Allantoin for facial skin as part of medications and cosmetics

Have you read the packaging of a new cosmetic product that you bought on and plan to use on your face? A wise, self-respecting woman should make this a habit. After all, the condition of the skin will largely depend on what you treat it with day after day.

The problem is that some components are familiar to everyone (chamomile extract, aloe, collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc.), but some ingredients are hidden under unfamiliar names. One of these is allantoin , which many cosmetic and even pharmaceutical concerns include in their products.

This is a substance of natural origin, unique in its properties. It is credited with miraculous anti-aging, lifting and regenerating effects. Thanks to this, it is the main active substance in various medicinal ointments, gels and sprays, as well as in tightening masks, anti-aging creams, and concentrated serums.

So it’s time to take a closer look at what it is and how effective allantoin is for the face.

What is allantoin

Describing the physical properties of this chemical, we can say that allantoin is colorless crystals of small size, soluble in water (disappears easily and quickly in hot water, weakly and slowly in cold water). It can be found in nature in both plant and animal forms.

Allantoin of animal origin contains:

  • in the bodies of all mammals except humans and primates;
  • in the mucus left behind by the mollusks Helix aspersa Muller - southern European relatives of the large grape snail;
  • in embryonic tissues of birds.

Allantoin of plant origin is found:

  • in the rhizomes of comfrey;
  • in soybeans;
  • in sprouted wheat sprouts;
  • in rice husk.

To care for problem skin, it is better to choose allantoin of plant origin. According to laboratory studies, it is the most effective in this regard. Accordingly, cosmetic products containing it will not only be of higher quality, but also more expensive than those containing allantoin of animal origin.

Why is the effect of this substance on the skin so beneficial? It's all about the composition, which contains many of the most useful components:

  • glucose;
  • glucosides;
  • glucoronic acid;
  • carotenes;
  • mucopolysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • fructose.

Thanks to this chemical composition, which has such a positive effect on the condition of the skin, allantoin is actively used in cosmetics : many products contain it as a wound-healing component. And not only!

Through the pages of history. In 1800, allantoin was first isolated as a chemical from the epithelium of birds. Since then, research on its properties has not stopped.

Healthy recipes

Products with the addition of allantoin can be made independently. They are highly effective and have a natural composition. To get a quality product, you need to strictly follow the proportions.

Soothing cream

To make this useful tool, you need to use the following components:

  • allantoin – 2 g;
  • apricot kernel oil – 10 g;
  • vanilla macerate – 2 g;
  • emulsifier olivem 1000 – 2 g;
  • coconut oil – 8 g;
  • Damask rose hydrolate – 54 g;
  • jojoba oil – 10 g;
  • cocoa butter and murumuru – 6 g each.

The ingredients should be mixed and heated in a steam bath. Before applying the substance, it must be cooled to room temperature.

Healthy tonic

This product is perfect for those with normal and combination skin. To get a useful product, you need to prepare the following components:

  • allantoin – 0.5 g;
  • apricot and raspberry powder – 1 g each;
  • silk peptides – 0.5 g;
  • taurine – 0.5 g;
  • lavender hydrolate – 30 g;
  • betaine – 1 g;
  • purified water – 15 g;
  • essential oils of lemon and lavender – 0.25 g;
  • drogosomes liposome complex – 1.5 g.

First you need to mix the hydrosol with water and heat it using a steam bath. Then add fruit powder and mix thoroughly until it is well dissolved. Remove the mixture from the stove and cool slightly. After this, you can enter the remaining components. Finally, the product must be thoroughly mixed.

It is worth considering that you can use any essential oils to prepare tonic - it all depends on personal preferences. The finished composition can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 month. To ensure even application of the product to the skin, you can use an ordinary spray bottle.

Effective mask

To obtain a useful substance, it is worth preparing the following components:

  • allantoin – 1 g;
  • lavender hydrolate – 9 g;
  • carrot powder – 3 g;
  • drogosomes liposome complex – 1.5 g;
  • caffeine – 1 g;
  • ginkgo biloba extract – 1.5 g;
  • cranberry extract – 0.5 g;
  • witch hazel hydrolate – 3 g;
  • d-panthenol – 1 g;
  • taurine – 0.5 g;
  • pineapple powder – 3 g;
  • black currant powder – 3 g;
  • apricot powder – 3 g.

First, you should slightly heat the hydrosols using a steam bath. Then remove the container from the stove, add fruit powders and mix thoroughly. Cool the mixture and add the remaining ingredients. The composition should be shaken thoroughly.

The mask should be applied to cleansed skin. You can keep it on your face for no more than a quarter of an hour. After this you should wash your face.

The effect of allantoin on facial skin

Cosmetic abilities are determined by the chemical properties of allantoin , which consist primarily of an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect on tissue. It is not for nothing that this unique substance is included in the list of anesthetics by the familiar World Health Organization.

