What are the benefits of eggs for hair? We treat hair and make masks

An egg hair mask is one of the most popular hair care products at home. Recipes for such masks are very affordable and have various beneficial properties. An egg hair mask can give your curls additional volume, nutrition, improve their color, add vitality and shine!

The benefits of egg masks for hairRecommendations for the use of egg masksPrecautions during proceduresRecipes for egg masks

Egg wrapEgg mask with oilsMask with egg and honeyColoring composition with cognac and coffeeMask with yolk and cocoaMask with egg and yogurtMoisturizing egg mask for hair with aloeBrightening egg-lemon composition for dandruffFirming egg mask with henna

Maintaining results from egg masksVideo about an egg mask for hairReviews of hair masks with an egg

Homemade recipes can solve cosmetic problems of hair and scalp. Egg masks have been tested and approved by many generations. At the same time, with the active development of the beauty industry, more and more professional hair lines are appearing. Matters of personal preference now involve a decent selection of different grooming products.

From active advertising, everyone knows about the benefits and advantages of store and salon hair care. Still, it's worth becoming more familiar with the benefits that inexpensive homemade recipes offer so you can make an informed decision about hair care products.

Benefits of egg masks

In a chicken egg, the yolk is more valuable for hair than the white. Its chemical composition is a concentration of essential nutrients for the growth and health of curls. The egg contains:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • lecithin;
  • cholesterol.

Vitamins will enhance shine, stimulate growth, and overcome dryness and fragility. Microelements will have a general healing effect. Amino acids and proteins are responsible for the elasticity and thickness of hair shafts. All useful components reach the strands when eating eggs, but the results can be enhanced by applying them locally in the form of masks and wraps.

Chicken and quail eggs are a universal product that is suitable for all hair types. According to the direction of action, egg masks are:

  • restorative;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • preventive.

A complex of useful elements will help eliminate existing hair problems and prevent the appearance of new ones. It is enough to carry out egg prophylaxis for hair in a course of 6-10 procedures after each hair wash every six months or regularly (once a month).

What is unique?

Oddly enough, this small-sized product contains an impressive range of nutrients and vitamins that help curls become soft, regenerate, gain moisture and achieve silkiness.

All the main benefits are in the yolk.

The benefits of eggs are unique solely due to their rich composition. However, the main benefit to our strands is the yolk.

It contains lecithin and amino acids in abundance, which are almost universal in their medicinal qualities.

They help curls gain a healthy shine, give them smoothness, eliminate fragility, and nourish them.

  • The yolk contains almost all B vitamins, which promote effective hair growth and prevent the appearance of early gray hair.
  • Vitamins A and E, also included in the composition, protect curls from drying out and resist excessive fragility.
  • Vitamin D and elements such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium help improve hair health.

From everything described above, we can draw a well-founded conclusion that the yolk is truly a magical panacea. Egg white for hair is usually used to treat oily hair. It normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the strands become light, fresh and remain clean longer.

Yolks can easily replace a full-fledged shampooing.

Recommendations for using egg masks

For the mask to work, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. For the procedures, it is better to take fresh eggs from young chickens. They are smaller in size and contain more benefits. Diet eggs are suitable.
  2. Masks should be prepared for one use; there is no need to stock up on them for future use.
  3. All components must be fresh and suitable for consumption and free from foreign odors.
  4. You need to make masks in a non-metallic container, stir the ingredients with a wooden or plastic spatula.
  5. The mixture does not need to be heated too much, otherwise the egg may curdle. If you need to introduce a heated component, it should be allowed to cool and mixed in gradually.

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember the following precautions when using egg mixtures:

  • before application, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy or intolerance to all components of the mask;
  • Do not apply the mixture if there is damage to the scalp;
  • if there are dermatological problems in the areas where the mask is intended to be applied, you should consult a doctor;
  • liquid mixtures flow, so it is important to take care in advance to protect clothing, face, and surrounding objects;
  • it is convenient to apply the masks with a brush for coloring along the partings, then wrap them in film, cellophane or a shower cap so that the mixture does not dry out;
  • Apply the composition to clean hair, leave for an average of 30 minutes, remove residue with warm water, and use baby shampoo if necessary.

