Geranium oil: properties and use in cosmetology, the best recipes for the face

oil is an essential oil obtained from geranium (pelargonium) by evaporating the liquid and then cooling it. Only terrestrial organs of the plant are used as raw materials: leaves, flowers and stems. In terms of its properties, the product is not inferior to expensive medications: the aroma oil tones, disinfects, eliminates inflammation and has a positive effect on mental activity. That is why geranium oil is not only an important component of perfume and cosmetic products, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and health in general.

Geranium oil: composition

The composition of geranium oil depends on the natural material from which it was made. The type and variety of the plant greatly influences the color and smell of the liquid, so garden geranium and rose geranium are most often used.

The chemical composition of the liquid is represented by a wide variety of macro- and microelements. It includes more than 100 bioactive components that have high physiological activity. Most of it is represented by enzymes, terpenes and their derivatives (alcohols linalool, nerol, geraniol, citronellol). Also of great importance are terpineols, mainly α-groups, which provide the antimicrobial properties of the oil.

Due to its constituents, geranium oil has a yellow color, sometimes with a green tint. The product is characterized by the smell of pelargonium with hints of other plants: mint and rose.


The country of origin of geranium is South Africa, in this country the climate is varied, as a result of which the plant has an unusual variegated color. Many unusual plants were transported from this country on arriving ships.

During a long voyage, ships moored at the Cape of Good Hope, and sailors who noticed bright flowers took them home.

You could first hear about geranium in European countries in the 17th century, and in Russia it became popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.

With the help of breeders, a large number of varieties of geranium have been produced, which differ in color and flower shape. In nature, there are about 400 species of this plant, which are distributed throughout all countries.

Geranium oil: properties

The properties of geranium oil deserve the attention of every person. It is thanks to them that the essential product has been used in folk medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology for many centuries, and has recently attracted professional doctors.

Natural geranium oil can affect the body in the following ways:

  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of wounds and prevents the processes of their decomposition;
  • produces a long-lasting analgesic effect;
  • fights dermatological problems;
  • relieves symptoms of inflammation;
  • stimulates the work of the heart muscle and normalizes heart rhythm;
  • has a positive effect on hormonal balance;
  • is a natural antidepressant;
  • calms the emotional state;
  • increases performance;
  • relieves vascular spasms;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • stimulates neuropsychic activity.

It is worth noting that the product has one of the most important properties - it lowers the amount of glucose in the blood and acts as an anticarcinogen, i.e. anticancer agent. This helps diabetics and cancer patients reduce the symptoms of their disease and get rid of it faster.

Products for thyroid disease

To reduce the risk of pathologies of the endocrine system, doctors recommend dietary nutrition with substances important for thyroid health. To prevent diseases and treat the organ, it is necessary to include in the diet the following foods:

  • Feijoa and persimmon - these iodine-containing fruits can be eaten at any time of the year. Fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium and iron. In addition, persimmon and feijoa are a storehouse of vitamin compounds A, C and P.
  • Fresh seafood - mussels, crabs, fish, lobsters, shrimp, squid, etc. The same iodine-rich foods as persimmon and feijoa. Contains zinc, fatty acids, phosphorus, protein, B12. People who love seafood have strong immunity; their endocrine system is regularly fed with important hormones.
  • Sea kale is the primary source of iodine compounds. What kind of prevention of endocrine diseases will be possible without this ingredient? It is enough to eat 70-100 grams of seaweed per day for the body to consistently produce thyroid hormones. Also contains phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and a number of other useful minerals.
  • Red fish - salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon and any red meat contain tyrosine. This substance helps synthesize necessary hormones. If there is enough red fish in the diet, then the body receives calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and phosphorus. In addition, fish liver is a source of selenium.
  • Spinach and onions strengthen the immune system and are also natural antioxidants. In addition, spinach contains a unique set of microelements important for the health of the endocrine system. These are phosphorus, zinc, iodine compounds, sodium, manganese and others.

