Safe cosmetics (without harmful ingredients)

A safe face cream should contain a minimum amount of chemical additives and a maximum of natural ingredients. Taking into account consumer demand, cosmetic companies develop and produce lines of products based on natural ingredients. Organic-based cosmetics have a safe and positive effect on the skin, keeping it young and healthy for a long time.

To make the right choice and use high-quality cosmetics, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of dangerous components that are undesirable to be present in products.

Harm of face creams

Facial skin care is a difficult task, since only the right choice of cream and its proper use can provide good results. Some women, fearing the negative effects of facial products, completely refuse to use them. However, this is wrong and often leads to early skin aging, wrinkles and irritation. Skin requires daily care; it needs to be cleaned, nourished and moisturized regularly.

Day creams help protect the epidermis from environmental influences, sun rays, dust and temperature changes. Night creams are designed to care for facial skin during sleep, when regeneration processes at the cellular level are more active.

You need to choose a cream according to your skin type, otherwise the product will not only not help maintain youth and freshness, but will also do harm, because dry skin needs to be moisturized, oily skin needs to be cleansed and dried, normal skin needs to be nourished and moderately moisturized, and for problem skin you need to choose special ones means to improve her condition.

You can prevent the occurrence of a negative skin reaction to face creams by choosing the right product after first clarifying the composition and individual sensitivity.

There are several types of face cream, and each of them can have both positive and negative effects on the skin. So it is necessary to consider each type of face cream separately.


It is believed that foundation closes pores and prevents the skin from breathing.

Such a negative effect of foundation cannot be completely denied. But with the right choice of product, the likelihood of its negative impact on the dermis is reduced, and the skin of the face becomes smooth and well-groomed, without being subjected to dangerous tests.

There are two types of foundations. If you use a cream with a moisturizing effect, intended for the care of very dry skin, for oily skin, the face will shine. There is also a high likelihood of acne. For oily skin types, you need to choose a mattifying product, or rather a cosmetic ointment, the effect of which is aimed at drying the skin. But using such a cream to care for dry skin is strictly prohibited.


Moisturizers for facial skin care help restore the water balance in skin cells, preventing the appearance of dehydration, dryness, tightness and flaking. The harm of such a cream can manifest itself in different forms:

  1. Violation of the skin renewal process. The skin is regularly renewed. New cells are formed, and old ones die and slough off. A product with a moisturizing effect traps dead skin particles on the face, disrupting the natural renewal process. As a result, the formation of young cells is delayed, which leads to a deterioration in the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Lack of self-hydration . Moisturizer interferes with the skin's natural function of self-hydration. When the dermis is constantly fed, the body stops producing the necessary moisture. As a result, the skin begins to lose elasticity, becomes dry and susceptible to aging.
  3. Imbalance of fluid and nutrients . Daily use of moisturizers can cause an imbalance of moisture, proteins and lipids in skin cells. Such a failure is fraught with a decrease in the protective functions of the skin, as well as excessive sensitivity to external irritants and pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. The appearance of a blockage . Each skin has its own specifics. Even a properly chosen and high-quality product with a light texture can clog pores, causing inflammatory processes.

It is impossible to completely abandon moisturizers, especially if you have dry skin that requires constant care. For normal skin types, when you only need light moisturizing to prevent a negative reaction due to bad weather, it is recommended to apply the product 30 minutes before going outside.

Lifting – cream

Firming creams used against wrinkles and age-related changes lead to rapid sagging of the skin. After prolonged use of these products, the skin loses firmness and elasticity and begins to age rapidly. The reason for this negative reaction is an excess of nutritional components. Firming creams often contain vitamins, fats and amino acids that exceed the permitted amount by hundreds of times.

The normal fat content in cream is considered to be less than 10%. Exceeding the dose leads to aging of the dermis, and in most manufactured products the fat concentration reaches 40%. To combat wrinkles, substances are also used that cause unwanted changes at the cellular level.

How to minimize the negative impact?

