How effective are lipolytic injections for burning fat?

Injection liposuction: how the procedure works

Injection liposuction begins with treating the skin in the area where the drug is administered with antiseptic agents. Then a cream or gel with a local anesthetic is applied to the skin, which reduces the degree of discomfort during the procedure (people with a low pain threshold may find injections of lipolytic solutions painful).

To eliminate local fat deposits in the face and neck (double chin), a special fan injection technique is used. The fan technique allows you to evenly distribute the active components of the solution in the tissues, achieve uniform destruction of fat cells, and obtain the most natural result.

The depth of the injections is the most important factor in the success of the procedure. If a lipolytic solution is used to correct aesthetic problems in the abdomen or buttocks, the needle is usually inserted to a depth of 10 to 15 millimeters. When rejuvenating the face, the depth of drug administration is always determined individually! The experience of a cosmetologist plays a decisive role here.

Direct injection of the lipolytic solution into the adipose tissue of the problem area lasts about 20 minutes. After completing the injections, the cosmetologist once again treats the facial skin with an antiseptic, and then applies soothing agents that will help reduce inflammation in the first days after injection lipolysis.

To achieve optimal results, the injection liposuction session should be repeated 3 to 8 times. The cosmetologist will tell you what the interval between sessions will be (this depends on the lipolytic used, the correction area, and the individual characteristics of the patient).

What they can do and where they work

They are effective in areas of local fat accumulation that are difficult to correct. They are used mainly in areas of fat traps - in the area of ​​the chin, knees, riding breeches, and lateral surfaces of the abdomen.

It is not advisable to treat large areas with lipolytics. The technique gives a more pronounced and faster result with an integrated approach, so it is rarely done as a single procedure, only if it is impossible to combine with hardware correction methods.

Remember that injections of lipolytics - special drugs for destroying fat cells - only fight local fat deposits and, as a rule, require an integrated approach.

Advantages of the method

The choice of method for correcting problem areas is always made by a cosmetologist. However, since cosmetic procedures are not mandatory, the final decision remains with the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen product.

Advantages of using lipolytic injections:

  • Efficiency and safety. The product allows you to remove excess fat deposits in a low-traumatic way and get the effect almost immediately. The finest needles used leave almost no marks. Anesthetics are not used.
  • Easy and fast rehabilitation. Often after the procedure, a girl goes to a romantic meeting with powder on her face. Of course, it is advisable to allow the body to rest and fully recover, and not immediately return to an active lifestyle, but there is no extreme need to completely avoid communication.
  • Versatility. The method suits almost everyone. The number of contraindications for the use of lipolytics is minimal.

Which procedures to combine with?

Additional methods allow you not only to speed up and obtain a more pronounced result of the main effect, but also to eliminate its consequences. After the destruction of fatty tissue, patients are faced with the fact that the skin becomes flabby and sagging. When drawing up a treatment plan, doctors evaluate skin turgor and prescribe a strengthening complex.

  • Radio frequency lifting (RF-lifting);
  • alter therapy (Ultherapy) is a microfocused ultrasound technique.

If we have a large area of ​​fat deposits, for example, lipolytics are used in the abdomen, then it is justified to prescribe first a course of cryolipolysis, then lipolytics, and then, for example, a course of procedures using the Vela Shape device, which combines the effects of high-frequency current, infrared radiation, vacuum aspiration and massage rollers. This protocol provides faster and physiological weight loss.

Non-injection methods of administering lipolytics

In cases of severe fear of pain and the presence of contraindications, hardware administration of indirect lipolytics is used.

  • Iontophoresis - with the help of galvanic current and specialized electrodes for the face or body, active substances stimulate blood circulation and trigger metabolic processes.
  • Ultrasonic method - using wave vibrations, the components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate metabolism.
  • Laser exposure - a focused beam of light delivers drugs deep into the skin and normalizes microcirculation.

Nuances of carrying out

The specifics of a particular lipolytic drug determine the depth to which the injections will be performed (from 6 mm to 1.5 cm), how many procedures will be required, and whether recovery time will be needed.

To numb the skin puncture, we use local anesthetics. Some drugs add an anesthetic before injection to make the procedure comfortable. Injection cannulas are also used, which avoids several punctures and, accordingly, bruises.

For a pronounced result, it is necessary to carry out a course of 3 to 10 procedures with an interval of 10–14 days. The amount depends not only on the drug used, but also on the correction area and the amount of fat. Fat cells in the affected area die forever.

What determines whether the volume of fatty tissue will return?

  • Metabolism;
  • nutrition;
  • lifestyle;
  • hormonal background.

Therefore, after lipotherapy, you should adhere to a certain lifestyle and diet so that the procedure is not useless.