It is also necessary to note the benefits of apples, berries and nuts for all body systems. Pine nuts and walnuts are rich in iodine compounds. Apples and blueberries contain antioxidant substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Geranium oil: application

Geranium oil is used to treat many problems, including:

  • diseases of the oral cavity, ear canal, tonsils and sinuses;
  • dental problems;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases (tachycardia, arrhythmia, ischemia, high blood pressure);
  • diabetes;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • depression and emotional disorders (coenzyme Q10 and aspartic acid will also help cope);
  • migraine and headache attacks;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • to relieve rheumatic, arthritic, toothache.

Geranium oil often used in cosmetology as a component of various skin care products, and its soothing properties are used in aromatherapy.

In addition to medicinal purposes, this product is useful in culinary matters: it is added to various dishes and baked goods to give a pleasant aroma.

Many insects cannot tolerate this aroma, so geranium oil will help get rid of the main problem of summer.

general description

The plant's homeland is South Africa, but today geranium grows all over the world. There are many varieties; gardeners regularly introduce new specimens with the aroma of lemon, mint, and rose. The fragrant ether is extracted from the stems and leaves of perennial shrubs using steam distillation. To create the oil, two varieties of plants are used - rose and lemon geranium. As a result, it is possible to obtain a transparent extract with a yellow-green tint and a rich odor.

The fresh, sweet aroma with fruity notes may be confused by the uninitiated with other esters. Often it is the more affordable geranium oil that replaces the expensive rose oil. Widely used in cosmetology to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. It has tonic, whitening and antiseptic properties.

Allows you to restore, rejuvenate the skin, improve color and structure. You can enrich ready-made masks and creams; the use of natural recipes is no less effective.

Attention! There is only essential oil that can be used to enrich various base oils of jojoba, olive, apricot kernel or grape, enhancing their beneficial properties.

You can also obtain ether at home; 500 leaves of the plant will yield only 1 ml of oil. You will need special containers for steam distillation. The raw materials need to be crushed, placed in a glass flask, and a little water added. Close with a stopper the part through which the long tube passes at an angle. The tube itself should be placed in a glass of cold water, and its end should be lowered into a test tube.

The container with the leaves is heated using an alcohol lamp; you need to constantly monitor the liquid level. Gradually, essential oil will be released from the leaves, along with the steam it will accumulate in the cooling test tube. After the steam condenses, an oil film forms on the surface; at the end of the process, you need to collect the oil using a pipette.

Geranium oil: for skin

Geranium oil is very beneficial for the skin. It is not for nothing that many cosmetic companies actively use it to produce moisturizing and cleansing products. After regular use, the following positive changes are noticeable:

  • the upper layers of the skin are restored;
  • damaged cells are regenerated;
  • the skin is rejuvenated;
  • wrinkles are eliminated;
  • the secretion of sebum and the secretion of sweat glands decreases.

In addition to age-related skin changes, the product helps with various dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes, fungal infections), as well as to eliminate the consequences of burns and frostbite of the skin.

One of the main benefits of geranium essential oil is that it is suitable for any skin type. It can be used by adolescents during puberty, in old age, and even for acne. This product is suitable for combination skin.

Manuka honey, witch hazel, ubiquinol and fish oil are also used for skin care.

Indications for use

Geranium essential oil can be used for all skin types, with the exception of sensitive dermis prone to allergic reactions. One application is enough to feel positive changes.

Suitable for dry, dehydrated, aged, as well as oily, problematic skin. Regular use will give your face an impeccable tone and even structure, and protect you from premature aging.

Application effect:

  • has a lifting effect;
  • relieves swelling;
  • improves skin turgor;
  • smoothes wrinkles of varying degrees;
  • effective prevention of ptosis;
  • activates blood flow, strengthens thin capillaries;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • has bactericidal properties, stops the spread of infection;
  • tightens pores;
  • neutralizes oily shine;
  • whitens age spots and acne marks.

Geranium oil: against cellulite

Geranium oil will help get rid of cellulite . It is considered a natural antidepressant, and, as you know, one of the main reasons for the appearance of fatty deposits in the subcutaneous tissue is constant stress.

The product is used in the process of therapeutic massage. Rubbing it into the deep layers of the skin relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, improves lymph circulation and venous circulation. As a result, the body gets rid of toxic substances, and fat accumulations are resolved.

