How to get rid of blackheads in the genital area in men?

Problems with a man’s genital organs can be not only sexually transmitted or urological. In some cases, various unpleasant symptoms may occur due to improper personal care, careless shaving, inappropriate clothing and a number of other factors. One of the frightening symptoms is black dots on the penis. A man who notices such signs will experience serious anxiety. This affects both intimate life and mental state, even if the rash does not cause inconvenience.

Causes and types of black dots on the genitals

Rashes on the penis primarily cause thoughts of STDs. But sexually transmitted infections are not always the cause. And the rashes themselves can look different.

They may appear in the following form:

  1. Darkening of areas of skin on the shaft of the penis. Sometimes you may not even notice them. Can be of different shapes, sizes and quantities. Possible causes are skin abrasion, bruising, scratching, irritation from shaving. Sometimes the cause is increased melanin production. If their number and size do not increase, they do not cause inconvenience (they do not itch, do not become inflamed and do not flake), then the reasons are usually harmless.
  2. Black spots. The first sign of necrosis. This phenomenon rarely occurs on the genitals, but is theoretically possible.
  3. Mole. It may have a different shape, color and size, there may be one or several, it may protrude above the skin or not be palpable at all. Over the course of a lifetime, moles can change in shape and size, even disappearing completely. If the mole does not cause discomfort (does not protrude much from the skin), it is usually safe.
  4. Brown spots. In most cases, the cause is hyperpigmentation of the skin (discoloration due to changes in the body), which is not dangerous. In rare cases, this is a symptom of melanoma.
  5. Melanopathy. It appears as a frequent rash of black small spots. An insect bite, lice, or herpes can lead to the appearance of such spots.

The points can appear on different parts of the genital area. Most often this is the trunk, less often - the head and scrotum. In some cases, the rash may spread to the pubis and inner thighs. This is a dangerous symptom; in case of extensive rashes, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Let's take a closer look at other, most common reasons.

Hematomas and hemangiomas

Black spots may appear due to an impact (hematoma, or bruise). Think about whether you have had any injuries recently.

Benign tumors also occur on the penis - hemangiomas, formed from overgrown blood vessels. In this case, they will have a reddish tint. Such black spots do not appear on the testicles of men; they are localized only along the shaft of the penis.

Open comedones

An open comedone looks like a black dot on the penis, most often on its shaft. It also occurs on the pubis. Acne does not appear on the frenulum and head. The size of the dot is small; it can appear either in a single copy or in small, infrequent scatterings.

Not all rashes on the intimate organs, be they blackheads, deep ulcers or small nodular rashes, are a direct consequence of an STD.

The reason for its appearance is blockage of the sebaceous glands. The disease occurs quite often when hygiene is neglected. It doesn’t cause any big problems, but it clearly indicates that you need to bathe more often and more thoroughly. Another possible reason is excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. It is better to contact an endocrinologist, as this may indicate problems in the functioning of internal and endocrine organs.


A dangerous disease that occurs as a complication of an infectious or non-infectious disease. It can occur in people with STDs (syphilis, gonorrhea), diabetes, psoriasis.

Characteristic is the appearance of superficial black spots on the penis, appearing around the head, on the foreskin.

Other symptoms:

  • redness;
  • swelling of the head and foreskin.

Rashes on the genitals may be accompanied by itching and a slight burning sensation in the groin area.

In some cases, genital warts appear - dark or flesh-colored growths that appear directly on the trunk. This is a symptom of infection with the human papillomavirus.

There are several forms of balanitis, and their manifestations are slightly different:

  1. Simple form. Blackheads on and around the head of the penis can be separate or merging with each other.
  2. Erosive. The skin becomes covered with red spots with a rim around and white swollen areas. Typically, erosive balanitis is accompanied by swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  3. Gangrenous (advanced erosive). In addition to the symptoms of erosive balanitis, phimosis, purulent ulcers with perforation appear, which take a long time to heal and leave scars. Body temperature also rises and a general feeling of malaise is felt.

Pigmented neoplasms

Dots on the scrotum or along the shaft of the penis can appear in the form of light pigmented spots of different shapes (usually irregular) and sizes.

The appearance of pigment spots should be alarming if they:

  • accompanied by itching, irritation, redness around the spots, and painful sensations;
  • have a red, bluish, bright brown, white color;
  • change shape and/or color, increase in size or new dots appear.

These symptoms may indicate an STD or even melanoma (skin cancer). Characteristic signs of a malignant tumor are:

  • elevation of the tumor;
  • irregular shape and unclear edges of the spot;
  • rich black shade interspersed with (gray, blue, pink shades);
  • shiny surface;
  • gradual growth of the spot;
  • the appearance of ulcers, cracks, oozing moisture (such symptoms begin to appear later);
  • the appearance of new tumors around.

You should also be alarmed if a mole appears on the head, and not on the shaft of the penis or on the scrotum. This is also an abnormal sign.

Features of diseases

Syphilis is a bacterial venereal disease caused by Treponema pallidum. The pathology is dangerous because it affects not only the genital organs, but also the nervous system. During the primary disease, specific ulcers are found - hard chancre. They open spontaneously after about a month. Absolutely painless, small, have a dense bottom. They heal leaving scars. The secondary form of syphilis and the late stage lead to the appearance of syphilides - ulcerative wounds that become deep when injured or due to a secondary infection. Cover the entire body.

Herpes simplex virus is another serious disease. The risk of infection increases if the foreskin or mucous membranes are damaged. The onset is typical for any viral infection. The temperature rises slightly and the general condition worsens. The formation of vesicles begins with unbearable itching and burning. The skin swells and turns red. Bubbles with liquid inside appear. In addition to the foreskin, groups of vesicles can be found on the head of the penis, the external lumen of the urethra, and the scrotum. After a maximum of 5 days, the vesicles open and become ulcers. The pain subsides. Healing occurs with the formation of a scab. You can't scratch it - new skin will form underneath. If you do not disturb the sores, there will be no traces. When bacteria enter wounds, healing takes longer and scars remain.

