Masks for moisturizing the face at home: recipes according to skin types

In addition to high-quality cleansing and toning, our epidermis also requires deep hydration, thanks to which the cells are saturated with life-giving moisture. Homemade masks based on natural ingredients are ideal for this purpose.

It is a mistake to believe that only dry skin types need intensive hydration. Owners of oily skin quite often neglect this stage of care, preferring products with a drying effect. In fact, problematic dermis needs timely hydration no less than other types, otherwise a lack of moisture will lead to disruption of all its protective functions.

The action of homemade moisturizing masks is aimed at restoring the hydrolipid balance and maintaining the natural pH level of the skin. In addition, home recipes include products of exclusively natural origin, which means the risk of any side effects is significantly reduced.

Why do you need hydration?

The skin constantly loses moisture. This depends on lifestyle, negative influences of the external environment, and regularity of fluid intake. Daily care allows you to keep the water level at the desired level. As soon as the skin loses moisture, it begins to dry out and flake; there is a feeling of tightness. But these are only external manifestations. At the same time, the skin's barrier function decreases and it is more susceptible to inflammatory processes. It also begins to age faster and wrinkles appear on it. That is why hydration is the main indicator of its youth.

Signs your skin needs to drink more

There is a misconception that oily skin cannot suffer from dehydration. But a lack of moisture can bother absolutely any epidermis. Each type reacts differently to the lack of valuable moisture. If dry skin always requires hydration, then you need to be able to recognize other types of “signals”.

  • Oily skin. She begins to "suffocate." The lack of oxygen that comes with water affects it. The production of sebum increases and the shine increases. Peeling appears, most often in the forehead and nose. The color fades and a “gray” tint appears.
  • Normal skin. It begins to peel off and small wrinkles appear. The epidermis loses its smoothness, some areas become rough.
  • Combination skin. Dehydration manifests itself in peeling of the cheek area, the sudden appearance of fine wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, and on the nose.

Regardless of the type, with a lack of moisture, tightness is felt, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. With active facial expressions, microdepressions and deeper wrinkles may appear.

There is a simple method for determining whether the epidermis is dry: pinch a small area of ​​skin with two fingers and release. A healthy, moisturized dermis will quickly return to its previous shape. If after this test it takes a long time to “straighten out” or small wrinkles appear, it means that the cover is crying out for additional moisture. In such a situation, a moisturizing face mask will bring significant benefits and will be an excellent prevention of premature aging.

The benefits of masks

Moisturizing is necessary not only for those whose skin is prone to dryness. Those with oily, problematic or combination skin will also need this protection. Moisturizing facial masks help:

  • normalize blood flow, which leads to saturation with oxygen and nutrients;
  • prevent the occurrence of acne and blackheads;
  • make the epidermis more elastic, narrow the pores.

In order for the effect to be regular, it is recommended to make masks in courses of fifteen procedures, carried out every other day. And to prevent dryness, they are applied no more than twice a week.


  1. Proper facial skin care must include an integral step of moisturizing. Otherwise, cell dehydration will lead to subsequent disruption of all protective functions of the skin.
  2. It’s not just the dry skin type that needs deep hydration. Those with problematic and oily skin should also not forget to use moisturizing masks and creams.
  3. Lack of moisture negatively affects the production of elastin in the tissues of the epidermis, which, in turn, leads to the formation of facial wrinkles.
  4. Homemade masks with a moisturizing effect will prevent moisture evaporation, thus slowing down irreversible aging processes.
  5. A significant advantage of such products is that they are completely safe for our skin, because homemade masks contain only beneficial ingredients of natural origin.

When are moisturizing masks indicated?

Such procedures can be used for any skin type. They help get rid of problems that arise:

  • as a result of the aggressive effects of UV study. After tanning, the skin needs special hydration and nutrition;
  • after visiting a sauna or steam bath, where the skin was exposed to high temperatures;
  • while following a diet and reducing the amount of fluid consumed;
  • in winter;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • after regular use of cosmetics.

