Salt bath recipes that will help treat psoriasis at home

Sea salt for psoriasis is the most affordable and expert-approved treatment. Baths with sea salt are especially popular, because not everyone can visit resorts and sanatoriums.

In fact, sea salt contains almost the entire periodic table, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient.

Mechanism of action

Sea salt is a natural, safe and effective way to overcome the signs of psoriasis. Resorts on the Dead Sea or in Kyrgyzstan have become natural sources and popular places for people to heal. People who are unable to travel can create a healing atmosphere at home. It’s easy to buy sea salt at the pharmacy and start therapy at home.

Sea salt crystals are intended for external use and comprehensively heal the human skin.

The main properties that lead to improved skin condition in people with psoriasis:

  • antiseptic;
  • healing;
  • antipruritic; the intensity of peeling is further reduced.

Under the influence of seafood:

  • metabolic processes in the epidermis are stabilized;
  • microcirculation improves;
  • the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated;
  • the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the affected areas is prevented.

The benefits and harms of salt

Indeed, sea salt has a healing effect on the skin:

  • manganese in salt strengthens the immune system;
  • calcium maintains proper cell structure;
  • iron and copper normalize blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.
  • iodine restores the body's metabolic functions, as well as the balance of hormones;
  • magnesium reanimates damaged nerve fibers;
  • selenium stops and prevents the development of malignant processes in cells;
  • bromine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Various salt procedures promote rapid positive changes in the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and the whole body. The skin becomes dense, psoriatic plaques are reduced and lightened, hair becomes stronger and stronger, and its growth accelerates. Moreover, the pores are cleaned, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body are improved. In addition, after salt procedures, wounds and cracks on the skin heal faster, the nervous system calms down, stress and depression disappear. Blood sugar levels are normalized and gastrointestinal acidity is reduced.

Signs of the disease

The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on the stage of development. The initial period is characterized by minor damage to the skin, which can appear as a result of mechanical stress, sunburn, or injections.

If you do not start treating psoriasis, it begins to progress. Papules that appear on the surface of the skin increase in size and peel off (you can see the photo on the left).

Psoriatic plaques bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient: they itch, hurt, itch, and look very ugly. If you start treating psoriasis at home in time, you can quickly get rid of it forever.

Causes, symptoms and forms of psoriasis

Pathology is provoked by:

  • activation of epidermal cell division, as a result, the top layer peels off and remains on the surface in the form of convex plaques;
  • genetic failures;
  • weakening of the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the presence of white-gray scales covering areas of the skin (stearin stain);
  • under the keratinized cells there is a smooth pink surface - the terminal film;
  • local pinpoint bleeding occurring after removal of the stratum corneum;
  • painful lesions on the arms (around the elbows), knees, head;
  • poor condition of the nail plates, the appearance of dents, their peeling from the base, discoloration.

Psoriasis manifests itself in the following forms:

  • partial: there are spots on certain areas of the outer cover;
  • continuous: damage to the epidermis extends to the entire surface of the body.

Pathology goes through several stages in its development:

  • Initial. It is characterized by a rash, oval pink formations, and white scales.
  • Stationary. Develops within a month after the first signs appear. The papules become light, ring-shaped, and covered with a silvery coating.
  • Fading. The duration of the period is up to six months. The plaques acquire a natural color, and dense keratinizations form along the path of inflammation.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies at home is carried out using ointments for local (external) use, which relieve external signs of psoriasis. Systemic therapy is also prescribed, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease, sedatives, glucocorticoids, and keratoplasty ointments. For the disease, hydrogen sulfide and mud baths and heliotherapy are indicated.

Expected effects

Treatment of psoriasis with salt is popular due to its accessibility, effectiveness and simplicity. Unlike advertised “miracle drugs” that promise to cure a disease in 2 weeks, this method of therapy provides long-term recovery.

Dermatologists confirm its effectiveness. It can improve the results of the entire course of drug therapy. In the early stages of development, the use of salt prevents the progression of skin lesions. Salt is combined with other topical agents.

When using sea salt, it is possible to achieve several effects that will be useful for psoriasis:

  • Reducing the severity of plaques. You can partially reduce their number. In case of moderate or severe damage, it will not be possible to eliminate them with salt alone.
  • Elimination of itching.
  • Improving microcirculation in the dermis. The skin takes on a healthy appearance and becomes silky.

These effects allow the use of sea salt for the treatment of psoriasis and other dermatological diseases. It should be used for preventive purposes or for relaxation.

How does the skin change with psoriatic lesions?

