How to increase skin elasticity: vitamins, exercises, creams and salon treatments

From this material you will learn:

  • When there is a need to improve skin elasticity
  • What foods should you eat to increase skin elasticity?
  • What vitamins to take that increase skin elasticity
  • How to increase skin elasticity at home
  • What masks are there that increase skin elasticity?
  • 4 baths that increase skin elasticity at home
  • How to use skin firming oils
  • What is the best cream to buy that improves skin elasticity?
  • Salon procedures that increase skin elasticity: TOP 5 best

Over time, our skin loses elasticity, firmness and freshness. This problem is most acute for women after pregnancy or as a result of significant weight loss. This issue becomes especially important on hot days. In the summer, every girl dreams of looking beautiful and attractive, but it is not always possible to correct her figure and hide problem areas with clothes. How can we prolong the youth of our body? How to increase skin elasticity? Below we will take a closer look at the main recommendations.

When there is a need to improve skin elasticity

Over time, adverse weather conditions and direct sunlight have a negative impact on the epidermis. It gradually loses its elasticity, turgor begins to shrink, and cell walls become thinner. Therefore, even young skin needs constant care, otherwise after 35 years it will begin to quickly fade, and the aging process will become irreversible.

If you begin to notice negative changes in the contour of your figure and body, for example, the skin on the palm begins to straighten more slowly after extension, you need to take immediate action.

So, how to increase skin elasticity

? The following are the most important elements that help maintain youth:

  • Hyaluron, which is responsible for connecting water molecules and providing skin hydration.
  • Elastin, which allows the skin to stretch and return to its original shape. It is also part of elastic fibers.
  • Collagen has the ability to increase the density and elasticity of connective tissue.

At the moment when disturbances occur in the process of synthesis of these elements, your skin begins to change shape and sharply fade.

At the same time, genetic predisposition does not have a significant effect on turgor.

Thus, we can conclude that with proper care, you can maintain skin elasticity, prolong its youth and slow down the aging process. Fortunately, there are a variety of affordable and beneficial elasticity enhancement products.

Below we will consider the most effective methods that can be used at home and salon procedures.


The Restylane® family of products was developed to ensure that individuality and beauty are achieved in a completely natural way. They are designed to improve the appearance by rejuvenating the skin, smoothing folds and wrinkles, giving additional volume to tissues and improving facial contours. A wide range of possibilities allows you to carry out procedures, fully taking into account the characteristics of each patient.

Restylane is manufactured using patented NASHA™ technology (Q-MED), which minimally stabilizes hyaluronic acid to produce a dense gel. Raw materials are obtained from non-animal sources to ensure biocompatibility of the drugs with tissue after administration. Restylane is a biodegradable drug, which over time, during the life of the body, breaks down and is naturally eliminated from it.

Safety is a very important aspect for patients. RESTYLANE received FDA approval following successful safety, efficacy and comparative clinical studies. Restylane is manufactured in Sweden by Q-Med AB.

What vitamins to take that increase skin elasticity

Skin turgor is one of the significant characteristics that determines the level of firmness and elasticity. It also affects the mechanical resistance index. The higher its indicator, the healthier, smoother and softer the skin looks.

Many different biological processes occur in the human body, the normal functioning of which requires a balanced complex of vitamins that activate and accelerate these chemical reactions.

A deficiency of these substances causes the risk of premature aging, loss of skin firmness and elasticity, stimulates dryness and flaking and, consequently, the formation of wrinkles.

What increases skin firmness and elasticity?

With the help of a certain complex of essential vitamins, we can cope with these problems and maintain tone.

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It should include the following products that increase skin elasticity:

Vitamin A

(retinol) promotes the growth and development of skin cells, and also helps relieve swelling and removes harmful substances.

Vitamin E

(tocopherol) is a substance that has a powerful effect on the human body. It slows down the aging process, triggers the mechanism of skin rejuvenation, helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Vitamin C

(ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant that accelerates the process of restoration of skin cells and removes harmful substances from the body. This substance is also involved in the formation of collagen and helps regulate metabolism.

