Olive oil for facial beauty: use in cosmetology and at home

Olive oil has been used for beauty since ancient times. In the cultures of Greece, Italy, Spain, this is a special tree. Its fruits and branches were used in religious ceremonies. For example, during the consecration of temples. The works of the great healer Hippocrates describe six dozen methods of medicinal use of olive “juice”. Most of the recipes concern the treatment of skin ailments.

The useful composition of the product has made it popular in modern life: in cooking, aesthetic, folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology. This oil is definitely included in the diet of people who adhere to a healthy diet.

A little history

The olive tree's pedigree dates back more than 14 thousand years, and the first mention of oil extracted from this evergreen tree appeared approximately 4000 BC. e. Culture grew in abundance in Southeast Asia. Sea vessels and caravans delivered oilseeds to all Mediterranean ports. Today, the olive is cultivated in large quantities in Greece, whose oil is considered one of the highest quality in the world. Products from Spain and Italy have earned an impeccable reputation. These countries are leaders in the production of olive extract.

An aromatic liquid from the fruits of the olive tree was extracted by the ancient Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans. Olympic athletes lubricated their bodies with it to warm up and relax their muscles. The winners of the competition were honored with olive wreaths.

Twigs of an evergreen plant were given as a sign of reconciliation and used in wedding ceremonies. It is no coincidence that the olive is called the Tree of Life - it is believed that after the Flood described in the Bible, it was the first to grow on earth.

Interesting to know. This crop is long-lived: it grows up to 500 years. But there are also record holders. According to scientists, the age of some olives exceeds 1500 years.

The peak of popularity of olive oil occurred during the times of the Great Roman Empire. The Romans improved methods of growing evergreens, methods of harvesting and processing the crop, and obtaining valuable liquid from it. After the fall of the empire, production declined. In the 12th century, it was revived with renewed vigor in Italy, where local merchants appreciated the possibility of enrichment through “liquid gold.”

Later, the scope of application of the odorous liquid expanded: cooking, cosmetic purposes, consecration of temples and dwellings. Olive extract is one of the components of the aromatic oil of myrrh, used in Orthodox sacraments.

Interesting to know. Oil is common in church ceremonies. From ancient Greek this word is translated as “olive oil.” In the Orthodox tradition today, oil is called not only oilseed, but also any other vegetable oily liquid.

Olive oil for weight loss

Olive oil is one of the main components of the famous Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the best nutritional systems for the prevention of heart disease, excess weight, diabetes and senile neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases). However, the Mediterranean diet itself is not a specific set of products, but is more reminiscent of a set of eating habits of the inhabitants of the sea coast of Spain, Italy, Portugal, France and Greece. In addition to olive oil, the diet is based on a large amount of sea fish and seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, legumes and nuts, cheese and herbs. Red meat, on the contrary, is kept to a minimum. By the way, the Mediterranean diet is one of the few where alcohol is allowed (no more than 1 glass of dry red wine per day).

An important fact: the Mediterranean diet in its original understanding is associated with the physical activity of coastal residents, constant physical labor, walking and being in the fresh air.

general description

Unlike many other oils used in cosmetology as base oils, olive extract is not extracted from the seeds, seeds or nuts of the plant, but directly from the fruit. That is, it is a kind of concentrated juice from the pulp of olives.

For the best quality of the future product, it is advisable to harvest the berries by hand, but on an industrial scale, special equipment is used.

The fruits of the olive tree must be processed within a few hours so that they do not lose their best properties.

In production, olives are washed and crushed to a paste-like state without the use of high temperature - by cold pressing. In a centrifuge, the oil is separated from the cake and water, and then left to infuse.

About a couple of weeks after this, it is bottled, with labels labeled Extra virgin or Virgin. The first mark indicates that this is a natural product with acidity up to 0.8% and excellent taste. Virgin olive extract has slightly worse tasting properties. But he is also natural.

In addition, there are such types of olive oils: for

  • Pure olive oil or Olive oil is a mixture of purified and natural extracts from olive fruits;
  • Olive-pomace oil is an extract from the cake left after obtaining Extra-virgin oil. Sometimes it is mixed with natural oilseed concentrate. Such a product is produced using kerosene and heat treatment of raw materials;
  • Lampante oil is an industrial oily liquid not intended for food.

Depending on the variety of olive berries, the oil can have a color from yellowish to brown, with green tints. There is a bitterness in the taste. The aroma is characteristic oily, but not intrusive. When stored in cold conditions, olive fruit extract produces sediment.

By the way. The taste of the oil differs depending on the country of origin. Olive extract from Spain is sharp and slightly bitter. Italian is soft, sweetish, and Greek has honey and fruity notes.

