Wrinkles on the fingers: causes, prevention, recipes for masks at home

Just like our face, our hands are always visible. They reveal our age, and sometimes our occupation. How to maintain youth and beauty of hands?

Hands can reveal age no less clearly than a face or figure. Constant housework, physical activity - and our upper limbs do not look as perfect as we would like. Unfortunately, wrinkles on the hands appear quite often, and sometimes much earlier than on other parts of the body. You will learn what to do about this annoying problem by reading the article.

Reasons for appearance

When examining the fingertips, you may notice the presence of wrinkles, excessive dryness and other similar damage. There are several root causes for these phenomena that need to be addressed.

There are a number of reasons that lead to the formation of wrinkles on the fingers:

  • Frequent interaction with water.
    After washing dishes or cleaning, wrinkles sometimes appear on the skin of the fingers.
  • Poor nutrition.
    The skin always has a need for vitamins and minerals. These elements maintain a healthy appearance, give elasticity and prevent excessive dryness.
  • Using detergents without gloves.
    Substances that are used to wash dishes, sinks and other similar things contain elements that are harmful to the skin. Therefore, an important condition when working with these substances is to wear protective rubber gloves.
  • Sun damage.
    The ultraviolet radiation that the sun emits can cause the skin on your hands to become excessively dry. To be on the safe side, you should occasionally apply sunscreen during prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Lack of skin care.
    Because tap water contains a high concentration of chlorine, it can damage and wrinkle the skin. After working with such water, you should apply a moisturizer.
  • Biological imbalance of the body.
    The reasons for this phenomenon are metabolic disorders, deterioration of connective tissues and impaired microcirculation in the capillaries that are located under the skin. This leads to deterioration in the appearance of the skin.

Three prohibitions

  • Wash your hands with too hot water. Our skin is covered with a hydrolipid mantle that protects it from drying out, viruses and bacteria. Hot water washes away natural protection.
  • Use antibacterial soap and wipes daily. Both dry out the skin. Therefore, after using such products, be sure to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your hands.
  • Do not dry your hands after contact with water. Droplets of water, evaporating, further dry out the skin.


To maintain good skin appearance, elasticity and attractiveness, experts give some useful tips:

  1. It is recommended to wear gloves when the outside temperature is below 8 degrees Celsius. The fact is that frost and strong wind can dry out the skin of your hands.
  2. At lunchtime, when the sun has the greatest impact on the skin, it is worth applying a protective cream. It moisturizes the skin and minimizes damage caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  3. Stick to a proper diet. In your menu you need to include products that contain beneficial nutrients for the skin and nails. You can take a course of vitamins A and E.
  4. For better blood circulation, it is recommended to massage your hands. This will protect against the appearance of wrinkles and blood stagnation in the vessels.
  5. You can make special masks and baths for your hands that will maintain their tone. You can find out more about this below.

Problem: age spots have appeared

What is the reason. Scientifically, age spots on the hands are called “solar lentigo.” From the name it is clear that the main culprit for their appearance is the sun. As a rule, such spots appear with age. This is not surprising - for the time being, the skin is able to resist the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, but over the years the natural protection weakens.

What to anoint. Cream with whitening components - vitamin C, fruit acids, lactic acid, mulberry extract. You can also try to get rid of age spots using home remedies, such as lemon juice. Just rub it into problem areas using a cotton swab. If you do this regularly, pigmented skin will peel off and lighten over time. Lactic acid has a similar effect, so various hand masks made from yogurt or kefir are at your service.

If home remedies do not work, consult a cosmetologist; the doctor will remove the problem using laser or phototherapy.

What else will help? A cream with a UV filter that should be applied to your hands throughout the year, not just in summer.

Misconception . Sometimes age spots on the hands are called “liver spots.” In fact, the appearance of spots has nothing to do with the functioning of the liver. Only the sun and age are to blame.