How to make the most of skin hydration

Proper moisturizing of the face allows over time to achieve not only an even and healthy color, but also a smooth texture. To achieve a noticeable effect as quickly as possible, you can:

  • apply hot compresses to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, expand pores, warm the skin, clean it of dust, etc., effectively preparing it for the use of masks;
  • systematically using peelings (salt, mechanical, chemical), which allow you to get rid of old (dead) skin, etc.;
  • combining the use of moisturizing and collagen masks that provide tightening and good toning;
  • Regularly performing a cosmetic massage that improves blood circulation, which allows you to say goodbye to old cells and improve your complexion.
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Who needs hydration?

The first signs that the skin does not receive enough water are the appearance of peeling, unpleasant sensations of tightness and the appearance of inflammation. In addition, the skin of women over thirty is in dire need of hydration, when the first wrinkles begin to form. Properly selected masks cannot turn back time, but they will greatly help slow down the aging process associated with loss of skin elasticity. Moisturizing masks also help saturate the bloodstream with oxygen and deeply cleanse the skin of cosmetics. So it is recommended to use them from the same age at which you start using decorative cosmetics.

Fighting deep wrinkles

Deep wrinkles are a clear sign of old age. They occur when the synthesis of collagen and elastin is reduced and the activity of connective tissue cells decreases. Dermatologists will tell you how to care for your skin after 40 years and smooth out wrinkles.

The fact is that for deep wrinkles it is no longer enough to simply use cream, but I would like to preserve the youth of my face. In this case, injection and hardware therapy methods are used:

  1. Botulinum therapy (Botox) is a neurotoxin; it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle, and it stops contracting, and the wrinkle is smoothed out.
  2. Contour plastic surgery involves the use of gel preparations and hyaluronic acid. They are injected into the deep layers of the skin, thereby adding volume and smoothing out wrinkles.
  3. Plasma therapy is a shallow injection of the patient’s own blood plasma under the patient’s skin, this eliminates signs of skin aging and provides a lifting effect.

Hardware methods are an ideal solution for those who are afraid of the consequences of injections or have contraindications; they are no less effective and safe. Often used by cosmetologists are thermal lifting and laser resurfacing.

Rules for using masks for moisturizing

In order to achieve the desired effect with high-quality moisturizing of the skin, it must be regularly saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, homemade masks are made in courses, and between them - no more than twice a week. You should not overuse moisturizing face masks, especially if they are salon products. For example, Herbalife moisturizing serums need to be used two to three times a week to achieve a lasting effect. What should you keep in mind before you start using homemade masks at home?

About precaution.

The compositions can be used on the skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. To moisturize these delicate areas, special products are used, which are best purchased at a professional salon.

About preparation

. The procedure must be carried out after treating the skin: first it must be thoroughly cleaned, then steamed.

About hygiene.

For even application, use a clean brush or sponge. Plus it's more hygienic.

About the right lines

. All masks are applied in massage directions: from the chin, center of the forehead, nose and upper lip - to the temples.

About a calm face.

During the procedure, it is worth maintaining neutral facial expressions, so it is better to carry it out alone so that there is no desire to talk or laugh. Even a smile can ruin the whole effect.

Are there any contraindications for such masks? Only if the composition includes a product to which you are individually intolerant. If, after applying the mixture, your face begins to pinch, tingle and burn unpleasantly, it should be washed off with plenty of water.

Features of skin types

Each skin type has its own way of “telling” the need for additional hydration. And each type requires an individual approach to its hydration. How can you tell if your skin doesn't have enough water? You need to know some of the features of each type separately.