Benefits for different skin types

Olive oil can have a positive effect on any skin type. At the same time, you can use this remedy to combat imperfections from a young age.


This product is a real salvation for girls with dry, flaky skin. The oil relieves the feeling of tightness and prevents dehydration. Regular use of products based on it will help get rid of small facial wrinkles, as well as properly soften and smooth the skin.

Girls often prepare homemade masks by mixing olive oil with foods rich in moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, such as cottage cheese or avocado puree.

Oily or combination

Contrary to popular belief that oils and fatty acids are contraindicated when caring for oily skin, the so-called olive juice can nourish and tone it. True, you should not use it every day - unlike specialized products, you can overdo it with concentration, and as a result, the pores will become clogged.

But if you mix oil with white clay, you will get an incredible cleansing effect. Girls with combination skin type use oil in tandem with rice flour to moisturize and normalize lipid metabolism.


For girls and women with normal skin type, extract from the fruits of the olive tree will help in maintaining water balance, as well as in moisturizing and cleansing the face. In combination with geranium or rosemary essential oil, it will improve complexion and supply the skin with nutrients, and a mask made in combination with banana will tighten pores and create a lifting effect.

Normal skin is rarely prone to rashes or peeling, but timely care will help maintain its beautiful and healthy appearance for a longer period.


Owners of sensitive skin have to be especially careful when choosing products to care for it - often skincare cosmetics can cause inflammation and rashes. However, a mask using olive oil will gently moisturize and soothe such skin.

Adding banana or cucumber puree will help increase the nutritional value of this product. This oil will help heal sore and chapped lips, restoring their softness and sensuality.

Composition and beneficial properties

A set of useful substances makes olive fruit extract an indispensable assistant for women who dream of beautiful, elastic, smooth skin without defects. Each element in the oil is useful in its own way:

  • vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for moisturizing and nourishing the dermis;
  • B vitamins counteract rapid skin aging, protecting it from ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors;
  • vitamin E is an antioxidant that promotes smoothing and regeneration of the epidermis;
  • vitamin K is a “fighter” against swelling, age spots, and inflammation;
  • phospholipids increase the permeability of skin cells and participate in metabolism;
  • squalene provides hydration to the dermis, makes it smoother, and protects it from harmful factors;
  • sterols , carotenoids regenerate and soothe damaged skin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • fatty acids soften the skin and help smooth out wrinkles;
  • iron, copper and calcium slow down the withering of the epidermis, etc.

Chemical composition

Olive oil is one of the healthiest foods. It consists mainly of monounsaturated fats, vitamins A, and, polyphenols and some other nutrients. It is believed that one of the main components that gives the olive product its healing properties is oleic acid (omega-9). It is this substance, as scientific research shows, that is extremely useful for lowering cholesterol, improving appetite, speeding up metabolism, and even preventing cancer [2]. Linoleic acid, also contained in the product, gives the oil the ability to accelerate wound healing, maintain muscle tone, improve vision, coordination, and psycho-emotional state. In addition to the named components, the product contains palmitic, stearic and linolenic fatty acids. The green tint of the product indicates the presence of chlorophyll in it. Carotenoids and pheophytin can also affect the color of the product.

Indications for use

It is believed that olive extract is optimal for dry, fading dermis. The oily liquid creates a film on the skin that retains moisture. Olive extract also softens, smoothes, and nourishes the epidermis, preventing flaking. Young women suffering from excess sebum, frequent clogged pores, pimples or acne can also use the oil, but with caution.

In general, the list of indications for use looks like this:

  • moisturizing, softening the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles, including around the eyes;
  • reduction of inflammatory elements;
  • saturating the skin with nutrients;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • improving the elasticity, texture and color of the epidermis;
  • protection of the skin from the influence of ultraviolet radiation and other environmental factors;
  • giving the skin a blooming, well-groomed, fresh look;
  • slowing down the process of withering of the dermis.

Where to buy and how to store

The easiest way to buy edible olive oil is at a grocery store or supermarket. This can be a regular bottle with a dispenser or a spray. You need to choose a top quality product - unrefined, labeled Extra virgin.

Important point! The acidity of the oil that you are going to use for cosmetic purposes can reach 1.5%. Ideally - up to 0.8%.

Be sure to pay attention to the container into which the liquid is poured. Plastic changes the taste properties of the olive extract, and the light bottle does not protect the contents from sunlight. Take a dark glass container from the shelf. Oils are also sold in tins.

The product that you are going to apply to the skin of the face must be without additives - all kinds of herbs, spices, etc.

If the manufacturer indicated an expiration date longer than 18 months, the product most likely contains preservatives. Once opened, store the oil for a maximum of six months. Seal the bottle tightly each time after use. In the refrigerator, a sediment will appear in the liquid, which will disappear at room temperature (provided that you bought a quality product).

