Do you need to moisturize oily skin and how to do it correctly?

Oily shine, large pores, inflammation and acne - these are the problems that owners of oily skin often face. But there is no need to dramatize, because with proper care all these troubles can be avoided. And don’t forget about the main trump card of this skin type - it ages very slowly. You will notice the first wrinkles much later than your peers, for example, with dry skin. The main thing is not to neglect effective and regular moisturizing.

Let's figure out how to maintain moisture balance without increasing oiliness or weighing down the skin? And how to choose a moisturizer that will reduce sebum levels, make your face fresh and radiant, and your skin elastic and youthful.

Why moisturize oily skin?

Oily and moisturized are two completely different skin conditions. Skin oil is a waxy substance that is secreted onto the surface of the skin to maintain its barrier function. Hydration refers to the deeper layers where moisture is absorbed, which makes the skin nourished and supple. Therefore, the skin can be oily on top and completely dry on the inside. In this case, it will begin to compensate for the loss of moisture by releasing even more sebum. Moisturizing controls oil production and reduces the skin's need to produce more secretions.

“This is what we call 'oil well in the desert' syndrome,” says David Orenteich, a leading dermatologist at Orentreich Medical Group. “Although sebum—the oil produced from the sebaceous glands—may be abundant, the surrounding skin may be dry. Sebum plays a role in retaining moisture in the surface cells of the skin; but it may not be enough on its own without a humidifier to help prevent water evaporation.”

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical facial cleansing

Among all facial cleansing, mechanical is considered one of the most effective. It helps eliminate problems in the deep layers of the skin and restore it to an attractive, healthy appearance.

Manual cleaning is valued primarily for:

  • the ability to cleanse the skin at a deep level (the sebaceous ducts are released to the very base);
  • normalizing sebum production in those with combination and oily dermis (subject to regular procedures);
  • the ability to reduce wrinkles, tone the skin, even out the texture of the face and give it a healthy shade;
  • affordable price for procedures in a cosmetology salon.

However, many people refuse mechanical facial cleansing because it:

  • causes pain and discomfort, the degree of which depends on the professional abilities of the cosmetologist;
  • injures the skin and can cause persistent redness, which subsides only after a few days;
  • may cause rashes on the face if the antiseptic treatment was done poorly;
  • can cause hematomas, swelling and scars if the cosmetologist, due to his inexperience, damages the client’s skin during the session;
  • may cause an allergic reaction to the drugs used;
  • involves long-term rehabilitation.

Moisturizing oily skin: light textures and non-greasy formulations

Moisturizers come in different forms. Moisturizer for oily skin

It should penetrate the skin easily and not block pores. It should be a weightless creamy texture, gel or lotion


Use non-comedogenic formulations

that do not clog pores and do not cause breakouts.
Choose water-based or dimethicone-based formulas (
a type of harmless silicone that mimics oils, leaving skin healthy and non-greasy after use).

The composition should not contain:

  • coconut, olive, cocoa butter, shea butter
  • beeswax
  • linoleic and lauric acid

Choose products marked:

  • oil-free
  • water-based
  • non-comedogenic
  • non-acnegenic

“The choice of moisturizer really depends on your skin type and personal preference,” explains Dr. Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research at Medical.

Features of facial skin care

In order to maintain youth, freshness and health of the skin for a long time, you need to take care of it constantly. Oily skin type is more common in young people, but can also occur in older people due to hormonal imbalances. To determine it, you just need to put a white napkin to your forehead - greasy marks will remain on it. The following signs also indicate this type of skin:

  • enlarged pores;
  • the presence of blackheads and acne;
  • the skin appears dense and rough;
  • tendency to inflammation;
  • shine after washing.

Mattifying products are a good choice for instant body skin care in summer. Proper care will help restore the condition of the dermis, remove shine and narrow pores. In summer, oily skin suffers no less than dry skin. Sebum production increases, the risk of inflammation increases, and the level of water balance worsens due to dry air both outdoors and in air-conditioned rooms.

Daily procedures in the summer should be aimed at ensuring the following effect:

  • prevention of inflammation;
  • cleansing particles of dust and dirt from pores;
  • hydration;
  • toning.

While paying attention to your face and body, you should not forget that hand skin care in summer should be complete. On the contrary, this area needs to be given more attention, since the hands and forearms are constantly exposed. The most important rule of care is UV protection. You need to go outside after applying products with an SPF level of 50. You should not get carried away with tanning; you can be exposed to the sun in the morning, until 11 o’clock, and in the evening from 16.00

Ideal moisturizing formula for oily skin

Effective products for oily skin should perform the following functions:

  1. Removing shine

Look for a product with an active ingredient that controls sebum and fights shine, absorbing excess sebum, resulting in matte, velvety skin. Use creams with a mattifying effect only for daytime care.

