What is chicken callus, why and where does callus appear? Symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

The appearance of various calluses in the area of ​​the feet and hands is quite common. But in order to quickly and successfully treat the formation, it must be correctly diagnosed. There can be many reasons, from physical exposure to a virus in the body.

One of the extremely painful formations that occurs in humans is chicken jowl. This callus immediately causes severe discomfort at the site of its appearance, which develops into pain. In addition, the lack of proper treatment can lead to serious consequences.

What is it, what is it called correctly?

Chicken jowl is a painful formation on the arms or legs .
A wart can be round or oval in shape. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is flesh-colored, but over time it acquires a yellow tint. Initially, the surface of the formation is smooth, but over time it becomes noticeably rough. The diameter of the wart can reach 2 cm, and it rises above the skin by about 2–3 mm. A wart differs from other types: in addition to noticeable roughness, black dots appear on its surface.

The disease does not appear just like that. If chicken jellies occur, it means there is human papillomavirus in the body . Many people encounter HPV; most often this virus does not manifest itself in any way, but in some cases it leads to the appearance of painful nodules.

The top layer of the callus consists of dead cells, and its root goes deep into the layers of the dermis. This is one of the reasons for the difficult removal of formations. If you get rid of the top layer without affecting the root deep in the skin, then in almost every such case a relapse occurs.

If such formations are detected, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Chicken jellies are benign formations, but can be dangerous if injured. Damage to a wart poses a risk of developing a malignant neoplasm.

In addition, in the presence of favorable factors for the development of the disease and the absence of adequate treatment, the formations increase in number and size.

What does it look like in the photo?

Below are photos of the disease.

Places of formation - feet, heels, palms, toes and hands

Chicken calluses are classified as palmoplantar calluses . They appear on the surface of the feet or palms. Most often, warts form in the area of ​​​​the bends of the fingers or on the heels.

When calluses appear on the feet, the pain upon impact is felt much stronger. When the disease has already developed, with every step it may seem as if a thorn or splinter is penetrating the site of formation. This is where the name “horny wart” or “thorn” came from.

Due to the unaesthetic appearance of growths on the skin, the callus is usually called “chicken butt” or “chicken jowl”. This type of formation is unlike other warts. When such formations appear on their hands, people try to get rid of them by any means, but doing this on their own, without a doctor’s prescription, is dangerous and can have serious consequences.

Localization of chicken jolka

The chicken ass wart grows on a person’s lower extremities, soles and heels; the growth is localized on the palms, fingers, including the little fingers and between them, the arms. It occurs less frequently on the face.

Unnoticed and treated in time, the growth moves to the nails, if located on the skin near them, destroys their structure.

Reasons for appearance

The direct cause of the appearance of warts on the skin is the human papillomavirus . With strong immunity, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and the person may not be aware of the presence of the virus. If health weakens or irritable factors arise, then the virus makes itself felt with symptoms. The appearance of warts is just one of the ways HPV manifests itself.

Chicken jellies are formed due to:

  • severe decrease in the body's immune function;
  • individual intolerance to the virus;
  • microtrauma of the skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • tight and uncomfortable shoes made of poor quality material;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • exacerbation or occurrence of vascular diseases.

The HPV virus affects more than half of the population, many of them do not even know it. It is easily transmitted; the virus can enter the body:

  • through microscopic cracks and wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • with kisses, handshakes and other tactile contacts;
  • through the use of household items;
  • in public places and transport.

Possible complications

Chicken butts on the foot and any other part of the body is a serious cosmetic defect. It greatly interferes with walking; a person feels pain similar to a splinter or thorn penetration under the skin.

Permanent damage to the growth due to uncomfortable shoes or removing it with pumice poses a risk of developing skin cancer. Despite the fact that the development of oncology due to warts is rare, doctors advise removing them.

Butt-shaped formations cause a person a lot of inconvenience, and they are not easy to cure. Dermatologists advise protecting your skin from such growths by following preventive measures, maintaining hygiene, not using other people’s things, wearing comfortable shoes made of high-quality and natural materials, using insoles for foot problems, and strengthening the body’s protective function.

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Symptoms of the disease

The appearance of warts on the skin caused by papillomavirus has its own characteristics. This is what allows us to distinguish them from other formations:

  • Initially, an inconspicuous small hard nodule appears;
  • over time it increases in size and becomes rough;
  • color changes to yellowish-gray;
  • black dots appear on the surface of the wart;
  • painful sensations occur when pressed;
  • in the absence of treatment, daughter formations appear;
  • the general appearance of the wart is extremely unaesthetic; it noticeably rises above the skin.

If you suspect chicken jelly, you should consult a dermatologist. Accurate diagnosis will allow you to find out the diagnosis and begin treatment in a timely manner.


Signs of papilloma infection include:

  • the appearance of growths and roughness of different sizes with black spots inside, dividing them into mother (large) and daughter (small);
  • pain when walking;
  • gradual increase in wart size;
  • itching and redness of the pathological area.