Methods of administering lipolytics (injections)

For a correct and effective result, a manual method of administering lipolytics is used, which is carried out:

  • using a disposable syringe with the finest needles - for precise and specific delivery of lipolytics to hard-to-reach areas.
  • using a cannula (a special blunt-ended needle 7-20 cm long) - to introduce components using a reciprocating technique.


Infiltration - for introduction into the body area to a depth of 12-13 mm and into the face and neck areas to a depth of 6-8 mm. The needle is positioned perpendicular to the surface of the skin and inserted into the thickness of the subcutaneous fat.

Fan - to eliminate excess fatty tissue in the area of ​​​​the eyelids, cheeks, chin and distribute drugs at different angles to a depth of 3-6 mm.

Mesoperfusion - to normalize tissue nutrition and auxiliary correction of fat “traps”. Injections are made to a depth of 6-13 mm at right angles, depending on the selected area.

Mesodissolution - for membrane “rupture” of fat cells and reduction of compactions. A hypoosmolar solution with caffeine and vitamin C is used in an amount of up to 40-50 ml in one zone to a depth of 13 mm.

Side effects

Lipotherapy is an injection procedure, so after it, hematomas and swelling may appear. Adverse events and complications can only arise when working with direct lipolytics.

The main cause of complications is improper administration of the drug. They should be injected strictly into the subcutaneous fat, in small volumes.

The drug injected into other tissues, skin or muscles will cause tissue damage and destruction.

The second important point that must be taken into account when working with large volumes of direct lipolytics is the general condition of the body. There should be no acute liver diseases, since the fatty acids that come out of the destroyed cells will have to be utilized in it, which will create an additional burden.

Indirect lipolytics, application features

These components accelerate metabolism, stimulate lymphatic drainage processes, normalize microcirculation for subsequent reduction of excess volumes. Unlike direct substances, they have a natural, physiological, painless, mild and complex effect on the cells and tissues of the face and body.

There are 2 types of funds:

  • first type (L-carnitine, caffeine, cocoa extract, guarana, yohimbine) - to accelerate the transport of free fatty acids and energy production;
  • the second type (artichoke extract, centella asiatica, ginkgo biloba, melito) - to ensure lymphatic drainage, accelerate lipolysis and prevent the formation of swelling. They are often combined with vascular drugs (troxerutin) to improve blood vessel tone.

Examples of drugs

  • Caffeine is a plant alkaloid that is found in tea leaves and coffee beans to improve blood circulation, increase basal metabolism and utilization of fatty acids (Caffeine Care Kosmoteros).
  • Artichoke is a drug of natural origin for decongestant, choleretic and vascular strengthening effects (Veluderm Artichoke Extract 2%, Artichoke Care Kosmoteros).
  • L-carnitine is a substance for converting fats into energy (Lipo Slim).
  • Rutin + melilot extract (Kosmo-Tonus Kosmoteros, Melilotus Extract) - to strengthen blood vessels, stimulate regeneration and energy metabolism.
  • Ginkgo biloba - to restore capillary tone and reduce swelling (Ginkgo Biloba Care Kosmoteros).

Recommendations after the procedure (they must be followed)

  • Fat loss procedures require drinking plenty of fluids. This is especially true for those who do not follow the drinking regime in everyday life.
  • Lymphatic drainage techniques are welcome.
  • If large volumes of work are carried out, physical activity is required. It is necessary to “spend” the released fatty acids to produce ATP (energy). If they are not utilized, the body will turn them back into fat deposits.
  • In the first days after the procedure, you should avoid overheating, hypothermia, and drinking alcohol, so as not to slow down the process of removing waste products from the body.

In general, modern lipolytic drugs in the hands of a competent doctor are a safe means for correcting small fat deposits and harmonizing the overall appearance.

Direct lipolytics and drug categories

These substances burn and dissolve fat cells, followed by disposal of the contents through the body's excretory systems.

They work in specific, hard-to-reach areas and are the most effective way to remove excess fat, especially in the abdomen, upper and lower extremities.

Examples of substances

  • Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin, soy phospholipid) - converts refractory fat into a liquid emulsion with subsequent removal from the body, giving a quick effect (Veluderm Phosfatidylcholine).
  • Sodium deoxycholate (Kosmolitic III-IV) is a bile acid salt that destroys adipocyte membranes and releases fatty products into the space between cells.


The method is minimally invasive

It does not require anesthesia or long-term rehabilitation.
For this reason, “slimness injections” are often called the lunch break procedure. Within 3-6 hours (rarely - 12 hours), a moderate burning sensation and sometimes a feeling of itching are noted in the area of ​​lipolytic injections. Redness of the skin may occur within 12–24 hours, and moderate swelling in the injection area may persist for one to three days.