To reduce the negative impact of chemical components of cosmetics, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Combine cosmetics that have a complex chemical composition with natural products.
  • Do not use several products at the same time that contain many artificial additives.
  • If undesirable body reactions occur, immediately stop using the product.
  • When using the substance for the first time, you should do an allergy test. To do this, the product is applied to a small area of ​​skin and the reaction is assessed after some time.
  • Wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed.
  • Avoid purchasing products that contain parabens at the top of the list. In such a situation, there is a high probability of exceeding the norm.
  • Avoid using deodorants with parabens. The area of ​​application of such products contains many lymph nodes and is located near the mammary glands.

Hazardous Ingredients

The benefits and harms of face cream are primarily determined by the ingredients included in the product. That is why before purchasing and using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product.

Most often, parabens are added to creams, which are obtained only synthetically. They are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. According to established standards, their amount in a cosmetic product should be no more than 0.4-0.8%. The substance is added to products in order to extend their shelf life and prevent the proliferation of microbes.

In addition to parabens, face creams and other cosmetics may also contain even more harmful chemicals - sulfates. Sulfates are salts that are derivatives of sulfuric acid. For the production of cosmetics, ammonium and sodium lauryl sulfates, as well as laureth sulfates, are most often used. The former are petroleum products and are especially hazardous to health. Sulfates are present in almost any foaming product. The action of these substances is aimed at washing away various types of contaminants.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is considered an irritant. It can only be added to rinse-off products. A 1% concentration of the ingredient in creams does not have a negative effect on the skin.

Another dangerous component in face creams is silicone. It is a chemical obtained from sand. The role of silicone in cosmetics is to improve the absorption rate of the cream and prevent the appearance of stickiness after its use. The downside of this component is that silicone forms an invisible film, preventing the skin from breathing. Necessary vitamins and microelements cannot enter the dermis. You also need to be attentive to the composition of the cosmetic product, since silicone in the cream increases the risk of rapid contamination of pores and the formation of acne with blackheads. It is recommended to use face creams without silicone, especially when there is a tendency to acne and the appearance of inflammatory lesions on the skin.

Most cosmetics contain bentonite, acetate and aluminum silicate, which greatly dry the skin. Entering the body through the dermis, these substances can accumulate in brain cells and cause diseases.

Harmful ingredients in facial skin care products include tyrosine, sorbitan isostearate, talc, benzocaine, as well as fragrances and dyes.

When choosing a face cream, you need to pay attention to the amount of glycerin in the composition. Glycerin is a chemical substance that is colorless and has intense moisturizing properties. The permissible content of the substance in organic cream should not exceed 7%. Finding a face cream without glycerin is quite possible. However, such products are very expensive and are produced in limited quantities.

Many women are allergic to smells. Even the most pleasant and refined aroma can cause you to refuse a cosmetic product. If you consider that the scent is obtained by adding artificial elements to the cream, then we can confidently say that unscented face cream is a safer option that meets the requirements for organic cosmetics.

It is quite possible to buy a face cream without harmful additives, the effect of which will help maintain healthy and youthful skin. When buying a face cream, you need to carefully read the composition. Some components are practically not included in quality products, as they increase the likelihood of irritation and allergic skin reactions.

Sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate

The substance is found in 98% of shampoos, shower gels and liquid soaps. Manufacturers list it under the names sodium dodecyl sulphate, PEG, SMS, SMES, monododecyl ester. The ingredient belongs to the sodium salts of lauryl sulfonic acid, has a very low cost, but is also a caustic and aggressive component.

The harm of this substance has been proven based on research:

  1. SLS is capable of oxidizing the surface of the skin, forming a film on it and causing itching, irritation and peeling. Regular use of products containing SLS leads to the development of an allergic reaction.
  2. The substance forms a bond with other components that make up the cosmetic product, resulting in carcinogens.
  3. SLS has a bad effect on the quality of hair, disrupts its structure, and contributes to the appearance of split ends.

SLS can accumulate in the body, entering the bloodstream through the skin. It can be found in the liver, kidneys, heart and even in the human brain. SLS accumulated in the body can change the composition of cells, causing the development of cataracts or a failure of the immune system.