Bat wings. How to deal with sagging skin on your hands Read more

Formation of wrinkles in contact with water from a scientific point of view

At the moment, scientists have not reached a general agreement on the reasons for the formation of wrinkles on the fingers. A study was conducted in 2013, which proved that it is easier to grasp various objects and things in water with fingers with wrinkled skin. These results may indicate an evolutionary change by which humans can adapt to humid environments.

In 2014, a second study was conducted that refuted the first. A new study has found that finger wrinkles caused by water exposure do not improve your ability to grip things better.

Why do wrinkles appear on the hands?

Wrinkles on the hands (on the fingers, on the hand itself) are formed primarily due to the fact that the skin of the hands has a low sebum content and a thin lipid layer.

In addition, most of the time the hands are open and unprotected. That is why, under the influence of negative factors, the skin begins to dry and peel, and then pigmentation and wrinkles appear.

Negative factors that most often cause wrinkles on the hands include:

  • temperature changes, frost;
  • Sun rays;
  • chlorinated water;
  • household chemicals and other aggressive chemicals;
  • lack of regular care, incorrectly selected hand cream.

Eliminating wrinkles at home

Traditional medicine is still relevant, despite scientific progress in the field of cosmetology. Because the methods used by the previous generation helped them, today these methods can help you too.

Homemade masks will help remove wrinkles on your hands. Their preparation does not take much time and effort. There is a wide list of recipes, but below we will talk about the most effective and popular ones.

  1. Oatmeal mask
    : contains crushed oatmeal, chicken egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of honey. Beat the yolk, add flakes and honey. This mixture should be mixed thoroughly and applied to your hands before going to bed. To avoid leaving marks on the bed, you should wear cotton gloves. In the morning, this mixture is washed off, after which the cream is applied.
  2. Vitamin mask:
    to create it you will need one yolk from a chicken egg, sea salt and capsules with vitamins A and E. The yolk should be ground and thrown into the existing mixture with a pinch of sea salt. You also need to add one capsule of vitamins there. The mixture should be applied for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with mineral water.


Add sea salt to any container that is large enough to fit your hands in the proportion of 5 g of salt per 1 glass of water. Place your hands in this solution and cover with a towel for 10 - 15 minutes. Then you need to dry your hands and apply a nourishing cream to improve the result.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology can get rid of wrinkles on the hands (on the phalanges of the fingers, on the hands). Even if the result is not 100%, the effect will still be amazing!

For those who want to get results quickly and without hassle, you should pay attention to the various procedures that clinics and beauty salons now offer in large numbers.

You can get rid of wrinkles on your hands quickly, and the effect lasts a long time. But, such procedures have a number of contraindications, which the clinic’s dermatologist specialists are required to report.

How to get rid of wrinkles on your hands using cosmetology? It is enough to choose the most suitable procedure with a beauty salon specialist. The following procedures are used to eliminate wrinkles on the hands:

Professional peelings

Or in simple terms exfoliation. They come in the following types:

  • vacuum (carried out using a special apparatus);
  • ultrasonic (done using ultrasonic waves);
  • chemical (dead skin cells are removed under the influence of fruit acids);
  • brossage (steamed hand skin is massaged with special brushes).

It is important to remember that although peeling is effective against wrinkles on the hands, after it the skin needs to be restored. The recovery period lasts from several days to a month.


They painlessly help smooth out wrinkles on the hands. During such procedures, various compounds based on hyaluronic acid or vitamins are introduced into the skin of the hands. These hand injections for wrinkles improve the texture and color of the skin, and also remove minor blemishes.

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Laser and photo procedures

These are types of hardware aesthetic medicine. After such procedures, the skin is smoothed and pigment spots disappear.

Such modern techniques help remove wrinkles not only on the hands, but also on other parts of the body.


In this procedure, the patient’s own fat, taken from the thighs or buttocks, is injected under the skin of the arms. Your own fat does not cause rejection or allergies, and your hands become young and smooth.

