Laser removal of blood vessels on the face - effectiveness, contraindications, reviews and price

Red-violet spider veins that appear under the skin on the face and body are a common occurrence. They represent the expansion of skin capillaries. They can be found in the majority of the adult population. Such vascular formations appear regardless of age and grow over the years, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience. This problem is not so much aesthetic as medical. However, many people simply want to get rid of a pronounced cosmetic defect on the face and limbs.

Until recently, it was not possible to remove the spider veins or it was necessary to resort to surgical intervention. With the development of the field of aesthetic medicine, new modern methods are emerging, thanks to which it is possible to remove blood vessels without traces or pain. One of the methods is to remove vascular formations using a laser - perhaps the most effective method to date. It gives excellent results even in advanced cases; in a few sessions it eliminates the vascular pattern on the skin.

In our work we use the latest equipment, the multifunctional M22 platform of the American-Israeli corporation Lumenis. With its help, it is possible to remove telangiectasia and other dilated superficial vessels on the face, body, upper and lower extremities. The advantages of the device are the combination of IPL technologies of pulsed light exposure and the Nd:Yag laser module (neodymium laser), which allows you to customize the operation of the M22 individually for each patient.

The IPL module generates intense pulsed light with a wavelength of 515 - 1200 nm. It is used to remove vessels of a nature such as port-wine stains, hemangiomas, rosacea, rosacea on the face and body, especially the superficial vascular network, consisting of many small vessels that cannot be removed with a laser.

The neodymium Nd:Yag laser module generates a wavelength of 1064 nm, the most powerful available today. It is ideal for removing larger (up to 4 mm in diameter) and deep-lying vessels (up to 4 mm in depth) on the face and body, connecting to the superficial, visible ones. Also used to remove veins on the legs. Both techniques can be combined during one procedure performed on the M22 device and give excellent therapeutic results.

What are the indications for using the M22 laser module?

Unsightly patterns on the skin are symptoms of a disease, without treatment of which removal of blood vessels will have a short-lived effect. To successfully solve the problem, an integrated approach is required: observation by a phlebologist in combination with procedures by a cosmetologist. The laser helps eliminate the following vascular manifestations under the skin:

  • removal of venous spider veins that are localized on the legs and have a bluish tint (one of the manifestations of varicose veins);
  • removal of rosacea - arterial spider veins located on the cheeks, nose, neck and have a bright red color;
  • removal of spider veins;
  • removal of wine stains;
  • removal of deep-lying telangiectasia and hemangiomas;
  • complex treatment of varicose veins.

What are the causes of vascular formations?

  • pathology of the vascular system (impaired outflow of venous blood, changes in the blood coagulation system);
  • hormonal imbalances; degeneration of subcutaneous adipose tissue;
  • pregnancy;
  • heredity;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • frequent deep peeling;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet);
  • wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes for a long time.

What is the essence of the method?

The method is based on selective photothermolysis, the possibility of selective exposure to laser radiation, that is, the ability of different tissues to absorb radiation of a certain wavelength. This allows you to remove damaged elements and not affect healthy ones.

The beam emitted by a neodymium laser acts at wavelengths that are perfectly absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood located in the dilated vessels. The skin remains undamaged because melanin has a different absorption spectrum.

The absorbed light is converted into heat up to 70º C, which heats the hemoglobin. This leads to blood clotting and further gluing of the vessel walls. The damaged wall turns into connective tissue and is removed from the body naturally after 3-4 weeks. As a result, beautiful and clean skin without a vascular pattern on it.

How is the procedure performed?

On the eve of the procedure, the cosmetologist conducts an examination, makes a preliminary diagnosis, during which he identifies the presence of a particular problem, determines the level of the vessels, their diameter and area of ​​distribution. Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the appropriate correction method and sets individual operating parameters for the M22 device.

Immediately before the session, the patient’s skin is treated with a special solution without alcohol, and a conductive gel is applied. If you have a low pain threshold, the cosmetologist may suggest applying an additional anesthetic cream 1 hour before the procedure.