Effect on the emotional sphere

In the emotional sphere, geranium evokes positive emotions, relaxes, puts you in an optimistic mood, helping to cope with worries, fears, tension and relieve symptoms of fatigue and stress. This is one of the essential oils to combat depression and apathy. By restoring internal harmony, it promotes adequate self-perception and opens the way to positive life changes, increases physical and mental activity.

But the most important effect of pelargonium oil concerns self-esteem: thanks to this essential oil, you can get rid of dependence on other people’s opinions, uncertainty, complexes, recover from losses and unpleasant encounters, and adequately perceive motives and actions.

Geranium oil: for face

Using geranium oil on your face will restore freshness and youth to your face. Therefore, it is often included in cryotherapy for rejuvenation, and rubbing with frozen liquid will strengthen blood vessels and restore skin elasticity.

The face is a “business card”, and how well-groomed it looks creates an impression of a person. Many people cannot get rid of acne, rashes and pimples for a long time, but with oil this is not a problem. It relieves inflammation and reduces redness in a few days.

Pure, high-quality essential oil of geranium "Essential Oils, Geranium" is offered by Now Foods (1 fl oz, 30 ml). It consists of 100% natural products and fully performs its functions, in particular, cleanses and softens the skin.

Recommendations for use: the product is highly concentrated, so you need to be extremely careful in use. Can be combined with other essential oils for aromatherapy. Internal use is prohibited. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor.

What it is?

Geranium essential oil, or geranium oil, is a substance produced from the leaves of the geranium plant. It is extracted by steam distillation; to obtain just one drop, you need to process about 500 leaves, which is why this oil is considered one of the most expensive, along with rose and jasmine.

It is a liquid flowing product similar in appearance to ordinary vegetable oil, yellowish-green in color with a light green or olive tint, completely transparent, easily soluble in other oils, it has a thick characteristic odor with a fruity base and bittersweet notes. It contains more than a hundred useful elements, such as citronellol, geraniol, linalool, menthol, nerol, a-terpineol and others.

Geranium oil: anti-wrinkle

You can prevent the first signs of skin aging using geranium oil , but this remedy is only effective when removing shallow wrinkles. It is especially useful to combine with lavender, rose and frankincense oils.

Important! Facial oil cannot be used in its pure form. geranium oil product may damage the epidermis and cause skin irritation. You also need to ensure that the product does not get into your eyes or other mucous membranes.

Characteristics of ether

Geranium oil is a key element in aromatherapy. It is used as a whole body therapy to improve physical, mental and emotional health.

Place a few drops of geranium in a diffuser or on a napkin; as the vapor evaporates, it sends messages to the limbic system that allow you to better control your emotions and consciousness. By inhaling geranium oil, you can improve your heart rhythm, normalize your breathing rate, blood pressure and strengthen your immune defense.

Influencing the nervous system, it eliminates depressed and depressed states and causeless anxiety, and dramatically improves emotional mood. The aroma of geranium oil increases endurance and activates attention. Children calm down and become less whiny. With its help it is easy to achieve beautiful and glowing skin.

Geranium oil regulates hormones, improving a woman’s well-being during menopause and PMS. The positive effect of geranium oil has been noted in gynecological pathologies. Promotes the removal of stagnant fluid, thereby improving the symptoms of migraines, reduces swelling and the appearance of cellulite.

Energetically helps a person restore trusting relationships between people. Removes invisible barriers in communication, promotes control over emotions.

Geranium oil: for hair

Geranium oil has a healing effect on damaged hair. Restorative procedures make them less brittle and split. The curls become lush again and gain volume.

Nourishing masks are recommended to be applied along the entire length of the hair. Even simple masks nourish hair follicles well. The product is also used in other ways:

  • added to regular shampoo to give a herbal scent and strengthen the roots;
  • rub into the scalp, and after 30 minutes wash off with medicated shampoo.

For dry and damaged hair, it is advisable to combine oil with burdock in a ratio of 1:5, and to restore colored curls, peach oil or neem oil is suitable.

It is worth noting that by rubbing the finished product into the forehead, back of the head and behind the ears, you can not only strengthen your hair, but also cope with stressful situations thanks to the calming properties of geranium oil .