Diseases that have the symptom of wrinkled fingers

Keeping your hands in water for too long can cause wrinkles to appear on your hands. This is the most common reason. But there are other cases where wrinkles are only one of several symptoms of the disease. Therefore, if a person notices frequent such manifestations, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with more information to exclude serious problems in the body. Otherwise, you should seek help from a specialist who will conduct a consultation and begin to eliminate problems in the body, if any.

One of these disorders is dehydration. This disorder leads to dry skin, sagging and the formation of wrinkles. Elderly people and children are most susceptible to this disorder. They need to carefully monitor the amount of fluid entering the body.

Adults are also at greater risk of dehydration in hot weather if they have kidney or intestinal problems.

The most serious cause of wrinkles on the fingers is diabetes. During the long course of this disease, with poor control of the volume of glucose in the blood, a problem arises with changes in the capillary bed. In this regard, microcirculation changes, which leads to such changes in the skin of the fingers.

The list of these diseases also includes Raynaud's disease. Its peculiarity is too high sensitivity to low temperatures. In this regard, the work of small blood vessels that supply the fingers and toes is disrupted. Symptoms of this disease include:

  • discoloration of fingers to blue or white when exposed to low temperatures;
  • a strange tingling sensation in the fingertips;
  • uneven and wrinkled skin on the fingers.

Raynaud's disease has no cure, but a number of measures can be used to avoid these symptoms. A person should succumb less to stress and pay attention to ensuring that fingers and hands do not freeze and are at normal temperature.


The causes of wrinkles on the fingers are sometimes due to negative external factors that act day by day. The skin cracks and dries out. When it is no longer possible to avoid the appearance of unpleasant signs of aging and unkempt hands, they resort to baths.

For them, choose a wide container, pour warm water and a little sea salt. Then leave your hands to steam for ten minutes, then dry them and apply a nourishing vitamin cream.

Such baths do not always help smooth out wrinkles. If your fingers and hands have minor injuries, are dry, flabby, and wrinkled, then try starch baths. For the procedures, potato or corn is used. It is properly diluted in warm water: 2 small spoons of starch per glass of water. Both hands are dipped into the container, and you need to remove your hands after 20 minutes. Then dry it with a terry towel and apply nourishing cream.

Potato decoction bath

The water in which the potatoes were boiled will help remove wrinkles and smooth the skin. You need to soak your hands in it for up to 15 minutes, then rinse, dry and apply a care cream.

With oat flakes

A nutritious recipe will help you avoid worsening hand skin problems. Making such a mask is easy - after all, oatmeal is available in almost every home. So, grind the flakes, using a blender, add the pre-beaten yolk, then 2 dessert spoons of honey. When you mix until a uniform consistency, apply and you can even go to bed.

Some people think that they can get an injection with Botox or hyaluronic acid. Yes, usually injections are given for wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial folds, and in the eye area, but such injections are also given into the arms. Read more in our article about hand rejuvenation.

Don't forget about scrubbing your hands. Use scrubs and peeling compounds. This will exfoliate and renew the skin.

Take care of your hands and know that a man always pays attention to how they look. Even if he doesn't admit it!

The article was verified by an expert - beauty blogger @lil4olga.

Useful tips

After reading the article, you should draw the right conclusions. To avoid problems with the skin of your fingers, you should provide daily care for them. Use moisturizing and nourishing creams more often, seek the services of beauty salons and wear gloves in cold weather outside. Do not forget about using special masks and hand baths, because making them does not require much time and effort.

Since a large number of capillaries and nerve endings are located in the fingertips, it is recommended to maintain their tone through systematic hand massages. In addition to improving blood circulation, it can generally have a positive effect on the condition of the body and your well-being. You can see for yourself the benefits of these procedures after some time. Taking care of your hands is not difficult, so you just need to spend a little time to maintain the youth and attractive appearance of the skin of your hands.

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