Vitamin PP

(nicotinamide) is one of the most useful microelements that stimulates tissue growth and participates in the redox process. In terms of its healing properties, this substance can be equated to a medicine.

is a powerful antioxidant that promotes the active removal of toxins and waste from the body, as well as strengthening and softening the skin. This substance prevents the formation of acne and acne and serves as an excellent means of preventing various diseases of the epidermis.

Vitamin B1

(thiamine) improves blood circulation, tissue growth, promotes rapid restoration of the skin and preservation of youth.

Vitamin B2

(riboflavin) activates metabolic processes, triggers energy mechanisms, gives the skin a healthy tone, ensures its smoothness and elasticity.

Vitamin B5

(pantothenic acid) is one of the most important enzymes that ensures the proper functioning of the metabolic process that synthesizes fatty acids. Its deficiency has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin and causes the risk of hair loss and brittle nails.

Vitamin B6

(pyridoxine) underlies key mechanisms that ensure healthy skin and proper metabolism.

Vitamin K

is also one of the enzymes that activates the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

How to increase skin elasticity at home

Water + protein

It is important to understand that skin restoration is a long process that requires effort on your part. In order to improve the effect of the procedures, you should perform a number of measures aimed at increasing elasticity. This complex includes the correct diet and restoration of the body from the inside, as well as external influences - maxis, scrubs, creams.

The main element responsible for moisturizing the epidermis is water, and protein, in turn, is the most important building substance. Skin elasticity is provided by collagen and elastin. With insufficient cell division, our body experiences a deficiency of vital amino acids, as a result of which the skin loses its smoothness and becomes wrinkled.


This procedure is well suited for regular home use and takes about an hour and a half. Choose special cosmetics for the skin, consisting of natural ingredients and containing the necessary vitamins, as well as a measuring cup and bandages.

First apply the oil (preferably menthol) to the body with gentle movements. It helps remove excess fluid from the body and constrict blood vessels. For five minutes, do a light massage, evenly distributing the oil.

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Before wrapping, soak the bandages with lotion, then wrap them around the necessary parts of the body (hips, abdomen, arms). Re-wrap these areas using elastic film. Thus, the effect of a “steam bath” is obtained. Leave the resulting compress on the body for 20-40 minutes, activating the effects of the healing components.

After completing the procedure, remove the bandages and moisturize the skin with a lifting cream, which will additionally have a tightening effect.

For maximum effect, you need to repeat the procedure 6-12 times with breaks of 1-2 days, based on the general condition of your body skin.

Physical exercise

Sport is one of the most important conditions for maintaining the body in excellent condition. The same applies to the skin. Exercise helps prevent sagging by tightening problem areas. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the load on your arms, legs and abs.

Cold and hot shower

Hot water has a beneficial effect on the skin, opening the pores, thereby removing waste and toxins. A sharp drop in temperature, on the contrary, leads to their narrowing and closure. This effect makes the skin noticeably softer, more elastic and gives it firmness. Repeat this procedure daily, preferably at least twice a day, and pretty soon you will see impressive results.


You can use a small terry towel, first wet it with cold water and wring it out. Now place it on your chest.

  1. Cross your arms and lightly massage the chest area from top to bottom until the area of ​​skin turns red and you feel a surge of warmth.
  2. Next, massage the forearm area. Repeat the process on the opposite hand. This way it is activated, which helps maintain skin elasticity.
  3. Remember to periodically wet and wring out the towel as it dries and warms up.
  4. Then place the cloth in the abdomen and rub vigorously up and down, as well as from the sides.
  5. Rub your body intensively in the back and lower back areas.
  6. Go lower and massage your thighs and calves until you feel a slight surge of warmth.
  7. Remember, your movements should go from top to bottom and from left to right.

Self-massage is recommended in the evening, before bed.


