An effective procedure for skin renewal is ABR peeling. Features of the event

Most modern cosmetic developments are aimed at preserving youthful skin and eliminating defects. Different types of dermis require different care.

A modern method for cleansing oily skin is ABR peeling. The peculiarity of the procedure is that it allows you to achieve two important goals at once - effective cleaning and slowing down the aging process.

ABR peeling is one of the types of skin cleansing with acids. Chemical reagents not only act on the surface layers of the dermis, but also penetrate inside. What happens when exposed to acid? Its cells receive microtrauma, essentially a chemical burn.

But due to the correctly selected proportions of the cosmetic product and strict adherence to the application technique, such injuries are not dangerous, but even useful, since they contribute to the activation of regeneration processes.

Main characteristics

ABR is an abbreviation formed from the names of the components that make up the drugs.

ABR exfoliants contain three groups of substances: alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), beta hydroxy acids (BHA) and retinol.

  • AHA (malic, citric, glycolic and other acids) - delicately remove dead epidermal cells, start the regeneration process, lighten the skin, and also make it elastic and firm.
  • BHA (most often salicylic) - cleanses the skin and evens out tone, has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Retinol (vitamin A) - normalizes the production of sebaceous glands, nourishes the skin and has a calming effect.

In modern cosmetology, ABR peelings from the Israeli brand HOLY LAND are most widely used. The result of the course of procedures: the relief and wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion becomes even, radiant and healthy, pigment spots and spider veins disappear, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and an oily sheen no longer appears on the skin during the day.

Indications for use

Manufacturers position ABR peels as universal, but cosmetologists recommend them only for oily and problematic skin: acne, hyperkeratosis, enlarged and clogged pores, excessive sebum production, as well as post-acne - direct indications.

If the doctor assesses the condition of the dermis as satisfactory, preference is given to softer and more gentle formulations.

ABR peeling is also used in the fight against wrinkles and to eliminate skin defects in the décolleté, back and shoulders.

Features of the composition

  • Blueberry extract, included in the list of components of all products from the line, has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, regulates metabolic processes, stimulates tissue restoration;
  • Extracting sugar cane promotes maximum penetration of the components of the composition into the tissue;
  • Sugar maple is a source of microelements such as potassium, calcium and iron;
  • Lemon extract tones the dermis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and promotes the disappearance of spider veins;
  • Orange has vitaminizing, tonic, antioxidant and activating effects.
  • The combination of acids evens out tone and texture, eliminates age spots, scars and fine wrinkles. Under the influence of the composition, collagen synthesis is activated, the dermis becomes firmer and more elastic.

In what cases is the procedure indicated?

ABR peeling is a cosmetic procedure that, of course, can be performed independently. But it is necessary to do peeling, following the rules. First, let's look at the problems for which cosmetologists recommend this procedure:

  • with dull complexion;
  • in the presence of small wrinkles;
  • with uneven skin;
  • if enlarged pores bother you;
  • for acne;
  • if acne marks are visualized;
  • with infiltrates;
  • if you are concerned about hyperpigmentation;
  • for spots;
  • with hyperkeratosis.

All these defects can be eliminated if you approach the procedure professionally.

Advantages and disadvantages

ABR peels have both advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • High efficiency.
  • Long lasting and lasting results.
  • False universality. Despite the manufacturer's statements, such powerful formulations are not indicated for dry and sensitive skin.
  • A large list of contraindications.
  • Long recovery period.
  • High total cost of the course.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The disadvantages of all products containing retinol include the danger of photoburn, that is, damage to skin treated with vitamin A by sunlight. This is why after ABR plining you should protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation.


Although this type of exfoliation is highly effective, the procedure is not suitable for everyone. Experts recommend using it strictly in accordance with the indications.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

Thus, peeling can only be carried out if the following problems exist:

  • uric rash;
  • post-acne elements ;
  • pore expansion ;
  • dull skin tone
  • stagnant spots;
  • infiltrates;
  • hyperkeratosis.