You can make your hair soft by using cysteine, royal jelly, castor and safflower oils. These products can be purchased from the online store linked below.

Application for lips, eyelashes, eyebrows

Geranium essential oil, in addition to caring for the face and body, is also used to strengthen the restoration of curls. The oil activates growth, strengthens the root system, eliminates dandruff and seborrhea. Adding it to shampoo will help cope with oily strands, and the balm enriched with ether will make combing easier and add shine to colored, dull curls.

Important! Not recommended for use on eyelashes and eyebrows. Possible irritation, tearing, swelling, itching, redness of the eyelids. Also, do not use on lips, it increases the sensitivity of thin skin.

Geranium oil: for otitis media

Geranium oil is one of the most common remedies used for otitis media. As a result of research, it has been proven that the essential product inhibits inflammatory processes in the ear, stopping them, and over time, completely eliminating them. In addition, it is able to accelerate the maturation and opening of painful boils.

Also, for otitis media, the antimicrobial properties of the product are important. This reduces the risk of dangerous viruses entering the unprotected external auditory canal, which can worsen the patient’s condition.

Fragrant story

The benefits that geranium brings to the human body have been known since ancient times, when on the African continent it was used to solve many physical and spiritual problems. Europeans, especially the French, back in the seventeenth century, appreciated, first of all, the decorative nature of the plant - the endless variety of shades, shapes, aromas, and unpretentiousness made it a welcome guest both in greenhouses and on window sills.

But the peak of pelargonium’s popularity truly came in the nineteenth century, when it became not only a luxurious decoration for the most noble houses, but also a raw material for the production of fragrant essential oil.

In the Victorian era, perfumery and its fragrant products were in demand more than ever: smells accompanied not only ladies and gentlemen, but any household items - linen, furniture, books. They tried to enrich even ordinary salt and vinegar with fragrant ingredients, among which geranium oil occupied one of the places of honor.

Historical fact: Geranium at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was often called palmarosa oil, because both were actively used to adulterate rose oil.

The general passion for geraniums in Europe was undermined by sad and prosaic events: due to the need to save fuel resources during the First World War, heating flower greenhouses was prohibited. But in the southern part, as well as in the African and Indian French colonies, fragrant pelargonium was grown for the production of phytoessence even before the early forties. And today the oil extracted from the green part of the Bourbon geranium is considered the best among its admirers - this is what Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean was once called.

Geranium oil: in the pharmacy

geranium oil in a pharmacy, but no one guarantees that it will be a high-quality product with a high concentration of the main component. Real essential oil is quite expensive, but meets the expectations of buyers.

You can buy a natural remedy with medicinal properties at an affordable price in online stores. A link to one of the most proven ones is given below. Unlike conventional pharmacies, manufacturers and sellers guarantee consistency between cost and quality.

Reviews from people

There are many users on the Internet who have managed to evaluate the effects of ether.

The review states that the oil works well, but the specific aroma is frightening.

A discussion participant writes about the anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil. We managed to replace the cream, but due to the specific smell, we had to look for alternative natural ingredients.

Some reviews describe how to use geranium oil for skin and hair.

Other reviews can be found by following the link.

Geranium oil: instructions

special instructions for using geranium oil . The main thing to remember is that it is very concentrated, so in undiluted form or at an increased dosage it can be harmful to health. To do this, the product is diluted with other essential oils or plain water.

Geranium oil: how to use

The method of using geranium oil depends on the purpose of use. For example, to cure eczema or get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin, you need to add 5 drops of oil to 10 ml of olive oil and stir. The finished product is intended for external use: it is applied to the affected areas once a day for 4-5 weeks.

You can get rid of cellulite in several ways:

  1. The oil is applied to problem areas with rubbing movements. It can be used alone or combined with other essential oils (orange or lemon are suitable). To reduce the concentration of the product, it is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. If fat deposits appear on large areas of the skin, then baths are effective, to which 10-15 drops of geranium oil . You can add sea salt first. This will enhance the properties of the main component and relax the body. The procedure should take no more than half an hour.

