Cream-wax “Zdorov” as an innovative effective drug for psoriasis

  1. Effect of cream-wax against psoriasis
  2. Indications for use
  3. Contraindications
  4. Composition of cream wax
  5. Method of use of the drug
  6. Drug price
  7. Where can I buy cream wax?
  8. Clinical effectiveness
  9. Reviews of cream-wax healthy for psoriasis

Millions of patients dream of curing psoriasis. This disease is firmly one of the first in terms of prevalence. Its etiology has not been fully studied, so at present there is no drug that would permanently relieve a person from psoriatic manifestations. Recently, cream-wax for psoriasis has proven itself well in the treatment of the disease, which allows you to get rid of negative symptoms in a short time.

This drug gives a person the opportunity to lead a normal life without being embarrassed by others and without covering psoriatic plaques with clothes.

Cream wax “Zdorov” is a common remedy

It is known that a disease such as psoriasis (scaly lichen) cannot be completely cured. All topical medications that dermatologists prescribe to their patients only help alleviate this form of the disease. They help temporarily relieve itching and reduce inflammation of the affected skin (see section “Other remedies for psoriasis”). Such medicines also include the “Zdorov” cream-wax, which the Russian company recently began producing.

Note! Smart online sellers, for reasons of profit, are silent about the first things their potential buyers should take into account. Psoriasis is pathological changes in the skin caused by disruption of the body's internal systems (immune, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine). Therefore, psoriasis cannot be cured with the “Zdorov” cream itself. This remedy is best taken as an addition to medications that the doctor prescribes to the patient in order to relieve him of the cause that provoked the appearance of psoriatic plaques on the skin.

A little about psoriasis

The nature of the dermatological class disease has not been fully studied in modern medicine, although its first manifestations date back to the period BC. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is almost impossible to cure it completely; modern pharmacology can only eliminate the external indicators of the disease, reduce the number of relapses and prolong periods of remission.

Scientists tend to name the causes of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition and heredity;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • frequent overwork and regular physical activity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pathogenesis of problems with the immune, nervous and endocrine systems.

Psoriasis is one of the most studied diseases of the modern generation by specialists, since approximately four percent of the country's residents have a predisposition to the disease in their pathogenesis. The development of psoriasis most often begins between the ages of fifteen and forty-five years and forces the patient to struggle with pathology all his life.

The initial stages of the disease are characterized by small formations on the skin, which over time grow into red spots with a flaky, rough surface. The disease can affect any part of the human body, including the head, neck, face, and mucous membranes. Regular itching and symptoms of pain cause many problems for the patient. In addition, if plaques have formed on open areas of the body, the patient experiences significant psychological problems, since the formations have an unaesthetic shape and often cause disgust among others.

Large plaques

Without appropriate treatment, the disease tends to rapidly progress, which is characterized by the growth of psoriatic lesions, damage to a person’s joints and an impact on various important vital systems. The disease affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs of the patient, which over time can lead to limitation of his motor functions and disability.

Local therapy of pathological plaques on the skin using creams, ointments or balms is one of the integral areas in the integrated treatment of psoriasis, since local drugs are applied directly to psoriatic formations, have minimal negative effects on human health, and quickly affect the foci of the disease. Recently, the most popular products are those based on ingredients of natural origin, which are harmless to humans and are characterized by a low number of systemic side effects. Ointment “Zdorov” is one of these drugs, characterized by high criteria for effectiveness in the fight against illness, although it has been used in medical practice relatively recently.

Active ingredients

Medicines created only using natural raw materials will never cease to be popular. This factor can be explained simply. During the period of use, they do not poison the human body in the same way as the components of chemical-based drugs do.

The composition of the cream for psoriasis “Zdorov” includes the following components:

  1. Bee glue extract (propolis).
  2. Apitoxin (bee poison).
  3. Wax (produced by bees to build honeycombs).
  4. Horse chestnut extract (tree with medicinal bark, flowers, seeds, leaves).
  5. Cedar resin (siberian cedar resin).
  6. Olive oil (a common component of cosmetics).
  7. Dead bees (bees that died a natural death).
  8. Bee moth (wax moth, a pest living in the hive).
  9. B vitamins (promote skin regeneration).

Important! As you can see, “Zdorov” cream-wax consists mainly of beekeeping products. If you are not allergic to them, then you can try to improve the condition of diseased skin with its help.

Propolis extract

The manufacturer included propolis (or simply bee glue) in the Zdorov anti-psoriasis cream in order to restore cellular immunity, which protects the skin from the penetration of foreign agents.

