Ring-shaped Darier's erythema in a child against the background of viral hepatitis A and shigella bacteria carriage

Redness on the skin is a very unpleasant phenomenon for both adults and children. As a rule, they cause itching and flaking, which are sometimes accompanied by painful sensations. In addition, in each case, red spots look aesthetically unpleasant and repulsive. It is not surprising that every person strives to get rid of them as quickly as possible. And to do this, first of all, you need to understand the reasons for their occurrence, which can be very different. Moreover, sometimes redness on the skin indicates a very serious disease, including internal organs.


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What are the most common causes of red spots on the skin?

Allergic reaction

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Taking certain medications, as well as consuming a number of vitamins and foods, interacting with pets, getting bacteria or dust mites on the skin, inhaling pollen from flowering plants, etc., can trigger an allergic reaction. Most often, it manifests itself in the appearance of red spots scattered over the body and causing severe itching, which in particularly difficult cases can lead to Quincke's edema and even death.

In such a case, you will need to consult a dermatologist, who will identify the cause of the allergy and prescribe appropriate treatment. Eliminating provoking factors, using histamine blockers and local ointments will allow you to quickly forget about the problem and avoid complications.

Presence of an infectious or venereal disease

The “culprit” of red spots is often the viruses of scarlet fever, rubella, measles, chickenpox and other infectious diseases. This also includes the disease syphilis, which manifests itself as red rashes on the skin.

The danger of such diseases is that a person not only experiences discomfort (the appearance of a red rash all over the body in these cases is usually accompanied by fever, chills and other unpleasant symptoms), but also turns into a carrier of the virus. Therefore, at the first signs of an infectious or sexually transmitted disease, accompanied by redness on the skin, you need to consult a doctor and begin comprehensive treatment, including taking antibiotics, antihistamines, vitamins, topical ointments - this is the only way to protect others and quickly cope with the disease.

Red spots on the body - causes.


Many people consider the appearance of red spots on the skin to be a consequence of allergies . But sometimes they are wrong; such rashes on the body can

be symptoms of serious illnesses. Therefore, you need to know what causes such redness.

Red spots on the body and neck

If red rashes appear all over the body and neck , and also itch, then the reasons for their occurrence may be as follows.

Pityriasis versicolor

Such rashes are not very dangerous to health, but still this is not a reason to start them. You need to try to get rid of them quickly.

This can be done with the help of special antifungal agents. After getting rid of pityriasis versicolor, it is recommended to spend some time

carry out hardening exercises, and also douse yourself with acidified water every day.

Atopic dermatitis

Such redness and itching appear due to the ingestion of certain foods or are a consequence of interaction with animals.

In this case, you need to determine what exactly caused the redness of the skin and exclude allergens . After a certain period of time, the stains will disappear on their own.

Emotional experiences

Sometimes small red spots on the body may appear after experiencing severe stress. In this case, you need to take a contrast shower, and the spots

on the skin, decrease in size and disappear over time.


Itchy redness on the body may be the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods, sunlight or other factors. You need

get rid of the cause of the allergy , and the spots will disappear soon.

Hyperhidrosis Raised redness on the armpits . The most common cause is increased sweating . Such spots are accompanied

unpleasant smell. Then you must strictly follow all the rules of personal hygiene and use a special deodorant that will regulate sweating .

Infectious diseases

Also, red rashes on the skin can be signs of various infectious diseases such as lichen , eczema and dermatitis . Besides everything

above, spots on the skin can occur due to diseases such as chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever.

Children who develop such rashes need not only treatment, but also treatment of the skin with special medications that

have a calming effect. This must be done because the child’s skin is very delicate, and with constant scratching the child can get

there is some other infection there.

If inflammation appears on the skin of a child who uses diapers, then this is diaper rash. We must try to give the child more time

carried out without a diaper and smear the skin with a special ointment based on Vaseline.

Red spots on the chest

If redness appears on the chest , which constantly causes itching, then this is evidence of hormonal imbalance and problems with

internal organs. Redness may also occur on the face or hands. The reason for all this may be certain foods such as strawberries or honey.

Quite rarely, spots in the chest are symptoms of: - allergies to household chemicals or cosmetics; - urticaria .

Red spots on hands

Scabies. Most often, red spots on the hands are a symptom of scabies. As a rule, these spots are accompanied by severe itching, which increases

at night or after swimming.

