Face creams: types, purpose, mechanism of action

Cream - (English cream cream) is one of the most ancient and widespread types of cosmetic products.

Today, the word “cream” means ointment mixtures of various fats or fatty substances, liquid or thick emulsions or colloidal suspensions intended for skin care and having a pleasant appearance.

  • Compound
      Fat creams
  • Emulsion creams
  • Fat-free creams
  • Ingredients included in the composition
  • Types by place of application
      For face
  • For the care of the neck and skin around the eyes
  • For hands
  • For legs
  • For body
  • Healing creams
      For rosacea
  • For pigment spots
  • For redness
  • For acne
  • For seborrhea
  • Cream safety factor
      Cosmetics Safety Organizations
  • Safety Factor Calculations
  • Links
  • Protein cream for cake

    Photo: eda-land.ru
    This cream is not suitable for soaking cakes, but is simply ideal for decoration on top.

    You will need:
    3 egg whites, 200 g sugar, 100 ml water, a pinch of salt.

    Place water and sugar on the stove, bring to a boil and cook thick caramel syrup. Beat the whites with salt until stiff peaks form, and carefully pour in the hot syrup in a thin stream without turning off the mixer. Continue beating the cream until it cools.

    Choosing a cream by skin type

    Normal skin is extremely rare in reality; This is exactly the case when the skin looks perfect and does not cause any trouble to the owner.

    Oily skin – characterized by enlarged pores, a grayish tint and a tendency to inflammatory processes; This type of skin is denser and less susceptible to aging, but constantly appearing pimples and blackheads cause a lot of trouble.

    Dry skin – thin, smooth, no shine, pores are practically invisible; This type needs high-quality nutrition and hydration, since there is a tendency to the appearance of early wrinkles, as well as peeling in cold weather.

    Combination skin is an option when an oily sheen appears on the forehead, nose and chin area, and there is flaking on the cheeks.

    Manufacturers have taken care of creating entire series for owners of different skin types. Thus, creams for dry skin saturate and moisturize its upper layers, while products for oily skin are designed to provide the necessary nutrition and tighten pores. For those with combination skin, cosmetics help get rid of their inherent problems.

    Custard for cake

    Photo: zen.yandex.ua
    We are sharing a classic recipe for custard for Napoleon, honey cake and other cakes.

    You will need:
    500 ml milk, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp.
    flour, 100 g butter, 170 g sugar. Preparation:

    Grind the eggs with sugar and flour, slowly pour in the milk and mix. Cook the cream over low heat, stirring, until thickened. Add butter to the hot mixture and continue stirring until it dissolves. Leave the cream to cool under the film.


    Kurds are a special type of custard, in which the entire emphasis is on fruit or berry filling.
    You are probably familiar with the most famous of them – lemon curd. This is a very aromatic cream with a bright lemon taste. Kurds are suitable for soaking sponge cakes, as a filling for cupcakes and muffins, tarts and tartlets, as a sauce for pancakes and pancakes. Such creams are quite liquid and cannot be shaped. The maximum thickness that can be achieved without compromising the taste is the state of thick sour cream. Kurd should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, he can easily survive for a week until needed.

    I will give two versions of Kurds: lemon and strawberry. These two recipes are suitable for any fruits and berries.

    Lemon curd

    Very tasty, bright and aromatic cream. I love using it for cakes and tartlets. It goes well with creamy, protein and curd creams, ganaches and is simply good as an independent element.


    • Eggs – 4 pcs.
    • Lemon – 4 pcs.
    • Butter – 50 g
    • Sugar or cane sugar – 70-80 g
    • Corn starch – 2-3 tbsp. (if you need a thicker cream)

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Grate the zest of two lemons. Mix with sugar.
    2. Squeeze the juice from all 4 lemons, strain from the seeds and pulp.
    3. Pour the juice into the sugar and zest and mix everything
    4. Lightly beat the eggs.
    5. Add the eggs to the lemon-sugar mixture and mix well. At this stage, add cornstarch if you want a thicker cream.
    6. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add oil and place over medium heat. Cook, stirring continuously, until the cream thickens and bubbles appear.
    7. Remove from heat and quickly pass through a sieve to extract the zest (it has done its job)
    8. Pour the finished curd into a container or jars, cover the surface with cling film and let cool slightly. Then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

    Cake cream with cocoa

    Photo: zen.yandex.ru
    We recommend taking dark cocoa, because it has a much richer taste.

