Chicken jowl: signs and characteristics of callus, treatment methods

The appearance of dry, keratinized areas of skin on the legs over time leads to painful sensations when walking. One of the most dangerous and unpleasant neoplasms is chicken callus. These benign plantar growths are considered a type of wart, but also have the characteristics of regular corns. To eliminate the risk of further development of skin pathology and learn how to properly treat your feet, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Description of the disease

The formation of a callus most often indicates the activation of papillomavirus in the human body, which is transmitted through household contact or when visiting public places (swimming pools, saunas). Since more than 60% of the world's population are carriers of HPV, both men and women are susceptible to the disease, regardless of age.

Single growths are localized on the forefoot, heels, but in some cases they may be located on the hands or between the toes.

Pressure on the affected area causes pain, which intensifies when walking, limiting movement. Physical discomfort is often aggravated by a feeling of aesthetic discomfort.


Lateral radiographs of the patient's knee help rule out stress fracture, arthritis, and osteochondritis dissecans. MRI is necessary when it is necessary to clarify whether there are other damage to the medial surface of the knee joint. Also, MRI will allow you to do without arthroscopy. The MRI image must be compared with the data obtained as a result of the physical examination. Sinusography (radiography of the sinus after administration of a contrast agent) is the best assistant for making a diagnosis if other imaging methods, including MRI and CT, are not feasible for some reason. Injections of lidocaine/corticosteroids into the bursa area are possible, which will help assess the contribution of this pathology to the overall structure of the pain syndrome of the knee joint.

Rating scales

Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS)

Physical examination

The pes anserine bursa can be palpated at a point slightly above the tibial tuberosity and 3-4 cm medially (about two finger widths).

Palpation of the crow's foot bursa

Examination of hamstrings should be carried out in the supine position. Flex the patient's hip 90° and then extend the knee as far as possible. The degree of knee extension will be an indicator of the length and tone of the hamstrings. If the patient's knee straightens completely, the hamstring is not constrained.

Estimating the length of hamstrings

If bursitis occurs due to sports activities, symptoms can be reproduced by resisting internal rotation and flexion of the knee. In the chronic version in older people, bending or straightening the knee usually does not cause pain.

Main manifestations

The development of a neoplasm occurs in several stages. First, a compaction appears, outwardly similar to an ordinary corn. Due to constant physical pressure on the affected area, the process of keratinization begins in the adjacent tissues, which leads to an increase in the size of the nodule. The formed callus becomes yellowish in color and looks like a convex plaque with clearly defined boundaries. A small depression is visible in the center and processes with black dots at the ends are visible - damaged capillaries. The roots of the wart penetrate quite deeply into the dermis, so treatment of the pathology takes a long time.

The development of chicken gallstones may be accompanied by peeling of the skin, burning sensations and pain.

If left untreated, callus plaques can spread over the entire surface of the foot.

Patient reviews

A plantar wart appeared on my right foot. I immediately started treating her with the drug Celandine. Within a week I got rid of it. During treatment there was a burning sensation, but the doctor said that this was normal. I did not experience any other negative symptoms.

Vadim, 28 years old

Recently I felt discomfort when walking. Having examined the foot, I noticed a growth. I consulted with a surgeon. He prescribed laser removal for me. The procedure was successful, without pain.

Vasily, 39 years old

For chicken butt, the doctor recommended the drug Collomac.
After 3-4 treatments, the root of the wart appeared. Within a week I got rid of it completely. The drug was tolerated well. I did not observe any side effects. Ekaterina, 33 years old

Possible complications

Chicken jowl is not considered a dangerous disease, but it can cause severe physical pain. In the case of injured skin or ulcerative defects, there is a risk of secondary infection, which aggravates the pathological process and provokes the degeneration of a benign formation.

Given this possibility, the patient should seek medical help as early as possible to prevent extensive tissue damage. Callus at an early stage can be treated quickly and successfully, eliminating recurrence of formations. Deep growth into the dermis and a strong increase in size require surgical intervention, which under unfavorable conditions can lead to foot deformation and infection of the body.

To reduce discomfort when walking, a person begins to spare the sore leg and incorrectly distribute the load on the foot. Intentional changes in gait are fraught with the development of lameness, which may remain even after surgical removal of the callus.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The “chicken eye” on the leg appears gradually. At the first stage, the formation is similar to a callus. Dermatologists classify it as a benign variety of warts with viral etiology. Chicken butt callus looks like a growth localized in the dermis. It is difficult to get rid of such a wart.

Modern dermatologists classify the neoplasm as a callus, since the course of the disease worsens under the influence of physical factors. Roots develop, which causes severe pain. Not every infected child or adult develops a callus. The risk group includes people who wear uncomfortable shoes.

The etiological factor for the appearance of jaundice is the human papillomavirus. Some strains of HPV are dangerous because they can cause cancer. Other species are harmless and have been partially studied. Plantar warts appear in individuals infected with HPV types 1, 2, and 4.