This manipulation is used when the first signs of premature aging appear.

Varieties and compositions

The HOLY LAND professional line includes the following products.


The product helps restore natural pH, effectively whitens age spots and exfoliates the outer layer of epidermal cells.

Active Ingredients:

  • Salicylic, lactic, citric and glycolic acids;
  • Blueberry, lemon, orange, sugar cane and maple extracts;
  • Retinol, vitamin C.


Effectively whitens and removes horn cells of the epidermis, rejuvenates and slows down aging, promotes the resorption of infiltrates.

Active Ingredients:

  • salicylic acid;
  • extracts of blueberry, sugar cane and maple, orange, lemon, green tea, fig, pomegranate and pumpkin;
  • ubiquinone;
  • urea;
  • retinol, vitamin C.


The drug has powerful antimicrobial, fungicidal and anti-inflammatory effects and is actively used to combat severe forms of acne.

Active Ingredients:

  • salicylic, citric and glycolic acids;
  • blueberry, sugar cane, chamomile, orange, lemon and sugar maple extracts;
  • Acai oil;
  • benzoic acid;
  • retinol, vitamin C.

Manufacturing Basics

It is no coincidence that the brand has gained popularity in the cosmetics market and the trust of millions of customers. When creating its peelings, Holy Land is guided by the following principles:

  • Safety and effectiveness.
  • Using high quality raw materials.
  • Conducting clinical trials to which all brand products are subjected.
  • Non-toxic.
  • The priority is not the immediate, but the final result. For the company, the intensity of peeling of dead cells after peeling is not important, which means that “Holy Land” products are not aggressive, but lead to excellent results.

All of the above principles exclude the possibility of producing low-quality cosmetic products and defects. Therefore, the company has earned an ideal reputation and has held a leading position in the market for decades. And although Holy Land peels cannot be called cheap, they are definitely worth all the money spent.

Rules of application

To achieve a good result after the first session, cosmetologists recommend preparing the skin in advance.

To do this, gels or rolls containing fruit acids must be used for 7-10 days before professional exfoliation. At the same time, strictly follow the instructions for your cosmetic product and do not overuse.

How the manipulation works:

  • At the beginning of the procedure, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the patient’s skin of makeup and other contaminants with special preparations. The most commonly used soaps are ichthyol or azulene soaps.
  • Then the doctor removes any remaining cleanser, applies pre-peeling lotion and lightly massages the facial skin.
  • ABR peeling is applied in the following order: forehead, temples, chin, cheeks, nose and area around the mouth. The product is not applied to the eyelids.
  • The product is left for 15-20 minutes. If necessary, a specialist can apply an additional layer of the substance to problem areas. Afterwards, the drug is removed using sponges soaked in cold water, and a neutralizing agent is applied.
  • After 7-8 minutes, the neutralizer is also washed off, and a soothing mask is applied for 15-20 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed, the skin is toned, and a moisturizer is applied.

Operating principle

The result of the procedure is achieved due to the fact that the keratinized old layers of the skin are removed along with all their defects. ABR chemical peeling can remove fine wrinkles, blemishes, enlarged pores, and scars through exfoliation. After this, you are left with clean, fresh, renewed skin. In order for the effect of the procedure to remain as long as possible, experts recommend not only cleaning with a certain frequency, but also balancing your diet and getting rid of bad habits. All this together will allow your skin to remain beautiful and young for many years.


To avoid unwanted side effects, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For 2-3 weeks after the procedure, use sunscreen with SPF of at least 30.
  • Use moisturizing and soothing products prescribed by a specialist as needed.
  • Refrain from applying foundation and powder to your face until the tissue is completely restored.
  • To prevent pustular disease, use disposable paper towels after washing, rather than the usual woven one.
  • Refrain from playing sports, do not visit swimming pools, baths and saunas until the protective properties of the epidermis are completely restored.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

During the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to take foods with a high content of vitamin A, as well as its precursors - carotenoids. An additional dose increases photosensitivity, which may make sunscreen useless as a treatment for facial burns.