Normally, epidermal cell renewal takes 3-4 weeks. With psoriasis, this period is reduced to 4-7 days. As a result, degradation occurs and the skin loses its protective properties. She becomes vulnerable to minor injuries and prone to inflammation. The scaly plaques that form can be painful and itchy.

General principles of skin care for psoriasis are aimed at:

  • minimizing microtraumas;
  • reduction of irritation from chemical and mechanical influences;
  • additional food;
  • moisture preservation.

Problem areas do not need to be combed, because unnecessary trauma will only aggravate the inflammation. Friction of clothing should be avoided: choose wardrobe items made from natural soft fabrics, avoid tight fit.

Doctors do not recommend removing keratinized scales yourself. The best solution is to exfoliate them naturally as the skin's integrity is restored.


Evgenia Makarova, 29 years old, Tyumen 01/17/2019 I developed psoriasis when I was studying at the university. Since then I lived with him, it was uncomfortable, but tolerable. About a year ago it started interfering with my personal life and I had to see a doctor. I must say that traditional medicine did not relieve me of psoriasis, no matter what I took. But not everything is so bad when there is Internet. It was there that I read that psoriasis can be treated in the Dead Sea, and decided to arrange it in my bathroom. After 3 weeks of salt baths, psoriasis decreased and then completely disappeared. Now I don’t even remember about psoriasis, but I take salt baths regularly.

Maria Trefilova, 37 years old, Minsk 01/10/2019 I have a mild form of psoriasis, it doesn’t bother me much. But at her new job, a colleague drew attention to her, recommended baths with salts, and referred to the positive experience of a relative. I thought: why not. And I bought a jar of special salt. I took baths every other day, a week later the salt ran out, I had to buy a new one. And after 2 jars, I realized that, in principle, baths are useful, the skin looks better after them, but my psoriasis has not gone away, which upset me. As a result, I can say that salts cannot cure the disease.

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Features of application

To achieve the desired result, combine various options for using salt.


Salt baths for psoriasis are a simple, affordable and popular healing method. Recommendations have been developed for their proper preparation:

  • The amount of water should not be too large, it should only cover the human body.
  • Water temperature – no higher than 45 oC.
  • Salt must be dissolved separately. 1–1.5 kg of white powder is diluted in a liter of hot (50 °C) water. Then the resulting mixture is poured into the bath.

The time of one procedure is from 15 to 30 minutes. When the water cools, add hot water. In this case, you need to add additional salt.

It is worth taking baths 2 times a week. The course of therapy is designed for 3–3.5 months. After the appropriate procedure, take a warm shower and wash off the remnants of the healing agent. There is no need to actively dry yourself with a towel. The body is lightly blotted with a cloth to absorb moisture.

The advantage of a salt bath is its beneficial effect not only on the affected areas of the skin, but also on the entire body. Reduces pain in arthritis and arthrosis. General relaxation occurs. Microcirculation in the muscles is stimulated. Vessels dilate.

Using a sea salt bath for psoriasis is a common method of combating an unpleasant disease. Other techniques have also been developed that will greatly improve the condition of the skin.


  1. Salt compresses are prepared by first dissolving 100 g of sea salt crystals in one liter of boiled water. After this, gauze folded in 8 layers is moistened with it. The fabric is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and additionally wrapped with cling film and then with a warm towel. A greenhouse effect is created to increase the effectiveness of treatment. The compress is left overnight. The recovery course is designed to last several months.
  2. There is a “hot type” of therapy. A saline solution is first prepared from 1 liter of water and 50 g of sea salt. The fabric is moistened with it and applied to the affected area of ​​skin for 30 minutes. After this, the body is washed with warm water. It is recommended to additionally apply moisturizer.

Dry salt

Dry salt is used for psoriasis of the scalp. After taking a shower, rub the very finely ground product into the affected areas. The main thing is not to use excessive force to prevent mechanical irritation of the skin.

After the procedure, the salt is left on the head for 40–60 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply conditioner. To consolidate the result, use decoctions of chamomile, sage and mint.

Hot dry salt

Another effective method of healing the skin with salt is the use of dry heat. Heat the salt in a frying pan, but not too much so as not to get burned. Place it in a cotton bag. Apply to the affected areas of the skin.

Due to heat, blood vessels dilate and microcirculation is stimulated. Salt has an antiseptic and antipruritic effect. The frequency of such procedures is 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy depends on the severity of the rash and the characteristics of the basic treatment.

Hygiene procedures for psoriasis

How to care for skin with psoriasis, is it possible to swim in the acute stage of the disease – patients often ask. Frequent bathing procedures are not recommended: with prolonged exposure to water, the plaques become soaked and begin to collapse, which can cause them to grow. The American Dermatological Association recommends spending no more than 5 minutes in the shower. Periodic bathing is acceptable, but no longer than 15 minutes.