The doctor puts on protective glasses. If the procedure is performed on the face, glasses are also worn by the patient. The cosmetologist uses laser flashes on the problematic vessel, starting with the thinner part and moving to the thicker part until it disappears or changes color to purple. During the laser pulse, you only feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation. After the procedure, slight redness may form at the site of laser exposure, which usually disappears the next day. In rare cases, pigmentation occurs at the treatment site, which disappears within 4 days.

What are the features of the recovery period?

Complete restoration of the skin after laser treatment occurs after 3 months. During this time, the following recommendations must be strictly followed:

  • After the session, it is recommended to apply ice to the laser impact site;
  • do not wet the affected area with water for 2-3 days;
  • smear the affected area with antibacterial ointment up to 3 times a day for the next 4-5 days;
  • apply Bepanten or Panthenol up to 5 times a day to the affected area for speedy healing;
  • Protect the skin from exposure to sunlight for 2-3 months with a cream of at least 15 SPF;
  • Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna for 3 weeks after the procedure;
  • Do not sunbathe for 2 weeks;
  • Do not remove crusts that form on your own;
  • avoid heavy physical activity and hardware massage for 3 days;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • It is mandatory to wear compression stockings when removing blood vessels on the legs.

What results and how soon should I expect?

Immediately after the procedure, vascular formations may become brighter or darker, then they will gradually fade and disappear. The final effect of the procedure will appear in 7-8 weeks.

What are the advantages of M22 neodymium laser?

  • Can be used on all skin types (even dark skin);
  • the possibility of removing blood vessels both on the body and legs, and on the face;
  • uniform radiation distribution;
  • the presence of a modern powerful system of controlled contact cooling of the skin, which allows you to avoid burns and pain;
  • the presence of a unique technology of multiple pulse exposure (MultiSpotTM), guaranteeing safety;
  • absence of scars after removal of blood vessels;
  • high speed and effectiveness of treatment;
  • no side effects or complications;
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period;
  • the ability to individually configure M22 parameters for the patient and his problem.

What is the duration of the procedure and course of treatment?

The time of the procedure for removing vessels using the M22 laser module depends on the number of vessels and the size of the area being treated, for example, treating the legs will take a lot of time, and the wings of the nose will take several minutes.

Depending on your situation, you may need from 2 to 6 procedures, the interval between which will be 2-4 weeks. Small vessels disappear immediately. So, to remove pinpoint stars and hemangiomas, you need to undergo 1-2 procedures. Large and deep-lying vessels will require more sessions for removal, since the vessels first lighten and decrease in size, and only then disintegrate and disappear completely. So, to cope with spider veins, you will need to visit a cosmetologist up to 6 times with breaks.

If you have a lot of spider veins, the cosmetologist will divide the course of treatment into stages. First, large vessels will be removed, then medium and small ones, and lastly, residual ones.

What are the contraindications for removing Nd:Yag vessels on M22?

Despite the fact that laser blood vessel removal does not pose a threat to human health, it is not indicated for everyone. Cosmetologists warn that the procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • HIV infection;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • decompensated chronic diseases;
  • acute period of inflammatory processes;
  • acute infections;
  • skin diseases in the active stage in the area of ​​upcoming laser exposure (herpes, pustular rashes);
  • diffuse connective tissue diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation period;
  • chemical peels in the previous 2 weeks;
  • fresh tan 2 weeks before the procedure;
  • the use of drugs or herbs that increase photosensitivity;
  • taking synthetic retinoids in the previous 2 months.

Karachausheva Aksana Georgievna

  • Dermatologist, cosmetologist.
  • Doctor of the highest qualification category for planning individual anti-age programs for facial and body rejuvenation.
  • Specializes in a combination of modern hardware and injection techniques for skin rejuvenation and treatment. Proficient in the technique of facial contouring and harmonization of appearance while preserving natural beauty and individuality, all methods of nourishing and cleansing the skin. Treats rosacea, rosacea, acne and skin hyperpigmentation.
  • He is fluent in the new concept of rejuvenation and non-surgical SMAS facial lifting using high-intensity focused ultrasound on the Ultraformer device.

Before contacting a cosmetologist

You should prepare for the procedure in advance. First of all, you should:

Avoid tanning

Preparation for laser correction of dilated vessels should begin one and a half months before the procedure. During this period, it is important to avoid sunlight.