Accordingly, this is a full-fledged drug, which was recently adopted by ubiquitous cosmetologists. According to advertising of some brands, this component of face creams and serums is capable of:

  • soften the upper layer of the epidermis, covered with horny scales and dead cells, due to which they exfoliate quickly and without injury - this is the scrubbing effect of allantoin;
  • stimulate tissue regeneration;
  • rejuvenate, smoothing wrinkles and tightening age folds;
  • quickly narrow enlarged pores, so all cosmetics with allantoin are recommended for the care of oily facial skin;
  • in winter, save from peeling, effectively softening skin roughened by winds and frost;
  • in summer, tidy up the epidermis suffering from the sun;
  • quickly heal abrasions, wounds, microcracks on the face;
  • relieve irritation;
  • effectively prevent the formation of comedones (blackheads);
  • dissolve stretch marks, scars and scars, making them almost invisible on the skin of the face;
  • inhibit bacterial growth;
  • minimize the irritating, aggressive effect of various surfactants on the skin of the face, eliminating the feeling of tightness while washing.

Despite such amazing medicinal and cosmetic properties, today there is a lot of talk about the fact that allantoin for facial skin is harmful , not beneficial. We hasten to assure everyone who is bothered by these rumors that this is not so.

Firstly, there are no arguments about what kind of danger allantoin poses.

Secondly, its safety was recently tested by the FDA - the American Food and Drug Administration and the CIR (Cosmetic Ingredient Review) expert group. They conducted a series of laboratory tests and found that allantoin is not dangerous in cosmetics for facial skin, in which its content does not exceed the norm. So let's take it and use it!

Additional Information. Allantoin is a rare substance that is not capable of causing side effects and is not toxic. The most effective concentration is 0.5-2%.


The substance is used for different types of dermis. Most often it is used in such situations:

  • increased sensitivity and dryness of the dermis;
  • wounds, scratches and burns;
  • skin damage;
  • weathering of the epithelium;
  • diaper rash and irritation;
  • acne;
  • enlarged pores.

Cosmetics containing allantoin are recommended for use when the dermis is exposed to harmful factors - ultraviolet radiation, wind, low or high temperatures, high humidity.

Allantoin as a drug

Despite the fact that we plan to use the cosmetic properties of allantoin, it should be treated exclusively as a medicinal product, since it has quite a powerful effect. Fortunately, pharmacists provide detailed instructions for its use, which it is advisable to study in advance before purchasing creams and face masks containing it.


Not all medications and cosmetics will contain allantoin under its real name on the packaging. Most often he hides there under the following names:

  • 5-Ureido-2,4-Imidazolidindion (2,5-Dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl);
  • Urea pura, Carbamid, Carbamidum, Ureaphil (urea, carbamide, since in laboratory conditions allantoin is a product of oxidation of uric acid);
  • Allantoin (Alantoin, Allantoine, Allantonin);
  • Glyoxyldiureid;
  • 5-Ureidohydantoin;
  • Cordianin.

Now you will know what is hidden under these foreign words in the composition of the cream you like - allantoin, which disinfects wounds and smoothes out wrinkles.

pharmachologic effect

As a medicine, allantoin has the following effects on damaged tissues and facial skin:

  • Astringent;
  • keratolytic (scrubbing, exfoliating);
  • antiseptic, disinfectant.

The pharmacological properties of allantoin in creams and face masks become therapeutic and cosmetic.


Allantoin is able to penetrate deep into the dermal layers of the face, stimulating tissue renewal at the cellular level. It is not absorbed by the blood, but it is perfectly absorbed into the skin, drying without residue almost instantly after application.

Indications for use

You shouldn’t buy face cream with allantoin just because all your friends have already tried it or because you really want it. This is a medicinal product, which means that even for its external use there are indications and contraindications. It is worth using his services in the following cases:

  • skin diseases;
  • seborrhea;
  • erosions, injuries, wounds, ulcers, scratches, microcracks and other damage to the skin of the face;
  • stretch marks;
  • scars, scars;
  • age-related changes: wrinkles and ptosis.

If we are talking about skin diseases, it makes sense to seek permission to use allantoin for treatment from a dermatologist. Most likely, he will not even prescribe a face cream, but an ointment.


The only contraindication for allantoin in cosmetics is allergies, individual intolerance.

Side effects

Allantoin is usually well tolerated, and allergies to it are rarely diagnosed.

Methods of application

  1. Pharmacy spray with allantoin can be added to a cream to care for oily, mature, injured facial skin.
  2. Pharmacy ointments or gels with allantoin are used locally: they lubricate damaged areas of the face (only where there are wrinkles, scars, inflammation, wounds, rashes, etc.) until they are completely healed.
  3. Rejuvenating and regenerating creams with allantoin , gels, serums, and face masks are used for regular facial skin care.

Special Recommendations

  1. To make cosmetics with allantoin more useful for your face, apply creams and masks to steamed skin.
  2. Allantoin therapy goes well with physiotherapeutic procedures.
  3. When using creams and ointments with allantoin, it is not recommended to sunbathe heavily, visit a solarium, or do facial massage.
  4. Be careful not to get allantoin in your eyes, mouth, or nose.
  5. Allantoin can be used on the face by pregnant and lactating women.