Phimosis is a non-infectious disease. In boys, if there are no problems with urination and scars, it is not treated; they adhere to a wait-and-see approach. The disorder consists of a narrowing of the foreskin around the head. Sometimes so much so that it is impossible to open it. Accordingly, an adult man, experiencing arousal, can get injured. Tissue damage is possible when the foreskin is overstretched, for example, during attempts to remove the head. In this case, a natural lubricant, smegma, often accumulates. Due to hygiene problems, it is impossible to completely remove it. Sores appear on the inside of the foreskin. Treatment for narrowing of the foreskin in men permanently solves this problem. And in addition, it prevents acute pathology - paraphimosis, when the head is pinched by the ring of the foreskin.


The appearance of blackheads or other rashes is often caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, even if there are no additional symptoms, but dots appear, it is recommended to visit a doctor. You can contact a dermatologist, venereologist, urologist or therapist.

Diagnostic methods:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • bacterial culture to identify bacteria;
  • spermogram;
  • laboratory analysis of discharge (if any);
  • PCR, Daijin test (tests that help identify papillomaviruses).

Red pimples on the penis

Red pimples on the penis are a very common symptom of sexually transmitted diseases in men. Their appearance is associated both with direct damage to the skin of the penis by STI pathogens, and with indirect manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases.

Sometimes red pimples on the head are a sign of a skin disease, often chronic, not associated with sexually transmitted infections. But one thing can be said for sure: various red pimples on the penis are a reason to immediately run to a venereologist or urologist to find out the cause of this symptom and prescribe treatment as soon as possible.

What diseases cause red pimples on the head and skin of the penis:

  1. Syphilis. During the primary process, a hard chancre appears, which can sometimes look like a red pimple on the penis. It appears at the site of introduction of Treponema pallidum and quickly ulcerates. With secondary syphilis, various rashes on the head are very common. These can be spots, papules, pustules that look like pink, red pimples on the penis.
  2. Candidiasis or thrush. In men it is called candidal balanoposthitis. It can have various manifestations, ranging from diffuse redness of the glans penis and foreskin, covered with a white coating, to a rash of small pimples in the affected area. Very often leads to the development of phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin) and circumcision.
  3. Gardnerellosis. During sexual contact with a woman suffering from bacterial vaginosis, a large number of opportunistic bacteria, including gardnerella, come into contact with the skin of the penis, which causes inflammation, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and red pimples on the penis.
  4. Genital warts are external manifestations of papillomavirus infection. Red bumps on the penis are very often just them. Tend to spread and grow. They may take on a “cauliflower” appearance and bleed. In the presence of HPV of high carcinogenic risk, malignant degeneration of these skin tumors is possible.
  5. Pustular skin lesions caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. If you have a red pimple on the penis, especially with a purulent head, painful, then most likely you have staphyloderma or streptococcal impetigo. Urgently see a dermatologist to prevent the spread of ulcers.
  6. In some men, heavily enlarged pearly papules on the coronal sulcus of the penis may also appear as various pimples or pimples on the glans.
  7. Many skin diseases of a non-infectious nature such as neurodermatitis, lichen planus, psoriasis, eczema look like red pimples on the head of the penis. The course of these diseases is chronic with constant alternation of periods of remission and exacerbation.
  8. In general, any venereal urethritis and prostatitis with copious discharge from the urethra can cause the appearance of various pimples on the genitals.
  9. One of the unfavorable options when a red pimple appears on the penis is cancer.

To determine the cause of these rashes, laboratory diagnostics are performed, which include:

  • Blood test for syphilis, HIV.
  • Scrapings from red pimples and the head of the penis for STIs
  • Smears and scrapings from the urethra for genital infections.
  • Blood tests for sugar, allergic reactions.
  • Cultures for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics and much more.

The full scope of the examination can only be determined by a dermatovenerologist based on the examination.

Our clinic is dedicated to identifying and treating all sexually transmitted infections, and red bumps on the penis are no exception. Our venereologists and urologists are familiar with this manifestation of STDs, they will quickly and efficiently carry out the necessary diagnostics and relieve you of this disease.

Doctor of the Private Practice clinic, dermatovenerologist, urologist Volokhov E.A. talks about red pimples on the penis.

Treatment of blackheads

The treatment regimen depends on the cause of the appearance of unattractive blackheads. Methods used:

  1. Drug treatment of a sexually transmitted disease that caused the dots to appear. Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  2. Using antihistamines and healing ointments/gels to reduce itching, swelling, peeling, redness (if these symptoms are also observed in addition to spots).
  3. Laser skin resurfacing. It is carried out at the request of the man, if the spots did not appear due to illness.
  4. Removal of warts or moles (surgically, laser, cryodestruction).


Preventive methods include general rules of self-care:

  1. Be picky in your intimate life.
  2. Be careful during sexual intercourse. Dots and rashes on the skin can appear due to bumps, bites, pinches, chafing, or as a reaction to intimate lubricants.
  3. Observe personal hygiene rules. The genitals should be washed twice a day, and even more often in hot weather or when sweating profusely. Underwear should be changed preferably once a day or more often - after training in the gym or physical activity.
  4. Choose high-quality underwear that does not cause skin problems, and high-quality washing powder.
  5. Use suitable genital care products (antibacterial soap, intimate gels).

It is also necessary to monitor your health. Rashes can appear due to malfunctions of the hormonal, immune, and nervous systems.

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