Early detection of the initial stage of the disease will help prevent its further development and relieve the onset of possible complications.

If the sore is injured, the infection can spread throughout the body.


After contacting a specialist in skin diseases, a study of biological material is carried out - dermoscopy .
To do this, the top layer of dead cells is removed from the surface of the formation. The material is examined under a microscope and using various reagents. The specialist always pays attention to the presence of capillaries in the wart. This criterion allows you to distinguish chicken jowl from an ordinary callus. If the fact of a wart is confirmed, then tests and examinations are prescribed to identify the virus in the body. The doctor also needs to find out the degree of deepening of the root into the dermis in order to choose the most optimal option for removing the wart. For this purpose, an ultrasound examination is performed.

It is recommended to conduct a complete examination of the body . The papillomavirus cannot be treated, but with good immunity it remains dormant and does not bother the carrier in any way. If warts do appear, it means there is a favorable environment for the virus to activate. It is necessary to calculate it and eliminate it in order to avoid a recurrence of the appearance of chicken jellies.

Traditional Treatments

There are several different options for quickly and completely getting rid of warts, corns and growths. In each individual case, the specialist will advise the most effective method.

Surgical intervention

Surgical excision of a wart is prescribed only if the root of the wart has grown too deeply into the dermis layer and has caused serious consequences, such as foot deformity.

  1. Before the operation, a thorough examination of the body is carried out.
  2. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia in a hospital.
  3. The surgeon, using a scalpel, removes all affected tissue areas.
  4. Damaged vessels are restored using coagulation or stitched.
  5. The wound is disinfected and a sterile bandage is applied.

After surgery, regular dressings are required in a hospital setting to avoid infection. Observation lasts several days.

Laser wart removal

This method is the simplest and absolutely safe. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is performed, which completely eliminates discomfort. A special device is used that burns the affected area or evaporates the growth along with the root, it depends on the type of beam.
The advantage of the procedure is that all damaged vessels are immediately sealed, this eliminates the risk of infection, bacteria or bleeding.

The resulting recess must be treated with an antiseptic solution and covered with a sterile bandage. Complete healing occurs within a few days.


This method is only suitable for small formations that have appeared recently. The procedure must be performed by a competent specialist.

Liquid nitrogen is used to remove chicken gall . The procedure includes:

  1. applying the substance to the wart with a special device and pressing for 30 seconds;
  2. destruction of all keratinized cells under the influence of low temperature;
  3. the formation of a bubble with liquid at the site of the callus, under which the tissue is gradually restored;
  4. You cannot puncture the bladder; until it is completely cured, it is treated with healing ointments and an antiseptic.


The procedure is only suitable for the initial stages of wart growth, the root of which is shallow. It is necessary to remove all affected tissue, otherwise a relapse will occur.

Before the procedure, local anesthesia is performed. The upper layers of the skin are treated with a needle electrode, the tissues are heated and burned out. The duration of the operation does not exceed 10 minutes. After the procedure, thin crusts appear on the affected area. If they are rejected on the third day, this indicates successful healing.

Surgical removal

Treatment with medications and folk remedies is effective only in the initial stages. When a patient has many growths and they are large in size, mechanical removal is required. So, how to cure chicken wart physically? Various surgical removal procedures are used for this:

  • Laser treatment. The essence of the procedure is the effect of a laser beam, which is tuned to a certain wavelength, as a result of which the evaporation of pathological cells of the neoplasm is observed. Over time, the destroyed tissue dies and falls away. To get the desired result, one manipulation is enough;
  • Electrocoagulation is used in advanced and severe cases. A special scalpel is used, through which a high-frequency current passes. During the procedure, layer-by-layer excision of the wart occurs;
  • Cryotherapy involves exposure to liquid nitrogen, which freezes the formation. After the manipulation, a small dark blister remains. After a week, it disappears, and healthy tissue is revealed in its place. It is strictly forbidden to break the blister, this will lead to the formation of a scar, and there is also a risk of infection in the open wound;
  • Use of a radiosurgical knife. The advantage of this method is the cauterization of blood vessels during removal. Does not lead to complications, scars and cicatrices do not remain.

It is worth knowing: surgical removal is resorted to in rare cases when the wart is very large. Using a scalpel, it is completely cut out with a small area of ​​adjacent tissue. Wart excision is performed under anesthesia.

Chicken wart is a benign neoplasm, but it is better to entrust the removal of the growth to medical specialists. Home methods do not guarantee a complete cure, unlike modern methods.

Pharmacy products

Using purchased products, you can get rid of a wart only in the initial stages of its appearance. When the root goes deep into the layers of the skin, ointments and patches will not be able to remove all the affected tissue. There are several most popular products for home use:

  1. Salicylic ointment . The site of the wart must be steamed, then applied with ointment and a bandage for 12 hours. After removal, you need to carefully exfoliate the loose skin. The steps can be repeated to completely remove dead skin.
  2. "BioAstin antimozolin" . The cream is rubbed into the affected area several times a day until complete recovery.
  3. Oxolinic ointment . The product is applied three times a day, the last time is best to treat the wart before going to bed, after steaming it.