  • Normal. It is distinguished by the harmonious operation of all “systems”. He has a well-balanced water-salt balance and metabolism, and the sebaceous glands function correctly. The skin is smooth and clean, there is no redness or oily sheen. Has a healthy color, sometimes with a slight blush.
  • Dry. Suffers from lack of moisture, often peels and cracks. It has an even, but grayish or dull color. Barrier functions are impaired, so irritation and acne often occur. These problems are especially evident during the cold season. Most prone to the early appearance of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles. For this type of facial skin, it is important to combine nourishing and moisturizing masks.
  • Fatty. Easily identified by its oily sheen and frequent redness. Excessive sebum production and enlarged pores promote increased activity of harmful microbes, which is why you often suffer from inflammation and acne. Due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, pores become severely clogged, acne appears, and metabolism is disrupted. The oily film on the surface of the epidermis retains moisture, so this type is not prone to early wrinkles and, with proper care, will retain smoothness and youth for a long time. But frequent inflammation and impaired “water-nutrient” metabolism can seriously damage the skin.
  • Combined. The most common combination is that the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) is prone to increased oiliness, while the cheek area is normal or dry. The face requires a more careful approach to care; moisturizing masks will be different for these areas.
  • Problematic. This name does not refer to the "divisions" of the skin. Any type of cover can be problematic. This includes frequent inflammation, rashes and acne, enlarged pores, freckles and age spots, and vascular networks. Problematic skin requires a comprehensive approach. To cure a particular deficiency, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. For treatment or suitable care, it is best to consult a professional cosmetologist.

Masks for dry skin

Recipes are aimed at maximum hydration. They will help quickly nourish flaky skin with useful substances, making it more elastic, smooth and radiant.

Mask with chamomile.

Moisturizes, nourishes and relieves severe irritations. Suitable for any age. Brew 3 tablespoons of chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew, strain and add a teaspoon of your favorite vegetable oil (linseed, peach, grape). Apply to problem areas and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Honey mask

. Moisturizes, regulates water balance and gently cleanses the skin. Combine half a teaspoon of honey with the same amount of vegetable oil, add an egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix thoroughly, add a tablespoon of oatmeal to the mixture and apply to problem areas, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Rinse off after 15-20 minutes with water at room temperature.

Honey and aloe mask

. Gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, increasing elasticity and giving a healthy glow. Relieves inflammation and redness. To prepare, you will need to chop one aloe leaf, squeeze the juice out of it and combine with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and rinse with cool water after 20 minutes.

Express moisturizing

. A mask that will help instantly improve the condition of your skin, giving it a fresh and moisturized look. Beat the egg yolk with two tablespoons of full-fat sour cream, add chopped lemon zest and let the mixture rest for 15-20 minutes. Then add vegetable oil to it and apply a thick layer to your face, leaving for 20 minutes. It is recommended to rinse off with mineral or micellar water.

Milk mask

. It helps not only to moisturize the skin, but also to lighten age spots and relieve minor inflammations. It is mixed using full-fat cottage cheese and milk in a 1:1 ratio. After combining the ingredients, the mass is applied to the face and after 20 minutes, gently washed off with warm water.

Potato based mask.

Another option for those who need to not only moisturize their skin, but also remove age spots from it. Boil two medium-sized potatoes, mash them and combine with 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream until smooth. While the composition is warm, apply it to your face and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

Herbal mask.

You will have to go to the pharmacy to get the ingredients, but the result will be amazing. The mask will not only moisturize the skin, but will also have a pronounced lifting effect. For it you will need strawberry leaves, chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, hop cones. Add one teaspoon of each herb to 200 ml of boiling water, as well as the same amount of honey and fresh apple juice. Infuse, cool, strain and combine with egg yolk. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the face, neck and décolleté. After 20 minutes, rinse with micellar water.

Oil based

. Another pharmaceutical mask, for which you will need capsules or oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Open one capsule of each vitamin (or add five drops) to any vegetable oil. Mix and apply evenly to face using a clean brush. After 20 minutes, rinse with water.

The most effective recipes

A moisturizing face mask can consist of just one or several components. You should not experiment - just choose a few compositions that will saturate the fabrics with precious moisture

The best moisturizing face mask that can be used at home almost every day for any skin type:

  1. Pour boiling water (180 ml) 50 g. chamomile flowers, close the container tightly and leave for about an hour.
  2. Filter the liquid.
  3. Add 5 ml almond oil.
  4. Apply the composition to the face with a cotton swab.
  5. Wash off after half an hour.

The product will not only perfectly saturate the tissues with moisture, but will also relieve irritation, improve the shade, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

The simplest moisturizing mask that smoothes the face and saturates with moisture:

  1. Grind the cucumber in a blender.
  2. Mix in equal parts with sour cream (it is advisable to use a fatty homemade product).
  3. Apply an even layer to the skin.
  4. Remove after an hour, you can leave it for a longer time - nothing bad will happen.

