Can sea buckthorn oil be used for burns? Instructions for use

For burns of various types, use sea buckthorn oil if you want to speed up the healing process. It helps restore the skin thanks to its unique composition. Regardless of whether the sunburn or thermal burn was received, the medicinal properties of the product will manifest themselves with regular use. It can be used not only to heal tissue, but also to relieve pain.

In this article, we’ll look at whether it’s possible to apply sea buckthorn oil to a burn yourself, and we’ll also tell you about the beneficial properties of the product.

Effective and safe remedies for household and sunburn.

June 9, 2022



  • Panthenol spray
  • Bepanten Plus
  • Olazol
  • Radevit
  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • What to do in case of a burn?
  • Burn: when do you need medical help?

Each of us has suffered a burn at least once in our lives. You could accidentally spill boiling water on yourself, touch a just-boiled kettle, unsuccessfully light a match, or touch your neck with a curling iron. Well, there’s no need to talk about sunburn - everyone got sunburned in the summer. Therefore, we suggest choosing a cream, ointment or spray for burns for your home first aid kit - you never know, it might come in handy. Here's our list of the best burn remedies that will reduce pain and relieve inflammation quickly.

Is it possible to smear?

Many people are interested in whether this product helps in healing burns. The answer is definitely positive, since burns were treated with sea buckthorn oil hundreds of years ago. However, it should be noted that resorting to this method of treatment is only worthwhile for mild forms of burns, since for more complex forms it is impossible to do without drug treatment.

Panthenol spray

This burn remedy is sold in a can - a gentle airy foam is sprayed directly onto the affected area. The great advantage of Panthenol is that it is used not only for household and sunburns, but also for scratches, abrasions, and the treatment of postoperative wounds. The active substance in the burn spray is dexpanthenol, which synthesizes special biologically active substances in the skin that help injuries heal faster and relieve inflammation.

Panthenol has a very convenient method of application, which does not require sponges, spatulas or unnecessary hand touching of damaged skin.

Panthenol spray
Bausch Health, Canada

A tissue regeneration stimulator that is used for: Various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes, including abrasions, burns, aseptic postoperative wounds, skin grafts, bullous and blistering dermatitis.
from 156

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Causes of burns and methods of preventing them

The most common cause of burns is contact of oral tissues with liquids or high-temperature steam. The oral mucosa turns red, swelling appears, and then the upper layer peels off. Electrical burns occur due to incorrect electrophoresis. The size of the lesion will correspond to the size of the electrode.

Chemical burns most often occur in children when trying to test household chemicals, but burns sometimes occur in the dental chair. This can occur upon contact with silver nitrate, solutions for cleaning the dental canal, etc. In case of a chemical burn, the severity of the condition depends on the chemical composition of the substance that has entered the mouth and the strength of its concentration. Ionizing radiation is used in radiation therapy and can also cause burns to the mouth and larynx.

It must be said that the method of preventing burns is basic caution. Drinks or food that are too hot should not reach the table. Steam inhalations for children under 14 years of age are extremely dangerous and do not have any therapeutic effect. As for chemical burns in children, household chemicals must be carefully isolated and have warning labels. Do not pour chemical solutions into other containers, especially drinking bottles.

Bepanten Plus

The active component of this burn cream is also dexpanthenol, but it also contains an antimicrobial substance. All this together helps to effectively treat sun and thermal burns, as well as prevent infection from entering the wound. "Bepanten" is often prescribed to nursing women for cracked nipples.

A minor disadvantage of this burn cream is that it has to be applied by hand or with a cotton swab, but this in no way affects the effectiveness.

Bepanten Plus
F. Hoffmann-La Roche, France

Prevention and treatment of dry skin when the integrity of its integument is violated;
— care for the mammary glands during breastfeeding (treatment of dry nipples and painful cracks); — treatment and care of the baby’s skin (diaper rash, diaper dermatitis); - activation of the skin healing process for minor injuries, minor burns, abrasions, skin irritations, chronic ulcers, bedsores, cracks and skin grafts. from 156

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Composition and features of therapeutic effects

The way sea buckthorn oil behaves on burns can be explained by the rich chemical composition of the berry itself. Sea buckthorn contains many vitamins necessary for humans. Vitamin C is found in the highest concentration here - it ensures the regulation of the protective functions of the skin and restoration of its elasticity and moisture after exposure to sunlight.

In addition, the plant contains vitamins E, A, P, K and group B, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. All this together provides unique characteristics of sea buckthorn oil for burns, its effect on skin damaged as a result of exposure to fire, hot water or steam.

Sea buckthorn oil helps against burns because it has the following qualities:

  1. Analgesic - relieves pain.
  2. Antibacterial – suppresses the activity of pathogenic organisms on burned areas of the skin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory – provides protection to damaged skin areas from inflammation and aggravation of the severity of the consequences of a burn.
  4. Regenerating – restores damaged tissues (at the cellular level), activating vital processes in them.

The natural product helps cleanse damaged areas of the skin from the accumulation of pus, improves blood circulation in tissues, protects the skin from UV radiation, and strengthens vascular walls. When using it, one can expect a fairly rapid recovery of all types of cells, which entails the absence of visible consequences of high temperature exposure.