Chicken jolka patches can help with continuous treatment for two weeks. They are made on the basis of the same acid or salicylic ointment. The product is glued to the affected area of ​​the skin; it is better to secure it on top with a regular band-aid. It needs to be changed every 12 hours.


Acetic acid is also considered a good way to combat papillomas, but it cannot be called gentle. It burns out the growth, and small scars may remain in its place. If you want to fight papillomas on your face, choose a different method. To prevent vinegar burns on the adjacent area of ​​skin, you can make a kind of “stencil”. In a regular patch, cut a hole for the wart.

So, when you apply vinegar to the growth, you will not leave skin burns. The procedure should be done daily at night until complete healing. You can also add a little flour to the vinegar to make a dough-like mass. Such “Velcro” should be glued directly to the papilloma and wait until it dries and falls off.

  • Treatment of scabies at home

How to treat using traditional methods at home?

Eliminating warts using traditional methods requires patience, since treatment usually takes quite a long time. But it will be effective only if there is little education.

  1. Celandine . You need to cut the stem of the plant and carefully squeeze out the juice. Before applying to chicken zholka, the skin around it must be lubricated with zinc ointment or fatty cream, this way you will avoid burns to healthy tissues. If you repeat the procedure 3 times a day, the final result will be achieved in 2-3 weeks.
  2. Propolis . You need to cauterize the wart with an alcohol-based propolis tincture several times a day. The skin around it must be protected from burns using a fat-based ointment or cream.
  3. Garlic is crushed and used in combination with natural honey in equal proportions. The mixture is infused for 3 days in a cool place, after which it is applied to the chicken gill and secured with a bandage or plaster. The dressing is changed every 12 hours.
  4. Place vinegar It is better to perform actions before bedtime. The method is not very popular, as it can cause pain.
  5. Lemon can be used with acetic acid. The peel of one fruit is crushed and poured with 50 ml of 70% vinegar and left for 7 days. Every day the container with the infusion must be shaken. You can use the solution 2-3 times a day, lubricating the wart. Treatment continues until the formation disappears completely.
  6. Using iodine is the simplest and most affordable way to get rid of chicken jellies. It is necessary to treat the affected area several times a day.

It is worth remembering that simply getting rid of a wart is not enough; treatment must be comprehensive. To strengthen the body, specialists prescribe vitamins and drugs to suppress viral infections.


During the period of raging flu, garlic is considered the most effective folk method of protection. This is because garlic is a natural antiviral agent. And warts are nothing more than the result of a virus, which is why they can be destroyed with garlic. This can be done in two ways: garlic juice or special homemade garlic cream. If you are too lazy to prepare the ointment, you can rub the papillomas with a cut clove of garlic in the morning and evening (at night), pressing it to release the juice. After applying it, do not wash your hands. The pungent odor prevents many people from sleeping.

The ointment is prepared as follows: pass the garlic through a crush, mix 1 teaspoon of garlic pulp with a teaspoon of melted pork fat and 4 teaspoons of vinegar. If you apply a wart on the sole, do it at night and wear a thick sock. If you are struggling with papilloma on your finger or hand, you will have to fix it with a bandage.

You can treat calluses with apple cider vinegar

Is the disease dangerous, and what could be the consequences?

The human papillomavirus itself does not pose a danger to the body .
In its presence and associated factors, only unpleasant symptoms of papillomavirus may appear. But the warts themselves can be dangerous to humans. The formations are benign, but if they are damaged there is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. To avoid this, it is necessary to promptly consult a specialist to make a diagnosis and receive competent treatment.

Prevention measures

To avoid infection with the human papillomavirus or the appearance of warts even if it is present in the body, you must follow simple rules:

  • maintain hygiene (all personal items must belong to one person and be disinfected in a timely manner);
  • properly care for the skin of your hands and feet;
  • observe the rules of hygiene in public places and after visiting them;
  • be regularly examined and support the body with vitamin complexes if necessary;
  • choose comfortable and high-quality shoes;
  • regulate excessive sweating of the feet using special zinc-based ointments.

Paying attention to your health and proper attitude to hygiene allows you to avoid not only the appearance of warts, but also many other formations and corns.

Is there any danger?

Let us immediately reassure readers, since chicken ass is not a formation dangerous to health and life - this is a scientifically proven fact and confirmed by various studies.
Sometimes the tumor goes away even on its own without any outside help.

This usually happens when a person improves immunity by available means: hardening, taking vitamins, giving up bad habits, and other simple methods.

However, the unaesthetic nature of this wart is a serious condition for the generation of various complexes in a person regarding his appearance. Women especially suffer, for whom it is important to be beautiful from head to toe.

Such a new formation can lead to the cessation of personal life, problems in this area, and frustration.

In addition, even if the wart is still small, it can grow to a significant size over time, and it is also possible that several other similar warts may form nearby. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a chicken butt as soon as it is noticed.

Although this neoplasm is benign in nature, however, with regular trauma it can degenerate into cancer.

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