Intravenous ozone therapy: indications and contraindications for the procedure

Ozone therapy

- a physiotherapeutic treatment and rejuvenation method based on the use of ozone, which is an isomer of oxygen. Ozone has been used for medical purposes since the 50s. last century, in cosmetology - since the 80s. Over several decades, the method has been improved, its effectiveness has increased significantly.

What is ozone and what is this isomer “capable of”

As an active isomer of oxygen, ozone (or triatomic oxygen O3) has a complex anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and disinfectant effect. In particular:

  • reduces and even suppresses the activity of microorganisms (fungi, viruses, etc.);
  • promotes the expansion of blood vessels - the skin is saturated with oxygen, nutrients are supplied faster and in larger quantities;
  • accelerates metabolism, enhances the elimination of toxins;
  • activates skin regeneration through fibroblasts, “responsible” for the production of collagen and elastin;
  • causes muscle and nervous relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue;
  • partially breaks down fats and partially reduces their persistence, enhancing the effect of other procedures (for example, LPG massage); destroys the fibrous membranes of fat cells, which form cellulite;
  • when administered intravenously, it enhances the body’s immune defense (activation of pro-antioxidant systems), allows for stable remission in chronic diseases, and prevents complications.

The set of properties of O3 explains the breadth of the range of applications of ozone therapy:

  • aesthetic and anti-aging procedures;
  • treatment and prevention of cardiovascular, urological, dermatological diseases.

Ozone is used in different ways: in its pure form, subcutaneous injections and injections into joints, mixed with saline or the patient's blood intravenously. External use is also possible - aeration of the scalp or limbs.

Cosmetological indications for ozone therapy

Inflammations on the skin.

Dermatitis and acne often become an external manifestation of “problems” in the body. The immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of ozone make it possible to influence both the effect (skin inflammation) and the cause.


Ozone causes overgrowth of dilated capillaries, and very quickly - within a few hours after administration. The vascular network on the face and neck turns pale and then disappears without a trace.

Stretch marks, scars.

Peeling the skin around scar formations improves the appearance of the scar, especially fresh ones.

Dark spots.

Ozone helps get rid of hyperpigmentation of various types and origins due to the rapid regeneration of healthy skin cells without excess melanin.

Age-related signs of skin aging.

Injections are performed using the mesotherapy technique, only instead of a meso cocktail, three-dimensional oxygen is introduced. The skin is saturated with oxygen, the process of forming a new collagen-elastin framework is launched - a lifting effect is ensured.


Ozone subcutaneous injections activate the activity of hair follicles, bring them to the growth stage, normalize the condition of the scalp, and eliminate excess sebum secretion.


Our experts note: when carrying out local ozone therapy, even complex areas with fibrosclerosis and edema can be corrected. O3 destroys the sclerotic capsules in which adipocytes are located and helps normalize fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

In addition, ozone therapy can become relevant when it is necessary to accelerate wound healing, eliminate bags under the eyes, swelling, increase overall tone, and relieve chronic fatigue.

Ozone therapy. Treatment with ozone therapy

Indications for treatment using ozone therapy are:

    Injection ozone therapy
  • diseases associated with impaired peripheral arterial circulation,
    and conditions caused by them associated with oxygen deficiency: atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the heart and brain, abnormal blood pressure and others.
  • diseases caused by infection
    (bacterial, viral or fungal): pneumonia, bronchitis, ARVI, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, STDs and others. The use of ozone therapy will alleviate the course of the disease and reduce its duration.
  • diseases associated with a disorder of the
    human immune system: chronic fatigue syndrome, allergic reactions.
  • diseases associated with impaired carbohydrate and fat metabolism
    : obesity, diabetes, etc.
  • cosmetology and dermatology: improving microcirculation and skin color, treating acne, cellulite, combating skin wrinkles, eczema, etc.

How many ozone therapy treatments will be required?

To obtain a pronounced result, ozone therapy requires a mandatory course of procedures. The quantity is determined individually and depends on what problem is being solved and how severe this problem is:

  • comprehensive facial rejuvenation – 5-8 procedures;
  • elimination of cellulite, figure correction - at least 10 procedures, on average 15-20;
  • elimination of stretch marks, scars - from 5 procedures;
  • alopecia treatment – ​​7-10 procedures.

The interval between procedures should be several days. Optimally - twice a week, unless otherwise recommended by a cosmetologist.

What is intravenous ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy is a special technique that involves the use of drugs based on a mixture of ozone and oxygen in different ratios. This is the only way to significantly reduce the toxic properties of gas and make it safer for the human body.

Only a specialist can select the correct dosage of ozone in the mixture. The optimal concentration will not destroy cells, but will kill various pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria.

If we talk about intravenous administration, the mixture is made based on a physiological solution of sodium chloride and the patient’s blood. The resulting solution is administered through a dropper. The main thing is that the solution is of high quality, otherwise gas embolism may develop, which often leads to death. An air bubble, if it enters the circulatory system, can clog a vessel and lead to serious, irreversible consequences.

Ozone therapy is usually prescribed in combination with other medical procedures. This makes it possible to quickly deliver the active substances to the cells and enhance the therapeutic effect. Therefore, among doctors this method is considered only as an auxiliary one and is prescribed in rare, individual cases.

How does the procedure work?