Keep your olive hood in a dark but not hot place - a pantry, on a kitchen counter, but away from the stove.

Use fresh oil that is as close to the date of purchase as possible.

Options for oils intended for culinary purposes that can also be used for facial skin:

  • Olivari brand - about 600 rubles per 0.5 l;
  • Passioni brand - approximately 1,500 rubles per 750 ml;
  • Italian brand Basso, in tin containers - 620 rubles for 0.5 l;
  • Monini, in the form of a spray - 400 rubles for 200 ml, etc.

You can also buy cosmetic butter (solid) from olives. Its price in a natural cosmetics store can reach 800 rubles per 125 ml. You need to hold a small amount of the product in your hands so that it begins to melt and becomes convenient to use.

Attention! It is believed that a high-quality extract from olive fruits cannot cost less than 1000 rubles per 1 liter.

General recommendations

Recommendations for the use of olive oil in cosmetology:

  1. Distribute olive extract over damp skin.
  2. Before applying oil, cream, mask or scrub based on olive extract, wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. Be sure to test the product, especially if you have sensitive skin. Distribute a drop of product on your wrist or elbow. It is advisable to do this 12 hours before you plan to use the oil on your face in its pure form or as part of masks.
  4. Similarly, check other components of future mixtures if you have never used them before, for example, esters.
  5. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to steam the skin.
  6. The oily liquid will work more effectively if you warm it slightly in a water bath before use. It is not advisable to use a microwave, as the oil will lose some of its beneficial properties.
  7. Prepare exactly the amount of product required for one procedure. If the mixture does not contain perishable products (such as cottage cheese), place the leftovers in a bottle with a screw cap and keep in the refrigerator.
  8. When exposed to sunlight, the oil does not cause pigmentation or burns. But this property is characteristic of some other components of masks - citrus esters, lemon. Do not go outside for 2-3 hours or use sunscreen.
  9. On oily skin, keep masks on for no longer than 10 minutes.
  10. Lemon juice can be replaced with orange juice in recipes. It has similar properties, but is more gentle.
  11. The frequency of use of fruit masks is 1–2 times a week.
  12. When washing off a mask or scrub, do not use soap - this will negate the positive effects of the oil on the skin.
  13. After the procedure, it is advisable to wash your face with water to which a few drops of lemon have been added.
  14. The average duration of a course of procedures with olive extract is 14 days. Then it is recommended to take a minimum 4-week break.

Attention! Olive fruit extract is not added to finished creams, since the oily film will worsen the condition of the skin over time and cause acne. For the same reason, any homemade mixtures should not be used for longer than 2–3 weeks.

What problems does it help fight?

Most often, the circle of people who should not use olive oil in personal care is limited to people with personal intolerance to this product. In other cases, you can list a whole series of imperfections and problems that it can effectively cope with with regular use.

For wrinkles

Small expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose and around the mouth most often annoy those with dry skin. With age, these imperfections become more pronounced, so it is important to smooth out or prevent their appearance in time. To do this, women with dry skin use olive oil, rubbing it directly onto the skin or mixing it with a nourishing cream.

In addition, a mask with the addition of egg white will effectively smooth out wrinkles: it must be thoroughly beaten and mixed with two tablespoons of oil. The mixture should be spread evenly on the face and renewed as it dries. The product tightens aging skin well.

Regular massage using warm oil eliminates fine wrinkles well. In this case, the face is treated with careful but precise movements of the fingers along the massage lines. Do not overstretch or deform the skin - and then the result will exceed all your expectations.

For acne

To get rid of acne, apply olive oil to problem areas using a cotton swab. After this, you need to open the pores so that the product is absorbed: to do this, wet a towel with hot water and apply it to your face for a few minutes. A little later, carefully remove the excess with a clean cotton pad. The procedure must be carried out every 10–14 days.

The effectiveness of care can be increased by mixing oil with tea tree extract in a 2:1 ratio. This mixture will calm the resulting inflammation and have an antibacterial effect, which, with regular use, will help get rid of acne.

For pigment spots

Vitamin K in the oil works well against dark spots. The product itself serves as a base for many whitening products. A mixture of a tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of fresh parsley puree gives a good effect.

The resulting paste is applied to the problem area with pigmentation and left for 15 minutes, after which it is carefully removed and the residue is blotted with napkins. After the procedure, it is important to lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

For dry skin

Dry skin is difficult to moisturize well, since the elements in masks and suitable creams are not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with pure olive oil or mix it with other ingredients and use it as a mask.

Products containing banana, apricot or pumpkin soften the top layer of skin well. A warm oil massage is good for getting rid of fine wrinkles and restoring softness and elasticity to the skin.