Geranium oil is used in different ways to treat sinusitis

  1. Heat water (1 glass) and add a few drops. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to the nose. For best effect, cover your forehead as well. Leave for 20 minutes. Do it three times a day.
  2. Dilute 5 drops of oil in 200 ml of hot water. Inhale vapors through the nose. The liquid should not be too hot, which could cause burns to the mucous membranes. Carry out the procedure for 20 minutes once a day.
  3. Apply the product onto the nasal sinuses using rubbing movements, and after the procedure moisten with an ice cube.

If you mix aromatherapy base oil with geranium in a 2:1 ratio and moisten a cotton swab, you can cure otitis media in a short time. This turunda is placed in the ear, and the therapeutic combination acts directly on the source of the disease.

You can experiment with this oil in every possible way, but in order to achieve the desired result, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary therapy.

General recommendations

There are basic rules for using oil to achieve the desired effect:

  • geranium ether is enriched in ready-made masks, creams, tonics, emulsions, shampoos, and will also become an indispensable component of natural beauty recipes;
  • the oil is used for no more than 2–3 weeks, after which you need to take a break of 2–4 months, then you can resume the procedures;
  • it is also necessary to check individual tolerance, treat allergens, not recommended for the care of sensitive, thin skin;
  • used for the face, neck, décolleté, body and hair care, should not be used for eyelids, eyelashes, may cause swelling and tearing;
  • combines with base oils, as well as esters of lemon, basil, grapefruit, bergamot, sandalwood and rosewood;
  • You must first measure a single dose of the finished product; you cannot add ether directly to the jar;
  • The optimal concentration is considered to be 2–3 drops of geranium oil per 5 ml of base;
  • you need to mix the components in a glass or ceramic container, like any ether, geranium is prone to oxidation when interacting with metal;
  • mainly used in anti-aging programs, as well as to restore the condition of oily, porous skin prone to acne;
  • It is recommended to use up to 4 times a week, the autumn-winter period is considered the best, the ether allows you to whiten pigmentation and increase the immune properties of the integument;
  • Cosmetic procedures should be carried out 3-4 hours before bedtime; the pronounced aroma stimulates a surge of strength and energy, and can cause insomnia.

Geranium oil: contraindications

Geranium oil is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnant women and during lactation (without consulting a doctor);
  • children under 6 years old;
  • when taking contraceptives;
  • on empty stomach.

These prohibitions are due to the fact that oil affects hormonal levels and can harm expectant mothers and young children.

If geranium oil is contraindicated for any reason, it can be replaced with other natural analogues. In order to maintain their natural beauty, they use inositol, caprylic and hyaluronic acids. These products have a wide range of properties, the main one of which is maintaining the beauty and health of the skin.

Basic rules for choosing ready-made essential oils

Today you cannot be 100% sure that the manufacturer is conscientious and will not sell you a low-quality product. Before purchasing essential oils, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for choosing them:

  1. Study the label of the product you are about to purchase. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the inscription “100% natural essential oil.” If instead of “natural” they write to you about “unique”, “pure”, “con”, then this should be alarming, because the true composition of the product is being kept silent. The label should be a source of information about the manufacturer, the botanical name of the plant from which the product is made, and the expiration date.
  2. It has already been mentioned above how many raw materials are needed to obtain pure geranium oil. So this product cannot be cheap. If you are offered this product at a low price, justifying it with promotions and discounts, do not be tempted: they want to deceive you and sell you a liquid of dubious quality.
  3. Pay attention to the container in which the drug is stored: it must be glass; only darkened glass is used. This is necessary so that the properties, chemical composition and color of the product do not change under the influence of light.
  4. Ask if the bottle has a dispenser and a first opening ring.
  5. High-quality oils have an original scent borrowed from the culture from which they are extracted.
  6. Ask the consultant about the chromatogram, that is, decoding, and a detailed analysis of the composition of the drug, ask for a quality certificate (international standards GMP, ISO).

Important! Despite your own conviction that pelargonium oil will not harm you, you should not begin self-medication: seek advice from a qualified specialist.