Helpful advice! To remove compounds, it is recommended to use not just water, but plant-based decoctions - they also have a beneficial effect on dermal tissue. As raw materials you can take nettle leaves, linden or chamomile flowers, and burdock rhizomes.

To nourish the skin

A homemade mask that moisturizes the skin must certainly consist of several components that not only carefully saturate the tissues with useful substances, but also with moisture.


  • 6-8 ml buckwheat honey;
  • yolk;
  • 10 ml each of lemon juice and olive oil;
  • 15-18 gr. oatmeal flour.

Grind the yolk into a homogeneous mass, pour oatmeal into it, leave for a few minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well, and immediately apply to the skin. Don’t forget about the neck and décolleté - they also need nutrition, and a homemade mask made with honey and yolk will certainly have a beneficial effect on them.

Using a mask to enrich facial skin with moisture and nutrients at home should be done at least twice a week, otherwise the effect will be insignificant.

To moisturize the skin

The use of a moisturizing face mask with honey has proven itself to be excellent among beautiful ladies. The only caution in using this composition is that it is not recommended for women whose bodies react inadequately to the bee product.


  • 50 gr. honey;
  • yolk;
  • 15 ml peach seed oil.

Melt the bee product in a water bath (you can use the microwave), mix with the mashed yolk, pour in the oil. Apply evenly, wait half an hour, remove. This mask will be especially useful for dry skin; for oily skin, reduce the amount of oil slightly or avoid adding it altogether.

A mask for moisturizing the face can also be prepared from honey and cottage cheese. This composition will have a super effect on dehydrated, exhausted skin - even the first use will confirm this. It is simple to prepare the product - mix homemade cottage cheese in equal quantities with the bee product and immediately apply to the face. Remove after half an hour.

Effective moisturizing face masks at home have one feature - they can be combined with other products (cream, oil) that enrich the dermis with moisture. The results of such care are the rapid return of skin elasticity, a healthy tone, and the disappearance of peeling.

For problem skin

A moisturizing mask for problem skin should be done with caution - the wrong composition can easily cause profuse rashes and unsightly redness. Fruit-based products have a special effect here - they wonderfully tighten pores and soothe irritations. A mask, the active component of which is fruit, allows for hydration deep into the tissues of the dermis.


  • 40 gr. pears;
  • 10 ml lime juice;
  • 30 gr. avocado.

Chop the fruit (you can use a fork for this), add the juice squeezed from a lime wedge. Apply the mixture to the face, leave for 10-12 minutes, rinse.

Find out the recipe for a Hollywood mask that will moisturize your skin in just 10 minutes!

Masks for oily skin

Homemade moisturizing methods for oily and problematic skin also do not require much preparation, and most of the necessary products are probably stored in your kitchen.

Mask based on honey and eggs

. Not only nourishes the skin and moisturizes it, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and cleanses blackheads well. Mix 30 grams of honey with egg whites, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and half a spoon of oil (grape, peach, flaxseed, olive or almond). Apply the mixture to your face and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm and then cold water.

Cottage cheese mask

. Moisturizes and tones the skin, tightens enlarged pores well. Mix 2 tablespoons of full-fat farm cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey and half a chicken egg. Grind the resulting mixture to a paste and apply to a steamed face. After 20 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Honey compress

. Helps get rid of inflammation, including severe acne. Perfectly moisturizes the skin and tightens pores. Add two tablespoons of honey to half a glass of warm water and stir. Dip a gauze pad into the solution, wring it out and apply it to your face. Every five minutes the gauze should be moistened with honey water. After half an hour, remove the napkin and wash with cool water.

Proceed with caution

Contraindications for moisturizing masks come down to a general set of precautions. Masks cannot be made in the following cases:

  • opening of a wound;
  • severe acne;
  • dilated vessels;
  • allergy to mask components;
  • individual intolerance to any mask ingredient.

To check your skin for allergies, apply the prepared product to the skin on the inside of your elbow or wrist. If after half an hour no discomfort appears in this area, you can apply the product to your face.