Injections are made with a very thin needle directly in the problem area. If necessary, application therapy is used. If the patient has a low pain threshold, it is recommended to take an analgesic an hour before the procedure.

The actual introduction of ozone does not cause pain (contrary to numerous stories on the Internet). We use medical ozone - an ozone-oxygen mixture. After introducing the mixture, the cosmetologist massages the affected area of ​​skin in order to better distribute it. The result begins to appear after the second or third procedure.

Ozone therapy intravenously for health and beauty

Methods based on the use of this gas have been used around the world for over 50 years. Initially, ozone was used to treat purulent, colds, viral diseases, burns, skin lesions, and even to stop bleeding. Subsequently, this method was replaced by more modern drugs, antibiotics.

To date, ozone therapy is used in such branches of medicine as geriatrics, vascular surgery, and dentistry. Even in cosmetology, ozone has found a place and has begun to be used in complex procedures to reduce visible stretch marks and cellulite. Typically a solution of 5% concentration is used, which is administered using a special apparatus in several ways:

  • Injection (subcutaneous or intravenous).
  • Intravenously in combination with other substances.
  • Locally, as part of special creams, mixtures, masks.
  • Through the respiratory tract: sauna with ozone.

It quickly disperses throughout the body, delivering nutrients and water to the cells. It is this property of gas that formed the basis of the method. Let's take a closer look at its essence.


After subcutaneous injections of an ozone-oxygen mixture, there is no rehabilitation as such. Sometimes papules remain on the skin (from injections), swelling and slight hyperemia may occur. All side effects go away quickly. Most patients continue with their planned activities immediately after the procedure.

Some people experience drowsiness, slight dizziness, and weakness. Remember the feeling when you breathe in fresh air filled with ozone after a thunderstorm. It's about the same here. Symptoms of ozone “oversaturation” disappear within a few hours.

The effectiveness of the procedure: before and after results

The opinions of specialists regarding this technique are based on practical experience. There are no definitive tests yet, so all feedback on results is subjective and cannot be taken seriously. Usually they note positive dynamics, but cannot show how such a method will subsequently affect the patient’s health.

Therefore, most doctors consider ozone therapy as an additional method of treatment, but give preference to classical, traditional methods.

The only way to reduce negative risks is to find a good clinic and a competent specialist who can say unequivocally whether the procedure is needed or not. You shouldn’t play with your own health, especially now, when medicine offers a huge number of safe, researched treatment options.

Benefits of ozone therapy at the El. En."

Maximum effect.

Cosmetologists are fluent in all methods of using ozone and recommend the best option (areas of treatment, method of administration), taking into account the severity of the problem and the characteristics of the skin condition in general.

Attentive attitude towards the patient.

We care how you feel and what you want. We have created an atmosphere of comfort and peace - it is easy to relax, enjoy the cosmetologist and communication with the doctor-process.

Cheerfulness and great mood!

It is necessary! You will feel a surge of energy after a few treatments. The secret is in the correct dosage and perfect technique for administering O3. You will like both the condition of your skin and your well-being.


Like many other procedures, ozone therapy has its contraindications. It is important to read this list carefully, as some of these prohibitions may be quite serious. In addition, it is important to consult with your doctor and undergo all required tests before starting the procedure. One of the most common contraindications for use is an allergic reaction to ozone and other components used in ozone therapy. In addition, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, cancer, thrombocytopenia and hyperthyroidism should not undergo the procedure.

Use of ozone intravenously

The most common method of introducing ozone into a patient’s body involves the use of a dropper with an ozonized solution. It is also possible to administer a person’s own blood through an IV, which is previously taken from the body and enriched with ozone. The amount of ozone administered is strictly controlled by a doctor using special equipment, so an overdose in this case is excluded. Ozone therapy normalizes metabolism and restores the body's hormonal levels. Thanks to the increased oxygen content, the work of blood and cells becomes more efficient; the body ceases to experience oxygen “hunger”. In addition, the use of ozone has a beneficial effect on other aspects of the patient’s life: the patient stops feeling chronic loss of energy, stress disappears, immunity and sexual activity are enhanced. Ozone therapy also helps remove toxins and poisons from the body that accumulate in cells for various reasons, be it alcohol consumption, poor nutrition or unfavorable environmental conditions.

The introduction of ozone into the body normalizes the complex chemical processes of processing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, due to which the patient’s general condition improves, and his skin becomes clean and acquires a pleasant appearance.

With ozone therapy, the blood thins and, therefore, circulates better in the vessels. Thanks to this, the transfer of oxygen and nutrients is accelerated, including to the brain. A person feels a surge of vitality, his mood improves, and his mental and physical activity increases.

Ozone therapy is also widely used in the treatment of alcoholism, since ozone accelerates metabolic processes and allows the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol to be processed and removed from the body more quickly. Another advantage of ozone is its strengthening properties: the cells of internal organs, especially the liver, are protected and are not exposed to toxins to the extent that is usually the case when drinking alcohol.

How often to do ozone therapy for weight loss?

Everything will depend on the stage of cellulite and the patient’s body type. The course quantity usually varies from eight to fifteen. It is not recommended to perform it more than twice a week: the skin should have a break to adapt to its new condition. After about the fourth time, both the doctor and the patient can already see the first positive changes.

If all the rules are followed, a good result lasts for about three years. Of course, in order to maintain it, the patient needs not only to take care of her body, but also to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise.

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