Geranium oil: price

The price of geranium oil in the online pharmacy presented below is acceptable for people with average income. Only effective and tested products are sold here, which are an excellent alternative to expensive medications. In addition to essential oils, in the pharmacy you can find fat burners, vitamins and various nutritional supplements, for example, acetyl L-carnitine, acidophilus, ademetionine, rutin, casein and much more. Quality is guaranteed by GMP standard.

Mask recipes

Homemade masks with the addition of pelargonium ether can be used for any type of epidermis. With regular use, you can smooth out surface wrinkles, even out skin tone, and give your face freshness. In addition, such procedures are a good way to prevent the appearance of spider veins on the face.

With clay

This composition is recommended for skin with enlarged, contaminated pores, on which rashes often appear. The composition is prepared as follows:

  • Mix 20 grams of green or pink cosmetic clay with alcohol tincture of calendula to form a thick mass;
  • add 20 drops of almond oil and 5 drops of geranium ether to the diluted clay, grind;
  • Apply avoiding the area around the eyelids. Wash off after a quarter of an hour.


This fragrant mask perfectly smoothes expression lines, helps restore skin elasticity, and refreshes.

To prepare the composition, you need to take a ripe peach, peel it and remove the skin. Grind half the fruit into a puree and dilute 20 ml of heavy cream. Add five drops of geranium. Apply for twenty minutes.

In winter, this mask can be made by replacing the peach with a banana. Both formulations can be applied to the entire face, including the eyelids.


This composition is suitable for aging dehydrated skin. To prepare, you need to bake or steam a small piece of pumpkin. Grind the finished product into puree. Mix 15 grams of orange puree with the same amount of thick natural yogurt, add five drops of geranium ether to the mixture. Apply the composition for twenty minutes.


This composition is suitable for skin that has lost its elasticity and has begun to sag. The composition is prepared as follows:

  • Pour 10 grams of gelatin into 50 ml of cold water, let stand for half an hour until the gelatin swells;
  • heat the liquid so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, do not boil under any circumstances;
  • add 5 ml of avocado oil and five drops of geranium ether into the cooled solution;
  • Apply with a brush, making sure that the composition does not get on the eyebrows and hairline;
  • soak the composition for twenty minutes, remove it like film.


This option is suitable for oily aging skin with enlarged pores. Remove skin and seeds from a small tomato. Grind in a blender or on a grater. Add pea flour to the mixture until a fairly thick mixture is obtained. Add five drops of geranium essential oil and stir. Apply the composition in a thick layer, rinse off after twenty minutes.


Bake the apple and grind until puree. Separately, heat 10 grams of cocoa butter and mix it with a spoon of cocoa powder. Combine the chocolate mixture with the apple mixture and add three drops of geranium ether. Apply for twenty minutes. This composition moisturizes well, relieves flaking and eliminates the feeling of tightness.

With cyanocobalamin

You need to buy vitamin B12 in ampoules at the pharmacy. The basis of the mask is rye or oatmeal. Dilute two tablespoons of flour with a cold decoction of nettle or chamomile. Add the contents of one vitamin ampoule and five drops of geranium ether to the thick mass. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

With rice flour

Grind a spoonful of dry short grain rice in a coffee grinder until it becomes powdery. Mix the resulting powder with a spoonful of thick sour cream and a teaspoon of unrefined olive or sesame oil.

Add three drops of geranium essential oil. Apply for twenty minutes. This composition is suitable for sensitive epidermis, which often experiences irritation.

Important Rules

Geranium oil has, albeit slightly, toxicity and can severely irritate the skin. In order not to provoke a negative reaction from the body, but to get the maximum effect, you need to know the important rules for working with it:

  • An allergic reaction to geranium oil does not always manifest itself quickly. Therefore, after testing it on the wrist or elbow, you must wait not the usual 15-20 minutes, but a whole 12 hours. And only after this can you make a decision about its further use.
  • For small focal inflammation, areas of active herpes, or single pimples (including purulent ones), pure oil can be applied pointwise. But you need to do this very carefully and try not to touch these areas with your hands.
  • In the delicate area around the eyes, it is not even used as a supplement. If it gets on mucous membranes, it can cause increased tearing or conjunctivitis.
  • It is added to finished cosmetics in very small quantities - up to three drops per 20 ml of product. Exceeding the dosage may lead to severe signs of intoxication.
  • When in contact with metal, geranium oil quickly loses its beneficial properties. Therefore, it can only be mixed and stored in glass or plastic.
  • The product can lower blood sugar levels, so even people who do not have problems with it can use it without interruption for no more than three weeks.
  • Geranium oil slightly alters hormonal balance. This can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of oral contraceptives or miscalculations in the calendar method of birth control.