    You will need:
    250 ml milk, 15 g cocoa, 1.5 tbsp.
    sugar, 25 g butter, 1.5 tbsp. flour, vanillin, a pinch of salt. Preparation:

    Mix all the dry ingredients and add them to 150 ml of warm milk. Cook the mixture over low heat until smooth, and during this time mix the remaining milk with flour. Pour the flour mixture into the pan and cook further until the mixture thickens. Finally add softened butter and remove from heat.

    Classification of body creams

    1. Nourishing and moisturizing. Be sure to “place” such a product on your dressing table. This is the bare minimum your skin should receive daily. Relieves skin from tightness, roughness and even itching caused by dry air and synthetic clothing.
    2. To combat skin stretch marks. They can appear on any beautiful lady. This may be due to rapid weight gain or, conversely, rapid weight loss. Stretch marks are also often caused by pregnancy. Of course, everyone knows that stretch marks are practically not removed using conventional cosmetics. More radical measures are needed here. But today is not about them. If you smear any stretch marks that appear with a product specifically designed for this, it will thicken the skin and prevent their appearance. Coffee and seaweed extract are the main substances for saving the skin from stretch marks.
    3. Anti-cellulite products. They fight “orange peel” and other manifestations of this problem, such as bumps and pits on the hips and abdomen. A good quality cream, together with massage and a healthy lifestyle, noticeably eliminates the manifestations of cellulite, which is hated by all women.
    4. For beauty and firmness of the breasts. Making breasts “like in your youth” is an impossible task for a cream. But a cosmetic product can moisturize the skin, giving it additional smoothness and elasticity. This cream also belongs to the segment of body care products. However, you should not rub poor quality products and other, not very suitable, balms into such a delicate part. Get yourself special and most importantly safe means.
    5. Massage is an excellent way to relieve physical and psychological pressures. However, such actions are impossible on dry skin. They will cause pain and a wide range of unpleasant emotions. To avoid this, use fatty massage creams. They will make the surface of the skin slippery and improve its condition after the massage. It's no secret that massage products contain many beneficial essential oils that promote relaxation during a session.
    6. Suntan cream. Will save your skin while you bask in the sun. These types of products contain strong sunscreens. These filters will allow only “good” rays to reach your epidermis. And you will get a beautiful and even tan.

    Vanilla cream for cake

    Photo: chefmarket.ru
    It works best with a whole vanilla pod.

    You will need:
    1.5 glasses of milk, 100 g butter, 100 g sugar, 3.5 tbsp.
    semolina, 1.5 tsp. gelatin, lemon juice, 1 vanilla stick. Preparation:

    Add sugar and a vanilla stick to the milk, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Take out the pod, add semolina and cook the cream for 10 minutes, stirring. Mix gelatin with 3 tablespoons of water and leave until dissolved. Beat the butter, add it to the milk, and add gelatin and a little lemon juice to taste.


    The composition of creams depends on their purpose. Facial cosmetics are divided into three groups: Fat, Emulsion and Fat-free creams.


    As a rule, they contain only fats or fat-like components.

    These include cleansers, protective products, as well as cosmetics for tanning and massage.

    They contain hydrogenated animal fats, vegetable and mineral oils, beeswax, paraffin, glycerin, lanolin, ceresin, stearin, spermaceti, proteins, phospholipids, casein, emulsifiers and biologically active substances such as enzymes, vitamins, etc.


    Emulsion products contain water along with fatty and fat-like substances.

    Adding water to the fat phase improves the absorption of the product and its cooling properties; increases its efficiency and elasticity. Water gives the product a cosmetic white color, opaque appearance and typical consistency.

    Today, liquid creams (milk) consisting of approximately 10% fat-like substances and 90% water are especially popular.


    Fine aqueous suspensions of fatty acids, waxes or colloids (hydrosols, jellies). Such products contain no or almost no fat or fat-like substances. They are based on protein or carbohydrate polymers, which, when combined with water, glycerin, alcohol and other substances, form a cohesive disperse system.