This is how allantoin is used in cosmetology and medicine. If you have serious problems or facial skin diseases, you should pay attention to it. With it you can count on the healing of various microdamages and rejuvenation. What remains for us is to do short reviews of medicinal and cosmetic products that contain allantoin.

About the origin of the name. The term “allantoin” owes its birth to the scientists Liebig and Wehler. They isolated this substance from allantois fluid, from the name of which they derived the word.

Ready-made cosmetics

This substance is present in various cosmetics. The component is available in the following products:

  1. O'Keeffe's hand cream is an effective product that has a noticeable moisturizing effect. The substance helps to cope with severe dry hands, which is accompanied by the appearance of cracks. The rich composition has no aroma, easily normalizes the alkaline balance and retains moisture in the structure of the dermis.
  2. Derma E gel – has a pronounced absorbable effect. The product helps to cope with stretch marks, scars, scars. In addition, the substance successfully evens out the skin after acne.
  3. Jason Natural Aloe Vera Gel is a concentrated product that perfectly moisturizes the dermis without causing an oily sheen. The substance quickly improves the condition of dry skin, helping to cope with irritations. Due to the presence of vitamin B5 in combination with allantoin, the substance has a pronounced nutritional effect, promotes the restoration of the epithelium and improves its condition.
  4. Hand balm Dr. Scheller - in addition to allantoin, the product contains calendula extract. The product copes well with hyperemia and skin irritation. The composition also perfectly heals damage.
  5. Everclean Antidandruff Shampoo - helps cope with excess oily hair. The product contains salicylic acid and vitamins. This product helps cleanse the scalp of dandruff and cope with dermatitis. The product successfully eliminates the itching sensation.
  6. Glycolic Acid Facial Toner - has a moisturizing effect and helps prevent the appearance of blackheads.
  7. Aloe Gel Skin Relief Skin Protectant Gel – contains lavender oil. The product includes allantoin and aloe extract. The substance also includes plant components. These include cucumber and chamomile extracts. The composition also includes algae extract. The product has a calming effect, protects from wind, and helps restore dry dermis.
  8. Hyalogic LLC Facial Serum – in addition to allantoin, the product includes hyaluronic acid. With its help, it is possible to cope with stretch marks, cicatricial defects and scars. The product perfectly stimulates the healing process.

Medicines containing allantoin

To heal scars, scars, scratches, stretch marks on the face, use ointment with allantoin , which perfectly regenerates damaged tissue. Although this is not the only dosage form of the drug with this remedy. Judge for yourself based on the list below.

  1. Mederma (Mederma) from Merz Pharma (Germany) is a therapeutic and cosmetic gel for stretch marks, scars, scars, post-acne, and any damage to the skin. $10.
  2. Contractubex from Merz Pharma (Germany) is a gel for resorption of keloid scars. $10.
  3. Jox (Yoks), Czech Republic - a spray with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in the treatment of ENT organs (for the treatment of sore throat, for example), but it can be included in face masks for rashes of any kind. $3.7.
  4. Hepatrombin from Hemofarm A.D. (Serbia) - a gel with antithrombotic and tissue regeneration-improving effects. $2.8.

Any pharmaceutical preparations containing allantoin should be used with extreme caution when treating the face. First, get permission from a specialist (this could be a dermatologist, surgeon, cosmetologist). Secondly, follow the instructions for use exactly. If the problem is more of a cosmetic nature, it is better to use creams.

Good news! Medicines containing allantoin are available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Facial cosmetics with allantoin

If you are struggling with age-related changes (wrinkles, double chin, bags and circles under the eyes, deterioration of complexion), purchase a cosmetic product with this unique substance. face creams with allantoin have proven themselves to be excellent :

  1. Rouge defense - protective face cream against rosacea with allantoin, white lupine and algae proteins, menthol from Reneve (Monaco). $84.5.
  2. Kelofibrase is a scar cream with allantoin from Sandoz (Germany). $27.
  3. High Performance Glycolic Acid Blend is an anti-scar cream with allantoin from Devita (Belarus). $25.
  4. Linea Termale is an active cream for problem skin with allantoin from Lacrima (France / Italy / Switzerland). $17.
  5. Collagen 3D face cream for irritated and dry skin with allantoin from Collagene 3D (Russia). $11.
  6. Camelox is an allantoin cream for stretch marks from Vertex (Russia). $6.
  7. “Protection and Moisturizing” - allantoin cream for sensitive facial skin from Natura Siberica (Russia). $3.
  8. “Winter Amulet” is an allantoin protective face cream from MeiTan (China). $2.7.
  9. "Antoshka" is an allantoin antiallergic cream for children. Russia. $0.8.
  10. “Rosy cheeks” is a children’s protective cream with chamomile extract, allantoin and vitamin A from Avanta (Russia). $0.8.

Such ratings will guide you through a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic products that contain allantoin. Be sure to try them if you suffer from complexes due to age-related changes or wounds on your face. If you use them wisely, you won’t have to wait too long for an amazing effect.

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