How to make salicylic peeling at home: recipes, remedies

And so, chemical exfoliation or salicylic peeling at home. The recipe can be selected for any skin type and to solve a variety of problems. Therefore, we can set up a beauty salon at home at any convenient time. In addition, with the help of this procedure, not only the face is tidied up, but also the neck, décolleté, hands, elbows and feet.

Attention! The procedure can be performed in a maximum of two zones at a time. For example, the face and décolleté. Although salicylic peeling is considered the safest procedure of all chemical exfoliations, and the acid produces a superficial effect, it still enters the bloodstream. Excessive concentration of salicylic acid leads to toxic effects on the body.

What it is?

Salicylic peeling is a non-invasive method of corrective dermatology, which serves to impart freshness, softness to damaged, inflamed, aging skin, even out tone, and prolong youth through the use of BHA.

BHA in cosmetology means salicylic acid. The composition is vaguely similar to Acylpirin or Aspirin, due to which it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

BHAs are fat soluble, so they penetrate to a greater depth. Therefore, they are especially suitable for oily, acne-prone skin. BHA acid helps maintain cell tone in the pores and, thanks to the aforementioned anti-inflammatory effects, eliminates any skin infections.

Good option for problem skin

BHA acids are especially useful for oily, problem skin. Clogged pores, acne,

excessive shine - acid copes with these imperfections.

It deeply cleanses pores and removes impurities. In addition, after its use, comedones disappear.

The following advantages of the procedure are smoothing out fine wrinkles, softening acne scars, and lightening age spots.

The effectiveness of peeling with salicylic acid is confirmed by many positive reviews, videos and photo reports.


Salicylic acid can be bought at a pharmacy and has the following properties:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • relieves itching and swelling of tissues;
  • helps cleanse infected and purulent wounds, suppresses pathogenic microflora;
  • regulates the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands (narrows pores, accelerates the outflow of sebum);
  • penetrates deeply into the layers of the skin;
  • has a keratolytic effect, gently exfoliates keratinized areas and promotes rapid tissue regeneration;
  • used as a local distraction and irritant.

Bad option for IV, V, VI skin phototypes

But not everyone can benefit from the use of salicylic acids. Dermatologists recommend caution when using acid for people with 3 phototypes on the Fitzpatrick scale:

  1. Type IV – soft brown skin, typical Mediterranean olive shade. Rarely burns, tans well.
  2. Type V - dark brown skin, types of the population of the Middle East, Latin America. Rarely burns, tans easily.
  3. Type VI is a deep dark brown to black pigment. It never burns, the tan is almost invisible.

People with these phototypes are at risk of replacing acne with dark brown or black spots on the skin. Salicylic acid should only be used under professional supervision.

Indications and contraindications for self-treatment of skin

Indications for the use of salicylic peeling:

  • wrinkles;
  • wide pores;
  • acne;
  • acne scars;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • other skin pathologies;
  • gray, flabby skin.

Use is excluded if:

  • areas of the skin on which acid is supposed to be applied have painful signs: lesions, scratches, herpes, warts, diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy within the previous 6 months;
  • taking prescription medications (Roaccutane, Retin-A, or similar vitamin A products) within the past 8 weeks;
  • history of keloid scars (atypical wound healing due to excessive collagen production);
  • tattooing in the previous 8 weeks.

Increased caution when using salicylic peeling is required for people with diabetes, aged <18 years, pregnant and lactating women.

Types of home treatments

According to the depth of penetration, salicylic peels used at home are as follows:

  1. For superficial cleaning - soft substances affect only the top layer of skin. Recommended for young skin to eliminate acne or acne marks and slow down aging.
  2. For medium-deep cleaning - the substance does not affect the basement membrane and penetrates the entire depth of the epidermal layer. The procedure is recommended for people over 30 years of age to improve the color, texture, elasticity of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten the contour.

Deep cleaning is carried out only in beauty salons.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of a solution (in alcohol) and in the form of an ointment:

  • In liquid form, it is bottled in glass bottles of 25 ml or 40 ml.
  • Salicylic ointment is available in jars or aluminum tubes of 25 grams.