    The most popular ingredients included in creams:

    Cetyl, Stearyl, Cetearyl Alcohol; Propylene glycol/Cetyl, stearyl, cetearyl alcohols Propylene glycol Transport substancesPromoting deeper penetration of active substances deep into tissues
    Triclosan/TriclosanAntibacterial substanceUsed as an anti-inflammatory component
    Triethanolamine (TEA)/TriethanolamineStabilizerSurfactant provides a stable structure that does not separate into water and oil
    Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)/Butylhydroxyanisole, ButylhydroxytolueneChemical antioxidantsUsed as preservatives
    Phthalates (DBP, DEP)StabilizersProvides special softness. Substances that are toxic to humans can cause the development of cancer.
    Preservatives, ParabensPreservatives, ParabensPrevents the proliferation of microorganisms (bacteria) in the product, preventing the development of skin diseases
    FragranceFlavorsFragrances, aromatic substances that impart a certain odor
    Glycerin/GlycerinMoisturizing componentSupplies water from the lower layers of the skin to the surface, helps maintain and preserve the upper protective layer of skin cells
    Mineral oil/Mineral oilOilProtects skin from moisture loss; The film created on its surface slows down the evaporation of water, making the skin look more hydrated and smooth
    Urea/UreaNatural componentHas a moisturizing effect
    Hyaluronic Acid/Hyaluronic acidNatural componentPart of epithelial and connective tissue, improves the structure of the epidermis, moisturizes and softens the skin
    Collagen/CollagenProteinThe most important protein of the connective tissues of the body; has smoothing and moisturizing effects
    Ceramide/CeramidesFatty acidRestore damage to the intercellular structure caused by skin diseases and external influences
    Lecithin/LecithinNutrientSoftens the skin and helps biologically active components penetrate deep into the epidermis
    Retinol/RetinolFat-soluble vitamin AHelps in the fight against age-related changes in the skin. In high concentrations it can cause redness and irritation.
    Coenzyme Q10 / Coenzyme Q10AntioxidantStimulates collagen synthesis and protects skin cells from premature aging
    Elastin/ElastinProteinResponsible for the firmness and elasticity of skin tissues
    Nicotinamide/NiacinamideVitamin B3Fights acne marks and evens out skin tone, making it brighter
    Dimethylamino-ethanol (DMAE)/DimethylaminoethanolChemical compoundPresent in almost any anti-aging product. The effects have not yet been fully studied, but there are studies that indicate that the use of dimethylaminoethanol leads to the death of skin cells.
    Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA)AcidsPenetrate deep into tissues and dissolve dead cells, have a gentle effect on the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect
    Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA)AcidsPromote the production of collagen, moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles. These include: lactic, glycolic, citric, mandelic acids. In high concentrations they cause redness and irritation of the skin.

    Cream for cake with sour cream

    Photo: zen.yandex.ru
    Thick sour cream is moderately sweet, moderately sour and very tender.

    You will need:
    500 g of fat sour cream, 200 g of powdered sugar, vanillin or cocoa.

    Beat the sour cream with the powdered sugar in a blender until it thickens. If the sour cream is not fatty enough, use a cream thickener. If desired, add vanillin, cocoa or other fillers.

    Classic cake “Honey cake”: 5 simple and delicious recipes (step by step)

    Yogurt cake cream

    Photo: pixabay.com
    Yogurt cream is very light and healthy.

    You will need:
    200 g of yoghurt, 400 ml of 30% cream, cream thickener, 100 g of powdered sugar.

    Beat the cream with a mixer with thickener and powdered sugar until thick. Carefully mix the mixture with yogurt using a silicone spatula - and the cream is ready.

    Strawberry cream for cake

    Photo: lookimadethat.com
    Exquisite berry cream with cream and mascarpone.

    You will need:
    200 g 35% cream, 200 g mascarpone, 4 tbsp.
    sugar, 120 g strawberries. Preparation:

    Blend strawberries in a blender until smooth. Using a mixer, beat the cream with sugar until stiff peaks form. Add mascarpone to them, and then strawberry puree. Each time, lightly beat the cream with a couple of movements of the mixer.