Possibility of correcting the most “stubborn” and delicate problem areas

You can remove fat deposits in the area of ​​the inner shoulder, flanks on the back, pads above the knees and fat deposits associated with hormonal disorders (including the so-called widow's hump).
It is also possible to use lipolytics for the face - this will correct the swollen contour.

The effect is quite durable

Even if you recover, the “fat traps” will not return, because there are significantly fewer fat cells in this area.

Lipolitics in a beauty salon

Lipolitics are drugs for figure correction. They are injected under the skin and allow you to remove fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs, face, neck, arms, and décolleté.

The technique itself is called “lipolysis”, it is designed not only to get rid of fat, but also to improve the condition of the skin and restore metabolism in tissues.

Correction with lipolytics is the use of natural enzymes and other substances that are injected with thin needles into problem areas and break down fat.

The main advantages of lipolytics:

  • Quick effect in the form of normalization of blood flow, restoration of metabolism and lipid metabolism.
  • The ability to correct individual small areas, such as a double chin.
  • The procedures allow you to get rid of cellulite, reduce the fat layer by 5-6 cm, and improve the condition of the skin.
  • With the help of lipolytics, you can reduce the volume of the abdomen, remove folds on the sides, and outline the waist.
  • Minimal rehabilitation period, no need to leave your usual life for a long time.

The disadvantages are pain and the possibility of bruising.


Among the main indications:

  • double chin;
  • excess fat on the neck and shoulders;
  • very large cheeks;
  • excess fat on the hips, abdomen, buttocks;
  • large amount of fat on the back of the hands.


Not all patients can undergo a course of procedures. Among the contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • epilepsy;
  • endocrine and a number of autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • mental disorders.


The effectiveness can be assessed after the first procedure. However, the greatest result will be noticeable after the course.

The number of procedures depends on the drug and varies from 3 to 8 with a break of 8-21 days.

As a result, it is noticeable:

  • volumes decrease,
  • skin condition improves,
  • cellulite goes away,
  • the fat layer decreases by 5-6 cm,
  • wrinkles are eliminated,
  • the contours of the face or figure are improved.


  • For a week, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water every day to maintain water balance in the body.
  • In the first 2-3 days you should not drink alcohol.
  • To reduce swelling, you can apply dry cold compresses.
  • If the procedures were carried out on the face, then you need to use sunscreen before each exit from the house.
  • If lipolytics were introduced in winter, you should not stay in the cold for a long time.
  • On the first day, it is recommended to avoid decorative cosmetics in the areas where the drugs are administered.

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Limitations on the volume of fat that can be destroyed

The reason is that the contents of fat cells are excreted by the liver.
Otherwise, serious intoxication may develop, manifested in a general deterioration in health: nausea, dizziness, indigestion, and even the appearance or aggravation of serious systemic diseases, primarily atherosclerosis. The settling of unresolved fat cells on the walls of blood vessels contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Possible injury

If the administration technique is violated (the drug gets into the skin) and the dosage is exceeded, ulcers, inflammatory reactions, and skin unevenness may occur (as with classic liposuction).
Some patients may develop scars. As practice shows, complications mainly occur in people with large local fat deposits.

According to surgeons, when treating two symmetrical zones (for example, zones of breeches), a not very uniform effect is possible. One zone may turn out fuller, and another - thinner.

In older patients, sagging and sagging skin may appear in the thinned area. In this case, hardware cosmetology comes to the rescue.

Chin fat not going away?

Sometimes getting rid of a double chin on your own can be an impossible task. Did the method described above not help you?

The list of probable causes is short:

  1. You expected to get the result very quickly, literally “tomorrow”.
  1. You don't have enough time to do double chin exercises and exercise every day.
  1. The chin was inherited from my parents.
  1. You are over 40 years old. At this age, loose skin on the chin practically does not tighten on its own and spoils the oval of the face even after massive weight loss.
  1. You have Central Asian, Caucasian or Slavic roots. The facial structure of these nations physiologically predisposes them to the appearance of a double chin even at a very early age.

But don't be upset. There are several extremely effective ways to remove a double chin quickly and without plastic surgery. Removing the double chin with lipolytic drugs will help.

Chin correction. (Before and After Photos)

The chin is the foundation, as is the cheekbone area. That is why close attention is paid to these areas when it comes to rejuvenating and refreshing the face.

If the chin is large or square, this creates the feeling of a heavy face, a large jaw, which undoubtedly suits men, but does not add femininity to the face at all. If the chin is too small, then age-related features on the face begin to appear very quickly, and in general the face looks disharmonious. Asymmetries do not always “spoil” the face; their presence begins to appear more with age, complementing the tired appearance.