In order for a cosmetic procedure aimed at exfoliating dead cells to be carried out with the highest quality and with minimal side effects, it is necessary to properly prepare for it.

Before applying the chemical composition, a few days before the appointed date, the stratum corneum must be leveled. To do this, experts recommend that clients use special tools. Due to such procedures, the sensitivity of the skin to ABR preparations increases.

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In addition, before the manipulation it is not recommended to sunbathe either in a solarium or in open sunlight. Precisely because it is necessary to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, it is not recommended to carry out resurfacing in spring and summer.

It is prohibited to carry out other exfoliating procedures less than a week in advance.

If there is a need to take any medications, you need to inform the cosmetologist about this in advance.

Precautionary measures

  • It is strictly forbidden to perform ABR peeling during periods of high solar activity or visit a solarium. The best time to carry out such a procedure is winter.
  • For safe use of the product, at least 7 weeks must pass since the last exfoliation with any other professional product.
  • During the recovery period, the skin needs careful care: do not use aggressive cleansers and do not try to speed up the peeling process on your own.
  • If before ABR exfoliation you used products containing proteolytic enzymes, high concentrations of vitamins C or A, or hydroquinone, please inform your cosmetologist about this. The specialist will select the optimal exposure time for the drug.

Side effects

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Pustular rashes.
  • Exacerbation of herpetic infection.
  • Swelling, persistent redness of the face.
  • Appearance of scars.
  • The occurrence of hyperpigmentation as a result of insolation during the recovery period.
  • Excessive peeling (often occurs due to exceeding the exposure time of the drug).


  • High photosensitivity.
  • Highly pigmented or tanned skin.
  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • Violation of the integrity of the epidermis.
  • Individual intolerance to any component of the composition, as well as a history of atopic dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Exacerbation of chronic somatic diseases.
  • Herpes in the active phase.
  • Fever of any nature.
  • Taking isotretinoin.

Answers on questions

How many days after the procedure does the redness go away?

The duration depends on the aggressiveness of the active substance. With deep exposure, the redness lasts up to 2 months, with average exposure – up to two weeks. The exact period will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

2 days after abrstart peeling, the treated area darkened. Should I be nervous about how long it will take for everything to return to normal?

Darkening of the skin is a common side effect, so don't worry. After 1-2 weeks, the face will completely exfoliate and the dark color will go away.

I am allergic, can I do this peeling?

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to test the effect of the composition on a small area. If there are no negative reactions to individual components, you can safely enroll in the course.

Professional Products

  1. Balance Peel is a drug for the treatment of acne and elimination of oily dermis.
  2. Alpha Peel is a gentle peeling for all skin types that can be used even by pregnant women.
  3. Anti Age Peel is a professional product for preventing age-related changes.
  4. Renew Peel - the product actively renews both young and mature facial skin.
  5. Extreme Peel is a drug with acidity from 3.3 to 3.9% created for cell renewal.
  6. White Peel is a unique complex obtained from milk processing. “White peeling” promotes the dissolution of intercellular material and accelerates the formation of new cells.


Any peeling procedure from Holy Land is prohibited if:

  • viral infections;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • cold;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

The listed contraindications are not absolute, as individual restrictions may exist. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, before an independent procedure, you must consult a cosmetologist.

For home use

As a complement to professional products, the Israeli company has released a series of drugs for self-use:

  1. Daily Micro Peel - daily peeling to eliminate unevenness and excess sebum secretion.
  2. Enzymatic Peel (enzyme) - delicate creamy texture removes dead cells and fights the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  3. Reveal Peel (revealing) - thanks to the content of natural extracts, improves the appearance of the skin, giving it freshness and softness.
  4. Superlift Peel - the active substances of the drug accelerate the formation of elastin and collagen fibers, due to which a lifting effect is observed.

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