By the way!

In medical circles, it is generally accepted that oils and substances based on them should not be used to treat burns to the skin; sea buckthorn oil is an exception to the general rule.

Indeed, like other natural oils, it cannot be applied to the skin immediately after thermal exposure, so as not to disrupt heat exchange in the tissues. But, following some rules and taking into account the unique composition of sea buckthorn oil, it can heal burn wounds of various origins quite effectively and in a short period of time.


“Olazol” is a multi-component spray for burns with a whole complex of active substances: cell regeneration stimulator (sea buckthorn oil), pain reliever (anesthesin), antibiotic (chloramphenicol). “Olazol”, thanks to this composition, is suitable for the treatment of complex burns and wounds: infected burns and non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, microbial eczema and other wounds with bacterial infections. The advantage of the drug is that it contains an anesthetic for local anesthesia - this allows you not to take such drugs orally.

Among the disadvantages of this remedy for burns are individual intolerance and unwanted reactions when used after sunburn. The fact is that Olazol contains an antibiotic that can cause allergies.

AltaiVitamins, Russia

Olazol is a remedy for the treatment of wounds and ulcerative lesions.
The combined drug has an anesthetic, antibacterial (shows activity against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, pus-causing microbes, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria, Brucella, rickettsia, chlamydia, spirochetes) and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces exudation, promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates the process of epithelization of wounds. Used for burns. from 175

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Contraindications and possible harm

There is only one contraindication to the external use of oil: individual intolerance or allergy to the product. It is worth interrupting treatment with its use if the following signs are noticed:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • skin rashes;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • spasmodic reactions.

Otherwise, the drug is a safe product for external use; it is not contraindicated for pregnant women and infants.


This ointment contains components that enhance the regeneration of skin damaged after a burn (vitamins A, E and D). "Radevit" accelerates the healing of thermal burns and uninfected wounds, stimulating tissue metabolism. The ointment reduces skin itching in dermatoses.

In addition, this burn remedy perfectly moisturizes the delicate skin that grows on wounds. It does not crack and there is no risk of re-infection.

"Radevit" has practically no contraindications, so this ointment for burns can be used in children under one year old, pregnant and lactating.

Retinoids, Russia

Radevit is a drug that improves trophism and tissue regeneration, for external use.
It has a dermatoprotective, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect. from 280

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Beneficial features

The complex effect of the product components ensures that the beneficial properties of the oil work in eliminating the symptoms of skin damage. It gives the following result:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, disinfecting affected areas and promoting the removal of pus;
  • antibacterial properties are manifested in accelerating healing processes and in the fight against infectious agents;
  • tissue restoration occurs faster, open wounds heal, metabolic processes accelerate;
  • pain syndrome decreases;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • provides additional protection of fabrics from ultraviolet radiation;
  • immunity improves.

Due to the content of natural antioxidants, sea buckthorn is also used for burns and as a means of regeneration. The affected areas are covered with new tissues, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent natural, inexpensive remedy for burns. Sea buckthorn oil is practically harmless and has no contraindications (except perhaps allergic reactions or individual intolerance). Sea buckthorn oil for burns contains biologically active substances that restore skin cells and heal wounds; the oil also acts as an antiseptic. Sea buckthorn oil is used undiluted to treat burns.

Sea buckthorn oil is universal and is used for many problems (bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns, vitamin deficiencies, etc.).

It is not very convenient, of course, to apply the oil, because it is in liquid form, but this is compensated by its 100% naturalness and effectiveness in treating burns and wounds.

Sea buckthorn oil
OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia

Sea buckthorn oil is a herbal product, a source of vitamins A, E, K, stimulates reparative processes in the skin and mucous membranes, accelerates their epithelization, inhibits the activity of gastric proteases, has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antioxidant and cytoprotective effects.
Due to the presence of fat-soluble bioantioxidants, it reduces free radical processes and protects cell membranes from damage; lowers cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood. Of all the known vegetable oils, only sea buckthorn contains vitamin A in the most active form in the form of beta-carotenoids and in maximum quantities. In the last decade, scientists around the world have unanimously recognized the outstanding healing properties of this provitamin. from 24

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How to use for children?

Sea buckthorn oil can extremely rarely cause an allergic reaction, so it can be used even by infants. Like adults, children should not apply sea buckthorn oil immediately after receiving a burn. During the first quarter of an hour, you need to cool the damaged skin with a damp diaper, and only then apply the oil to the redness.

If your child is very badly burned, then you should immediately seek medical help.

What to do in case of a burn?

If you are burned, but there is no wound as such, place the burned area under a stream of cold water (the pressure should not be strong). Hold for 15-20 minutes. Dry the burn with paper towels, but do not rub the burn area, but blot it. Apply any of the above burn remedies to the affected area of ​​skin.

If there is a wound due to a burn, cover it with a dry, sterile bandage (try not to put pressure on the wound). Important! Do not apply any products to the wound (including those used to treat burns), even if you are sure of their effectiveness. The wound after a burn is sterile, and with any means there is a risk of infection. Only a doctor, after examining the wound, can recommend one or another remedy for treating burns.