Less commonly supplied in the form of powder and medicinal paste, it can be included in medicinal plasters.

salicylic acid for acne

Preparatory stage

If you have no experience using salicylic acid, you should prepare your skin before using it.
This is especially important for BHA acids, substances characterized by uneven distribution. Sometimes long (2-4 weeks) preparation is required. Before the first treatment, for 10-14 days before it, softening emulsions should be used to reduce the risk of any undesirable reaction. They are applied 1-2 times a day. It is advisable to include foods rich in protein and a sufficient amount of vitamins (especially vitamins E, C) in your diet.


The alcohol solution is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. Per 100 grams of the finished medicinal product there are from 1 to 2 grams of salicylic acid, which are diluted with 70% ethyl alcohol until the required volume is obtained. The concentration of the finished product is 1% or 2%, respectively.

A highly concentrated drug is available with a salicylic acid content of 5 or 10 grams per 100 grams of finished medicine (5% and 10% alcohol solution or ointment).

Ointment is a white fatty substance based on petroleum jelly, mainly 2 or 3%, less commonly found in a concentration of 5 or 10%.

Stages of salicylic peeling at home

After thorough cleaning, a chemical (acid) is applied to the surface of the skin. The duration of action of the active substance gradually increases depending on the individual’s tolerance. The duration of the procedure is on average 15-20 minutes.

Then the substance is neutralized and a soothing cream is applied. The treated area may

be slightly flushed. Over the next few days, the surface layers peel off slightly and rarely become blistered. All these symptoms should go away within 5 days after using peeling products.

As an alternative to expensive peels, you can use Aspirin, an affordable analgesic that supports skin peeling by providing a high dose of acetylsalicylic acid. It helps eliminate dead cells from the upper layers of the skin, treat acne, psoriasis, and various other unfavorable conditions.

To ensure the maximum effect of Aspirin for cleaning, eliminating inflammation, and superficial pigmentation, the following simple recipe for home peeling is suitable:

  • mix 1 tbsp. honey (liquid) or warm water with 2 crushed Aspirin tablets;
  • Apply the mixture to clean skin;
  • after 20-25 minutes, rinse;
  • apply an anti-inflammatory cream (for example, with aloe).


The effectiveness of the procedure depends primarily on strict adherence to the instructions and proper subsequent facial care.

1st day

The face is slightly red and may feel dry and tight. It is better not to go outside for at least a few hours to avoid unnecessary exposure to wind, sun and dust.

  • It is necessary to use moisturizers (cream, milk, mask).
  • You cannot use decorative cosmetics.
  • UV protection SPF35+ is required.

2-4 days

Peeling begins.

  • Do not use a scrub to avoid mechanical damage to the skin.
  • Do not comb your face or pick off scabs.
  • Cleansers without drying ingredients.
  • UV protection SPF35+ is required.

First 2 weeks

  • Sunbathing and visiting the solarium are prohibited (it is better to wear a wide-brimmed hat and glasses).
  • Avoid sweating (for example, in the SPA or gym).
  • UV protection SPF35+ is required.

If undesirable consequences occur (such as skin burns, swelling and inflammation, allergies and abnormal dehydration of the epidermis), you should immediately see a doctor . For sensitive problem skin, severely dehydrated after salicylic exfoliation, special care lines from Sothys are recommended.

Variety of BHA acids

Individual peeling substances differ primarily in concentration. Cosmetologists use products with a higher concentration of acids. They are more aggressive and can only be used by a specialist. Substances for home use are more gentle. They contain lower concentrations of acids that are safe for self-use.

Concentrated preparations (>20% VNA) are used only in beauty salons. You can even buy 70% BHA on the Internet, but you should not do this - after inexperienced use you can get extremely disappointing results. Only use them if you really know what you are doing.

The disadvantage of products for home use is that to ensure a visible effect they must contain 10% more acid than allowed. In this case, we are talking about professional products required to be used by a cosmetologist or used under his supervision.

For this reason, it is safer to entrust the procedure to a specialist in a beauty salon 1-2 times a year. This will eliminate the risk of using acid incorrectly.

For professional use

Acid peeling Spa Redi Callus Remover

Spa Redi Callus Remover made in the USA with fruit acids is intended for salon use. Effectively copes with rough skin and old calluses, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Use is allowed only with gloves and only on rough areas of the skin of the feet. Spa Redi Callus Remover can be purchased in packages of different sizes.

A 355 ml package will cost about 350 rubles; 946 ml - around 1000 rubles; 3.5 liters of product will cost an average of 1900 rubles.

The main disadvantage is its low distribution in the Russian market. You can order from abroad, but in this case you will have to additionally pay for delivery.

