. Steaming the skin using a water bath.
  3. Apply the mixture with massage movements on the face until completely absorbed.
  4. Allow the substance to have its effect for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Wash thoroughly with cool running water.
  6. Moisturize the skin to which the mixture has been applied using face cream.

It is important to thoroughly cleanse the face before applying the substance, and also completely remove it from the skin after peeling, as irritation may occur.

How to give Hilak Forte to children

In pediatrics, the medicine is used for children over 2 years of age. In practice, it is possible to prescribe Hilak Forte to infants and newborns: to eliminate pathological regurgitation and prevent its dangerous consequences - aspiration pneumonia. In some cases, drops help eliminate increased gas formation, persistent constipation, bloating and intestinal colic.

  • A single volume of the drug for infants should not exceed 15 drops;
  • a single dose for children from 2 to 12 years old is 20–30 drops;
  • Teenagers can take the medicine in an adult dosage.

In the first days, a three-time dose is recommended. As the symptoms of intestinal disorders decrease, you can reduce the frequency to 2 per day or reduce the dose of drops.

Efficiency of the procedure

Despite the fact that the product is gentle and has a mild effect, its effectiveness is very high. Regular peeling promotes complete renewal of the top layer of the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week, for people with a dry type of epidermis - once every two weeks.

Also, periodic repetition of peeling with Hilak Forte normalizes the production of sebum; in those with oily skin, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Two repetitions of peeling give noticeable results. There is no framework for the duration of the course, so the number of repetitions is not limited.

How to dose drops when treating adults?

Patients over 18 years of age are also recommended to take the drug diluted from 40 to 60 drops 2-3 times a day. How long you can take Hilak Forte depends on the severity and nature of the disease. The average course of treatment is 2−4 weeks.

Elderly people often suffer from heartburn, which is associated with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In such a situation, doctors recommend dividing the daily dose into 5-6 doses, combining it with diet and taking other medications. After you feel better and reduce painful symptoms, the daily dose should be reduced by half.

Doctors have not developed a separate recommendation on how to take Hilak Forte with antibiotics, so experts prescribe the drug from the first days of antibiotic therapy. This reduces the risk of side effects, protects the intestinal microflora from death, and reduces unpleasant symptoms.

Hilak forte drops


Many women have tried using Hilak Forte for the face as a peeling. To this day, there are no known reviews about the negative consequences of its use .

You should not peel if your skin is irritated or has minor scratches.

However, it is important to remember that any medical drug has contraindications, and Hilak Forte is no exception. However, there are not many warnings, and they mainly concern the procedure itself.

The drug should not be used:

  • if the skin is mechanically damaged, there are small wounds and scratches;
  • if there is intolerance to the components of the drug or a tendency to allergies;
  • if there is a skin disease that manifests itself on the face (chickenpox, herpes, rubella);
  • If you experience any discomfort or irritation, you should avoid this method of skin peeling.

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Treatment methods

If acne is only a consequence of dysfunction of the digestive system, the doctor will prescribe therapy for the underlying disease. Both specific drugs and symptomatic therapy may be required. For chronic constipation, a specialist will prescribe laxatives.

A therapeutic diet is required. It is important to adhere to a healthy diet, limiting intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, as well as dairy products. Studies show that in functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with dysbiosis, probiotics and prebiotics demonstrate quite high effectiveness. They allow you to restore the normal balance of microflora after intestinal cleansing measures.

In some cases, colon hydrotherapy may be recommended in a clinic setting. This is intestinal lavage using a stream of physiological fluid. There are two ways to carry out the procedure: underwater rinsing, irrigation according to the Lensky method. As a result, it is possible to remove toxic substances, stagnant feces and improve overall well-being.

Underwater washing involves the use of a special apparatus. The procedure is carried out in a bath. Water heated to 37 °C is gradually supplied to the intestines. Feces are removed using a special suction device. Complete cleansing of the body requires several sessions.

Irrigation according to Lensky involves inserting a probe into the anus. The other end of the tube is located in a vessel with irrigating liquid. Water flows out through a special tube. The procedure takes about half an hour, it is recommended to repeat it after 2 days.

It is important to remember that both home cleansing (enemas, laxatives) and procedures in the clinic must be agreed upon with the attending physician. Such measures are necessary for patients suffering from constipation and other disorders. However, they also have contraindications.

Peeling recipes

There are many peeling recipes, each of them has its own effect and is suitable for a specific skin type. Everyone can choose the appropriate option:

  1. With homemade face cream. 30 grams of any cream are mixed with 10 drops of Hilak forte. To enhance the moisturizing effect, you can replace the cream with kefir. You can add a couple of drops of essential oil. To make the procedure even more enjoyable. It is strictly forbidden to treat the area around the eyes with the mixture.
  2. To get rid of blackheads, you need the medicine in equal quantities with purified water.
  3. reduce pigmentation or freckles using the following recipe: combine 75 ml of kefir with five drops of Hilak forte. The mixture is applied to the face in a thick layer and left for 15 minutes, after which the residue is thoroughly washed off and the skin is moisturized with cream.
  4. To eliminate fine wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin, mix a tablespoon of anti-aging lotion with 10 drops of the product.

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, the exposure time of the applied product may be reduced to avoid damage to the epidermis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Peeling is in great demand due to the advantages it has. These include:

  • soft gentle impact;
  • suitable for dry and sensitive epidermis;
  • can be done at home, does not require special preparatory steps;
  • effective long lasting results.

But, like any product, Hilak Forte has its drawbacks:

  • After the procedure, skin care is necessary to avoid damage or complications;
  • relatively expensive product;
  • eliminates the possibility of carrying out the procedure if there are even small wounds and injuries on the face.

Peeling using Hilak Forte is a very effective means for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin. You don’t have to visit a cosmetologist, since this procedure is available to everyone, even at home.

How to use for acne?

"Hilak Forte" in the fight against acne is especially effective and gives excellent results, since it helps eliminate the root cause of their appearance, and not just disguise the rash from the outside. The medication is usually prescribed orally, 40-60 drops, previously diluted with water or any other liquid except milk. The medicine should be taken with food or immediately before meals. As you feel better, you need to gradually reduce the dosage; abruptly stopping the use of Hilak Forte is not recommended.

It is better to combine oral administration of the medication with external treatment of problem areas on the skin. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed, following the following steps:

Before the procedure, you need to hold your face over a steam bath.

  1. Mix equal parts water and Hilak Forte solution.
  2. Wash your face from dirt and cosmetics.
  3. Steam the dermis using herbal infusions.
  4. Treat the skin with lotion or tonic to degrease it.
  5. When the skin is dry, apply the mixture, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.
  6. After 20 minutes, rinse under running water, making light massaging movements.
  7. Apply nourishing cream to your face to regenerate the dermis and consolidate the result.

If such peeling is done in the summer, then after it you need to smear your facial skin with sunscreen for another 2-3 days.

Patient reviews

Almost all reviews about the use of peeling are positive.

The user shares his personal experience of using the product according to different recipes. Depending on the method of use, the result was different, but always favorable. Seasonal use of peeling helps your facial skin look noticeably improved by spring.

User 1 shares his experience of getting rid of blackheads and pimples using Hilak Forte; after the first use, the result is noticeable. Repeating the procedure 5 times, the skin condition has noticeably improved.

The second user followed her friend’s advice and, using the product, tightened her facial skin.

The user talks about her experience with peeling, using the product for a year, the result always pleases her.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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