How to get rid of sweat odor: an elegant solution to the problem

  • Why does this violation occur?
  • How to get rid of heavy sweating?
  • How is this treatment carried out?

The secretion of fluid by the sweat glands of the skin is an important element of thermoregulation in our body.
But hyperhidrosis is a pathological condition in which sweat production is excessively increased. In this case, a large amount of it is released not only at elevated ambient temperatures or under stress, but also in a normal, calm environment. For humans, hyperhidrosis primarily causes psychological problems. Wet spots look very untidy on clothes, and after some time, sweat under the influence of bacterial microflora acquires a noticeable unpleasant odor. Of course, this greatly complicates communication with other people, being in a team and other social activities. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the problem of hyperhidrosis cannot be solved with the help of antiperspirants or other cosmetics.

Causes of unpleasant sweat odor

And straight to the main thing - you won’t be able to get rid of sweat forever. Botox injections stop sweating locally, but the body must somehow continue to remove toxins through the skin, releasing almost half a liter of moisture daily. The tasks of the exocrine glands do not end there.

  • Firstly, sweat glands are responsible for thermoregulation of the body. They turn on when the body is hot and turn off when the temperature drops.
  • Secondly, the sweat released acts as an aphrodisiac and a kind of calling card. Many animals recognize each other precisely by the smell of sweat.
  • Thirdly, sweat glands remove excess water, which is especially important if you are prone to edema.

Sweat itself, surprisingly, has no odor. The characteristic amber appears only when the secretion of the sebaceous glands comes into contact with colonies of microorganisms that are part of the microbiome of human skin. Bacteria feed on substances contained in sweat moisture. During their life, an unpleasant odor appears. When does this happen? Constantly, but in some cases - more clearly.

  • While playing sports. The body saves itself from overheating by removing sweat more actively than usual.
  • Because of stress. If you get too nervous, treacherous moisture appears on the skin.
  • Due to hygiene problems. Unclean people shower at best a couple of times a week and usually rarely change clothes.
  • Due to hyperhidrosis. Doctors associate increased sweating, constant, even after a shower, or occurring from time to time, with characteristics of the nervous system and certain diseases.

The intensity of sweating, as well as the smell of sweat, vary from person to person. However, there are some features associated with a person’s gender or age.

  • In men , the smell of sweat is usually sharper and more pungent, which is associated both with the work of male sex hormones and with the abundance of hair follicles on the body. Sweat is always produced more actively in those areas where there are many follicles, even if the hair in these areas of the skin is shaved.
  • According to Japanese researchers, women sweat twice as much as men under the same physical activity. There are exceptions, which is also normal. Probably the fact is that women are simply smaller than men, which means they have fewer sweat glands.
  • For a teenager, active sweating is natural: the body grows, sex hormones are activated. This is not forever; over time, the activity of the sweat glands returns to normal. So if your child continues to sweat more and more every day, just explain to him how to maintain hygiene and use antiperspirant.

A bad smell just signals to us that the skin is removing excess moisture. However, it is quite possible and even necessary to remove the smell of sweat from the armpits, where there are especially many hair follicles, in order to remain a socially active and self-confident person.

Diseases that cause sweating

Sometimes excessive sweating can be caused by serious pathologies occurring in the body. Such situations require medical intervention and pose a serious threat to health and even life. Diseases that cause hyperhidrosis in the armpits:

  1. One of the possible problems is diseases “on the female side”. Such pathologies always cause hormonal imbalances;
  2. Other endocrine system disorders can also manifest as secondary hyperhidrosis. For example, this disease is typical for people who suffer from diabetes;
  3. Sweating is also characteristic of infectious and viral processes occurring in the body. However, in this case, not only the armpits sweat, but the whole body;
  4. Excessive sweating can also occur with food or alcohol poisoning. In this case, the armpits sweat especially heavily;
  5. A similar unpleasant symptom manifests itself in liver disease. After all, this organ is involved in the production of female hormones;
  6. The kidneys perform the function of removing excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. If pathological processes develop in an organ, part of its functions are taken over by the armpits;
  7. Diseases of the rheumatoid type also lead to sweating. This symptom is especially characteristic of the later stages;
  8. An increase in temperature is another cause of sweating. With the help of the sweat glands, the body tries to restore thermoregulation;
  9. Excess weight is the most common cause of excessive sweating. Almost all obese people have hyperhidrosis;
  10. Neurological diseases also lead to sweating;
  11. Also, a similar sign can occur with malignant and benign tumors.

