Redness on the head and foreskin: what to do and how to treat?

One of the most striking signs of inflammation of the genital tissues in men is redness on the head of the penis.

Various factors can provoke the appearance of redness on the mucous membrane of the penis and foreskin - both infectious and non-infectious in nature.

Non-infectious reasons in this case may be the following:

  1. 1. Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the head due to sharp frictions during sex. Her irritation due to too long and frequent sexual intercourse.
  2. 2. Allergic reaction of tissues to chemical components of lubricants, local contraceptives, condom lubricants.
  3. 3. Inflammation of tissue due to accumulation of smegma and urine under the foreskin.

This is observed with insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, phimosis, and diabetes mellitus.

Phimosis, narrowing of the foreskin

Phimosis is a terrible disease. A predisposing factor in the development of posthitis is congenital or acquired narrowing of the opening of the foreskin - phimosis . With a disease such as diabetes mellitus, or in the elderly and elderly, phimosis of the penis can develop even with regular high-quality washing of the glans. With balanitis, the foreskin is hyperemic and swollen, erosions and purulent plaque appear on its inner surface and head, a guy or a man is bothered by itching and pain when trying to have sexual intercourse. Sometimes the head is not exposed , the penis swells, becomes hyperemic, redness is noted, and lymphadenitis of the inguinal lymph nodes appears. A severe complication of phimosis is gangrene of the penis , which can result in complete tissue necrosis. The man is left without a penis. And this is already a difficult situation!

Possible complications

Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner leads to a number of complications:

  1. 1Prolonged inflammation can lead to the growth of rough connective tissue, scarring and narrowing of the external opening of the urethra.
  2. 2Impaired blood supply to the penis and the development of necrosis of the glans.
  3. 3Formation of adhesions between the foreskin and the head. The risk of recurrent inflammation and penile cancer increases.
  4. 4 Malignant degeneration of the epithelium.

Postitis symptoms, signs in boys, guys and men

What are the main symptoms and signs of posthitis in men and boys? Which posthitis clinic ? Itching of the glans penis . Burning sensation on the head of the penis . Pain in the head of the penis. Swelling, redness of the head of the penis. Pain, pain, discomfort during sex in the area of ​​the head of the penis. Difficulty opening the head. Decreased sensitivity of the head. Weakening of erection. Cracks in the foreskin. Ulcers and ulcers on the head.


Patients with inflammatory diseases are examined by a urologist-andrologist. If signs of STIs and dermatological pathologies are detected, patients are referred to a dermatovenerologist. Determining the nature of the disease is based on complaints, objective examination data and laboratory tests:

  • Questioning, inspection.
    During the conversation, the moment of symptom onset, the presence of other manifestations, and the dynamics of their development over time are clarified. In inflammation, identifying the causative factor plays a significant role. During examination, the doctor identifies swelling, hyperemia, erosion, rashes and other changes, assesses their localization and prevalence.
  • Lab tests.
    Microscopy is performed to confirm inflammation. To clarify the nature of the pathogen, PCR and inoculation on nutrient media are performed. If scabies is suspected, a scraping examination is performed. For dermatitis, a general blood test is prescribed to confirm eosinophilia, the concentration of immunoglobulins is determined, and allergy tests are performed.

If there are indications, consultations with doctors of various profiles are prescribed to identify provoking pathologies. Patients can be referred to an endocrinologist, therapist, phthisiatrician, and other specialists.

Redness on the glans, glans in men, boys and itching of the foreskin

If you notice severe redness on the glans , slight redness of the glans in men and boys, incomprehensible redness of the head of the penis , noticeable redness of the head of the penis, redness on the glans and itching of the foreskin, redness around the head of the skin of the head of the penis, redness on the head of the penis, near the glans, under the head, on the head of a child boy, child, redness of the tip of the head after sex, white coating, slight redness, flaking of the head, under the head of the penis, around the head of the penis, edge of the head, skin, redness and dryness, rash, itching, burning, call doctor so that he can prescribe effective treatment.

Relapse Prevention

  1. 1Regular hygienic treatment of the penis. When taking a shower, the patient must retract the foreskin (in the absence of phimosis) and wash the head with plain warm tap water. It is better to avoid the use of soap solutions, which can lead to excessive drying and irritation (with the exception of hypoallergenic mild detergents). After treatment, the skin is thoroughly dried and the foreskin is returned back.
  2. 2 Refusal of casual sex, use of barrier contraception (mandatory use of condoms).
  3. 3If phimosis is present after 16 years, circumcision is recommended.
  4. 4 For diabetes mellitus – control blood sugar and maintain it at a normal level.

Treatment of postatitis in Saratov, treatment of balanoposthitis in Russia

Innovative methods of treating balanitis, posthitis, balanoposthitis make it possible to completely get rid of the inflammatory process in men in the penile area in a short time.

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Photo: Shmeljov |\ The people depicted in the photo are models, do not suffer from the diseases described and/or all similarities are excluded.

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Why does the penis itch?