    Curd cream for cake

    Photo: about-tea.ru
    Universal curd cream is suitable for even the most unusual cakes, such as carrot or pumpkin.

    You will need:
    400 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of condensed milk, 300 g of butter, 100 g of powdered sugar.

    Beat soft butter with powdered sugar until nice and smooth. Using an immersion blender, beat the cottage cheese with condensed milk so that no grains remain. Carefully combine both masses and mix with a spatula.

    Coconut cream for cake

    Photo: buzzfeed.com
    Ideal for Raffaello cakes and desserts.

    You will need:
    70 g coconut flakes, 200 g condensed milk, 100 g butter, 100 g white chocolate.

    Grind the chocolate and butter and melt them in a water bath. Add condensed milk there, and then coconut flakes, and mix well. Leave the cream in the refrigerator overnight.


    Currently, there are many types of skin care products, they are divided according to the type of effect. Based on this, they should be selected. Many of them have the ability to moisturize and nourish the skin, there are also toners, men's anti-wrinkle creams and acne creams in the pharmacy.


    During the day, the skin is exposed to negative environmental influences and stress. Day cream is designed to perform protective functions and prevent the formation of wrinkles and is designed to protect the cream from pigmentation. Manufacturers often add ultraviolet filters to their products.

    Most often, day creams include the following components:

    • vitamins A, B, E;
    • herbal extracts and vegetable oils;
    • ceramides;
    • water;
    • filters and protective components;
    • wax.

    You can read more about Natura Siberica day cream in this material.

    The day cream creates a lifting effect, retains moisture, which prevents the premature formation of wrinkles, and can be used as a base for makeup.

    Due to the high moisture content in the composition, day creams are absorbed well and quickly and have a beneficial effect on tissues within a few minutes.


    It is believed that night time is the most favorable period for nutrition and restoration of the body . The same applies to the skin. Therefore, the functions of a night face cream usually include deep nourishment of the skin. Such products are rich in vitamins and oils. Among nighttime skin care products, many anti-aging cosmetics are also produced.

    Thanks to the active effects of the drug components, the following effects can be obtained:

    • restoration of skin elasticity and tone;
    • cell renewal;
    • nutrition, hydration, saturation with nutrients;
    • stimulation of collagen synthesis;
    • improvement of blood supply.

    You can read about Libriderm night cream here.

    The maximum effect of the cream is observed from 2 to 5 am. It is during this period that a significant amount of blood flows to the skin of the face, which allows for more intensive absorption of beneficial elements from the cream.


    Creams of this type restore the moisture balance in the skin and retain it there. As a rule, after application, super-hydrating products form a film that binds water and directs it to the area where it is deficient.

    Preparations of this type have a light structure and are quickly absorbed. Their basis is most often an aqueous emulsion containing natural vegetable oils. Some creams contain anti-inflammatory and protective components, as well as extracts of medicinal herbs. The products are great for dry skin care.

    The rating of moisturizing face creams can be found here.

    In addition to vegetable oils, the moisturizer may contain hyaluronic acid, caffeine, collagen and elastin, panthenol, glycerin. It is worth considering that the wrong cream can clog pores and cause inflammation.


    Nourishing creams perform the function of intensively saturating tissues with useful components. But unlike night ones, they can be used at almost any time of the day. The composition of such products includes oils of plant origin, extracts of medicinal herbs and a large number of vitamins, antioxidants and antibacterial components.

    The content of the above components allows you to prevent and relieve inflammatory processes and irritation.

    Using nourishing cream as a base for makeup can be quite problematic, since many products in this category have an oily structure.


    Products used for skin rejuvenation can be divided into day and night creams, and also have the functions of moisturizing and nourishing formulations. Most often, anti-aging creams are developed for women over forty years of age and their action is aimed at:

    • increasing firmness, elasticity and tone of the skin;
    • elimination of flabbiness;
    • improvement of complexion;
    • smoothing wrinkles;
    • stimulation of self-healing;
    • skin cell renewal.

    Anti-aging cosmetics are often divided into age groups. They should also be selected based on age.

    You can read how to make an analogue of an expensive anti-wrinkle cream with your own hands here.

    All creams must be selected based not only on the goals pursued, but also taking into account your own age. This rule applies to all cosmetic products.