Poor nutrition

Red spots both on the hands and throughout the body may indicate poor nutrition. Such rashes may appear if

a person constantly eats smoked meats, flour, fatty and fried foods.

Lane's disease

Red spots on the palms may be symptoms of Laneux's disease. Typically, spots appear on the wrists, palms and between the fingers. In order to

To cure Lana's disease, she needs to take special medications.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic

Dermatological problems

The most common dermatological disease, characterized by the appearance of red spots - they are located locally or throughout the body - lichen. Experts distinguish several types of lichen, each of which has its own characteristics.

Red flat and ringing, scaly (psoriasis) and shingles, pityriasis and weeping (eczema) - all of them require the mandatory intervention of a specialist who can make a correct diagnosis and timely prescribe therapeutic measures. In addition, some types of lichen are transmitted by contact, which requires isolation of the patient from others, compliance with a special lifestyle, and exclusion of provoking factors.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the consequences of frequent or constant stress and nervous tension.

The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised if one of the consequences of nervous overstrain is redness of the skin (it’s not for nothing that people came up with the expression: “stains from nerves”). The reason for this phenomenon most often lies in vegetative-vascular dystonia, leading to impaired blood flow.

Redness of the skin will most likely not cause any pain and will go away on its own in a couple of days. However, you need to remember that quite serious diseases of internal organs can also lead to the appearance of spots: the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Therefore, any change in the skin should be a reason to contact a skin specialist.


In order not to injure the skin and maintain its pleasant appearance, if possible, try to avoid factors that can cause irritation.

You should not use antibacterial or deodorizing cleansers if you have sensitive skin. Instead, use soft and gentle oil-based products.

On clear days, under the influence of sunlight, the upper layers of the skin lose moisture faster and suffer from dehydration, this accelerates the aging process. Therefore, before going out, you need to wear hats with wide sides so that they cast a shadow on your face. It will not be superfluous to apply sunscreen in winter, and in summer you can add thermal water spray or mineral wipes to your daily care.

During the winter season, cold winds, frost and dry air in heated or air-conditioned rooms expose the skin to stress and contribute to irritation. To protect your skin in winter, apply moisturizer half an hour before going out.

Also, for prevention it is recommended:

  • do not take long hot showers or baths;
  • use means to reduce the hardness of running water;
  • do not wipe your skin dry with a towel;
  • use gloves when washing dishes;
  • choose casual clothes from natural materials;
  • Do not use products with fragrances when washing.

What will an examination with a dermatologist give?

Since there are a great many causes of skin redness, it is not recommended to “remove” and treat them on your own. And here it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about small rashes scattered throughout or locally located large spots. Flaky and itchy or not causing much concern.

Only an experienced dermatologist will be able to determine the disease, sometimes by the nature and location of the redness. But even in this case, he will definitely prescribe a comprehensive examination, including analysis of scrapings from the affected areas of the skin, which will allow timely clarification of symptoms, the correct selection of treatment therapy, and possibly diagnosis of a very serious disease, which at first glance has nothing to do with the condition of the skin. covers.

Causes of hyperemia

Redness on the face is a clear and common sign of hyperemia.
Under the influence of external and internal factors, blood vessels dilate, which increases blood flow to the skin and leads to a change in their color. This is especially noticeable in people with fair and sensitive skin. Red spots on the face can appear for various reasons:

  • Temporary stimuli . Among them are changes in external temperatures and wind, physical and emotional stress, sunburn or mechanical factors (friction, pressure). Redness of the skin can be caused by side effects of medications, incorrectly selected cosmetics and some types of caring procedures: peeling, resurfacing, microcurrent therapy.
  • Physiological conditions.
    Hormonal changes are often accompanied by systemic reactions, including skin reactions. Situations when red spots appear on the face cause psychological discomfort during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc.
  • Allergic and toxic agents.
    They can enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, injection and contact (by direct contact with the skin).
  • Pathological conditions.
    This is a large group of acute and chronic diseases, both of a purely dermatological and general nature, namely: disruption of the cardiovascular system and the hematopoietic mechanism;
  • acute infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • endocrine and autoimmune diseases;
  • disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • dermatoses of various origins.

In such situations, it is possible to remove redness from the face only by simultaneously addressing the root cause and the symptom. Even true dermatological disorders are difficult to correct without improving the health of the whole organism.

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