Propylene glycol

Propylene glycol is often used by chemical manufacturers. It is added to face and body creams, hair hygiene products and toothpaste. The component is listed on labels as 1,2-propanediol. It is a synthetic substance obtained from petroleum. It has high solvent properties and easily combines with a large number of substances, contributing to the formation of a homogeneous mass. Acts as a humectant and is therefore used in the production of a number of cosmetic and hygiene products. In terms of toxicity, glycol is identical to PEG (additive E1521).

Propylene glycol is only dangerous when consumed in large doses. A negative reaction can also occur with limited contact with glycol. Cosmetics containing this component can cause an allergic reaction, dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. Cream containing glycol can cause acne, skin dehydration and clogged pores with the subsequent development of rosacea and acne.

Petrolatum (Vaseline)

The substance is a mixture of mineral oils and solid paraffins. It does not oxidize in air and does not require preservatives.

This product activates the restoration of superficial skin lipids without covering them with an impenetrable barrier. Vaseline evenly penetrates the entire stratum corneum of the skin, stabilizing its barrier functions. The substance is very oily and, when used in a cream, can clog pores, causing comedones. Rare, but may cause allergic reactions, although it is considered non-toxic when properly cleaned.

Mineral oil (mineral oils)

Mineral oil is a colorless substance and is a product of multi-stage oil refining.

The substance has a dissolving effect, and therefore it is often included in cleansing products for decorative cosmetics. When applied to the skin, mineral oil penetrates the upper layer of the epidermis, dissolving dead scales. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and shiny, and a microfilm is formed on the surface, which retains water molecules, moisturizing the skin.

Mineral and natural oils are similar in chemical composition. However, in addition to forming a protective film, natural oils nourish the skin, saturating it with vitamins and beneficial microelements, and participate in the metabolic processes of the epidermis and connective tissue. Mineral molecules do not penetrate deeper than the skin and can cause side effects, and therefore it is recommended to use face cream without oils of mineral origin


Paraben is a chemical substance that belongs to the esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid. These esters are good antiseptics and have an antimicrobial effect. According to scientists, parabens are identical in their effects to estrogens, which are contraindicated during pregnancy. Propyl-, butyl-, isobutyl-, and also methylparaben have a pronounced estrogen-like effect. Face cream with methylparaben can increase the negative effects of UV rays and cause a serious allergic reaction. A safe face sunscreen should not contain parabens.

Formaldehyde (formaldehyde)

Formaldehyde (methanal, formic aldehyde) is a strong-smelling, colorless gas with high toxicity and increased activity against bacteria, fungi and some viruses. Soluble in water and alcohols. Its aqueous solution is called formalin. Other compounds in solid form and in crystals are called paraformaldehyde and thyroxane.

The presence of formaldehyde in cosmetics can be determined by the inscription Formaldehyde. However, formaldehyde releasers are most often present in cosmetics (urea is the most common). Cosmetics with this substance are stored in a closet, away from light. If storage rules are not followed, formaldehyde releasers contained in cosmetics will begin to rapidly release formaldehyde, which can lead to exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of this substance.

The use of cosmetics containing Formaldehyde is not permitted if you are prone to an allergic reaction, have skin hypersensitivity or have dermatological pathologies. The use of a cream containing formaldehyde is prohibited for bronchial asthma and during pregnancy.

What are parabens?

Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

It is worth noting that in EU countries the presence of parabens in cosmetics is regulated by special instructions - no more than 0.4-0.8% in the product.

The generally accepted system for designating such substances is:

  1. Common parabens: ethylparaben E214, butyl and benzylparaben, propylparaben E216, methylparaben E218.
  2. Specific ones include: isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, sodium salts, benzylparaben.

In addition, parabens are sometimes called synonyms:

  • ethyl-, methyl-, propyl-;
  • propagine and metagin;
  • hydroxybenzoate;
  • arahydroxybenzoate;
  • RNV;
  • from E214 to E219.

All parabens are produced synthetically.

Read more about where parabens come from, what they are and where this substance is found here.

You will find more information about parabens in this video:

Safe face cream - list of the best

A face cream can be called safe if the above dangerous ingredients are either completely absent or included in small quantities in accordance with acceptable standards.

In order to compile a list of safe cosmetic products for the face, Russian specialists from research centers conducted research.