Methods of application

It is easiest to use the oil in its pure form. This option is suitable for those with dry or aging skin. A slightly warmed olive extract is distributed over a damp face twice a day: morning and evening.

The most convenient way to do this is with a cotton swab or cosmetic disc. After 15–20 minutes, wash off the oil with warm water. If your skin is very dry, you may not want to remove any remaining olive extract.

You can remove makeup using the same method. Distribute the oily liquid exclusively along the massage lines, removing foundation, powder, blush, etc. Finally, treat the area around the eyes. Gently wipe the upper eyelid with a cotton pad soaked in oil - from the inner corner to the outer. Wipe the area under the eyes in the opposite direction.

To remove remnants of decorative cosmetics, a composition prepared from 60 ml of mineral water, 30 ml of cucumber juice and the same amount of olive extract, as well as 60 ml of rose hydrolate and 4 drops of rose ether, is suitable. The mixture is used to remove makeup from the eyes, lips, and entire face. Homemade lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 4 days.

By the way. Olive oil does not protect against solar radiation, but it helps to get a beautiful, even tan. Distribute it over the skin in its pure form or in equal proportions with other oils: coconut or coconut and cocoa.

For dry skin

The following mask will help to moisturize and slightly whiten the dermis and even out its tone:

  1. In 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 tsp olive oil. lemon juice.
  2. Add raw yolk.
  3. Cleanse your face and spread a homogeneous mixture over it.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, wash with warm and then cool water.

To moisturize the skin and delicately remove dead particles, a honey mixture is suitable:

  • measure out ¼ tbsp. sweet product;
  • pour in a third of a glass of natural yogurt without additives;
  • third ingredient - 2 tsp. olive concentrate;
  • Apply the composition for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Attention! Both masks are also suitable for normal skin types.

You can prepare a nutritious mixture from just 2 components: olive extract (4 tbsp) and full-fat cottage cheese (2 tbsp). The mask is applied to the cleansed dermis and kept for 20–30 minutes. After the curd crust has formed, the remaining mixture is removed with a cotton swab or cosmetic disc.

You can combine the ingredients in equal proportions.

A mixture of olive concentrate and avocado puree will provide nutrition and hydration to dry skin. Proportions - 1:1. The mask is washed off 20 minutes after application. The skin will become fresher, softer, and velvety. Instead of avocado, you can use the same amount of cucumber, zucchini or pumpkin puree.

Also for dry dermis 1 tbsp. l. olive extract is combined with the same amount of banana, melon, apricot or persimmon puree. The mixture is applied to a cleansed face in a thick layer. After 15 minutes, wash off.

For oily, combination epidermis

If your skin is particularly oily, periodically pamper it with a mask of white clay and olive oil. Measure out 1 tbsp. l. each component. Prepare a paste and apply it to cleansed skin. After 30 minutes, remove with a cotton pad and warm water.

For a combined type of epidermis, you can mix oatmeal, rice and wheat flour, as well as olive oil, in equal proportions. If desired, add avocado puree to the mixture. Keep the mask on your face for no longer than 20 minutes.

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, combine 1 tbsp. l. olive extract and apple cider vinegar. Wipe your face with the mixture shortly before going to bed. In addition to having a positive effect on the oil balance of the skin, this tonic will help prevent acne.

If you want to smooth out wrinkles, combine 2 tbsp. l. butter and 50 g of fresh chopped cabbage. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

A tomato mask will help smooth out wrinkles on oily skin and normalize metabolism:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Combine fresh tomato puree with 1 tsp. starch;
  • Heat the olive oil a little and add to the mixture (1 tsp);
  • spread over face, wash after 20 minutes.

One of the most effective and multifunctional remedies for oily skin is a mask with the addition of lemon juice. It smoothes and tightens the skin, eliminates pigmentation and inflammation, and tightens pores. Method of preparation and use:

  1. Using any convenient method, squeeze the juice from one ripe lemon.
  2. Measure the volume of the resulting liquid. Add a similar amount of olive oil.
  3. Prepare a piece of natural fabric or gauze. Cut a fragment out of it in the shape of a face, make slits for the eyes and lips.
  4. Dip into the lemon-oil mixture and squeeze a little.
  5. Place it on your face and wait until it dries completely.
  6. Remove any remaining product with a soft cloth.
  7. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days for 1-2 weeks.

To cleanse oily dermis, combine olive oil (10 ml) and black cumin oil (7 ml). Apply over face for 30–40 minutes. To smooth out wrinkles on oily skin, a multicomponent mixture is suitable, which contains the following ingredients:

  • olive extract - 7 ml;
  • caraway oil - 5 ml;
  • rosemary ether - 4 drops;
  • essential concentrates of bergamot and juniper - 3 drops each.