The positive effect of a beam of laser beams when removing a vascular pattern is based on the difference in the color of the vessels and the color of the skin. After prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium, this difference decreases significantly, which can lead to excessive injury to the tissues surrounding the vessels. In addition, the specialist will be forced to reduce the force of the laser, which will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure. If the tan is very strong, the doctor may postpone correction until the skin has completely recovered.

If possible, avoid exposure to UV rays or use sunscreen with SPF-50. If over the past month and a half you have been relaxing at sea or visiting a solarium, laser correction of enlarged blood vessels should be postponed.

Avoid skin injury

A few days before the procedure, you should not use aggressive skin care products or methods. Do not squeeze pimples, do chemical peels, or otherwise injure the skin.

Stop taking aspirin

2 weeks before laser correction of dilated vessels, you should not take aspirin, naprosyn, or a number of other pharmacological drugs. If you need a pain reliever, you can take thaleinol. You should consult a cosmetologist about taking any other medications.

In addition to the above, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages in the last days before the procedure.

Is it possible to remove rosacea forever? Personal experience

How can you remove rosacea with a laser and how long does the result last? Checked by Karina Tumanskaya. Overall, I'm happy with my skin. It’s not dry (doesn’t flake), not greasy (doesn’t shine), I’m not bothered by acne or wrinkles (yet:). But about a year ago, I noticed that a barely noticeable vascular network began to spread across my face. Every month it became brighter and more extensive. And it made me more and more nervous. In January I decided to remove it.

All this redness of the skin is actually visible spider veins

To remove it, I went to my cosmetologist, Yulia Shcherbatova, at the ViaVerde salon. Yulia is a candidate of medical sciences, dermatosurgeon, maxillofacial surgeon and dermatocosmetologist. I've been going to her for a year now and trust her completely. So? If I weren’t a blogger, I wouldn’t even bother to find out what and how I can get rid of rosacea now.

Here I had to ask: how? how? How many? for how long?

At the Via Verde salon, rosacea is removed using the Harmony XL neodymium laser. Yulia considers it the most powerful and effective means of treating vascular pathologies. The device has high selectivity - this means that it can recognize damaged tissue with 100% accuracy, acting only on them and without affecting the surrounding ones. And the likelihood of burns or scars after the procedure should be zero.

Yulia examines me and immediately disappoints me - rosacea, despite the initial stage, will not go away forever. I have very thin skin, weak blood vessels, and even if I start eating exclusively vitamins C and K (they strengthen the walls of blood vessels), over time, rosacea will still return. The procedure will have to be repeated. However, this fate will befall everyone: unfortunately, it is impossible to resolve the issue once and for all. How long the vessels will not bother you depends, as usual, on everything: lifestyle, genetic predisposition and even the weather (heat and cold can trigger the appearance of rosacea). The number of necessary procedures is also individual. As a rule, the doctor evaluates the condition of the skin 30 days after the laser and, if necessary, “finishes off” the remaining spider veins.

Before the procedure, we do gas-liquid peeling Jet Peel - we need to remove dead epidermal cells from the surface of the skin. They can interfere with the passage of the laser wave into the dermis. The essence of peeling is that under the influence of compressed gas and saline solution, fat is removed from the pores, the skin is polished and blood supply is improved.

peeling machine

the nozzle itself

and process

I'm really hooked on this procedure, as it allows me to go without foundation for two whole weeks. The skin after it and-de-al-na-ya. The peeling is soft, painless (I would even say pleasant, especially in hot weather - as if you are being massaged with an ice cube), does not provoke redness - and can be done all year round.

A special gel is applied to the skin to provide better conductivity for laser beams.

But this is where the fairy tale ends. I am usually quite patient with medical and cosmetic procedures. But with a laser, smiling and pretending that everything is fine doesn’t work-) The pain lasts for a second, but in some flashes I don’t fly above the couch. The only thing holding me back is the desire to get rid of rosacea. The most painful points are the temples and the area above the upper lip and near the nostrils.

Fortunately, the entire execution (we remove the capillary mesh throughout the face) lasts no longer than three minutes.

very funny glasses that protect your eyes - you can’t see anything in them

Immediately after the procedure, there is redness on the face, which completely disappears in about an hour or two.