According to the results of the study, recommended creams that do not contain hazardous components include products for various purposes: foundation, moisturizing, nourishing, night, etc. Every woman can choose the option she needs. The products of some companies have guaranteed quality and are safe for use:

  • Natura Siberica . The company differs favorably from other companies because it produces cosmetics only on a natural basis. Day creams, products for protecting, rejuvenating and moisturizing facial skin are produced.
  • Planeta Organica . The company produces a rejuvenating cream based on Norwegian Sea algae, liquid collagen and vitamin E, which is suitable for women over 50 years old and restores the skin, slowing down the aging process.

Another cream from this brand is based on cloudberry oil with microscopic capsules of ascorbic acid. The product nourishes and gives tone. The cream based on thermal Arctic water produced by this company also contains polar cranberry juice. Thanks to its natural composition, the product eliminates dryness and saturates the skin with vitamins. Microscopic capsules of hyaluronic acid restore moisture reserves.

  • Recipes of Grandma Agafya . The company's products are reasonably priced and provide excellent skin care. The company offers a large range for middle-aged women, and also produces sulfate-free creams without silicones and parabens.
  • Weleda . The company produces face creams without parabens and sulfates, using only natural ingredients. The line of cosmetic products for facial skin care includes moisturizing, day and smoothing creams, lifting cream, and nourishing cream.

The company notes that in the production of its products it uses only natural ingredients, without the addition of parabens and sulfates.

  • Clean line . The Russian brand offers safe facial skin care creams for different skin types and different age groups.

Moisturizing creams for very dry skin Vivasan (Switzerland), Liftactiv Nuit Soin (Vichy, France), moisturizing and nourishing cream-gel Nivea (Germany), day cream Belita (Belarus), night moisturizer for mature women are also distinguished by their natural composition and high quality. Natura Bisse skin (Spain).

Safe creams include Exclusive (Russia), Skindulgence cream mask (USA and Switzerland), night nourishing Glorion Gloris, night Botanicus, nourishing cream with cedar oil from Marco Premier.

The list of safe creams is quite long. Modern cosmetic production strives to improve its products and focus on developing new formulas based on natural ingredients, since the future belongs to organic cosmetics.

Vivasan brand products are developed based on components of natural origin. A wide range of facial skin care products is produced, which gives every woman the opportunity to find a suitable option for herself. To care for very dry skin, the company offers Super Mallow day cream with wild mallow extract and vitamins C and E. Mallow contains many mucous and tannin substances, has a positive effect on the skin structure, eliminates inflammation and irritation. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and nourishes the skin, activating blood flow and regeneration processes. Vitamin C strengthens local immunity, neutralizes the effects of free radicals and is involved in the production of collagen. The cream provides optimal hydration of the dermis and maintains moisture balance in the cells, making the skin elastic, healthy and youthful.

Liftactiv Nuit Soin by Vichy

Vichy products are released only after experiments, laboratory studies and tests. Creams from this company do not contain hazardous components. The product range includes day and night creams and anti-wrinkle products. LIFTACTIV Nuit is a night care product with a powerful lifting effect.

After 40 years, it becomes more difficult to hide wrinkles, age spots appear, and pores expand. The action of the night cream from the Vichy brand is aimed at eliminating the listed age-related skin changes. The effect appears after 4 days of use. The cream contains shea and apricot oils, vitamin C, active elements Rhamnose and HEPES, which smooth the skin. It has a light texture and does not leave a greasy shine on the face.

Cream-gel moisturizing and nourishing Nivea

The moisturizer from the Nivea brand contains shea butter, due to which the cream is quickly absorbed and is excellent for all skin types. Nivea moisturizing cream-gel activates regeneration processes and protects the upper layers of the epidermis from harmful environmental influences.

Daytime "Belita"

Belorusskaya produces a line of day creams with natural composition. The most popular are Daytime Mesocream for the face Intensive rejuvenation 40+, Daytime Mesocream for the face and neck 60+ Active care for mature skin, Marine Collagen for the face Cream-Active Daytime Rejuvenating.

All products do not contain hazardous components and promote proper and safe care for mature skin.