The temperature of the water is important: it should not be too hot or cold. The optimal range is 37-38 degrees.

Body care for psoriasis requires careful selection of detergents. You should choose soap or gel with a neutral pH, without fragrances. Alkaline cosmetics may cause additional irritation. You should also avoid scrubs and peels that have a mechanical or chemical effect on the skin.

You should not choose cosmetics with active ingredients or large amounts of essential oils. These components can become potential irritants and cause a negative reaction.

After a shower, you do not need to rub your skin with a towel; you need to gently pat it dry, avoiding microtrauma. Particular attention should be paid to areas where plaques form.

To retain moisture on the surface, doctors recommend using emollients - special creams, lotions and balms that prevent skin dehydration. The selection of cosmetics is made individually in each case.

A soft tan has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

What is the essence of therapy?

At the same time, it is an organ that interacts very actively with the environment. Through the skin, the body not only gets rid of unnecessary substances through the pores, but also receives useful ones.

Such useful substances can be drugs and salts dissolved in water for water procedures.

A particularly attractive factor is the fact that bathing can be done at home. Of course, it is not possible to talk about complete relief from psoriasis using such methods, but they can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and improve his well-being.

Important Rules

In order for sea salt to definitely help and not aggravate the disease, you should follow important rules. They are simple:

  • Purchase an exclusively natural product, without flavorings or dyes, otherwise an allergy may well develop in addition to psoriasis. It is best to purchase salt in pharmacies.
  • Do not change drug therapy to treatment with salt alone. Doctors advise this option only as an addition to pharmaceutical ointments and tablets; no compresses or baths can remove the disease on their own.
  • You should not take long baths, otherwise the sea salt will dry out the skin, and the burning sensation and itching will become stronger.
  • To improve the effect, instead of water, you can add decoctions of herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect to recipes that will help heal wounds (calendula, chamomile, nettle, etc.).
  • You need to choose only one method of treatment with sea salt (either compresses or a bath), otherwise the skin will be overdried, and this will only worsen the symptoms.
  • Table salt and sea salt are two different products. The latter contains more useful substances and minerals, so you should not replace it with the usual one when treating psoriasis.

Precautionary measures

Despite the naturalness and safety of sea salt, its use should be discussed with a doctor to prevent unwanted reactions. This treatment cannot be used for the following diseases:

  • arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases;
  • pathology of the circulatory system;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • progressive glaucoma;
  • tuberculous skin lesions;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thrombophlebitis.

It is not difficult to understand that it is not salt that becomes a source of danger, but the method of applying it to the skin. Thus, in case of arterial hypertension, a hot bath is prohibited, as in case of glaucoma; in case of tuberculosis and thrombophlebitis, aggressive rubbing of salt into the surface of the skin is prohibited.

It is not recommended to use sea salt to treat psoriasis during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This issue must first be discussed with the attending physician.

Sea salt treatment is an integral part of thalassotherapy. Or in a broad sense - this is treatment by the sea, sea climate and sea insolation. It is known that in a maritime climate, psoriasis quickly regresses, and cases of the disease that are resistant and resistant even to hormonal treatments are cured when moving to the sea. Of course, by maritime climate we mean Mediterranean, and not the northern seas.

Cosmetics for skin care for psoriasis

  • Cosmetics containing salicylic acid have proven themselves well. They soften the skin and facilitate the separation of scales. The percentage of the asset is selected by the doctor. Not suitable for diabetic patients.
  • Lactic acid often acts as a keratolytic agent, so you should pay attention to the drugs that contain it.
  • Preparations containing resins have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their action is based on the suppression of cell division. Cosmetic products containing pine, birch, and coal tar resins are popular.
  • Creams and lotions containing vitamin D3 have a positive effect on the epidermis. It has a wound-healing effect and inhibits cell growth.

The specific choice of skincare products often depends on the location of the rash and the intensity of its manifestation, so it is better to consult with your doctor.


Procedures using pharmaceutical products are, as a rule, absolutely safe, but even the most harmless item can cause harm if handled incorrectly. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should read the instructions, and if you have serious illnesses, consult a doctor.

Since sea salt is somewhat of a stimulant, there are a number of restrictions on its use. These include the presence of conditions such as:


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Akchurin R.V. Work experience in the field of psoriasis treatment - 12 years:

Psoriasis shortens a person's life by 20-30%

Psoriasis is one of the most dangerous skin diseases today.

In addition to the fact that it disfigures people’s appearance, making their lives much less comfortable, it also leads to various kinds of complications. As a result, the disease reduces a person’s life expectancy by 20-30%, that is, patients with psoriasis on average live 15-20 years less.