Due to the various microelements present in bee glue (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.), as well as amino acids and vitamins (A, C, E, P, H), after applying the cream to the affected area, it is possible to remove inflammatory process, anesthetize damaged skin and prevent the degeneration of rapidly dividing cells into malignant formations.

Bee venom (apitoxin)

We are talking about a substance (colorless with a pungent odor) that penetrates human skin after a bee sting. The extraction of bee venom has been practiced by humans since ancient times for medicinal purposes.

Before starting treatment for psoriasis, you need to find out the causes of its appearance, as well as which drugs will be most effective in the fight against this disease.

Apitoxin contains substances (proteins, minerals, organic acids) that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve the condition of cell membranes. The latter help skin cells regenerate, improve their nutrition and breathing. In addition, bee venom has analgesic, vasodilator, and anti-inflammatory effects.


Beeswax in Zdorov cream performs several functions simultaneously:

  • Provides a thick consistency to the medicinal composition.
  • Improves the penetration of active substances into the epidermis.
  • Promotes healing of diseased skin.
  • Forms a film, thereby preventing dehydration of the affected areas of the skin.

horse chestnut

With psoriasis, pathological changes affect the blood vessels of the skin, which is immediately reflected in the appearance of the epidermis (peeling, dehydration, change in skin color).

In order to restore them and improve local blood flow, the manufacturer included horse chestnut extract in the Zdorov cream. This substance contains escin (thin the blood) and esculin (reduces capillary permeability).

Cedar resin

The composition of resin contains neutral substances monoterpenes, diterpenes and sesquiterpenes (used for the production of medical turpentine), as well as fatty acids, vitamins D and C, and colorless resin alcohols.

It is these components that provide the Zdorov psoriasis cream with the following properties:

  • Antibacterial and antiseptic effect.
  • The ability to soften, moisturize and cool damaged skin.
  • Avoid the appearance of cracks in the area of ​​psoriasis plaques.
  • Eliminate the inflammatory process.
  • Accelerate the healing of damaged epidermis.

Olive oil

Used in psoriasis cream as an emollient (softening agent). In addition, natural oil enhances the healing effects of pine resin and beeswax. Olive oil contains omega acids necessary for the skin (accelerate healing, strengthen blood vessels) and triglycerides (neutral fats have a softening effect).


In the pharmaceutical industry, dead bee extract (crushed bodies of dead insects) has been used for quite a long time. It is used to produce medications for the treatment of long-term skin diseases, including psoriasis.

To the psoriasis cream “Zdorov”, deadhead extract provides an antitoxic effect. The substance helps to neutralize and remove toxic metabolic products from skin tissue. As a result, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the intercellular space improves, which contributes to the disappearance of swelling and accelerates the regeneration of the skin.


Wax moth extract (moth) complements the psoriasis cream with the properties provided by the amino acids included in its composition. The substance promotes the formation of a healthy cellular matrix, resulting in:

  • Exudation (inflammatory effusion) of blood vessels is excluded, when fluid leaks out of inflamed vessels into the tissue, which causes swelling, tension and density of psoriatic areas.
  • After the disappearance of psoriatic plaques, no traces remain on the skin.

Podmor extract contains hormone-like substances, their therapeutic effect is similar to the properties of the hormonal drug “Hydrocortisone”. But the restoration of the skin occurs without side effects (withdrawal syndrome - the symptoms of the pathology manifest themselves with renewed vigor).


The composition of the “Zdorov” cream for psoriasis includes B vitamins, vitamins A and C, which are beneficial for the skin:

  • Vitamin B1 prevents the appearance of allergic rashes. Controls the functioning of the skin's immune system. In combination with vitamin A (found in olive oil), it prevents dehydration of diseased skin.
  • Vitamin B2 promotes the functioning of enzymes that ensure rapid cell renewal. (With a deficiency of this vitamin, long-term non-healing ulcers appear on the body).
  • Vitamin B6 is involved in the work of enzymes responsible for metabolism in the skin. Accelerates the restoration of skin tissue.

You can see what the original “Zdorov” cream-wax looks like packaged and printed in the following video:

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is one of the most common chronic skin diseases that cannot be treated. Symptoms of dermatosis can currently only be stopped, but there are a lot of new developments and experimental methods of therapy that show positive results.