As you can see, geranium oil does not forgive irresponsible attitudes towards oneself. But proper use allows you to quickly get excellent results.

Application in medicine

Almost all health conditions are related to inflammation in one way or another. Geranium components are able to block inflammatory processes. Geraniol, in particular, increases the production of anti-inflammatory substances. Geranium influences microglial cells that secrete pro-inflammatory agents, which prevents the formation of neurogenerative diseases. This means that the components of geranium oil delay such terrible conditions as Alzheimer's disease. Researchers have found that geranium lowers blood sugar levels in people at risk of developing diabetes. Pelargonium also relieves headaches and post-traumatic pain.

Effect on sleep, symptoms of neurasthenia, overexcitation

The soothing scent of geranium oil wards off anxiety, depression, fatigue and “cleanses” an overly cluttered mind. Pelargonium helps to focus and sharpen cognitive functions. To focus and increase concentration, just inhale the aroma of oil rubbed in your palms or add 1-2 drops to a diffuser. To relax, massage the temples, back and sides of the neck.

By rubbing a drop of oil in your palms and inhaling the aroma, you can feel relaxed and want to sleep

Geranium also has sedative properties. Diffusing oil in a diffuser in the bedroom can help you fall asleep and improve your sleep quality.

Relation to blood pressure

By improving blood circulation and maintaining a low level of excitability, geranium prevents high blood pressure.

The main treatment for hypertension is prescribed by a doctor, and geranium ether will complement the therapy.

To keep your blood pressure normal, 3-4 drops of geranium ether are mixed with a tablespoon of coconut oil and then applied to the chest, neck and wrists.

Mixture for hypertension:

  • 1 drop of geranium essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon balm essential oil;
  • 3 drops of rosewood essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. base vegetable oil.

Apply a teaspoon of the mixture to the chest area, occipital area, inhaling the aroma.

Anti-headache mixture:

  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Drop the mixture onto your fingers and rub the back of your head, neck, and temples.

Effect on the endocrine system

Research has recognized the ability of geranium to balance the hormonal composition of the blood, reduce the level of stress hormones, thereby improving mood and coping with anxiety. To do this, add 3-4 drops of oil to a container of hot water and place it in the room.

To normalize hormonal levels and increase the level of estrogen in the blood, you need to apply one drop of geranium essential oil to the lymph nodes in the armpits.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder

Geranium oil soothes indigestion and normalizes the movement of gases, relieves cramps and bloating. Geranium normalizes stomach function. The ester also has diuretic properties, which helps the digestive process and stops the formation of excess gas in the intestines, removes excess acids and bile secreted by the liver.

Essential oil blend for Crohn's disease:

  • 33 drops of geranium;
  • 33 drops of incense gum;
  • 33 drops of marjoram;
  • 16 drops of verbena;
  • 16 drops of oregano.

Take orally 2 drops of the mixture on a quarter of a piece of refined sugar or in a coffee spoon of olive oil 3 times a day before each meal. Between 3-week courses you should take a break of one week. Also apply 6 drops of the mixture topically to the lower abdomen and lower back 2 times a day.

Fighting viruses and colds

Geranium has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Pelargonium relieves symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis and nasal infections because it is a powerful antiviral drug. When applied to the nose or neck in the throat area, the oil has a soothing effect and reduces soreness. To combat viruses and colds, use ether spraying in a diffuser twice a day, as well as rubbing the throat and area under the nostrils.

Anti-cold mixture:

  • 10 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 8 drops lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of thyme essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Rub the mixture all over your body, neck and face. Apply at least 1 time per day.