Therefore, of course, a cosmetologist, like an artist or sculptor, evaluates the face as a whole, and if he sees a lack of harmony due to the characteristics of the chin, he tries to smooth them out. I would like to especially note that you should not make all faces the same cheekbones + lips + chin, but rather harmonize this particular face without distorting the features or crossing out the main thing.

When should you visit a doctor?

Let us remind you once again that tissue swelling at the surgical site is a completely normal phenomenon and should not cause concern. But in some cases it is worth visiting your surgeon as soon as possible:

  • the temperature stays above 38°C for several days,
  • swelling increases greatly in size,
  • severe and growing pain at the surgical site over time,
  • suppuration at the suture sites.

Any unusual situations that cause concern require an immediate visit to a doctor. Do not worry if there is slight pain, loss, or, on the contrary, increased sensitivity in the operated area. Like swelling, this is normal and will go away over time.

In other situations, you should not postpone a visit to the surgeon. In emergency cases, it is better to call an ambulance. Fortunately, complications after lipofilling are not that common. Most patients undergo surgery without any complications or problems.

Procedure technology, contraindications

Lipolysis is a simple process that takes an average of 10 minutes. The procedure technique includes:

  • applying an antiseptic substance to the skin;
  • local anesthesia;
  • filling the syringe with lipolytic;
  • injection of a substance under the skin;
  • re-application of antiseptic to the skin.

After the procedure, the woman must perform rehabilitation measures, otherwise complications may arise. In the first hours, injured skin should be continuously cooled. This will avoid hyperemia and burning. It is necessary to drink non-carbonated fresh water and, if possible, lie down. For the first half hour after injections, it is important to remain under the supervision of a specialist.

Unlike fat burners, which evenly destroy excess weight throughout the body, lipolytics act locally, affecting a specific part of the body.

You can see the real effect of using lipolytics about a month after the last injection. At first, tissue swelling will predominate, so it will not be possible to reliably evaluate the work of a specialist.

If undesirable effects appear and are present over the next few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Lipolytic injections are usually well tolerated by patients, but in some cases they should be abandoned. The following are recognized as contraindications to the procedures:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • individual negative reaction to the composition of the drug;
  • diseases of the excretory and genitourinary organs;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, incl. diabetes;
  • neurological diagnoses;
  • chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation;
  • skin wounds;
  • infectious diseases affecting parts of the body that need correction with lipolytics;
  • high probability of keloid formation.

Before going to the clinic for body correction with lipolytics, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination to clarify the presence of contraindications for the procedure. The clinic specialist, having familiarized himself with the client’s health condition, will recommend the most appropriate medications.

Result and duration of effect

The effect of lipolytic administration develops gradually, so instant results should not be expected. The full effect of the products is noticeable 2-4 weeks after the procedure, when the adipose tissue is destroyed and removed from the injection area. In addition, in the first few days after injections, slight swelling and redness may appear in response to needle pricks, so it is premature to evaluate the result during this period.

The duration of the effect depends on many factors. The duration of the result is influenced by the characteristics of the patient’s body: tendency to gain weight, swelling of tissues, unhealthy eating behavior. Get advice on how lipolytics can help in your case, make an appointment by phone: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

How quickly will the swelling go down?

Some factors that determine the speed of recovery do not depend on the will of the patient. These are, for example, age or genetic characteristics. The older the patient, the longer it will take for the swelling to subside. Patients with thin skin or low blood circulation also take a little longer to recover.

Other factors, on the contrary, directly depend on the patient. As an example, if an infection gets into a wound, tissue healing will take a very long time and be difficult. To prevent infection, it is necessary to treat punctures daily with an antiseptic.

The recovery time usually depends on the place that was corrected. Swollen areas on the face return to normal faster than on the chest or buttocks. External swelling usually goes away within a period of two weeks to a month. The internal one may persist for some time.

Medicines and physical therapy

Medicines and physical therapy procedures can also help remove swelling after lipofilling. Medicines include Traumeel, heparin ointment or Troxevasin. A course of antibiotics may also be prescribed to stop the infection.

From physical therapy, patients are most often recommended microcurrents, laser, magnetic or phototherapy. These procedures help resolve swelling and speed up healing.

Microcurrent therapy accelerates resorption.

It is important to remember that you absolutely cannot prescribe medications and procedures for yourself! All medical treatments and manipulations must be suggested by or agreed upon by a physician. Self-medication can only harm the patient. Before attending physical therapy or using medication, you should always consult with your surgeon.

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