With such diseases there are usually other symptoms. However, sometimes they are not very pronounced and do not attract attention. That is why, if signs of hyperhidrosis occur, you should visit your therapist.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat: types of remedies

If you consult a doctor with a question about how to remove the smell of sweat, he will suggest first finding out if you have hyperhidrosis. Let's say the level of sweating is normal, the only concern is the smell. What to do?

Perhaps the best non-injection method is cosmetics: deodorants and antiperspirants. They appeared at the end of the 19th century and were then imperfect. Over the decades, their formulas have been improved, and numerous studies have proven their harmlessness. Applying such products to damaged skin is not recommended. Components of the composition - preservatives, aromatic compositions and antibacterial actives - can cause irritation.

Let's figure out what to choose for a woman, man or teenager to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits and other areas of the skin with high activity of the sweat glands.

How is deodorant different from antiperspirant?

Both products promise to eliminate the smell of sweat in the armpits and beyond, although their mechanism of action is different.

  • The deodorant suppresses the growth of bacteria in the armpits and masks the unpleasant odor with fragrance. Note to people with sensitive skin: some deodorants contain ethyl alcohol, a component with antibacterial properties.
  • Antiperspirant offers to get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat for a long period - up to several days. The antiperspirant formula temporarily narrows the opening of the sweat duct, reducing sweating.

According to world health organizations, both types of products are safe and effective. Re-examination of early studies shows that even metal salts (found in both conventional antiperspirants and popular alum) are harmless.

Increased skin sensitivity is likely to be a contraindication for the use of some deodorants and antiperspirants that contain alcohol. It’s important to remember that no one is immune from individual skin reactions. When buying a new anti-sweating product, be sure to test it on a small area of ​​skin.

How to choose a sweat remedy?

How can you remove the smell of sweat from your armpits or feet, which, by the way, are also very prone to intense sweating? Each format of cosmetic products has its own specifics.

  • Spray. Easy to apply and not felt on the skin. The choice of those who are always in a hurry.
  • Video clip. Allows you to reliably protect against the smell of sweat, because it applies evenly to the skin.
  • Cream. The texture features leave manufacturers the opportunity to add more caring components to the composition.

Let us immediately note that the format has nothing to do with the direction: an antiperspirant may well be a spray, and a deodorant can be a cream. And vice versa! Moreover, some products successfully combine the functions of both deodorant and antiperspirant.

Manufacturers of cosmetics conduct clinical and dermatological tests of their products and necessarily take into account the skin type and sweating characteristics of potential consumers.

  • If you sweat a lot, use an antiperspirant designed for sports. The stated duration of action should be up to 48 hours.
  • If your skin is hypersensitive, prone to allergies and irritations, choose deodorants and antiperspirants with soothing ingredients and a comfortable texture.

Price for treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis in a clinic in Moscow

Impact area Price per procedure including current promotion
Axillary areas - “Botox” 100 units RUB 23,350
Axillary areas - "Dysport" 300 units 24,000 rub.
Axillary areas - "Relatox" 100 units 19,500 rub.

How does the procedure work?

  • Before starting the procedure, our doctor conducts a Minor test - an iodine-starch test, which helps identify areas of active sweating to determine the exact sites for drug administration;
  • then an anesthetic cream is applied to the armpit area;
  • Then the doctor administers the selected botulinum toxin drug using microinjections with an insulin syringe. On average, the procedure requires: Botox 100 units, Dysport 300-500 units, Relatox 100 units.