This cosmetic product helps to moisturize the skin and maintain its elasticity.

To make a scrub, use 0.2 kg of sugar, two tablespoons of cocoa, one teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a little essential oil, three or four tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of liquid soap. It is recommended to place the resulting mixture in a container convenient for storage.

After you mix this consistency, apply it to a pre-moistened body with light massaging movements. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

For effective results, it is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a week.

What masks are there that increase skin elasticity?

Using this cosmetic product, you can additionally fill the skin with nutrients that it is deprived of under the influence of an aggressive external environment.

So, let's look at recipes that can easily be used at home:

Mask to improve the elasticity of the abdominal skin

To prepare it you will need one tablespoon of honey, coconut milk and ground oatmeal. All ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Pre-clean the abdominal area and apply the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Rinse off using warm water first and then cool water, creating the effect of a contrast shower. It is recommended to use the mask three times a week.

Some women use olive oil instead of expensive creams. This natural product contains a valuable complex of nutrients that have a very effective effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity and prolonging youth.

Mask for increasing elasticity of neck skin

This area of ​​the body is the most delicate and requires special care. It is not without reason that the condition of the neck most often reveals a woman’s age. Just as in the previous case, you can solve the problem with olive oil. Apply the slightly heated mass to the skin of this area and wrap it with a napkin (you can also use parchment paper) and a terry towel on top. The compress should be kept for half an hour, then rinse off the residue with warm water. This mask will not only help maintain elasticity, but will also protect your delicate skin from the adverse effects of winter.

Mask to improve breast skin elasticity

This area of ​​the female body is the most difficult to restore, but, nevertheless, with proper and regular care you can achieve very good results. A whole range of measures is needed here: physical exercises aimed at increasing muscle tone, masks, peelings and contrast showers.

You will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon is enough), coconut pulp or shavings, as well as oatmeal and sea salt, one teaspoon each. Pre-steam the chest area and apply the resulting mixture. Massage with light movements for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The general course lasts three months, use peeling twice a week.

An excellent remedy, known for its effect since ancient times, is citrus ice with mineral water. You can use frozen fruit juice.

To prepare an infusion of orange or tangerine peel, pour boiling water (0.5 l) into a glass jar and leave for 24 hours.

There is another effective mask for restoring breast elasticity. For it you will need natural yogurt (one tablespoon), a raw egg and one teaspoon of tocopherol solution (vitamin E). Mix the ingredients thoroughly, rub into the chest area, put on a bra and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask to increase facial skin elasticity

As a rule, women take care of this area most carefully, but it would not be superfluous to talk about which face masks that increase skin elasticity are truly effective at home. We suggest trying a French mask. To prepare it, you will need a glass container into which you need to pour one glass of fresh cream, dilute with a beaten raw egg and squeezed juice of one lemon, and also add vodka (100 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and wipe your face and neck before going to bed. The composition will keep well in the refrigerator for six months.

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Another version of the French mask is called “Madame Pampadour”. To prepare it, you will also need one lemon, which you need to grate whole, along with the zest, on a grater or food processor. Then add 100 grams of alcohol, sour cream or cream (200 grams) and one teaspoon of glycerin. The mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator for a very long time.

Another effective mask is called “Sophia Loren”. To prepare it, you need to mix 100 grams of fresh cream and one teaspoon of gelatin. The resulting composition is infused overnight. In the morning, put this mass on low heat, add glycerin and honey (one teaspoon each) and mix thoroughly. Store in the refrigerator, but no more than one week, then you will have to prepare a fresh mask.

The consistency should be applied with light massage movements.

With regular use, the above face masks, which increase skin elasticity,

will have a miraculous effect: it will again glow with freshness and purity, wrinkles will be smoothed out, turgor will increase significantly.


Aqualyx is an innovative lipolytic drug that breaks down adipose tissue and allows you to get rid of cellulite. In cosmetology, Aqualyx is used for local correction of fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The effect of the drug is comparable to the results of plastic surgery.