Night moisturizer for mature skin Natura Bisse

The cream is intended for dry, wrinkle-prone skin. The product contains highly purified natural free amino acids of the elastin protein, which restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis. The cream is enriched with rosehip oil, vitamin C and a natural moisturizing component that restores the moisture balance in skin cells and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Nourishing "Taiga Formula" from Green Mama

The Taiga Formula series provides competent, complete and safe care for every skin type. Nourishing face cream Green Mama Taiga Formula Pine nut and sea buckthorn oil prevents cell aging, smoothes fine wrinkles, stimulates cell regeneration.

Skindulgence moisturizing cream mask

Skindulgence products have a natural composition and are designed taking into account the characteristics of mature skin. Masks with a rejuvenating composition have an excellent lifting effect and allow you to eliminate wrinkles in a few days. The cream mask is intended for women aged 50+.

Natura Siberica Moisturizing and protection

The cream has a safe composition, chemical components are excluded. The product is equipped with a convenient dispenser. Contains allantoin, which provides deep hydration. Vitamin P gives the skin elasticity and youth, hyaluronic acid prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and SPF factor 20 protects against UV rays.

Cream “Sakura Branch”

Face cream Active rejuvenation 24 hours of the “Sakura Branch” series with flower extract is produced by the Modum brand. Does not contain hazardous chemicals.

The composition, rich in vitamins and microelements, nourishes the skin, protects lipids in cell membranes from destruction, prevents aging and improves local immunity. The cream has a soothing and moisturizing effect. Does not leave greasy marks after application.

Topping up

The German pharmaceutical cosmetics brand Pharmatheiss cosmetics presents the Doliva cosmetic series. All of the company's products are formulated with extra virgin olive oil, combined with ingredients such as almond oil, avocado, wheat germ, shea butter and jojoba. Creams from this company promote the regeneration of skin cells, moisturize the dermis and restore the natural lipid barrier of the skin, maintaining tone and youth for many years. Thanks to the natural composition, facial skin care products from the Doliva cosmetic line can be used continuously. Products are available for all ages and skin types. Popular and effective products are Light Intensive Cream, Moisturizing Cream with Hyaluronic Acid, Cream for Dry and Sensitive Skin and Moisturizing Fluid Cream for the Face.

Spring Facial Moisturizer “Cucumber”

Cucumber face cream from the company One Hundred Beauty Recipes is a universal and inexpensive product without sulfates and other harmful ingredients. Provides reliable protection from negative environmental factors, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, giving it a fresh look, health and youth.

Mavridis Olive, Red Grape

Face cream with organic olive oil, extracts of grapes, seaweed, lemon, lavender and rose water. The product moisturizes the skin at the cellular level, has an antiseptic and healing effect, gives the skin softness and smoothness.


STEAMCREAM is a vegan cosmetics product and contains only plant ingredients. The moisturizing cream contains oat infusion, orange flower water, almond oil, cocoa butter, glycerin, organic jojoba oil, lavender and chamomile oils, orange blossoms, roses, and neroli oil. The cream nourishes and moisturizes, making the dermis smooth and elastic. Designed to care for all skin types.

Hera anti-aging

This is an anti-aging intensive cream for the care of sensitive skin around the eyes. The manufacturer is a Korean company (Care Korea Cosmetics), which uses natural ingredients for its products.


The brand produces caring cosmetics. All of the company's products are developed based on natural ingredients. Popular products from this company are Green People Anti-ageing eye cream, Green People Rejuvenating Night Eye Cream, Green People Firming eye serum, Green People Fruit Scrub .

Chamomile face cream from Meela Meelo

The cream has a natural composition. The active component of the product is chamomile extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties. The product nourishes and soothes the skin, making it protected and smooth.

It is recommended to use the product during the cold season. Despite the oily texture, no traces remain on the skin after application, the cream is absorbed quickly and completely. Does not contain harmful components, thickeners, dyes, fragrances and hormonal substances. Has a subtle natural aroma of chamomile flowers.

Honey cream from Greece Fresh Line

Fresh Line presents a full range of body and hair care products created according to unique herbal and aromatherapy recipes.