    For problem skin

    As a rule, products from this category act on problem areas with acne and pimples. Many of them contain antibacterial components and salicylic acid. Creams kill germs, improve blood circulation, promote recovery, mattify, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands . Most products for problem skin are produced for those with young skin and teenagers.


    Exfoliating and cleansing creams are used to remove dead skin and remove blackheads. They promote the renewal of skin cells and improve blood circulation and complexion.

    This category includes various scrubs, creams, and makeup removers.

    Sun protection

    Cosmetic products for sun protection contain many components that protect against the negative effects of the environment on the skin, as well as ultraviolet filters. They are often marked with protection intensity indexes SPF-X (where X is the intensity level from 2 to 50). The best properties are those marked with SPF-50.
    Most often, the compositions of such sunscreens include zinc and iron oxide, as well as titanium dioxide. They are the most widely and frequently used mineral filters. Their action is to refract and reflect sunlight. However, such cosmetics have a significant disadvantage - they can leave powdery white marks and stains on clothes and skin.

    You can read about Avon face sunscreen in this article.

    Due to the fact that one of the causes of skin aging is the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, sunscreens can be used to slow down the aging process.

    Coffee cream for cake

    Photo: prostotortiki.ru
    We recommend using instant coffee because it gives a distinct taste and aroma.

    You will need:
    150 g of powdered sugar, 50 g of butter, 1 tbsp.
    cocoa, 1 tsp. instant coffee, 1.5 tbsp. boiling water Preparation:

    Beat soft butter with sifted powdered sugar and cocoa. Dissolve the coffee in boiling water, stir well, add to the cream, and whisk for a couple more minutes until smooth.

    Yeast dough buns: 10 simple recipes (step by step)

    Butter cream for cake

    Photo: ok.ru
    This cream requires heavy cream of about 33-35%.

    You will need:
    500 ml cream, 100 g powdered sugar.

    Cool the cream to a temperature of about 3 degrees, and make sure that the bowl and whisk are also cold. Beat them with powdered sugar, gradually increasing the speed until the cream doubles in volume.

    Whipped cream

    Whipped cream is a very simple, but for many people the most delicious cream. Its application is very wide - from decoration to making ice cream, mousses and other desserts. Only very heavy cream is suitable for whipping - from 30% fat content. The main rule for successfully whipping them is that everything should be very cold, including the whisk, dishes and the cream itself. You need to beat them gradually, starting at minimum speed. High-quality cream will whip very quickly, it will take about 5-7 minutes. If desired, you can add powdered sugar to them.

    Butter cream for cake

    Photo: midgardinfo.com
    The same cream into which it is so convenient to add food coloring for decoration.

    You will need:
    300 g butter, 300 g powdered sugar.

    The oil should warm up a little and melt, but there is no need to heat it. Beat it with fine powdered sugar at high speed until it forms a fluffy white cream.


    The use of face creams is an integral part of the skin care process. They help retain moisture in tissues, deliver nutrients to the deep layers of the skin, slow down the aging process and relieve all sorts of inflammatory problems. However, they must be applied and selected correctly. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention not only to the principle of action and purpose of the cream, but also to the age group and composition. The quality and effectiveness of the product may depend on this. It is best to make your choice after consulting a cosmetologist and dermatologist.

    Chocolate cream for cake

    Photo: 24recipes.ru
    Experiment with different types of chocolate, fat content and even vegetable cream.

    You will need:
    200 g of natural chocolate, 2 glasses of 25-30% cream.

    Bring the cream to a boil, add the chocolate pieces and stir. Place the container in the refrigerator, but stir the mixture every 10 minutes. When it has cooled completely, beat it with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

    Nut cream for cake

    Photo: andychef.ru
    Any nuts are suitable, or even a mix of them. And a pinch of zest would also come in handy!

    You will need:
    200 g nuts, 2 tbsp.
    butter, 150 ml milk, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. flour. Preparation:

    Grind the nuts in a blender or coffee grinder and fry them in a spoon of oil until smooth. Add sugar and milk and bring the cream to a boil. Add sour cream, flour and mix thoroughly. When the cream thickens, add the remaining butter and remove it from the heat.