Intralipotherapy with Aqualyx

Intralipotherapy (Metolese injections) is the injection of Aqualix into the subcutaneous adipose tissue with special Lipoinject needles. The technique was developed by Italian plastic surgeon Pascual Motolese. Needles for intralipotherapy are made of steel; cosmetologists use 70 and 100 mm needles.

The drug Aqualyx acts on the membranes of fat cells, dissolving them, and stimulates the functioning of the lymphatic system. After a course of injections, cell breakdown products are eliminated from the body naturally.

Benefits of body contouring with Aqualyx

  • Local effect of the drug. Therapy with Aqualix is ​​ineffective in the treatment of general obesity. The drug acts precisely, breaking down adipose tissue and normalizing metabolic processes;
  • To get rid of cellulite, one or two injections are enough;
  • Aqualix is ​​safe for health (confirmed by certificates);
  • The active substance of the drug - modified sodium salt of deoxycholic acid - acts within 3-5 minutes. This time is enough to dissolve fat cells;
  • Aqualyx effectively eliminates fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, sides, abdomen and inner arms. The drug can be used by both women and men. After intralipotherapy with Aqualix, the skin maintains an even contour.

Aqualyx injections enhance the effect of pressotherapy and anti-cellulite massage.

How to use skin firming oils

Natural products very often have a beneficial effect on the human body. These substances include vegetable oil, which actively fights skin aging, helping to maintain elasticity. In order to significantly increase the effectiveness of a face mask, shower gel and other cosmetics, you just need to add just a few drops of this natural product to them. This will help restore the skin at the cellular level and restore elasticity.

Let's look at which oils help increase elasticity:

  1. Almond
    is one of the most effective remedies, the composition of which is enriched with vitamin E, which regulates the process of loss of elasticity. Its regular use as a cosmetic product will provide you with reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles, and will also help even out skin tone and restore a fresh look.
  2. Peach seed oil
    also restores elasticity, has a tonic effect, and compensates for lack of moisture. It is safe to use even for sensitive skin.
  3. Apricot oil
    improves your general condition. It is perfect for any skin type.
  4. Avocado oil
    , in turn, is an excellent care product for older people. It provides skin cells with moisture, protects against sunburn and exfoliates dead skin. If you add rosemary to it, you will get an excellent tonic, and your body will become elastic again, as before.
  5. Wheat germ oil, walnut kernel oil and castor oil
    also have valuable properties that restore skin elasticity and prolong its youth. These products are available to absolutely everyone, since they can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  6. Other natural products may be less accessible because they do not grow on the territory of the Russian Federation, but, nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to mention them. Indian Garcinia oil
    , otherwise known as kokum, with regular use will give your skin elasticity and provide you with a healthy complexion. It is also used for medicinal purposes to heal wounds and ulcers. This oil is extracted by squeezing the pulp of the fruit of an Indian tree.
  7. Rice oil
    is certainly very popular in our country. However, not many people know that cosmetologists actively use it in their procedures as a miracle remedy that prolongs the youth of the skin. This component contains rice bran. This product is most valuable for older women due to the substance squalene included in its composition, which normalizes metabolic processes in cells and reliably protects against ultraviolet radiation. With regular use, the skin retains its youthful and toned appearance for a long time.
  8. Borage
    , also called borage, contains oil that supports elasticity. This plant contains fatty acids, which are a healing agent against dermatitis, mastitis, various inflammations and allergies. Regular use of this cosmetic product ensures elasticity, strength and healthy glow, the skin is saturated with the necessary amount of water. Borage also increases the protective properties of the epidermis and effectively fights negative environmental factors.

Meso-Wharton P199™

Meso-Wharton P199™ is the perfect bioreparant and restructuring agent for the 21st century.

An injectable preparation for medical purposes, intended for intensive repair and “rejuvenation” of facial skin after 40 years.