To prepare masks, you don’t need to look for exotic ingredients; just use what you have on hand. Familiar foods will be absorbed by the body more efficiently.

Egg mask recipes

Among the variety of compositions, you need to determine your own by selecting and analyzing the results. General recommendations for the use of masks are that in summer it is better to focus on moisturizing compositions, in winter - on nutritional ones. During the off-season, it is worth making restorative masks.

Egg wrap

This is the simplest hair mask with an egg. It consists of one component - egg yolk. You need to take 2-3 eggs and separate the whites. They won't be needed anymore. Beat the yolks until lightened and apply to the entire length of the hair.

Work quickly as the product hardens quickly. The mass can be diluted with 2-3 tsp. water.

The hair must be wrapped in film to prevent air from entering. There is no need to warm it up with a hairdryer. Body temperature is enough for the mask to work.

The wrap will have a nourishing and strengthening effect, making the hair more elastic and vibrant.

Egg mask with oils

Despite popular recommendations, you should not use castor and burdock oils in large quantities. They are very dense, difficult to wash out, leave a feeling of stickiness and dirt, and weigh down the strands.

They can be combined in small quantities with other oils: olive, coconut, argan, avocado, jojoba, shea, almond.

Essential oils deserve special attention. Their use will give shine, a healthy appearance and a light trail of aroma within a few hours after removing the mask. Essential oils should be diluted in carrier oils or added to blends before application. Their quantity should not exceed 5-6 drops per mask for medium-length hair.

Citrus oils, eucalyptus, fir, and sandalwood oils will add shine and help eliminate dandruff. The oils of the following plants have the most caring effect: ylang-ylang, rosemary, rose, cedar, chamomile.

Basic recipe for an egg-oil mask:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. base oils of your choice;
  • 3-5 drops of essential oil.

If the choice fell on solid base oil, it should be melted in a water bath, allowed to cool, and gradually added to the beaten yolk. Gradual heating will not cause curdling. Then you should add a few drops of essential oil and distribute the composition throughout your hair.

As a result, the curls will receive nutrition, strengthening, additional shine and protection from negative environmental factors.

Hair mask with egg and honey


  • honey – 2 tsp;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 3-5 drops of ylang-ylang oil.

The components should be combined, left on the hair for the prescribed time and rinsed with warm water. As a result, the strands will receive a lot of nutrition and nutrients.

Important! Constant use of compositions with honey will lead to slight lightening and golden shine of light brown and blond hair.

The essential oil can be replaced with another favorite scent or supplemented with one teaspoon of carrier oil. This will provide additional nutrition and shine.

Suitable for healing dry and brittle hair. Used as a prophylaxis against sectioning.

Coloring composition with cognac and coffee

The caring wrap will give you a warm chocolate brown hue. Therefore, the mask is suitable for dark-haired girls, it will give the hair strength, the necessary shine, and elastic mobility.


  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. ground coffee beans;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cognac

The brand and cost of cognac do not matter. It is better to take freshly ground coffee, without synthetic additives or flavors. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and the mixture allowed to brew at room temperature for an hour. Then apply the mask to the hair roots and distribute along the entire length. Wrap in plastic and leave for an hour. Rinse off without shampoo with warm water. Allow to dry naturally.

After a course of 6-8 procedures, the hair will become manageable, soft and silky. There will be no trace left of damaged hairs.

The color will take on a thick chocolate-coffee hue, which will gradually fade after each wash.

Hair mask with egg - with kefir and cocoa

Strengthening hair mask with egg, in combination with kefir and cocoa, is suitable for normal and oily hair.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 50 g kefir 2.5%;
  • 2 tsp. cocoa.

All components should be at room temperature. They should be mixed thoroughly so that there are no lumps left and applied to the strands. The mask can be worn for up to 1 hour. Hair will become stronger and healthier. Thanks to kefir, excess fat content will disappear.

If your hair is initially very oily and requires daily washing, the composition of the mask can be supplemented with 0.5 tsp. mustard powder. You can keep this mask for no more than 20 minutes.