Combine all ingredients, heat slightly in a water bath. Apply to facial skin. After half an hour, remove the residue.

To care for oily and combination dermis, a mixture of starch, olive extract and freshly squeezed orange or grape juice is suitable. Proportions - 1:1:1. Distribute the composition over your face daily, rinse off after 5-10 minutes.

To regenerate problematic skin and saturate it with vitamins, prepare a carrot mask. Grind a medium-sized root vegetable, add beaten chicken protein and 1 tbsp. l. olive extract. Let it sit for 30–40 minutes, then spread over problem areas of the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse off.

For normal skin

This nourishing mask will tighten pores, lighten pigmentation, smooth and tighten the skin.


  • puree ¼ banana;
  • add 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • pour in lemon juice squeezed from ¼ citrus;
  • apply a homogeneous mixture to your face;
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The following oil mixture is useful in caring for normal skin:

  • in 1 tsp. olive extract add 2 drops each of geranium and rosewood oil;
  • as well as 4 drops of rosemary ether;
  • the composition is distributed over the face and neck;
  • wash off after 15 minutes;
  • the procedure is repeated twice a day.

For sensitive dermis

For skin that is not suitable for all cosmetic products, the following recipe can help:

  • measure out 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • add the same amount of sour cream and olive oil;
  • spread over face;
  • After 20 minutes, remove the residue using a cotton pad or swab soaked in olive oil.

If your skin is sensitive or prone to dryness, use a berry mask:

  • chop 1 tbsp. l. black or red currants;
  • pour in the same amount of olive extract;
  • distribute the composition over your face;
  • after 20 minutes, rinse off.

Advice. This mixture perfectly nourishes and moisturizes chapped lips.

A mask prepared according to the following recipe will moisturize and soothe sensitive dermis. Make a puree from one small cucumber and a medium-sized banana. Turn everything into a homogeneous mixture using 2 tbsp. l. olive extract. Apply to face every evening. Rinse off after 15–25 minutes.

For acne

A special oil procedure will help get rid of inflamed elements and make the skin clean and smooth. It consists of several steps. To do everything correctly, follow these instructions:

  1. Warm up 1 tbsp slightly. l. olive extract.
  2. Soak your fingertips in it and rub the oil into problem areas of the dermis with light circular movements.
  3. Take a clean towel and briefly soak it in hot water.
  4. Squeeze thoroughly and apply to face to open pores. This will take a few minutes.
  5. In the same way, soak a clean sponge or washcloth in hot water. Carefully, with slow movements, remove the remaining extract from the olives.
  6. Use paper towels or napkins to dry your skin.
  7. Apply olive oil to your face again.
  8. After 30 seconds, blot your skin with tissues to remove what has not yet been absorbed.
  9. If necessary, you can apply makeup after 10 minutes.
  10. The procedure is repeated in the morning and evening for 14–21 days.

The balm will help heal inflamed areas of the skin. It is prepared on the basis of olive extract and tea tree ether. Proportions - 2:1. Using a cotton swab, apply the product to problem areas of the facial skin.

The gel prepared according to the following recipe has disinfecting properties:

  • olive oil is combined with fresh aloe juice (2:1);
  • add a few drops of chamomile ether;
  • The product is used for daily wiping.

To reduce the amount of inflammation on the skin, use a mask recipe with bactericidal properties:

  • 2–3 tbsp. l. white clay, pour 120 ml of ice water;
  • after a couple of minutes, put on low heat;
  • stirring until you obtain a warm, homogeneous consistency;
  • add the yolk of one raw egg and 5 drops of olive oil;
  • spread over the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • after 45 minutes, wash with warm water.

Rejuvenation effect

To make the skin more fresh, tightened, moisturized, eliminate flaking and even out the tone, prepare a scrub:

  • to start you will need 2 tbsp. l. olive extracts;
  • Apply a small part of this amount to the skin and massage it lightly;
  • Combine the remaining oil with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and a pinch of medium-sized sea salt;
  • Gently rub this mixture into the epidermis;
  • After a few minutes, wash your face.

The following mask has tightening and regenerating properties:

  • squeeze fresh juice from carrots and lemon;
  • measure 1 tsp. each ingredient;
  • add the same amount of sour cream, dry yeast and olive extract;
  • distribute the homogeneous mixture over the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté;
  • after 15 minutes, rinse;
  • use regularly - twice a week.