The presence of psoriasis is indicated by the appearance of reddish and pink spots (plaques) on the body, covered with scales of dead skin cells. Most often, the spread of the disease begins from the scalp and gradually covers almost all parts of the body. The mechanism of the disease is as follows: new cells begin to divide and grow faster than normal, and the body, in turn, rejects them. According to some theories and hypotheses, rejection is a consequence of the functioning of the human immune system.

The main types of psoriasis include:

  • vulgar (plaque);
  • teardrop-shaped;
  • flexion surfaces;
  • pustular;
  • psoriatic arthritis.

In this case, the disease can also affect the nails. They begin to peel off, which is another sign of the onset of the disease.

Currently, the exact causes of dermatosis have not been established, which makes its treatment difficult. Therefore, for now only symptomatic treatment is possible.


As indicated in the instructions for use, Zdorov cream-wax is effective for people with psoriasis, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Psoriatic silvery-scaly plaques on the skin of any part of the body and scalp.
  • Coarsening and thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin on the inside of the palms and soles of the feet.
  • The appearance of drop-shaped small pink-red rash elements on the skin (typical of the initial stage of psoriasis).
  • Elements of psoriatic rash contain clear or whitish liquid.
  • Scars and pigment spots at the site of cured psoriasis plaques.
  • Nail psoriasis (roughening, peeling and deformation of the nail plates).

Note! According to the manufacturers, this cream is suitable for the treatment of psoriasis in children, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.


As a rule, there are no medications that have no contraindications. Cream with wax against psoriasis is no exception.

The use of cream-wax with caution is recommended for patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and especially beekeeping products.

In the event that the first use of the drug is accompanied by a negative reaction, it is necessary to stop using it.

The use of wax cream in children under 2 years of age is excluded, since clinical studies have not been conducted in this age group. The effect of the drug has not been studied. Treatment of children over 2 years of age can be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician. If a child is prone to allergic manifestations, in addition to the pediatrician, he should be examined by all doctors and, first of all, by an allergist.

The use of cream-wax during pregnancy and lactation is permitted only after a complete examination of the patient, if the likelihood of a positive effect of the drug outweighs the danger to the mother and child.

How to use

The duration of the course of treatment for psoriasis with Zdorov cream depends on the severity of the disease (therapy can last from 2 to 8 weeks). The main thing is not to forget that wax cream is not the main remedy that should help you cure psoriasis within a specified period of time. Use it as an addition to the treatment prescribed by your dermatologist, following the instructions:

  1. Apply a small amount of cream to the psoriatic papule or plaque.
  2. Distribute evenly and gently rub the product into the sore skin.
  3. Allow the cream to be completely absorbed (10 minutes is enough). To soften the scales on a large plaque of psoriasis, it is better to apply the cream under the bandage.

Note! Carry out the described procedure in the morning and evening before bed. During treatment, monitor how the condition of the skin changes. If you see that there are no improvements, but, on the contrary, you have persistent itching in the area of ​​the rash, then it is better to stop the drug.

Causes and treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis, also called lichen planus, is a disease whose causes still remain unclear.
It is not associated with any infection. Researchers have identified factors that increase the risk of developing the disease :

  • Heredity;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • High stress levels.

The disease takes a long time and is often difficult to treat. It inevitably leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of patients - it becomes more difficult for them to work and communicate with people, the disease gives them both physical and mental discomfort.

There is currently no way to cure psoriasis. Mainly symptomatic therapy and drugs are used that should affect the course of the disease in order to allow the patient to go into remission. They often have to be taken for life.

Other remedies for psoriasis

If you are intolerant to the components that make up the Zdorov psoriasis cream, or you are concerned about the cost of the drug, then pay attention to the properties of the medications listed below.

In addition to cream, there are many effective ointments that help speed up the healing process.

Salicylic ointment

The product is made on the basis of salicylic acid. The substance actively fights various types of skin inflammation, but can cause addiction in the body, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, in order to cleanse the skin of psoriatic plaques, doctors recommend using salicylic ointment in courses.

Treatment regimen:

  • Take a warm shower, this will soften the scaly surface of the plaques.
  • Treat all psoriatic areas with an antiseptic (peroxide, chlorhexidine) and, if possible, free them from dead skin.
  • If large areas of skin are affected, apply the ointment under the bandage. Do dressings 1 - 2 times a day, no more often.

Note. The course of treatment can last no more than 3 weeks, then take a 2-week break and repeat the regimen.

Result: the ointment promotes the rapid peeling off of scales and scabs, heals cracks and dries out weeping.

Approximate cost: 25 rubles.