Look for:

mineral salts, minerals of volcanic origin, silicon and zinc salts, kaolin

  1. Hydration

Over-cleansing and using harsh products to control sebum and acne can damage the skin's barrier function, causing moisture loss. Replenish lost moisture with the right moisturizer.

Look for:

hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, aloe extract, thermal water

  1. Reduce pores and regulate sebum production

Large pores can become clogged, leading to inflammation and breakouts. For a smoother, more refined skin texture, look for a product that reduces pore size and regulates secretions. Use it for night care

Look for:

niacinamide, acids, retinol

Oily facial skin is traditionally considered problematic and is associated with something that needs to be combated, controlled, matted or eliminated. But you just need to find an approach to it. Proper and regular moisturizing with light and caring products will help you say goodbye to problems such as oily shine, clogged pores and acne forever.

How to deal with oily skin using cosmetic procedures

Modern cosmetology clinics also offer people with oily skin a number of professional procedures aimed at deep cleansing pores and reducing oily shine:

  • Mechanical cleaning
    for high-quality cleansing of pores from contaminants.
  • Light chemical peeling
    to remove dead cells.
  • Biodermabrasion
    is a non-traumatic mechanical peeling for delicate cleansing and renewal of the skin.

The more cosmetics I buy, the faster I will achieve results?

The logic “the more the better” does not work in cosmetology, as in medicine. After all, for example, no one treats the flu with all available means at once. This is both pointless and counterproductive. So in the case of pharmacy cosmetics, products from different brands and lines are more likely to interfere with each other. Cosmetics with different compositions and effects on the skin often turn out to be incompatible.

Thus, retinol does not combine well with essential oils and acids, occlusive preparations do not combine well with hyaluronic acid, and salicylic acid, which is used to treat acne, does not work well with another component of the same purpose - benzoyl peroxide.

The consequences of a combination of incompatible things can be very sad: the protective functions of the skin will be disrupted, it will become hypersensitive, and the ailments that the patient so desperately tried to overcome will intensify. Therefore, if a pharmacy visitor says that he did not go to a cosmetologist, it is better to recommend him products from the same line. Only a specialist can make “cosmeceutical cocktails”.

Is it true that pharmaceutical cosmetics without preservatives are better than those that contain them?

The absence of preservatives in pharmaceutical cosmetics does not automatically make them super effective. However, there is indeed a trend in this market to move away from such “chemical additives.” This is due to the desire of manufacturers to make products hypoallergenic. In most cases, it is preservatives and artificial colors that cause a negative immune reaction. Products from pharmacy lines that are free of them are safer in this regard than standard products, although individual intolerance cannot be ruled out 100%.

In pursuit of “purity” of the composition, cosmetic companies sometimes make funny excesses. A striking example of this is the fight against parabens, one of the most commonly used preservatives. In the early 2000s, a number of studies showed that parabens can provoke breast cancer and endocrine dysfunction1. After this, leading manufacturers began to refuse to use them, and “paraben free” labels began to appear on cosmetics.

However, further study of these preservatives did not confirm the frightening conclusions2. Yes, parabens can cause allergies in people with sensitive skin, but they are not capable of causing cancer. In addition, the substances that replaced them (thiazolinones, benzoates, sorbates, etc.) turned out to be even more powerful allergens.

If there are no preservatives in cosmetics at all, its service life after opening the package is much shorter than that of an ordinary one. Fragility is the downside of safety, and this must be taken into account when purchasing. But most often, cosmetic brands follow the “middle” path, using well-studied compounds with proven safety.

Clinical researches

The La-Cri Atoderm line was developed jointly with Professor Denis Vladimirovich Zaslavsky, chief specialist in dermatovenereology and cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

The products are characterized by clinically proven effectiveness.


  1. Baumann Leslie, Cosmetic Dermatology. Principles and practice, MEDpress-inform, 2016.
  2. Ratner Desiri, Avram M.R., Avram M.M., Procedures in Dermatology. Clinical cosmetology, GEOTAR-Media, 2022.
  3. Sukolin Gennady Ivanovich, Clinical dermatology. A short guide to the diagnosis and treatment of dermatoses, Notabene, 2017.

When will the effect of using cosmetics for problem skin become noticeable?

You shouldn’t expect miracles from pharmacy cosmetics and hope that your skin problems will be solved in just a couple of weeks. For example, to combat one of the most common ailments - acne - a minimum three-week course of using cosmeceuticals is required, or even more. This is the only way to achieve sustainable results.