And finally, a completely clean face. Not a single vessel. It would be like this forever.

But, alas. The skin remains perfect for about two weeks.

After this... rosacea returns. True, not all -)

I have already done three procedures (I repeat once every 3-4 months), and the skin has not returned to its original state. Now the only things that irritate me are the vessels on the wings of my nose. I found that such a short effect (usually the vessels do not appear for six months) in my case is due to physical activity (for example, the vessels returned to me immediately after I ran a half marathon in 25-degree heat). Therefore, it seems to me personally that it is right to do the procedure before important events and for preventive purposes, twice a year, so that the vascular network does not grow further.

Why is the effect short-term, is it necessary to remove the vessels at all, is it possible to do without a laser - we asked my doctor Yulia Shcherbatova.

- What is rosacea anyway?

Yulia: This is a pathological condition when, in response to some environmental factor (for example, an increase in temperature) or an internal change in the state of the body (for example, stress), an expansion of the network of blood vessels occurs in the surface layer of the skin. This reaction may be due to genetic predisposition, or may occur due to external stimuli. The main provocateurs are the sun, spicy food, red wine, cognac, baths, smoking and abuse of facial scrubs. Most often, vessels appear on the cheeks and wings of the nose (but can also be on the forehead and chin). What is commonly called rosacea, from a medical point of view, is the early stages of rosacea. But rosacea is discussed more often as an aesthetic problem.

— Apparently, rosacea is a very common problem?

Julia: Very much. It affects three quarters of the adult population. Especially often - smokers. Both men and women, but women are more likely to see a doctor to solve this problem.

— What laser can remove the capillary mesh?

Yulia: I work with the Harmony XL laser, its VP 540 attachment is used to treat any vascular pathologies and pigmentation. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the wavelength of 540-600 nanometers is absorbed most well by melanin (skin pigment, brown) and oxyhemoglobin (red pigment, contained in the red blood cell, and the red blood cell in the vessel). This means that there is no risk of burning the skin itself, so the procedure is the safest.

According to the protocol, we evaluate the result of laser exposure after 30 days and decide to repeat the procedure, if necessary.

— Is it possible to get rid of rosacea with laser forever?

Yulia: This happens, but quite rarely, because we are dealing with a living organism, its genetic predisposition and environmental and lifestyle factors. We can achieve a good stable remission with the patient if he does not provoke new lesions. He will not sunbathe, minimize stress, and stop going to the bathhouse. But this rarely happens, since most people do not consider rosacea a problem worthy of changing their lifestyle.

— And how long can a person usually forget about rosacea?

Julia: It varies, it’s individual. It might take six months, maybe a year, maybe three. It is impossible to predict this, unfortunately. The point is to stop the disease at an early stage, and this requires not only competent treatment, but also compliance with the doctor’s instructions and recommendations by the patient.

— What happens if rosacea is not removed? In addition to the aesthetic side of the issue.

Yulia: In the first two stages there is redness and the appearance of small blood vessels on the face, there are almost no other signs. But you need to understand that stagnation of blood in the capillaries in the long term leads to thickening of the tissue that surrounds the vessel. The skin becomes lumpy, uneven, with enlarged pores.

Severe cases of rosacea (of which rosacea is a special case) look very bad, but they are quite rare. I don’t want to scare anyone, but from my point of view, rosacea is not only and not so much an aesthetic problem as a medical problem, which, among other things, requires consultation with a neurologist and endocrinologist for correct treatment. The body is an integral system, and ignoring its signals that there are problems is risky and presumptuous.

— What should be done to prevent rosacea from appearing for as long as possible?

Julia: Follow a diet. We remove everything that causes increased blood flow, and, as a result, dilation of blood vessels: alcohol containing flavonoids, spices, fried, spicy. We exclude overheating of the body (bath, infrared cabins).

Perhaps we exclude active aerobic exercise and switch to calmer sports. We use anti-rosacea serums, for example, UltraCeuticals Red-Action, or others that contain kinetin, andrographolide, niacinamide.

Twice a year we take drugs that tonic blood vessels: ascorutin along with Antistax or Detralex. In later stages of rosacea, botulinum therapy is used - this is a relatively new word in the treatment of rosacea.

— Do you mean regular Botox for the face?