Physiological reasons

The symptom develops briefly in connection with certain external influences. The manifestations do not reach a level requiring contact with a specialist and quickly disappear when the provoking factor is eliminated. Penis itching can occur in the following situations:

  • Failure to maintain intimate hygiene.
    Infrequent hygiene procedures and irregular changes of linen lead to the accumulation of dirt and irritation of the skin. Unpleasant sensations are especially disturbing after sexual intercourse, since seminal fluid remains on the penis.
  • Irrational choice of linen.
    Underwear made from synthetic fabrics or too thick impedes heat transfer in the intimate area, causes discomfort and increased sweating, followed by itching and burning.
  • Mechanical impact.
    Sexual intercourse with insufficient lubrication from the partner can lead to poor penile glide, excessive friction and skin irritation. Along with itching, quickly disappearing local hyperemia is often observed.
  • Stressful situations.
    Psychogenic itching does not have an organic basis, occurs during nervous tension and intense experiences, and is not accompanied by external changes.

Inflammatory processes

The most common cause of itching in the penis area is considered to be balanitis and balanoposthitis of various etiologies. The pathology is nonspecific or is provoked by specific pathogens. May be observed with the following STIs:

  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia.

In addition, fungi and viruses act as sexually transmitted infectious agents. Balanitis is manifested by itching, pain, swelling and redness of the head, the appearance of plaque, plaques and ulcerations, problems with urination and erectile function. With balanoposthitis, swelling and accumulation of secretions in the preputial sac are added to the listed symptoms. The clinical picture depends on the nature of the pathogen and the characteristics of the process:

  • Catarrhal form.
    More often observed with nonspecific inflammation, occurs with STIs. The most favorable variant of the disease, accompanied by the most vivid subjective manifestations. Patients complain of intense pain, excruciating itching, and a burning sensation during urination.
  • Urogenital candidiasis.
    Patients are bothered by burning and itching in the head area. The coronary groove, head and inner layer of the foreskin are swollen, inflamed, hyperemic, covered with whitish films. Possible erosion. The discharge is whitish, with the smell of kefir. Urination is normal.
  • Genital herpes.
    Transparent bubbles appear in the affected area. After some time, the rashes become cloudy, open, and brownish crusts form in their place. General hyperthermia, regional lymphadenitis, and quite severe pain are possible.

Along with infectious lesions, inflammation and itching of the head can be non-infectious in nature and develop with diabetes mellitus, urological diseases and some other pathologies. A special form is xerotic balanitis obliterans, which often occurs in older people. Itching is moderate. Areas of atrophy, blisters and spots form on the inner leaf and head, which subsequently transform into sclerotic plaques.

Itching of the penis


Itching of the penis is accompanied by dermatitis of the corresponding localization:

  • Atopic dermatitis.
    It most often occurs in childhood, but can also manifest itself in old age. Pale pink lesions with increased dryness and roughening of the skin, cracks, papules, and peeling appear on the face, neck, in the folds of the skin, on the flexor surfaces of the joints and in the groin area. The penis is not a typical location, but it can be affected. The pathology is often complicated by secondary infection with the formation of balanitis.
  • Simple contact dermatitis.
    Develops under the direct action of irritating substances (cosmetics, powder residues on linen). Itching and pain are not intense. The skin is dry, sometimes with cracks. It is possible to form bullae with their subsequent opening and formation of erosions. With constant contact with the irritant and the occurrence of chronic dermatitis, the symptoms are smoothed out, there is little or no itching.
  • Allergic contact dermatitis.
    It is observed in case of an allergic reaction to washing powders, care products, synthetics, and clothing dyes. In the acute form, the affected area has clear boundaries and corresponds to skin contact with the allergen. Against the background of severe itching, swelling and hyperemia, papules appear, which quickly transform into blisters, open and heal with the formation of crusts. With chronicity, changes spread beyond the contact area. Scratching occurs due to constant itching.
  • Orthogenic contact eczema.
    It is detected in men who abuse hygiene procedures and use irritating care products. Itching and discomfort in the projection of the penis are complemented by erythema and the formation of scabs. With prolonged exposure, lichenification and hyperkeratosis may develop.


Typical localizations of itching and rashes due to scabies are the abdomen, the anterior inner thighs, interdigital folds, and the lateral surfaces of the fingers. In men, the scrotum and penis may be involved in the pathological process. Upon examination, traces of scratching and scabies are found in the form of lines 5-7 mm long with a vesicle or papule at the end.

Other dermatological pathologies

In the listed diseases, damage to the skin of the penis is not a specific symptom, but one of the possible (and often not the most common) localizations:

  • Psoriasis.
    A single lesion in the penis area is found extremely rarely; changes in several zones are more common. Small psoriatic plaques and papules are detected on the skin of the penis, accompanied by mild itching. Bright red plaques are often detected in the groin, axillary areas, and other places.
  • Lichen planus.
    Characterized by intense itching and possible burning. The skin changes appear as small, smooth, purple bumps that often spread from the periphery to the center. The rash may also appear on the ankles and wrists. After resolution, areas of hyperpigmentation remain.
  • Lichen scleroderma.
    A rare disease. Uncircumcised men of mature age are more often affected. As a rule, the head is involved in the process, often with a transition to the foreskin. Flat white papules transform over time into sclerotic and atrophic plaques. Itching, burning, and difficulty urinating are noted. Bleeding is possible.

Consultation with a urologist

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