The point is in the physiology of our skin, the natural renewal cycle of which is about a month. Plus, she will still need to restore the damaged antibacterial barrier. And if you become disappointed in cosmetics before this time or, conversely, are seduced by the first results and stop using them, you will not be able to defeat acne.

As cosmetologists note, a number of patients with acne initially react to the use of medicinal cosmetics with an exacerbation. This is a variant of the norm, but such people require an even longer course. The same logic applies to other skin problems.

Why is this happening

Loss of fluid, a decrease in its content in the body and epidermal cells, is a pathological condition that is caused by improper drinking regimen, leading to unpleasant changes:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • the appearance of flaky areas not only on the face, but also on the body;
  • deterioration of complexion;
  • premature loss of elasticity.

In this article I will tell you how to quickly moisturize very dry skin without conventional creams at home.

Washing tools

Washing problem skin is best done with your hands. However, if desired, you can use sponges or sponges for this. The main thing is to choose soft instruments made from cellulose and be gentle on the skin. Under no circumstances should you rub your face when washing.

The more you rub your skin, the higher the risk of developing irritation and causing more sebum secretion. Sponges should be changed once a week. Skin particles accumulate on instruments, and a wet bath provides a breeding ground for microbes.

Home Remedies Recipes

The cold season is the time when you can indulge in more intense cleansing and exfoliation. Cosmetologists recommend subjecting the skin to chemical peels and laser resurfacing during this season, since the level of ultraviolet radiation is low and the risk of complications is minimal.


To smooth and cleanse, you can carry out independent deep scrubbing procedures at home - 2 times a week. The scrub should include three main components:

  • abrasive - crushed rice, buckwheat, sugar, salt, ginger;
  • softening - honey, clay, fermented milk products, fruit or vegetable pulp;
  • additional components - vitamins, essential oils.

In the presence of inflammation, infectious processes and rosacea, scrubbing is prohibited. Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a steam bath to maximize steam and expand the pores.


A homemade recipe for the remedy is ground mint leaves, green tea and lemon. Almost any citrus fruit can be used. Kiwi and herbal solutions tone the skin well. It is better to freeze them in the summer, and in winter they can be used if the room is warm enough and there is no need to go outside for 2-3 hours after the procedure.

The mixture you prepare yourself can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Use morning and evening. This product is also suitable for the skin around the eyes or lips. You can moisten cotton pads with it and leave for 10 - 15 minutes to remove swelling.


To restore the water balance of the skin, products based on cosmetic clay, aloe, banana, and cucumber are suitable. To prepare a moisturizing composition, you can use olive, grape, and linseed oil. If the composition turns out to be dense and thick, it is better to apply it at night without rinsing off.

For morning hydration, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of light-textured ingredients - fruits, honey, vegetables, kefir. Apply for 10 minutes after toning, rinse with comfortable water.

Nourishing masks

For such products, components are suitable that can not only provide tissues with the necessary elements, but also cleanse the skin and tighten pores. As a basis you can use:

  • yeast;
  • cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mineral water.

There are many options for preparing such masks. They also add vitamins A, C, E, B and so on. If you also want to create a lifting effect, add oatmeal, almonds, and gelatin to the composition.

Even the use of home care products should be done after the test. The prepared composition should be applied to the wrist or the inside of the elbow. If no negative reaction occurs after 5 minutes, the mixture is ready for use.

Oily skin requires care in winter and summer. Provided that the products are properly selected, the skin will not cause any physical or aesthetic problems.

Is it true that cosmetics for problem skin contain hormones that are addictive?

Manufacturers do not have the right to include hormones in over-the-counter drugs and cosmetics; this is prohibited by the laws of most developed countries. You can use hormonal drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have a very strong effect and, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to the body.

However, cosmetics may contain so-called phytoestrogens - non-steroidal hormone-like compounds of plant origin. Their influence on the body is quite extensive and also extends to the skin. It has been proven that phytoestrogens have a rejuvenating effect, can have a positive effect on skin elasticity5, and also help solve a number of other problems.

For example, studies have shown that the isoflavones contained in soy can reduce testosterone levels, which, among other things, affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This is due to the ability of isoflavones to block 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone into the more active dihydrotestosterone. It is responsible for the production of sebum, and is also the culprit of androgenic alopecia6. After this, isoflavones began to be used in cosmetics to care for oily skin and combat acne.

You shouldn’t be afraid that pharmaceutical cosmetics contain phytoestrogens: the components that make up them are well studied and often do not pose a danger to humans.

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