Yulia: Microdoses of Botox for the face block the transmission of nerve impulses to the vessel and it stops expanding. But this remedy is used in severe cases of rosacea, when the skin is red regardless of the time of day, or when inflammation occurs. For the treatment of rosacea, this method is redundant.

In fact, a serum drug has already been invented that will be able to remove existing blood vessels. But it will take time - and at least five or even ten years - until it passes all the tests and appears on the market. But it is possible that in the future the solution to the problem will become much simpler.

Contraindications for the procedure: pregnancy, lactation, malignant tumors, unfavorable course of diabetes mellitus, herpes in the acute stage, febrile conditions, diseases of the blood system, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, implanted pacemaker.


  • procedure using the Jet Peel machine - 2500 rubles;
  • removal of blood vessels (whole face) - 11,000 rubles;
  • removal of blood vessels (nose) - 5,000 rubles;
  • removal of blood vessels (wings of the nose) - 4000 rubles.


Via Verde: Moscow, Daev Lane, building 14.

Phones: +, + 7 (916) 157-13-79, +


The reason for the appearance of spider veins is a violation of venous circulation and changes in the elasticity of the capillary walls. The appearance of spider veins does NOT ALWAYS indicate the existence of post-thrombotic or varicose pathology. Likewise, and vice versa, the presence of diagnosed varicose veins does not mean that spider veins may appear.

If you observe manifestations of spider veins on your body, we recommend that you consult a doctor for advice and an accurate diagnosis.

Who gets spider veins?

Spider veins appear in both women and men. In women, spider veins appear much more often (about twice as many). Typically, women react more often to the appearance of spider veins, since such a defect on the skin irritates them and they want to get rid of it, regardless of the reasons for its appearance, while men react to these manifestations much less often, not paying due attention to it or not at all. ignoring.

Causes of spider veins

According to statistics, from 20 to 30% of the adult population of the planet have spider veins. Women are predominantly affected by this disease; in 80% of cases, the cause of spider veins in women is pregnancy and childbirth.

Other reasons for the appearance of spider veins include:

  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Postponed birth
  • Hormonal disorders (including changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy and/or a history of abortions)
  • As a result of the use of hormonal drugs (including hormonal contraceptives)
  • Upon the onset of menopause (menopause)
  • long-term venous insufficiency
  • Decreased tone of the vessel walls (including age-related)
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases (liver and intestines)
  • Chronic diseases of the endocrine system
  • Chronic diseases of the circulatory system (hypertension)
  • Heavy physical activity (including high-intensity sports with a predominant load on the leg muscles, such as dancing, cycling, skiing and others)
  • High stress on the legs due to prolonged wearing of high heels
  • Professional working conditions (standing work)
  • Excessive passion for baths and saunas
  • Abuse of sunbathing (including solariums)
  • Consequences after frostbite of the extremities
  • Incorrectly performed cosmetic procedures (deep or excessively intense peeling)
  • Presence of venous diseases (for example, varicose veins)
  • Frequent and sudden changes in temperature
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Previous surgical operations
  • Injuries
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Being overweight (the higher the percentage of obesity, the higher the chance of spider veins)
  • Age (the likelihood of spider veins increases with age)
  • Vitamin C hypovitaminosis
  • Lifestyle with low physical activity (for example: sedentary work)

After removing blood vessels on the face with laser

The condition of the skin after laser treatment depends on many factors. Typically, there will be redness and slight swelling, especially if a large area is treated. When touching the skin, discomfort is possible, which lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. The sensations after a cosmetologist’s work are similar to those that occur after excessively long exposure to the sun. Therefore, you should not plan any activities for the period after the procedure. During this period, it is important to rest and recover.

To relieve discomfort, you can apply a cold compress to the treated area. However, you cannot use ice in this case. In addition, during the recovery period, it is advisable to sleep with your head on an elevation so as not to increase tissue swelling.

After a week, the skin may darken and bluish-purple spots may appear. This is a normal recovery process, so don't be alarmed. You just need to be prepared for the fact that during the recovery period you will have to stay at home, avoiding social events. The use of makeup is also undesirable.