Masks for all skin types

Not everyone's skin is prone to dryness or oiliness: it happens that it changes its condition depending on the environment and the current diet. Therefore, there are universal moisturizing face masks that will suit everyone:

Cucumber based

. Qualitatively moisturizes the skin, saturates it with vitamins and gives a fresh look. By the way, it is not at all necessary to make a mask: it is enough to wipe your face with cucumber slices every day. But if you need a more pronounced effect, then the squeezed juice of one cucumber should be mixed with heavy cream in a 1:1 ratio. For better results, you can add a few drops of your favorite vegetable oil. Beat the resulting mixture and apply the foam to your face. It is recommended to remove with a damp towel or warm sponge, then wipe with micellar water.

Mask based on carrots and apples

. This mask perfectly saturates the skin with moisture and vitamins and improves complexion. Grate the carrots and apple on a fine grater or grind them in a blender. Combine 2 tablespoons of the resulting apple-carrot mixture with a teaspoon of starch and apply to your face. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Mask based on aloe and glycerin.

It will not only help moisturize the skin, but will also act as a gentle peeling. Mix a tablespoon of aloe juice with a little water and 15 grams of glycerin. Beat thoroughly, add a little oatmeal. Gently apply the resulting mixture to your face and rinse off after twenty minutes, then wipe your skin with micellar water or your favorite toner.

Why the epidermis of the face should be moisturized

The human body consists of approximately 65% ​​water, so its reserves must be constantly replenished. People drink water every few hours, and if there is no access to liquid, they begin to feel increasing thirst. Moisture is no less important for the skin of the body, especially the face. It not only helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis, but also saturates the cells with oxygen and gives them the opportunity to “breathe”.

The less moisture enters the epidermis, the worse it looks. Problems such as dryness, flaking, thinning, sagging, enlarged pores, grayness and dullness of the skin, acne and blackheads arise. Toxins and impurities cease to be eliminated. The dermis ages faster, and the regenerative processes in it are suspended.

To increase skin moisture, you can use special moisturizers. But dermal cells, which are negatively affected by external and internal factors, may not fully accept such care. They need additional nourishment. In this situation, you can use professional masks, or the best recipes for moisturizing masks to prepare yourself. These recipes have been tested by many women, and their effectiveness has been proven by the experience of more than one generation.

However, it is worth considering that even the best recipes for moisturizing masks will not help normalize the condition of the facial epidermis if you do not help the body from the inside. To do this, you first need to drink enough clean water every day. For a woman whose daily activity is at an average level, drinking 1.5-2.5 liters is enough. water in order to maintain optimal water balance in the body and dermis.

Masks for aging skin

  • Mix 100 grams of young zucchini pulp with a teaspoon of olive oil, place on your face and wash off after 20 minutes.
  • Mix the pulp of a ripe banana with 3 tablespoons of milk in a blender. Apply a thick layer to the skin, after 20 minutes rinse with warm water.
  • Take a piece of gauze and soak it in your favorite vegetable oil, heated to 37 degrees. Place the mask on your face, after 20 minutes, throw away the gauze and pat your face dry with a dry cloth.

Such masks will help maintain youth and tone of the skin longer, saturating it with nutrients and vitamins.

Why is regular skin care important?

Every woman wants to look attractive, regardless of age. After 40 years, this desire becomes a problem of the first plan.

Firstly, this is working age. To keep your job or change it, you need to look good. The modern world requires this. Secondly, well-groomed skin, which a woman sees every day in the mirror, is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. An attractive appearance is noticed by the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to take care of your skin regularly. All procedures bring short-term effects and require constant support.

For example:

  • mesotherapy is carried out annually;
  • The hardware procedure can be repeated with a frequency of 6 months to 1.5 years.
  • peelings and skin cleansing are carried out every autumn-winter season.

Unfortunately, there is no universal pill or injection, one for life. This is working on your appearance, which should become an integral part of life.

The skin is the largest organ in area; it is a protective barrier of internal tissues from the outside world. The environment acts aggressively on it, weather changes, dust, sun, bacteria, external damage and many other factors that harm the cover. Over 40 years of life, this organ begins to wear out and requires more careful treatment. Therefore, in order to maintain youth and beauty for a long time, you need to take care of yourself from a young age.

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