Essential oil mixture for nasal congestion:

  • 5 drops of geranium;
  • 5 drops of pine;
  • 5 drops rosemary;
  • 5 drops eucalyptus;
  • 2 drops peppermint.

The mixture is used for inhalation, instillation and massage of the wings and sinuses of the nose.

Ear Pain Relief

Mixture for instillation: 7 drops per 2–3 tsp. St. John's wort oil. Place 3-4 drops into each hole once every 1.5-2 hours.

Help with allergies

The components of geranium oil are able to block cells that cause allergic reactions in the body. Rubbing a drop of ether between your palms and inhaling the oil vapor can relieve itching and allergic rhinitis.

Essential Oil Blend for Hay Fever:

  • 7 drops of lavender;
  • 7 drops eucalyptus;
  • 4 drops of geranium;
  • 4 drops of lemon.

Soak the wick or swab of a nasal inhaler-mouthpiece with the mixture and inhale until symptoms relieve.

Oil in gynecology

Geranium, like sage and thyme, helps balance estrogen and progesterone levels in the body, which helps ease the treatment of conditions such as infertility and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), as well as symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) and menopause.

Serious gynecological disorders must be treated by a gynecologist. Geranium oil is used additionally.

Basic recipe:

  1. In 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil add 7 drops of geranium ether.
  2. Massage the lower abdomen, sacrum and lower back.

Geranium oil massage of the lower abdomen can support sexual health

A mixture of essential oils for the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  • 2 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of cinnamon;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood;
  • 4 drops of orange;
  • 4 drops of lemon balm;
  • 6 drops of lavender.

Mode of application:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Add 7 drops of the mixture to 2 tbsp. l. transport oil.
  3. Massage your stomach and lower back.

Blend for pain during menstruation:

  • 3 drops of sage essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. avocado oils.

1-2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, start massaging the mixture on your stomach once a day.

A mixture of essential oils during PMS:

  • 12 drops of tangerine;
  • 10 drops of lavender;
  • 3 drops of geranium;
  • 1 drop of rose.

Combine the oils in a container with a volume of about 5 ml. Shake before use.

Effect on skin damage

Geranium oil compresses tissues and blood vessels and stops bleeding, improves the blood clotting process, prevents the penetration of toxins and bacteria into damaged tissues, resulting in wounds healing faster.

Mixture for burns, bruises, cuts:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. basic is small.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak a tampon with the mixture.
  2. Apply to the damaged area for 5-10 minutes.

Mixture for chapped lips:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 5 drops calendula macerate.

Add one drop of the mixture to lip balm or a teaspoon of carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, almond) and treat lips.

Soothing mixture after sunbathing:

  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 1 drop of bergamot essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. base oil.

Relief from hemorrhoids

The anticoagulant properties of geranium composition are useful for the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially bleeding ones.

Mixture for hemorrhoids:

  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 1 tsp. chilled base oil.

Mix the components and apply to the affected area.

Use for fungus and skin infections

In addition to healing, pelargonium protects open wounds from bacteria that cause infections. The antiseptic effect is directed against any microbes and fungi that lead to complications at the site of the wound or incision.

Blend of essential oils against skin fungus:

  • 5 drops of geranium;
  • 2 drops of laurel;
  • 3 drops palmarosa;
  • 2 drops of thyme.

Apply 2-3 drops of the mixture to problem areas up to three times a day.

For herpes

Research has shown that geranium reduces nerve pain, including from shingles caused by the herpes virus. The oil is applied to painful areas of the skin. In addition, its antiviral property helps to quickly calm the activity of the herpes virus and remove external manifestations.

Mixture for herpes simplex:

  • 6 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops of thyme essential oil;
  • 8 drops lemon essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

Store the resulting product in a glass bottle. Apply a drop of the mixture onto the rash.

Mixture for healing herpetic rashes:

  • 5 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 6 drops of chamomile essential oil;
  • 8 drops tea tree essential oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. base oil.

After combining the components, apply the product with a cotton swab to the herpes blisters.

Shingles Pain Blend:

  • 3 drops of bergamot essential oil;
  • 2 drops of geranium essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. transport oil.

Make a neat oil application on the affected area, cover with a clean cloth until absorbed.

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