The following recipe is suitable for smoothing out wrinkles:

  • combine 4 tbsp. l. cucumber juice with the same amount of mineral water;
  • add a pinch of fine sea salt;
  • after dissolving the grains, add 3 tbsp. l. olive concentrate;
  • pour in a few drops of rose ether;
  • mix well and place in a clean jar with an airtight lid;
  • store in the refrigerator;
  • apply to the face three times a day, the duration of each procedure is 15–20 minutes;
  • or use instead of moisturizer.

reduce the severity of wrinkles . Dilute it with olive extract to get a creamy consistency. Apply the mask to your steamed face and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Advice. Use this recipe up to 2 times a week.

To make your face smoother and more youthful, prepare a mixture of 1 ripe kiwi, pureed, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and the same amount of sour cream. Keep the mask on the skin for no more than 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Sour cream in tandem with olive extract will also be useful for the next recipe. In addition to these ingredients, prepare warm mashed potatoes and glycerin. Proportions - 1:1:1:1. Spread the homogeneous mixture over your face and cover with a towel. After 30–40 minutes, remove the mask and rinse your skin with milk.

To smooth out wrinkles, you can make a compress:

  1. Measure out 1 tsp. dry burdock, calendula and mint. You can buy herbs at the pharmacy or dry them yourself.
  2. Pour half a cup of olive extract into this mixture.
  3. Store in a dark place for a week.
  4. Filter the tincture and heat slightly in a water bath.
  5. Cleanse, steam your face and treat it with a scrub.
  6. Dip a piece of fabric or a piece of gauze, folded several times, into the tincture.
  7. Apply to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  8. After 10 minutes, remove the compress.
  9. Remove any remaining oily liquid with a clean cloth.

Another option for a rejuvenating compress:

  1. Take 1 tsp. olive, coconut and castor oils.
  2. Warm slightly.
  3. Add 1 tsp. extracts from grape seeds.
  4. Pour in 2 drops each of lemon and patchouli esters.
  5. Fold a piece of gauze several times.
  6. Dip it into the oil mixture.
  7. Apply to facial skin.
  8. After 20 minutes, blot off any remaining residue.

The deepest folds usually form in the nasolabial area and on the forehead. The following recipe will not eliminate them, but will make them less pronounced. For this you will need 2 tbsp. l. cocoa butter, the same amount of olive extract and 1 tbsp. l. beeswax.

Melt the solid ingredients in a water bath and mix with the oil concentrate. Dip gauze folded several times into the mixture and apply it to your face. After 15 minutes, blot away any remaining residue that is not absorbed.

The following lotion will help protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation:

  • mix 30 ml of olive extract with 10 ml of peach seed oil;
  • add 20 g of coffee grounds;
  • pour into a dark container;
  • let it brew for a week;
  • for convenience, pour into a container with a spray bottle;
  • Apply to your face before every time you go outside.

Skin cleansing

Once a week you can use a light scrub and sugar (brown is optimal). Mix this ingredient in equal proportions with olive oil to obtain a crumbly paste. If desired, add a few drops of tea tree ether. Distribute the mixture over the skin and leave for a few minutes.

Advice. Perform the procedure after swimming, when the pores are open.

There is another way to use this composition. If you are preparing it without tea tree ether, lightly rub the mixture into the skin. Remove any remaining residue with a dry cloth. Then spread lukewarm olive extract over your face. After 5 minutes, wipe the skin with a cosmetic disc and wash.

You can combine olive and tea tree oils with dried coffee grounds. Mix these ingredients in arbitrary proportions to obtain a paste that is easy to apply. But remember that you cannot take too much tea tree ether - 2-3 drops are enough.

The following recipe is suitable only for those with oily epidermis. Mix 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and 1 tbsp. l. olive oils. Use as a regular scrub, distributing it over your face with massaging movements.

For dry skin, this moisturizing mixture will be useful:

  • make a liquid paste from a small amount of olive extract and chopped cucumber pulp;
  • add granulated sugar or powder to thicken the composition;
  • If desired, enrich the scrub with chopped avocado pulp. Adjust the quantity based on the consistency of the mixture - you should get a paste;
  • spread over skin;
  • after 3 minutes, wash with warm water.

A scrub for blackheads and pimples is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran and the same amount of olive extract. The components are mixed, the composition is distributed over the face with massaging movements. After a few minutes, wash off.

A fragrant fruit mixture for cleansing the skin is made as follows:

  • ¼ apple and half a medium banana are brought to a puree consistency;
  • mixed with 20 ml of olive fruit extract;
  • add rice, crushed in a coffee grinder or other kitchen equipment, to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • spread over the skin with massaging movements.

You can also cleanse your face using a lemon-honey scrub:

  • olive extract (20 ml) is mixed with natural honey (10 g);
  • 0.5 tsp is added to the mixture. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • add 1 tsp. fine sea salt;
  • pour soda on the tip of a knife;
  • turn everything into a homogeneous mixture;
  • applied to the skin.