An innovative drug with proven high efficiency, safety and an impeccable reputation, Meso-Wharton P199™ initiates deep, lasting anti-aging and regenerative processes in the skin, which are the result of activating the proliferation and differentiation of the skin’s own stem cells, replacing sluggishly renewed cellular structures of the epidermis and dermis, increasing synthetic fibroblast activity, stimulation of the formation of new collagen.

The Meso-Wharton P199™ injectable drug opens up new possibilities for anti-age therapy - the dream of youth has come true.

Main components:

  • "Wharton Jelly Peptide P199"
  • hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 3300 kDa – 1.5%;
  • growth factors (EGF; bFGF; IGF-2);
  • thioredoxin (TRX);
  • vitamins (A, group B, C, E, K, folic acid);
  • amino acids;
  • nucleic acids;
  • microelements;
  • coenzymes.

What is the best cream to buy that improves skin elasticity?

Any cosmetic product is effective based on its content, including its ability to increase skin elasticity. Therefore, before purchasing this or that cream, carefully read its composition on the label.

The most effective components responsible for maintaining tone and increasing skin elasticity are:

  • A complex of vitamins C, E, A, which nourish cells and activate the formation of collagen and elastin, ensures youth and firmness.
  • Essential grapefruit, lemon, menthol oils, as well as rosemary and juniper.
  • Vegetable oil of wheat germ, avocado and cocoa.
  • Citrus tinctures and medicinal plants, including tonic ginkgo biloba and green tea.

As a rule, body care cosmetics with different properties and effects are produced in series. Most often, the set includes a cream that increases the elasticity of the facial skin.

, a body product and milk that have a lifting effect.

There are many companies that produce care products consisting of several series. Milk is an excellent product, the main advantage of which is its rapid absorption.

Most often, body cream is used in the morning, after water treatments. Therefore, the process of applying it to the body should take a minimum of time so that it has time to be absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on clothes. It should also have a pleasant, unobtrusive smell.

It is important to understand that a whole range of measures is needed to improve the condition of the skin, and a cream that increases the firmness of the facial skin, for example, alone will not solve the problem. Therefore, also pay attention to proper nutrition and exercise, select the necessary set of care products, and the result will not be long in coming.

Cosmetologists recommend using the most universal creams that increase the elasticity of the skin of the body, which can be used without a doubt for any skin type - oily, dry or combination. This way you will reduce the risk of choosing the wrong remedy to a minimum, but at the same time achieve a positive result.

Experts also note that the universal cream prevents the appearance of stretch marks or reduces them. Consumers of this cosmetic product confirm this effect in their reviews. This product is actively used by women during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of skin defects or after childbirth.

Researchers monitored the consumer market and determined which creams that increase the elasticity of body skin

, are most popular among Russian women:

Clean line “Sculpting silhouette”

The cream has a light and delicate consistency, thanks to which it is quickly absorbed without leaving marks on clothes, and is convenient to use both in the morning and in the evening. It activates metabolism, as a result of which it perfectly fights congestion under the skin, which after its use becomes more elastic and taut.

Cost: 120 rubles.

Garnier "Intensive care. Elasticity"

Milk, which effectively protects against the appearance of the main signs of aging, increases skin turgor, improves its general condition and gives a healthy appearance. Thanks to the seaweed extract included in its composition, it helps produce collagen and plant caffeine, which break down fats and activate blood circulation. Used after shower.

Cost: 300 rubles.

Clarins "Lift-Fermete"

A dual-action product: on the one hand, it helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, on the other hand, it activates the process of regeneration and restoration of the skin. Thyme extract has a restorative effect, and centella provides protection against harmful factors. This product is not economical, but it will help correct your figure and preserve the youth and beauty of your body.

Cost: 2500 rubles.

The above cosmetic products have proven themselves in the market and are in greatest demand among women who want to increase skin elasticity. These products also help in the fight against excess weight.

If you are not a supporter of store-bought creams, then you can always make it yourself from natural ingredients, or even better, contact specialists who will advise you on specific salon procedures.