Mustard is an excellent degreasing component that will temporarily reduce the production of sebum.

Hair mask with egg and yogurt

An effective product for easy combing and giving hair a healthy look. Can be used on all hair types.

Ingredients to mix thoroughly:

  • 1 egg;
  • 70 g natural yoghurt without fillers.

The mixture will give your curls softness and make styling easier. To eliminate the unpleasant odor after the mask, you can initially add 2-3 drops of lemon or grapefruit essential oil to the composition.

If you replace yogurt with 3 tbsp. l. milk, you will get an excellent moisturizing effect and additional shine.

Moisturizing egg hair mask with egg and aloe

This egg hair mask will improve the hair structure, making it smooth and shiny. The mixture will be most effective on dry hair damaged by thermal procedures, frequent styling, and a large number of styling products. The effect is noticeable after the first use.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. cognac;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. shea or avocado butters;
  • 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice and pulp.

If the honey is candied, it should be melted in a water bath without bringing to a boil. You need to do the same with solid butter. It is important to cool the mass. You need to remove the skin from the aloe leaf, thoroughly grind it in a blender or grind it several times through a fine sieve.

If lumps remain, it will be difficult to wash them out of thick and long hair.

When all the ingredients are prepared, they should be combined and applied to the hair along the entire length, including the roots. There is no need to rub the mixture in; just wrap your hair in film and a towel. Leave for at least 30 minutes, then rinse.

Lightening egg-lemon composition for dandruff


  • 2 egg yolks;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil.

This hair mask with an egg has its own peculiarity - the butter needs to be melted and combined with the yolk and juice, grinded thoroughly. Gently apply the mixture to the skin, roots and length of hair. The yolk will nourish the curls, the lemon juice will perform the functions of cleansing and regulating the secretion of sebum, the oil will protect against drying out and the aggressive effects of citric acid.

After using this composition, the top strands of hair will fade faster in the sun in the summer.

Strengthening hair mask with egg and henna

You can enhance the effect of eggs using colorless henna. It will improve the condition of your hair, strengthen it, and help eliminate dandruff and excess oiliness.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp. colorless henna;
  • 3 tsp. chamomile decoction;
  • 2 tsp. base oil;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice or 5 drops of lemon essential oil.

Henna must be steamed with a hot (but not boiling) decoction of chamomile flowers and allowed to stand according to the instructions on the package. Then add the remaining ingredients, grind well until smooth, apply to hair.

Since the mask contains oil, it can be washed off using shampoo. Colorless henna will give your curls additional volume, thickness and shine.

Quick solutions. We get rid of the problem in seconds.

1. Plain or mineral water.

Just moisten your palms and gently run them through your hair - the electricity is gone. Carry a bottle of thermal water with you in your purse. Use it whenever you need to “smooth” your hair.

2. Cream.

Any cream will do to remove “electricity” from strands. The procedure is performed by analogy with water.

Take a little cream, rub it in your palms and go through the strands. But you need to use this product in moderation, otherwise your hair will be greasy.

3. Styling products

Today there are a huge number of such products.

Hairsprays and gels, smoothing serums, styling balms - take a closer look at them and choose the right one.

In addition to the antistatic effect, intensive nutrition and recovery are guaranteed.

4. Moisturizing spray.

It is not difficult to make such a product yourself. Add a few drops of lavender and rose oils to a glass of mineral water.

Once you spray the mixture onto your strands, it will be much easier to style your hair.

5. Hair dryer, iron and comb with ionization.

A modern and reliable way to deal with static electricity on strands is to purchase electrical appliances with an ionization effect.

A simple press of a button activates a mechanism that removes static electricity instantly! Many models have tourmaline coating. This is a crystal that, when heated, saturates the space with negative ions.

Such “smart” devices are more expensive, but they have a comprehensive positive effect on the hair.

Methods of application

You can simply wash your hair with an egg.

To do this you need:

  1. Take a few yolks and beat them.
  2. After this, you just need to rub the egg into your hair and roots.
  3. Then let the strands dry.
  4. Rinse the mixture from your hair and rinse with vinegar water.