Skin care during the recovery period. Until the skin is completely restored, special care will be required. The doctor will select the specific drug. As a rule, a vaseline-based emollient ointment, such as Aquaphor, is prescribed. It is also necessary to use moisturizers and sunscreens. To avoid complications, it is not recommended to go out in the sun without UV protection for at least a month. It is advisable to select clothing that will protect the treated area from radiation.


Telangiectasias (spider veins) are the result of dilation of superficial intradermal capillaries. In cases of a long-term defect, the structure of the capillary walls may be disrupted, their compaction and loss of elasticity may occur. Dilated capillaries are clearly outlined and appear under the skin as bluish or red structures in the form of small lines, a fine network - “cobwebs” or multiple dots.

The appearance of telangiectasia - spider veins - can be associated with two main reasons:

  1. As a result of congenital diseases that are accompanied by dilation of superficial skin capillaries (xeroderma pigmentosum, mastocytosis, Raynaud's disease, connective tissue dysplasia, etc.);
  2. It is provoked by the following factors - hormonal imbalance (for example, a high concentration of estrogen in the blood during pregnancy), frequent and prolonged exposure to sunlight and radiation, acquired diseases of various organs and systems, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, etc.

The presence of spider veins in itself is not regarded by doctors as a pathological human condition, but is only a cosmetic defect. According to statistics, currently more than 30% of adult men and more than 50% of women over 35 years of age have this cosmetic problem.


Contraindications for laser coagulation are minimal; it is not recommended if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute inflammatory process, acute infections;
  • decompensated form of chronic disease of any etiology;
  • active stage of skin pathologies in the laser impact area;
  • pregnancy;
  • pacemaker.

The procedure also cannot be performed during breastfeeding and if the body is prone to the formation of keloid scars.

Customer Reviews about Spider Vein Removal

all reviews in the Rednor reviews section

Reviews from Rednor Center clients about spider vein removal

  • A couple of months ago I removed a burst vessel on my nose in Rednor on Marksistskaya. I am incredibly pleased with the result, not a trace was left, although I was very worried, because... still a face, and in such a prominent place!

    Review of the removal of spider veins in the Rednor center on Marksistskaya - Irisha-86m - source

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Laser coagulation of blood vessels

No cosmetic products will rid the skin of rosacea at home - this is just an advertising ploy.

One of the few really working methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice, is laser coagulation of blood vessels.

The procedure helps with the manifestation of:

  • Couperose on the face;
  • Rosacea;
  • Vascular points and asterisks;
  • Capillary telangiectasia;
  • Venous networks;
  • Hemangiomas and angiomas:
  • Pathologically changed vessels in the arms and legs;
  • Burgundy-red vascular moles (“port-wine stains”).

During coagulation, the laser beam heats the hemoglobin in the dilated capillaries and “seals” their walls, thereby removing damaged vessels from the blood circulation. Gradually, the adhesions dissolve, and with them, visible defects disappear: meshes, stars or spots.

The blood supply to this area of ​​the skin does not stop, because the body uses previously unused branches of blood vessels.

Spider veins. Is it dangerous?

Spider veins themselves are not a disease that poses any danger or threat to the life and health of the patient. In some cases, spider veins may be accompanied by pain and swelling at the site of their localization, and only this brings physical inconvenience to the patient.

Often, such manifestations are considered to be exclusively a cosmetic defect, and many do not pay attention to them. But in reality, this approach is not entirely correct. Manifestations in the form of changes in the smallest vessels are an alarming sign. The fact is that the appearance of spider veins (rosacea) indicates that a person begins to change in the elasticity of the capillary walls, and if at the first stage, visible manifestations are noticeable only on small capillaries, this does not mean at all that similar changes do not occur in more large veins (which are stronger and more elastic by default)

Spider vein removal cost

Procedure/zonePrice, in rubles
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the face, 1 cm2750,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the eyelid, 1 cm21 500,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the nose, 1 cm21 100,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the cheek, 1 cm2900,00
Laser treatment of angiectasia on the body above the waist, 1 cm2500,00
Laser treatment of punctate angioma700,00
**Registration certificate No. FS-2005/044 dated June 22, 2005

all prices in the section Laser cosmetology prices

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  • 900 rub. 0 rub. 1
  • 1 If the procedure is carried out on the day of consultation, see the conditions
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