Nourishing cream, intended for all skin types. Recommended for use after 30 years. The product is developed on the basis of honey, propolis, aloe, calendula, olive oil and other natural substances. In production, the company does not use parabens, propylenes, as well as silicone and GMOs.

Rosacea from Provence Sante

The French company produces a cream for the care of sensitive skin that protects against harmful environmental factors. The composition of the cream is natural. These include extracts of blueberry, coral moss, oat, cistus, gammel flower water and almond oil. Thanks to its multi-component composition, the cream protects the skin from aging, gives firmness and elasticity, eliminating irritation. The product is intended for the care of mature skin prone to dryness.

Fresh Line Eye Cream Athena

The main component of the product is olive oil. Prevents the formation of wrinkles, moisturizes and carefully cares for the health of sensitive skin around the eyes. Does not contain chemical components.

Light day cream

This is a face cream without oils (Oil Free). The product is produced in Israel and is intended for the care of normal, oily and combination skin. Contains minerals, plant extracts and sea pearls in powder form. Pearl powder contains 200 amino acids and the same number of microelements, vitamins D and B. It has biostimulant properties and is recommended for skin care after 35 years.

Moisturizer by Dr Dennis Gross

It is one of the most popular cosmetics produced in the USA. Contains aloe, glycerin, squalane, soy isoflavones, vitamins, antioxidants, phospholipids. Ideal for caring for oily and combination skin.

Day cream Tenderness

Designed for comprehensive summer facial skin care. It does not contain harmful chemical components, is absorbed quickly, and can also be used to prepare the skin for makeup. The composition includes floral glycerin, mineral water, nettle oil extract, almond oil and a composition of essential oils. At the same time it nourishes and moisturizes the skin, with regular application it makes the dermis elastic and slows down aging. Protects from the negative effects of the external environment.

Moisturizing lotion Effaclar MAT Mattifying Moisturizer from La Roche-Posay

If moisturizing products still scare you because you can't even bear the thought of a shiny T-zone, you need this oil-free lotion. It is created in such a way that it not only resists oily shine, but also tightens pores. The moisturizing lotion is thin and light enough that you can layer other products on top of it.

Price: approx. 400 UAH

Face creams without harmful ingredients

Currently, many cosmetic companies are developing and producing facial skin care products that do not contain harmful chemicals. The range of foundation creams is very large, and sometimes it can be difficult to navigate and choose a product that suits your skin type and meets the standards of safe cosmetic products. A specially compiled rating list of the best foundation creams with natural and harmless ingredients can help with this.

Day foundation from the brand Dr. Hauschka

The components of the cream are of plant origin and are present in liquid and oil form, maintaining the natural moisture balance in the skin. The cream is intended for sensitive skin.

Josie Maran – Vibrancy Argan Oil Foundation Fluid

The cream, developed using the latest technology, contains 100% argan oil, as well as nutrients and pigments.

Fluid Foundation from Natura Siberica

The cream is used as a base for makeup. It has a light texture, gives the skin a natural tone and smoothness.

BB cream Ideal skin from Clean Line

The cream is ideal for oily and problematic dermis. Hides all imperfections and improves skin condition, protects and moisturizes it.

Bourjois Bio Detox Organic Foundation

The cream is developed on the basis of aqueous extracts of plant extracts and mineral pigments with enhanced effects. At the same time, it provides care and long-lasting makeup, corrects the skin, and protects against environmental influences.

Properly organized skin care and the use of high-quality products without harmful ingredients allows you to maintain a healthy appearance and youthfulness of your facial skin for a long time.

Properties of sulfates and silicones

In addition to parabens, cosmetics contain other dangerous ingredients. These include the following:

  • sodium sulfate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS);
  • ammonium lauryl sulfate (ALS);
  • sodium laureth sulfate (SLES);
  • Ammonium laureth sulfate (ALES).

These elements are present in many cosmetic products. They are found in liquid soaps, creams, gels, lotions, and shampoos. It is worth considering that such substances cause great harm to the human body. They can accumulate in the skin and organs. As a result, cells and tissues suffer, which undergo mutations and various abnormal changes. Such products pose a huge danger to children's bodies.