Advice! If you don’t have time to let your hair dry, you can simply wash your hair with yolks, foaming them like regular shampoo.

But perhaps the most effective and efficient way to use eggs is in masks. There are a lot of folk recipes for treating hair.

The use of natural products is a guarantee of beautiful strands.


An egg mask to achieve beautiful hair can consist of a whole egg or separate yolk and white. It all depends on the condition and type of hair.

Mask for dry hair
  • 1 yolk.
  • 2 l. burdock oil.
  • 1 l. glycerin.
  • 1 l. 9% vinegar.
Mix all components until smooth.Rub the mixture into the scalp, and distribute the remainder along the entire length of the strands. Cover your head with polyethylene and wrap it in a warm towel; after half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.
Egg white hair mask
  • 1 protein.
  • 2 l. black clay.
Mix the components thoroughly.Distribute evenly throughout hair. After 30 minutes, wash off.
Egg and vodka for hair – promotes active growth
  • 2 yolks.
  • ¼ tbsp. vodka.
  • ¼ tbsp. water.
Mix the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous solution.Apply the mixture along the entire length of the curls, keep it on your head for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water, without using shampoo.
Mask for strengthening hair.
  • 1 egg.
  • 1 l. honey
Mix both ingredients together.We first apply the mixture to the base of the hair, and then distribute it evenly along the entire length of the curls. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash off with regular shampoo and conditioner.

A lot has been said about the benefits of egg masks; do not be lazy through trials and experiments to determine the mask that is suitable for you and use it regularly. The price for your efforts will certainly exceed all your expectations!

Quail eggs

Quail eggs are several times healthier than chicken eggs.

What are the benefits of a quail egg? Unlike chicken, they contain several times more microelements and vitamins.

For example:

  • Vitamin D prevents hair breakage;
  • and the low cholesterol content is an obvious plus.

They also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and this improves the appearance of the hair and the person as a whole, because stressful situations do not go away without a trace.

Interestingly, quail eggs for hair can strengthen strands not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

For example, a girl who wants to achieve lush and thick hair needs not only to use egg masks, but also to include them in her diet:

  • it is useful to make an omelet from them;
  • add to salads and other dishes.
  • cosmetologists say that it is very useful to drink raw eggs - this has a beneficial effect not only on the hair and the health of the body, but also on the condition of the skin.

You can get the maximum effect with your own hands.

For your information! If you regularly eat egg and spinach salad dressed with olive oil, your curls will certainly grow faster. But remember that eggs cannot be boiled for more than 10 minutes, otherwise there will be nothing useful left in them.

As stated above, there are two types of positive effects, and we’ve figured out the internal use, let’s look at recipes that contain quail eggs.

With regular use, the problem of hair loss will no longer bother you.

More recipes

Nutrient mixture
Beat thoroughly with a blender.I wash my hair with this suspension every day. After application, leave for a few minutes, then remove the mask with warm water. After about 3-4 days you will notice improvements, but to completely eliminate the problems, repeat this procedure regularly.
Quail egg for hair loss
  • 1 small onion.
  • 1 l. aloe juice
  • 1 egg.
Mix the ingredients until smooth.Rub into the base of the strands. Keep the mask on for an hour. Then we wash our hair. Do this procedure for two months every time before washing your hair.
Suspension for strengthening strands
  • 50 g cognac.
  • 1 l. lemon juice.
  • 1 l. burdock juice.
  • 30 g yeast.
Combine all components and mix thoroughly until smooth.Apply the mixture to the strands and wrap them in cellophane. After half an hour, rinse your hair with water and then wash your hair with shampoo. We repeat the procedure twice a week.

Systematic use of egg products will significantly moisturize the strands and make the curls elastic.

Strand lamination

Every girl can do lamination at home on her own. Using an egg will give your hair a vibrant and beautiful shine, just like in commercials. This product effectively fills the voids of hairs, covering them with a reliable, protective film.

The result is an excellent cosmetic effect, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair . Lamination using eggs also has a healing effect.