The ointment is made on the basis of natural ingredients. Among them are a natural antibiotic - eucalyptus oil, a powerful antioxidant - cedar oil, beekeeping products and extracts of several medicinal plants.

Features of application:

  • Treat the affected skin with cream and leave for 3 hours to absorb. Repeat the procedure 2 - 3 times a day.
  • For the first week of treatment, use the ointment every other day, then daily until the plaques disappear. The course of treatment can last 3 months.
  • If you previously used a steroid ointment, for example, Hydrocortisone, to eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis, then you can use Akrustal only 3 weeks after stopping the hormonal course.

Result: after completing the course, patients with psoriasis experience long-term remission (the pathology does not progress) and partial disappearance of plaques.

Approximate cost: 850 rubles.


Hormonal drug. Its active ingredients are: betamethasone and salicylic acid. Since the ointment is hormonal, it can cause addiction to the body. To avoid reducing the effectiveness of its effects, treatment of psoriasis should be carried out in courses.

Treatment regimen: apply a thin layer of ointment to the area of ​​skin affected by psoriasis, rub in with light movements. The procedure can be performed 1 - 3 times a day. (Ointment cannot be applied under the bandage, only as prescribed by a doctor). The course of treatment can last no more than 3 weeks.

Result: the drug slows down the process of cell division, thereby preventing the formation of psoriatic plaques.

Approximate cost: 469 rubles.

Mode of application

In order for the treatment of psoriatic plaques with the cream to be quite effective, it is important to strictly follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and clean the affected areas of the skin for further coating with the composition.
  2. Apply a small layer of cream to problem areas.
  3. Apply cling film or bandage to the lubricated area to further soften the plaques.
  4. After a few minutes, rub the mixture into the skin until absorbed.

Daily use will help improve skin condition. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the course of treatment can last from two weeks to six months and interrupting it is highly not recommended.

Question answer

Zdorov cream wax cost

Today, a Russian consumer can purchase this product via the Internet for 990 rubles. Many people find the price too high; the manufacturer explains this by the exceptional naturalness of the medicinal product and its high effectiveness.

How to properly store psoriasis cream?

The manufacturer recommends storing its products on the shelf of the refrigerator door. As for the shelf life of the cream, the expiration date is indicated individually on each package.

How to check whether wax cream will cause allergies?

If you are not allergic to bee products, but you are not sure that the other components of the cream are suitable for you, then apply a little product to the healthy skin of the inner bend of the elbow. After 15 minutes, examine the condition of the skin. If nothing has changed (the skin does not itch, there is no allergic rash), then the cream is suitable for you.

Psoriasis is a disease that appears not only on the human body; nails can also be affected. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of disease on the nails and be able to distinguish them from fungus.

Why does the skin feel a slight burning and tingling sensation at first after applying the Zdorov cream? This is fine?

Yes. This is a normal reaction of psoriatic skin areas to the cream. According to the manufacturer, this is when its active components begin to act. Tingling and burning indicate their penetration into the deeper layers of the skin.

Can wax cream be used to treat the skin of infants?

It is forbidden. Cream-wax can be used to treat psoriasis in children over 2 years of age.

Analogs and price

The price of such a cream is about 1000 rubles. If this amount is unacceptable for you, the cream has many analogues, but almost all of them are made from chemicals. In addition, most ointments and creams against psoriatic plaques are hormonal drugs. Among the most famous analogues:

  1. Skin Cap. The main component is zinc pyrithione. It has a general beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, relieves redness, itching and inflammation, and reduces the extent of plaques.
  2. Psoril. In addition to zinc pyrithione, it contains essential oils. Softens and exfoliates the skin, prevents the formation of new plaques and scales.
  3. Zorka. The cream is used as a moisturizing and skin-healing product that can be effective in the fight against psoriasis. Contains Vaseline and Floraziline.
  4. Picladol. One of the active components of the product is birch tar; it also contains oils and extracts of medicinal herbs. The drug effectively combats the manifestations of dermatosis and helps to prolong the period of remission.
  5. Super Psori. The cream contains oil, grease and medicinal herbs. Cares for the skin, softens, moisturizes, reduces redness, kills bacteria.

What to remember

  1. Cream-wax “Zdorov” for psoriasis has a completely natural composition.
  2. The product relieves inflammation, swelling, and helps exfoliate psoriatic scales.
  3. You should not use Zdorov cream as the main medicine for psoriasis because this type of pathology is caused by a disease of the internal systems of the body.
  4. Cream-wax can be used to treat psoriasis in children, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.
  5. If you are allergic to bee products, it is better to use some other local drug to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis (see the section “Other remedies for psoriasis”).