Types of facial skin care products

If 20 years ago there were only a few types of cosmetic products, such as gel, cream, tonic and mask, today the variety of the assortment simply makes one’s eyes wide open. Fluids, emulsions, toners - what are they? What are they needed for? And are they really necessary? For a basic set of skincare cosmetics you will need only 4 types of products, which are classified according to their purpose. Types of facial skin care products:

  • For cleansing - gel, foam, mousse, oil, jelly, makeup remover wipes.
  • For toning - tonic.
  • For moisturizing - cream, cream-gel, lotion.
  • For nutrition - cream, night mask.

Salon procedures that increase skin elasticity: TOP 5 best

After visiting a beauty salon, we usually feel renewed and rejuvenated. How can you increase the elasticity of your facial skin

using cosmetic procedures, and which of them are most effective?


It is a process aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. This is a facelift using special radiation, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition, stimulates the production of melanin and collagen. As a result of this event, softness and elasticity returns to the skin, and turgor increases.

Ozone therapy

A procedure whose effectiveness has long been proven by specialists and consumers, thanks to which it is actively gaining popularity. Helps smooth out wrinkles, prevents the occurrence of pimples and acne, and effectively fights a number of diseases. After several procedures, the skin acquires a healthy appearance. As necessary, ozone therapy is carried out on any problem area.


It is one of the most intensive and effective methods aimed at rejuvenating and improving skin condition. However, it is important to consider the fact that its exposure damages the epidermis. A certain composition is injected under the skin, accelerating metabolism and normalizing the general condition. After this, wrinkles are smoothed out, appearance significantly improves, pores narrow, pimples, age spots and other manifestations of diseases disappear. In more mature women, the face acquires a clear oval. Be prepared for the fact that this procedure is very painful.


One of the most useful methods for improving the condition of the face and body is myostimulation. The peculiarity of the procedure is that microcurrents are passed through the skin, as a result of which they regain a healthy glow, softness and elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is tightened, and swelling and puffiness also disappear. However, if you have recently had injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox, then it is better to avoid this procedure for now.


Juviderm® ULTRA 2

An injectable implant designed to fill moderately severe sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the middle layers of the dermis, as well as to correct the contour of the lips. It is used to eliminate shallow wrinkles, especially at the corners of the eyes and those lying in close proximity to the surface of the skin.

Juviderm® ULTRA 3

An injection implant designed to fill moderate and deep sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the middle and/or deep layers of the dermis, as well as to increase the volume of the lips and correct their contour. It is most often used to smooth out medium-deep and deep nasolabial folds.

Juviderm® ULTRA 4

An injection implant designed to fill deep sagging facial skin by injecting the drug into the deep layers of the dermis, as well as to increase the volume of lips and cheekbones. Used to fill deep wrinkles using injections, as well as to increase the volume of lips and cheekbones.


Designed specifically for correcting lip volume and contour.

Juviderm® VOLBELLA™ with Lidocaine

The Juviderm® VOLBELLA™ with Lidocaine intradermal implant is a sterile, pyrogen-free, physiological gel of cross-linked hyaluronic acid using VYCROSS™ technology of non-animal origin. Contains 15 mg/ml hyaluronic acid and 3 mg/ml lidocaine hydrochloride.

Created for:

  • plastic surgery of superficial wrinkles and moderately pronounced sagging of the facial skin, which occurs, in particular, with its premature aging;
  • increasing the volume of the lips and correcting their contour in order to correct such structural defects as lip asymmetry, unevenness of their contour, loss of lip volume, etc.

Juviderm® HYDRATE™

Sterile, pyrogen-free and physiological solution of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. Contains 13.5 mg hyaluronic acid, 9 mg mannitol, phosphate buffer pH 7.2 to a final weight of 1 g.

Designed to increase skin hydration and elasticity by repeated injection of the drug into the area of ​​the dermal-epidermal junction of the skin and the surface layer of the dermis.

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