For the procedure you need:

  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • 2 eggs;
  • spoon of yogurt;
  • spoon of burdock oil.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the strands. Then use a hairdryer to warm up the curls with a hot jet for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

By the way, we recommend making masks with burdock oil in addition to lamination. They accelerate hair growth, add even more shine and prevent hair loss.

Maintaining results from egg masks

In order for your curls to grow and make you happy, it is important to combine the use of masks with the basic rules of care:

  • choose the right comb;
  • regularly wash and clean all hair tools;
  • wear tight high ponytails as little as possible;
  • before going to bed, braid a loose braid;
  • refuse squeezing hoops, elastic bands and hairpins;
  • detangle wet hair especially carefully, starting from the ends;
  • If possible, avoid washing your hair every day;
  • do not touch your hair with your hands, so as not to transfer sebum and dirt from your fingers to your curls;
  • do self-massage of the head;
  • replace cotton pillowcases with silk ones;
  • use natural high-quality shampoos without SLS, parabens, silicones and other harmful substances;
  • Do not leave styling products on your curls for longer than a day.

It is also important not to try to change the texture or shape of your hair. Curly hair should not be straightened often, and straight hair should not be curled. In summer, you should use products with additional sun protection.

What should be the water for washing your hair?

If possible, wash your hair with filtered and boiled water. A good solution would be to use water that has been infused with silicon and shungite. These pebbles have a bactericidal effect and draw out everything harmful from the water.

If this is not possible, then add herbal decoctions or soda to the tap water. These components can mitigate the harmful effects of chlorine.

Reviews of egg hair masks

Zoya Ivanovna, 56 years old:

I make an egg yolk mask once a month. This suits my colored and thinning hair. With age, curls deteriorate and weaken, no matter how you care for them. And the yolk is quick and inexpensive. It is important to remove the thin film that encloses the yolk, otherwise the mask will not be easily washed out of the hair.

Maria, 23 years old:

I don't understand these home recipes. I once tried to tint my hair using a recipe with cognac. I didn’t see much result. I prefer to use professional products. I also use oils, but I take them not from the kitchen, but from a store that sells special hair products. If you count the number of applications, then special oils are not that expensive. The main components of the masks are best prepared and eaten :).

Anna, 30 years old:

I discovered homemade masks when I was on maternity leave. It’s easy to prepare: just shake out the ingredients, apply and go with it. It only took a week and my hair began to look very good at minimal cost. Now the baby has grown up, but I still alternate between store and home care. My favorite egg hair mask is a mask with honey and oil. If you squeeze one capsule of vitamin E into it, your hair will turn out luxurious!

Christina, 36 years old:

Herbal rinses and an egg and honey mask helped me grow my hair to my waist! Thanks to this prevention, the ends could be cut very rarely. I achieved the desired hair length in no time! I practice the mask periodically, there is nothing bad in it, only benefits. I don’t understand why many people say that the products should only be eaten and not used on the hair. In my opinion, it is important to use all methods to get the desired result.

If you have also tried these masks, leave your review of the egg hair mask in the comments!

If you haven’t decided on a mask yet, look at all the options using the links below and choose the one that suits you best!

How to wash your hair

Egg can be used to wash your hair.

Due to their beneficial qualities, egg shampoos can replace the most expensive cosmetic preparations.

You can use only the yolk or white, or you can create entire compositions by making homemade shampoos by adding various ingredients.

Protein shampoo

Beat the whites of 2 eggs thoroughly with a whisk and apply the resulting foam to the strands. Wait until the mixture dries, and then rinse off the composition with warm water.

Attention! Do not use very hot water. The protein may coagulate and be difficult to wash off.

From yolks

Beat the yolks into the container, which must be cleared of veins and mucous film in advance. Add a small amount of water. It should be cool. Using a whisk, beat the mixture until it has a batter consistency.

The yolks are distributed onto slightly damp strands. Keep the shampoo on your hair for at least 5 minutes. Then lightly wet your hair and whip up foam on the strands. Wash your hair as with regular shampoo, and then rinse off the mixture with running warm water. Conditioner and rinse after shampoo do not need to be used.

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