Peeling for hands and feet with fruit acids Kodi Professional

Removes keratinized scales, absorbs and accelerates the process of skin cell renewal. Does not cause burning or tingling. Sold in a package with a 200 ml dispenser, which allows you to clearly control consumption.

There are no aromatic fragrances in the product, so it has a persistent “chemical” aroma. The average price for 200 ml is 450 rubles.

Acid peeling for pedicure Oxxi Proffessional

Removes dead skin and helps get rid of corns. It has an effect only on hardened growths, without affecting healthy epidermal cells. Does not provoke hyperkeratosis and does not dry out the skin.

A tube with a 250 ml dispenser will cost 350-400 rubles.

Acid peeling for feet PNB

Belongs to the premium line for professional use. Effectively copes with old calluses, cracks and calluses, acting painlessly. The effect is achieved due to fruit acids.

Packaging volume – 165 ml and 550 ml; Average cost – 450 rub. and 1200 rub. respectively.

Gel peeling Kart

It is used in salons by craftsmen who have a certificate confirming their qualifications - the company requests it upon purchase. It is used locally and applied only to the keratinized areas of the foot. Effectively loosens the stratum corneum for its further removal with a spatula or apparatus. Does not require preliminary soaking of the feet and does not involve the use of cutting tools.

For 500 ml you will have to pay about 6,000 rubles.

Peeling for calluses and corns Cuccio Naturale

The product is based on mango and papaya, which allow you to soften dead skin and remove it using a wooden or plastic spatula. In addition to the main action, it stimulates cell renewal, promotes moisture retention, starts the process of removing toxins and restores chapped skin.

Price for 118 g. – 780 rub.

peeling with lactic acid

The gel-like product is intended to soften calluses and destroy the structure of the keratinized epidermis. Does not damage healthy skin. It is a universal remedy and can be used for both legs and arms. The exposure time of the active components on keratinization is 15 minutes.

Available in four versions - volumes of 5000, 1000, 500 and 125 ml. Cost 9300, 1700, 900 and 500 rubles. respectively.

Peeling for alkaline pedicure Velena

A product with an alkali base helps soften dead skin. Suitable for salon use, but if the instructions are strictly followed, it can be used for home care.

Contains essential oils of orange and vanilla. Price for 700 ml – about 700 rub.

Peeling with salicylic acid Bielenda Professional

Helps eliminate rough skin, softens and works as a deodorant. Contains urea for moisturizing and softening, salicylic acid, panthenol and vitamins A and E.

A 500 ml package is priced at 1,162 rubles, but you will have to order the product directly from Poland, since this product is not publicly available for sale.

Practical experience

From reviews of women who practice using salicylic peeling at home, it follows that in the absence of experience, it is better to trust a specialist. When using purchased products, it is important to follow the instructions to prevent complications such as burns.

I had my first procedure done in a salon. Realizing that this was a simple procedure, I bought a product for home use. It's much more convenient than visiting a salon. At the same time, the result is similar.


I got burns after using a home peel. Therefore, if cleaning is needed, I prefer to go to a cosmetologist.


I gave up salon cleanings a long time ago. I make a mask based on regular Aspirin. But experience is important here.


Cost of funds

The most popular salicylic peels for home use:

NameAction specified by the manufacturerApproximate price, rub.
Holy LandDeep cleansing, evening out skin tone, smoothing structure3000
Out serial (GIGI)Smoothing, eliminating dead cells, moisturizing, refreshing1200
BiodermaDeep cleansing, accelerating the regenerative abilities of the epidermis1000
SkinfoodElimination and prevention of acne, cleansing, getting rid of dead cells600-700

The use of salicylic peels requires special care when using acid-based skin care products. In combination with these substances, BHA can lead to increased acidity and skin corrosion. You should wait to use acids if you are using anti-acne creams, excessively dry skin, or immediately after shaving or waxing.

Reasons for the popularity of the technique45

The main advantage of salicylic peeling is its versatility. It can be performed on the face and different parts of the body. The procedure is easy to perform and has full control by the cosmetologist. The positive aspects that become noticeable after salicylic peeling include the following:

  • activation of regeneration processes;
  • normalization of sebum secretion;
  • improvement of skin structure and color;
  • eliminating the initial signs of aging;
  • cleansing pores;
  • reducing the risk of acne, comedones, etc.

However, before performing the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist and dermatologist who will assess the condition of the skin and help you choose the right care.

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