Papillomavirus is considered the main cause of the disease. The formation of a build-up is influenced by the following factors:

  • cracks on the soles of the feet;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic vascular disease;
  • weak immunity.

When tissue is damaged, infectious agents enter the body. If the pathology is already developed, the callus will only worsen the course of the pathology. The affected areas are expanding.

Methods for getting rid of calluses

Chicken zhelka is treated both with the help of hardware techniques and medications. Before prescribing appropriate therapy, the doctor must correctly identify the pathology. The characteristic features of a callus (growths, black spots of clogged capillaries) are visible upon visual inspection. To confirm the diagnosis, dermatoscopy is performed, during which the upper keratinized layer of skin is removed with a special device.

Studying the obtained scales is necessary to confirm the presence of HPV in the body. In case of deep tissue damage, ultrasound analysis is prescribed. To exclude malignancy of the wart, an oncological examination of the epidermal cells is performed.

In most cases, patients seek help at an advanced stage of the disease, when the chicken gall needs to be surgically removed.

Surgical excision

Medical intervention using a scalpel is prescribed when the tumor is significant in size and its roots are deep in the dermis. In this case, along with the affected tissues, healthy tissues are also partially affected.

Prescription of medications

Antiviral drugs, ointments and patches (Salipod, Solcoderm, Kolomak, Duofilm) help cure chicken callus on the leg. These products based on lactic, salicylic or nitric acids help soften dead skin cells and reduce pain. 3% oxolinic ointment also has keratolytic properties. Some products (Aldara, Imiquimod) contain substances that destroy papillomavirus cells from the inside and accelerate the death of the growth. Prescription of drugs is also carried out after consultation with a specialist.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can also remove chicken jelly using folk remedies at home. This alternative method will be effective in case of recent callus formation, in the absence of severe pain. The following products help soften dead skin and “dissolve” the growth:

  1. Table or apple cider vinegar: squeeze 1 drop from a pipette onto the affected area for several days. The procedure is performed before bedtime and may cause pain that goes away after a few minutes.
  2. Green onion: cut a piece of the desired size, soak it in vinegar, secure it to the callus with a band-aid, leave overnight. After a few days, the chicken jolka disappears. To speed up tissue healing, it is recommended to wipe the skin on the foot with aloe pulp. This product will also act as an antiseptic.
  3. Potatoes: carefully rub the wart with a piece of raw root vegetable, bandage overnight. In the morning, treat the sore spot with salicylic ointment.
  4. Celandine: freshly squeezed juice is used to get rid of chicken gall. It must be applied carefully so as not to affect healthy tissue and cause burns. To do this, you can stick a patch around the affected area. Treatment with celandine is more effective in combination with applying potato peels with the inside to the skin. Procedures must be alternated every other day.

Crushed propolis, fresh garlic gruel, lemon peel, and dandelion leaf juice are also used as compresses.

If chicken callus occurs in a child, treatment and removal of the wart must be agreed with a doctor. The use of folk remedies increases the risk of burning delicate children's skin.


Anatomy of a crow's foot

The anserine bursa, or crow's foot bursa, is a sac filled with fluid. It secretes synovial fluid to reduce friction between tissues and also serves as a shock absorber for bones, ligaments and muscles. Inflammation of the bursa does not occur suddenly, but develops over a long period of time. Bursitis can also occur in the joints of the shoulder, knee, hip, elbow and thumb.

The pes anserine is the insertion site of the combined tendon of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles on the superomedial portion of the tibia. The three pes anserine tendons are located superficial to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee. The sartorius and gracilis muscles are hip adductors (that is, they bring the thigh toward the median axis of the body). The semitendinosus muscle is part of the hamstring group and is located on the back of the thigh. Together, these three muscles are the flexors and pronators of the knee.

Preventive recommendations

To prevent the appearance of a pathological neoplasm and avoid relapses of the disease, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamin complexes and hardening, follow the principles of proper nutrition, and wear comfortable and high-quality shoes.

A predisposition to foot deformities or existing curvatures require the mandatory use of special devices: orthopedic insoles, orthoses, unloading correctors. It is also necessary to pay attention to foot hygiene, promptly exfoliate keratinized areas, use antiseptic creams in case of skin damage, moisturizers or nourishing agents for excessive dryness of the feet.

Is there any danger?

Let us immediately reassure readers, since chicken ass is not a formation dangerous to health and life - this is a scientifically proven fact and confirmed by various studies.
Sometimes the tumor goes away even on its own without any outside help.

This usually happens when a person improves immunity by available means: hardening, taking vitamins, giving up bad habits, and other simple methods.

However, the unaesthetic nature of this wart is a serious condition for the generation of various complexes in a person regarding his appearance. Women especially suffer, for whom it is important to be beautiful from head to toe.

Such a new formation can lead to the cessation of personal life, problems in this area, and frustration.

In addition, even if the wart is still small, it can grow to a significant size over time, and it is also possible that several other similar warts may form nearby. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a chicken butt as soon as it is noticed.

Although this neoplasm is benign in nature, however, with regular trauma it can degenerate into cancer.

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