Nutrition of the epidermis

A universal mask suitable for any skin type. Combine olive oil, sour cream and honey in equal proportions. Add 2 chicken or 4 quail yolks. The second option is preferable. Mix all the ingredients, but be careful not to beat the yolk. Distribute the mixture over your face and rinse after 25 minutes.

Advice. There is a version of the same mask, but without sour cream.

You can grate raw peeled potatoes on a fine grater and combine them with an extract from olive fruits. Each ingredient will require 1 tbsp. l. Keep this mask on your face for no longer than 10 minutes. An alternative to potatoes is carrots, bell peppers, zucchini or cucumber.

For the eye area

To smooth out small facial wrinkles, heat a little olive extract. Soak 2 cosmetic discs in it and apply to closed eyes. Leave for 10 minutes, remove any residue with a dry cloth.

The same method is suitable for eliminating small wrinkles around the lips.

The following mixtures will help you cope with dark spots, folds and swelling in the area around the eyes

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile + 0.5 tbsp. olive extract. The components are infused for a week in a dark place and filtered. Cotton sponges are dipped into the resulting mixture and kept on the eyelids for no longer than 30 minutes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil + a similar amount of sour cream and honey. The composition is distributed around the eyes, after 30 minutes, removed with a dry cloth and washed with cold water;
  • 1 tsp. olive ingredient + contents of 1 capsule of liquid vitamin E. Using light patting movements, distribute the homogeneous mixture over and around the eyelids. After 15 minutes, blot the residue with a dry cloth;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated raw potatoes + 1 tsp. olive oils. The mixture is placed in gauze bags and applied to the eyes as a compress for swelling for 15–30 minutes. If you use the same recipe instead of raw potatoes cooked in their jackets, you can smooth out the wrinkles a little. It is more convenient to puree such a tuber with a fork;
  • 1 tsp. sauerkraut juice + the same amount of olive fruit extract. Using starch, the liquid is brought to the state of thick sour cream, distributed over the wrinkles around the eyes, and left for 20 minutes;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil + 2 drops of lemon juice. The composition is applied to the skin of the eyelids and around them, after 10 minutes it is removed;
  • 1 tsp. olive fruit extract + juice of half a lemon + pinch of zest + raw yolk. The mask is applied to the eyelids and removed after half an hour;
  • 2 tsp. olive oil + the same amount of freshly squeezed juice from asparagus shoots. Soak 2 cosmetic discs in this liquid and apply to closed eyes for 20 minutes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. warm olive extract + protein + 1 tsp. chamomile decoction. Keep the mixture under the eyes for 30–40 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh parsley puree + the same amount of olive oil. Spread the mixture on small gauze pads and apply to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Then remove the residue, blot the skin with tissues and use a cream intended for this area;
  • 1 raw yolk + 1 tsp. olive oils. Combine the ingredients and spread the mixture over your eyelids with your fingers or a sponge. After half an hour, wash your face.

For lips

Olive oil can completely replace lip balm. You can smear a small amount before going outside, or before bed for extra hydration. If you add to 1 tbsp. l. extracts from olive fruits 1 tsp. sugar, you get a scrub that gently exfoliates the skin of your lips.

Note! The product is used twice a day: morning and evening. This is an excellent prevention of chapped lips in autumn and winter.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Olive oil will revive and strengthen thinning hairs, making them lush and healthy. Apply a slightly warmed extract using a brush (for example, from used mascara).

Before doing this, remove your makeup, and after the procedure, do not wear makeup for at least a couple of hours. Keep the oil on your eyebrows and eyelashes for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Before going to bed, be sure to remove any residue so you don’t wake up with swelling in the morning.

Repeat the procedure regularly - daily or every other day for 2-3 weeks.

You can also mix olive oil with burdock or castor oil in a 1:1 ratio or add chamomile or calendula ether to the olive fruit extract. For 1 tsp. For the basic product you will need 2-3 drops of essential oil. Such masks will make eyelashes and eyebrows thicker, healthier, and accelerate hair regrowth.

It is useful to mix olive oil with fish oil and liquid vitamins A, E. Pour 1 capsule of each ingredient into 50 ml of olive extract. If desired, replace fish oil with lavender essential oil (2-3 drops).


The oil is added to salads or drunk on an empty stomach starting with 1 tsp. and gradually increasing the amount to 1 tbsp. l. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 2 tbsp. l. After taking it, it is not advisable to eat or drink for 45 minutes. It is recommended to take olive extract not at night, but in the morning. It has a laxative effect and is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, immunity, and the health of internal organs.

The oil saturates the body with vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. But you should not drink it if you have acute pancreatitis or ulcers. Olive extract should be used with caution by people with cholecystitis. To avoid harm, it is better to consult a doctor first.