First aid for burns

Photos from open sources

Use of the product for skin lesions in an adult or child

From burns (boiling water, steam, etc.)

Before using the oil, it is recommended to sterilize it using a water bath. The burn site must be prepared for treatment: take care to cool the damaged area, and then, when the pain subsides a little, lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil, removing hair from the skin (if necessary). The product should not be used immediately after a burn.

It is forbidden to open blisters that appear after a burn yourself. This procedure must be performed by specialists in a sterile hospital environment.

  • In case of a burn with boiling water, it is necessary to soak a sterile gauze napkin with oil, roll it into one layer and place it on the affected area of ​​the skin. For a second-degree burn, such an application is applied only after the blisters have been opened. The bandage is secured with a bandage, and such a compress is used for 8–10 days during a normal recovery process.
  • In case of a steam burn, you should blot the area with oil every few minutes until the skin stops absorbing it. Carry out the procedure every 2 hours, increasing the period of time between lubrication. With this therapy, recovery occurs quite quickly, and the burn disappears in a couple of days.
  • Shallow open burns are treated by irrigating with sea buckthorn oil. It is recommended to carry out the procedure as the product is absorbed, then 2 times a day for a week.

For wound healing

For wounds in which there is no pus, dressings can be made with sea buckthorn oil. A gauze bandage soaked in the product is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. Keep it on until the oil is absorbed. Repeat the procedure daily until complete healing.

Against cracks of various etiologies

Microenemas made from chamomile decoction with the addition of sea buckthorn oil help with cracks in the anus

  • Cracked nipples may appear during breastfeeding. In this case, it is necessary to moisten a sterile napkin in sea buckthorn oil and apply it to the breast in the intervals between feedings of the child and at night, fixing it with a bandage or bandage until complete healing.
  • Anal fissures are treated with microenemas with chamomile infusion and sea buckthorn oil. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and 50-60 ml of the composition is taken into a syringe, after which it is injected into the rectum (the procedure should be done in the evenings). You need to keep the product inside for as long as possible. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. You can also lubricate the cracks with sea buckthorn oil 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.
  • If cracks appear on your hands and fingers, you should first hold your palms in a warm bath and dry them, and then rub heated sea buckthorn oil into the problem areas and put on cotton gloves. The procedure should be carried out overnight until the cracks heal.
  • You can get rid of cracked heels with a compress of sea buckthorn oil. Before going to bed, you will need to apply gauze soaked in the product to your heels, securing it with plastic wrap. You should wear warm socks on top. By morning, the cracks usually heal.
  • Sea buckthorn oil also helps with cracked lips. To get rid of them, you need to take a piece of cotton wool, apply a little oil on it and lubricate your lips. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

For scars, scars, acne spots

  • Scars can be removed using a compress: you will need to generously apply oil to the problem area and apply a bandage of gauze or bandage. This application must be done every day at night until the damage completely disappears.
  • How to get rid of acne spots: If the skin is oily, then sea buckthorn oil should be slightly warmed and used for application. After a few days, the result will already be noticeable. For dry skin, mix a teaspoon of oil with the same amount of distilled water, shake the mixture and lubricate the stain with it. After a few minutes, complete the procedure with a light massage. Continue the course of treatment until the acne marks disappear.

Against calluses

For calluses, you should lubricate your feet with sea buckthorn oil and put on warm socks

  • Calluses can be painlessly reduced by treating with sea buckthorn oil. Before the procedure, you need to steam your feet for 10 minutes, then rinse them with cool water and apply a compress of gauze soaked in oil, leaving it overnight. Repeat therapy until calluses heal.
  • If the callus has opened, then not only sea buckthorn oil will be useful, but also its juice for disinfection. First you need to squeeze the juice from 50 g of berries and lubricate the problem area with it, and then apply a gauze compress with oil overnight. If the callus does not heal the next day, you will need to repeat the procedure.

The oil can be used to apply diaper rash that appears on the baby's skin. Burns on children are treated with the product in the same way as on adults. It is also not forbidden to apply compresses with sea buckthorn oil to children if the child often falls and gets injured.

Video: How to make sea buckthorn oil yourself?

Burn: when do you need medical help?

You can treat a burn at home if it is redness of the skin followed by the appearance of small blisters with clear liquid (no more than 1 cm). The burn area should not exceed the patient's palm. A person needs to be urgently taken to hospital if:

  • the affected area is larger than the size of the palm;
  • burns on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, face, genitals;
  • clothing has become stuck to the burn site;
  • there is opaque content inside the blister (blood, pus);
  • body temperature increased;
  • there is nausea, vomiting, confusion;
  • the victim is too young or too old;
  • the victim is weakened by a recent illness.

Before being examined by a doctor, a person with a burn should be given a lot of water; if the burn site is very painful, it is better to offer a painkiller.


Burns Thermal burn Sunburn Wounds Wound treatment Burn ointment Burn spray Panthenol spray Bepanten Plus Olazol Radevit Sea buckthorn oil

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