When these substances come into contact with the skin, they make it drier and cause peeling. In addition, such elements activate the aging process. If you use such shampoos to wash your hair for a long time, your hair may become more brittle and dry. There is also a serious weakening of the hair follicles. If a shampoo or other product is marked “without SLS”, do not rush to buy it. Such a product may also contain other hazardous substances - formaldehyde, amines, triethanolamine, silicones, paraffin, alcohols.

The list of dangerous components of cosmetics and their scope of application is presented in the table:

Types of componentsTitlesScope of application
ParabensMethylparaben, E218Such products are available in liquid soap, toothpaste, and shampoos. They can be included in any substance that has a liquid, gel or cream consistency.
Ethylparaben, E214
Propylparaben, E216
SiliconesCetearylmethiconeMost often used to make shampoos and other hair products. To a lesser extent, silicones are used in decorative cosmetics and skin care products.
SulfatesSodium or Ammonium Laureth (Lauryl) SulfateSuch components are added to soaps and shampoos. They are also often found in toothpastes.
Cocamide D.E.A.
TEA-Lauryl Sulfate
Sodium Lauryl Sarcosinate
Sodium PCA
Cetrimonium Chloride
Cocomidopropyl Betaine

Reviews from cosmetologists about the best safe creams

Safe creams should be developed based on natural ingredients and do not contain parabens, sulfates, mineral oils and other chemical elements. Some companies use such additives in permitted quantities. According to cosmetologists, this does not contradict the requirements of high-quality cosmetics. A cream containing only organic ingredients will have a high cost. Not everyone will be able to purchase such funds.

Today, leading cosmetic brands, using innovative technologies, produce facial skin care products that do not contain hazardous components, meet the requirements of organic cosmetics and have an affordable price. You can highlight the products of Nivea, Clean Line, Green Mama, as well as well-known brands of Korean and Greek cosmetics. To make the right choice, it is recommended to use lists of safe creams compiled on the basis of research from scientific institutes.

Alternative substances

As an alternative, brands that produce organic cosmetics use herbal preservatives in face creams. These include:

  • ascorbic acid and vitamin E;
  • pine, birch and oak bark;
  • propolis;
  • seaweed;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • tea tree oil;
  • extract from bird cherry, birch leaves and grapefruit.

Such components can provide a shelf life of up to 2 years without the use of harmful components.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when purchasing cosmetics, it is always important to look at the composition. Even the “paraben-free” sticker cannot provide a 100% guarantee of the absence of harmful substances.


Dear readers, was this article helpful? What is your experience with safe face creams? Leave feedback in the comments! Your opinion is important to us!


“I have very dry skin that requires constant hydration and care. I use Sakura Branch cream. The product has a pleasant floral scent that goes away after application, light texture and natural composition. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, the effect lasts a long time, providing a feeling of comfort.”


“I give preference to cosmetics with a natural base. When purchasing, I definitely pay attention to the composition. I have been using Nivea nourishing cream for facial skin care for several years now. After application, the product leaves no traces and is immediately absorbed, giving a feeling of protection and freshness. Thanks to regular use, the skin of the face has become elastic and smooth.”

What are they used for?

The widespread use of parabens in cosmetics is easily explained by their ability to extend shelf life.

Parabens prevent mold and germs from growing in cosmetics.

The use of sulfates in face cream may cause allergies.

Such components are allowed in minimal concentrations only in wash-off products . Sulfates are found in almost any foaming product. Their main purpose is foaming and washing away various types of contaminants. Often present in shampoos, shower and wash gels, washing powders, etc. (read about why parabens are needed in cosmetics and which products do not contain them, read here).

Are Korean skincare products any good?

By and large, yes. This is mainly due to the characteristics of Asian women’s skin – thin, prone to dehydration. Transepidermal water loss occurs faster in Japanese and Chinese women than in European women, which is why Asian companies specialize in moisturizers.

The second plus is that the production of cosmetics is stimulated and controlled at the state level. Therefore, the risk of buying some kind of “underground” cream, brewed in unsanitary conditions, is zero.

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