Together with the Dermatology Center, we received a product that helps in 93% of cases, completely eliminating the manifestation of psoriasis and restoring the skin...

To learn more

  • oncology;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • periodic or constant increase in blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • glaucoma in the progressive stage;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy (especially 2nd trimester).

In most cases, these restrictions apply to a type of treatment such as salt baths. Less aggressive effects (lotions, compresses) may be permitted by the attending physician after consultation.


Treatment of psoriasis with sea salt in sanatoriums and resorts is the best way to avoid relapses of the disease and prolong its remission. It is carried out 2-3 months after drug therapy.

For centuries, people have treated psoriasis along the Dead Sea coast in Israel and Jordan. The water of this sea is 10 times saltier than the ocean.

In addition, the Dead Sea itself is located 400 m below sea level. The fog that covers the sea filters out short-term ultraviolet rays that are most harmful to the skin. Those rays that have overcome the fog are the most beneficial for psoriasis-affected skin. There is no such unique combination of water and sun anywhere else in the world. This ensures high effectiveness in curing psoriasis in this area.

In almost every region of Russia there are mineral lakes with a unique set of healing microelements. In addition to sea salt, mud therapy and ingestion of water from thermal springs are widely used here. Here are the most famous lakes in the regions of Russia for healing psoriasis:

  • Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region;
  • Big Yarovoye Lake in the Altai Territory;
  • Tambukan in the Krasnodar region;
  • Khanskoye and Razval in the Orenburg region;
  • Medvezhye and Gorkoye in the Kurgan region.

Therapeutic effects of saline solution

Baths for psoriasis with sea salt show remarkable results:

In addition to eliminating skin symptoms directly, baths with saline solution have a positive effect in the following areas: maintaining stable blood glucose levels. This is important because psoriasis and diabetes often coexist.

Salt baths have a relaxing effect, calm the nerves, relieve mental stress, and therefore stop a new outbreak of the disease. This is due to the fact that nervous stress is a factor that provokes exacerbation of psoriasis.

What doctors say about salt treatment

In the late 1980s, scientists from Israel, Germany and the United States studied how to use sea salt for psoriasis. Thus, Israeli dermatologist Zvi Even Paz noted a significant improvement in the condition of 47 out of 50 people who took salt baths; more than half of them noted persistent remission even after 6 months after the examination.

The German doctor J. Arndt treated patients with psoriasis using salt baths for 4 weeks. Within a week, their itching went away, their sleep returned to normal, and by the end of the 4th week all symptoms disappeared.

Here are just some of the beneficial properties of salt that provide its unique effect in the treatment of psoriasis:

  • bromine compounds calm and normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • potassium regenerates and moisturizes the skin, is responsible for the level of moisture in cells;
  • iodine disinfects the skin and regulates hormonal balance;
  • calcium improves blood clotting and bone health;
  • silicon stimulates skin cell renewal and prevents aging;
  • sulfur promotes the formation of new collagen fibers, improving skin elasticity.

Due to such a rich composition, sea salt is widely used for the treatment of skin diseases.


Salt lotions or dressings are an excellent aid in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. Salt is part of human tissue fluids and blood, so its therapeutic effect is based on its antiseptic, absorbent, drying and decongestant properties.

To prepare a saline dressing, gauze folded in 6-8 layers or 4 layers of cotton fabric should be dipped in a hot hypertonic solution for a minute, squeezed lightly so that the water does not drain and applied to psoriatic rashes. The gauze must be attached with a bandage or a narrow plaster to ensure a tight fit to the sore spot. It is important that the compress is not made hermetically, using hygroscopic and breathable fabric. It is better to leave the bandage overnight for 10-12 hours. After the procedure, it is important to blot the skin with a damp cloth, and then apply a hypoallergenic cream or medicinal ointment.


Baths, compresses, rinses and inhalations based on sodium chloride solution are used in complex therapy of the following pathologies:

  • dermatological diseases, fungal infections, purulent wounds, burns and other skin injuries;
  • inflammatory and degenerative processes in joints;
  • inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, nose and upper respiratory tract;
  • toothache;
  • cardiovascular diseases – circulatory disorders;
  • constipation (used as an enema);
  • food and alcohol intoxication of the body;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

External treatment with sodium chloride is based on the use of saline (hypertonic) solution. In psoriasis, it acts as an active sorbent, draws out excess fluid from tissues along with pathogenic flora and exfoliated cells and alleviates the symptoms of the disease - relieves itching, redness, inflammation, swelling, and reduces the number of rashes. The interstitial fluid is gradually renewed, the functioning of all organs and systems improves.

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