The effect of “dry armpits” after the administration of weakened botulinum toxin type A preparations occurs within two weeks and can last up to a year.

Review of effective products from Garnier to combat sweat odor

Now that we know how to deal with the smell of sweat in the armpits and, for example, on the feet of women and men, it’s time to do some shopping—virtual for now.

Magnesium effect Ultra-dryness for women

Available in spray and lotion format with a roller applicator. Antiperspirant deodorant contains magnesium from natural rocks, known for its absorbent properties: it is better at absorbing moisture than talc. Instantly drying texture, 72 hours of odor protection and the absence of ethyl alcohol in the composition - this product will successfully fit into the morning hygiene ritual of a modern woman.

External phenomena that cause sweating

External influences on the body can also lead to increased sweat production. In this case, to solve the problem it is enough to simply exclude them. What negative influences cause increased sweating:

  • Wearing clothes made of synthetic materials, especially in the summer;
  • Excessively high temperature outside or in the apartment. Also, a similar problem can be caused by non-optimal humidity;
  • Acclimatization is another cause of excessive sweating;
  • Poor nutrition can also cause this problem. After all, some foods make the sweating system work harder;
  • The reason may also lie in taking certain medications. This is usually facilitated by drugs that have side effects such as “sweating” or “fever”;
  • Lack of personal hygiene is another possible reason. This includes not only taking a shower every day and wearing clean clothes, but also regularly removing armpit hair.


Prevention of sweating involves eliminating all negative factors that can cause this unpleasant process. The same rules will help eliminate hyperhidrosis caused by external influences. Prevention of sweating:

  1. Dress appropriately for the weather. In this case, it is advisable to use clothes made from natural materials;
  2. Don’t overeat before bed and follow the rules of nutrition;
  3. Don't allow yourself to gain extra pounds. Sports and proper nutrition will help with this;
  4. Maintain personal hygiene. Remove armpit hair. Shower once or twice a day, and wash your underwear daily;
  5. Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

These simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of secondary hyperhidrosis. Therefore, they are worth following.

Sweating armpits in women is a fairly common problem. It may be associated with natural hormonal changes and go away on its own. However, to rule out the presence of diseases, if signs of hyperhidrosis appear, you need to be examined by a doctor.

When to see a doctor

If a person begins to sweat during exercise, hot weather, or extreme excitement, there is no reason to worry. Health problems are indicated by sweating, which occurs against a background of complete calm or is accompanied by additional symptoms.

A slightly elevated body temperature, which is accompanied by night or evening sweats, may be a sign of a chronic infection. Sometimes this is how pulmonary tuberculosis, immune disorders, and the initial stages of cancer manifest themselves.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness against the background of increased sweating. This may be a sign of low glucose levels - hypoglycemia. The condition is life-threatening and therefore requires emergency medical attention. Hyperhidrosis is cured only after glucose levels are normalized.

Older women who experience menstrual irregularities and the first symptoms of approaching menopause require special treatment. Without special means, the condition may gradually worsen, and menopause will be difficult.

Increased sweating is one of the signs of thyrotoxicosis. This disease is accompanied by an increase in thyroid function and the release of increased doses of hormones into the blood. At the same time, the heartbeat increases, heart rhythm disturbances appear, and the person quickly loses body weight, despite maintaining the nature of the diet.


The result appears within 1-2 days after the procedure and increases over the course of several more days. Sweating noticeably decreases, the unpleasant odor disappears, redness and irritation of the skin disappear.

Important! If hyperhidrosis of the feet was accompanied by a fungal infection, then reducing sweating is only the first step towards recovery. It is also necessary to undergo a full course of treatment for the fungus.

When treating hyperhidrosis, higher doses of botulinum toxin are used than when correcting facial wrinkles, so the results last longer. The duration of the effect depends on the individual characteristics of the body and on how carefully the doctor’s recommendations are followed.

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