The energy value of olive fruit extract is very high: about 880–890 kcal per 100 g of product. The oil is very nutritious, but it can be included in your diet even if you are on a diet for weight loss. Of course, if there are no health contraindications.

Precautionary measures

When used correctly, olive oil will not harm the skin. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the product, so be sure to perform the test to avoid itching, redness and peeling of the skin.

Observe the following precautions:

  1. Do not use regularly on oily skin. Start by treating a small area to make sure the oil doesn't clog pores or cause breakouts.
  2. Apply the extract only to damp skin, for example after a shower.
  3. Do not use oil more than 1-2 times a week.
  4. Don't leave it on overnight. Remove any residue with a napkin and wash.
  5. The course should not exceed 2–3 weeks.

Use in cosmetology

Since ancient times, olive oil has been used as a cosmetic product beneficial for skin, hair and nails. Thanks to the presence of unique substances in its composition, this product cleanses, moisturizes and smoothes out fine wrinkles, and also relieves inflammation on the skin. The phenols contained in the composition slow down skin aging, making it smooth and soft.

For hair, olive oil is a source of vitamins and healthy fats, which are responsible for the shine and healthy appearance of curls. Masks based on this product are useful for all hair types.

This product is no less valuable for nails. Weak, peeling, dull and unsightly colored nails can be restored to a healthy appearance by regularly rubbing a little warm olive oil mixed with a few drops of lemon juice into the cuticles and nail plates.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the oil:

  • retains moisture in the skin;
  • smoothes and refreshes the skin;
  • reduces the severity of signs of aging of the dermis;
  • protects the skin from negative environmental factors;
  • takes care of the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • has many ways to use it at home.

What are the disadvantages of olive oil:

  • may dry out skin;
  • if used incorrectly, it provokes the formation of comedones and pimples;
  • the product is often counterfeited;
  • its cost is quite high.

Harm and contraindications

A negative reaction to olive oil is extremely rare when used externally. Occurs only due to hypersensitivity to the product.

When consumed orally, it may cause deterioration in the following cases:

  • Presence of gallbladder pathologies;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Overweight.

Harm from oil occurs if:

  • Storage rules were violated. A spoiled product contains an increased amount of carcinogens;
  • Consumption in excess quantities. Allergic reactions and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

Experts' opinion

Cosmetologists and beauty experts do not deny that olive oil has many positive properties.

At the same time, experts advise adhering to the rules for using olive extracts, otherwise the benefits will turn into harm.

Also, you should not replace your usual skin care products with olive extract.

Refined or unrefined?

Olive elixir is obtained from fruits of varying degrees of ripeness, while the olives are first pressed with a press, and then, after mixing, the oil is squeezed out of the mass using a centrifuge.

The best is an unrefined, “drip” “first cold pressed” product, one that is produced by mechanically pressing high-quality olives and has not been subjected to chemical treatment. It is usually labeled: Olive Oil Extra Virgin and Olive Oil Virgin.

The oil product is considered valuable:

  • unfiltered extra class - Extra Virgin Unfiltered Olive Oil;
  • unfiltered extra class - Virgen extra.

After squeezing, a cake remains, from which cake oil is also pressed, but it is of much poorer quality.

User reviews

In home cosmetology, olive oil competes with other natural extracts: from grape or peach seeds, almonds, etc. For this reason, some women are perplexed whether it is worth using a food product for cosmetic purposes, if there are so many analogues designed specifically for maintaining beauty and skin health.

However, fans of olive oil have their own compelling arguments. This is, for example, evidenced by this review.

This girl advises removing makeup with olive oil.

The author of the following review uses the food product exclusively to improve skin condition.

There are also opposing opinions. For example, olive oil didn’t quite work for this girl.

The user who left the following review does not recommend using olive extract because it dries out the skin.

Despite the conflicting opinions, olive oil is universal. It is suitable for the skin of the face and body, hair, replaces lip balm, hand cream and cuticle product, heals eyebrows, eyelashes, and provides the body with vitamins and fatty acids. However, to do this you need to choose the right quality product and not make mistakes during its use.

Give your skin a break from this nourishing product and do not replace your regular skincare products with it. Everything is good in moderation - this thesis is fully applicable to olive oil.

Reviews from cosmetologists and patients

Natalia Akulova, cosmetologist-dermatologist: “The substances contained in olive oil restore the natural fatty film of dry skin.”

Victoria Savchenko, housewife: “Olive oil works best in cosmetics. Otherwise, you need to limit the time of its use.”

Like any other product, olive oil must be used based on the needs and condition of your skin. When used wisely, it can provide an irreplaceable service, prolonging your youth and maintaining a fresh appearance.

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