Reviews from real customers

Anastasia Tver

“I tried Zdorov for the first time 2 years ago and was simply shocked by the effect. The skin cleared of plaques in just a few weeks. Attracted by the low price of the product and its safety. After using the cream, I am completely satisfied with the result. I recommend to everyone!!!".

Ekaterina Moscow

“I have been suffering from psoriasis for many years. I tried many expensive remedies and folk recipes. Drugs and medicines gave a temporary effect or were not effective at all. After I tried Zdorov, my surprise knew no bounds. The remedy quickly dealt with the pathology, and for the past 8 months I have forgotten what psoriasis is. I recommend it to everyone!”

Vyacheslav, Tver “I can only say positive things about Zdorov wax. My wife and I suffer from psoriasis in our family. A year ago, plaques began to appear on the body of my 12-year-old daughter. The cream was recommended by a friend, as with its help he himself successfully treats relapses of the disease. After 3 weeks of use, psoriasis disappeared in all family members, the skin cleared, became smooth and healthy. Now we use the cream as a preventive measure.”

Andrey, Lipetsk “I was always skeptical about homeopathic medicines based on herbs and natural products; I believed that such medicines could not provide the necessary effect for the treatment of such serious pathologies as psoriasis. After the assurances of my good friend the doctor, I finally decided to try the Zdorov cream. After completing the course of treatment, I realized that I was very mistaken. The product works really effectively, the skin has cleared, there is no trace left of plaques. Zdorov is a unique, and most importantly, effective product for psoriasis. I recommend it to everyone!”

Composition of the ointment

Beeswax is a key component of medicinal ointment. This component has a rather rich chemical composition.

It is produced in bees with the help of special glands, which are located in the abdomen of working bees.

In terms of chemical composition, wax is a homogeneous complex mixture consisting of a large number of organic substances.

Other components include monohydric alcohols, cerolein, fatty acids, and melicic acid. The preparation itself contains the presence of cholesteryl esters and coloring substances.

Wax began to be used for medical purposes back in the era of Ancient Egypt. During the Middle Ages, this remedy was actively used when various medicinal products were being manufactured.

Many modern medical experts are not against the use of the substance as the main component for the manufacture of various medicinal products, however, derivatives of chemical agents have recently begun to supplant traditional medicines.

How does the ointment making process work?

It is very important to carefully follow the detailed and clear recipe. However, before starting work, you need to first inquire about some nuances.

  1. You need to choose the right utensils. Using an enamel pan will be the most optimal case. Uncoated metal containers are not suitable.
  2. The wax must not be allowed to overheat.
  3. It is recommended to use a kitchen scale as well as a measuring cup.

To prepare the ointment you need two hundred and fifty milliliters of sunflower oil, forty grams of wax, a small half of the yolk. The oil is poured into a container and heated over very low heat. With slight heating, wax is added and the yolk is added. After boiling, the finished product is poured into a container, tightly covered with a lid, and placed in the refrigerator. And the process ends at this stage.

Healing effect of components on damaged skin

The composition of the cream does not contain any chemicals that could adversely affect the overall health. Paying attention to natural substances that can treat psoriasis, manufacturers have developed a unique product.

The powerful effect of Zdorov cream beeswax with propolis against psoriasis is due to the presence of the following substances in the composition:

  • horse chestnut (extract) – thins the blood so that it circulates better;
  • oleoresin (frame resin) – improves blood circulation, saturates blood vessels with vitamins, strengthens them, relieves swelling;
  • olive oil – softens rough plaques, an excellent stimulator of the metabolic process in the body;
  • propolis (extract) – a powerful antiseptic, a storehouse of vitamins, removes plaques;
  • bee moth (extract) – with amino acids and other trace elements it protects the body from free radicals, stops abnormal cell division (antioxidant effects);
  • dead bees (extract - wax, poison, jelly, chitin of bees) - bactericidal and wound-healing properties;
  • bee venom – anesthetizes and relieves spasms;
  • Beeswax – due to the film, it prevents the skin from drying out and helps to maintain maximum water balance.

Additional inclusions are vitamins, especially groups C and B, which act as vasodilators. There are no antibiotics, hormones or chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, the obvious harmlessness of Zdorov cream is noted, as well as its supposed effectiveness.

It is used for the following types of psoriasis:

  1. Plantar or palmar.
  2. Elbow, knee.
  3. Teardrop-shaped, pustular.
  4. Erythrodermic.
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