    Types of creams for children

    1. Children's classic. At one time, our mothers smeared us with this product, and our grandmothers smeared our mothers in childhood. In general, this type of cream has passed many years of testing and remains one of the favorites for all mothers and babies. It has a moisturizing effect. It is used after bathing if the baby has good healthy skin without rashes or other problems.
    2. Protective. This product is applied to exposed areas of the body (cheeks, arms) when you and your baby go for a walk. This product protects delicate skin from wind, sunlight and frost.
    3. Cream for use under diapers. This is a more special product containing anti-inflammatory elements and antimicrobial substances. Cream for baby's bottom perfectly fights diaper rash and dermatitis, which often occurs on this delicate part of the body.
    4. Anti-inflammatory. It is used on the child’s face and hands where, for some reason, frequent inflammation occurs.

    When choosing a cream for your baby, take one that contains few ingredients. This will reduce the potential risk of allergic reactions. Products containing string, calendula, panthenol, zinc oxide and some vitamins have proven themselves in practice only from the best side.

    Honey cream for cake

    Photo: kulinarka-tv.ru
    If you add sugar, carefully control the sweetness.

    You will need:
    1 liter of heavy cream, 4 eggs, 200 g of honey, 1 tsp.
    salt, 2 tsp. vanilla sugar, 100 g flour. Preparation:

    Beat eggs with flour and salt using a mixer. Heat the cream and honey, bring to a boil and remove from the heat. Gradually pour hot cream into the egg mixture, continuing to beat. Place the cream on the stove again and simmer for a couple of minutes after boiling, stirring.

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    Types of creams (day or night)

    Day cream is applied in the morning after cleansing and toning the skin. The texture of this product is lighter, since it is important that the composition is absorbed as quickly as possible. Day creams often act as a base for makeup, creating an even and smooth skin surface.

    Night cream is applied before bedtime. First, you need to carefully remove your makeup, apply cleansing milk and toner. Only after this, night cream is applied, the texture of which is tighter and oilier. It is imperative to apply a nourishing night cream before bed, because during rest the skin is actively restored and the active components are absorbed much more efficiently.

    Caramel cream for cake

    Photo: attuale.ru
    Thick, fragrant and very beautiful.

    You will need:
    300 ml cream, 200 g sugar, 150 g butter.

    Pour the sugar into a saucepan and melt it over medium heat, stirring the mixture. Pour hot cream into the brown caramel and continue stirring. Cook the cream until smooth, until it thickens, and add a little salt if desired. Then strain, cool and mix with separately whipped butter.

    Cream for cake with condensed milk

    Photo: sgushhenka.ru
    Condensed milk cream is always a win-win option for any dessert.

    You will need:
    200 g butter, 200 g condensed milk, 3 tbsp.
    liqueur, cocoa or vanillin. Preparation:

    Beat the softened butter until smooth, and add liqueur or spices to it to taste. Condensed milk is suitable raw or boiled - as you like. Beat it thoroughly with butter and the cream is ready!

    What is a cosmetic cream: principles of structure

    Cosmetic cream is an emulsion that consists of two liquid phases of different densities, which is why they do not mix with each other. Liquid phases can be represented as “oil in water”, when the emulsifier is emulsion wax, or as “water in oil”, when the emulsifier is pentol.

    Cosmetic cream is an emulsion that consists of two liquid phases of different densities, which is why they do not mix with each other.

    The “oil” is a fatty base, the characteristics of which largely determine the effectiveness and quality of the cream. The higher the content of fatty acids, the more valuable the oil base of the cream. Read us on Telegram

    Banana cream for cake

    Photo: lulusproperties.com
    The banana itself creates a dense texture, so no butter or heavy cream is needed.

    You will need:
    200 ml 20% sour cream, 1 banana, 3 tbsp.
    powdered sugar. Preparation:

    Beat the sour cream and powdered sugar for a couple of minutes until smooth. Puree the banana using a blender, combine both masses and beat again.

    Lemon cream for cake

    Photo: skim-beauty.ru
    There are a lot of lemon cream recipes, but we chose the most interesting one.

    You will need:
    2 lemons, 100 g sugar, 20 g butter, 2 eggs.

    Beat eggs with sugar, zest and lemon juice using a whisk. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add butter and cook for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.

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