Acrochordon (Skin Tag)

What are the causes of acrochordon?

The exact reasons for the appearance of acrochordon are still unknown.

Predisposing factors for its occurrence are considered
  • An irritating factor - since acrochordons often appear in places of mechanical friction (folds, in places of contact with clothing)
  • There is an opinion that acrochordons are an effect of skin aging (as they occur in adulthood)
  • Endocrine disorders - since the incidence of acrochordons increases in pregnant women (high levels of estrogen and progesterone), with acromegaly and diabetes mellitus
  • Human papillomavirus infection - although there are few studies conducted in small observation groups (40-50 cases) that show that half of the patients had HPV type 6/11 DNA detected on biopsy of lesions - it is not believed that acrochordons are associated with human papillomavirus infection.

Histological examination reveals a thinned epidermis over a loose connective tissue stroma.


Acrochordons are small, soft, benign skin growths, often located on a thin base (“pedicle”).

  • Acrochordons are the most common neoplasm of adult skin.
  • Acrochordons are most often harmless, but can cause aesthetic dissatisfaction in the patient.
  • Acrochordons tend to occur on the skin of the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds and under the breasts.
  • One person can have from one to hundreds of acrochordons.
  • Almost every person experiences the appearance of acrochordons during their lifetime.
  • Middle-aged and obese people are most prone to developing acrochordons.
  • Obesity is associated with the appearance of acrochordons.
  • Treatment methods for acrochordons include cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen, laser destruction, and surgical excision.


Acrochordons (syn. fibroepithelial polyp, skin papilloma, soft fibroma) are benign skin neoplasms, flesh-colored, soft consistency, located on a thin base. The size can vary from 2mm to 1cm. They are harmless; one person can have from one to hundreds of acrochordons. Men and women are equally susceptible to their occurrence. Obesity is also associated with the development of acrochordons. Some elements may resolve spontaneously.


The exact cause of acrochordons is unknown.


Acrochordons can occur on almost any part of the skin. However, the most common areas are: the skin of the neck, axillary areas, eyelids, groin folds, buttock folds, and in women, the skin under the mammary glands.


Acrochordons are more common in middle-aged people and tend to become more common before age 60. Children and teenagers are also susceptible to acrochordons, especially in the armpits and neck. Acrochordons are more common in overweight people. Increased hormone levels during pregnancy can lead to the appearance of acrochordons. Acrochordons, as a rule, are not associated with any diseases, but there is a relationship between their appearance and increased levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood.


Acrochordons are generally not cancerous and will not become malignant if left untreated. If skin tumors similar to acrochordons bleed, grow quickly, or change color, you should consult a doctor.


No. There is no convincing evidence that acrochordons are contagious.


As a rule, diagnosing acrochordons is not difficult. However, there are skin neoplasms similar to them. These are dermal nevi (“moles”), fibromas, warts and keratomas. Very rarely, skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma can mimic acrochordons. Sometimes a skin biopsy is used for a more accurate diagnosis.


With the exception of a cosmetic defect, acrochordons usually do not cause complaints from the patient. However, when injured by elements of clothing, they can bleed, be painful, and change color. They can also fall off on their own if the blood flow to the acrochordon is disrupted due to trauma.


As a rule, acrochordons are removed by physical methods, such as cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen, laser destruction, and surgical excision. It is not recommended to remove acrochordons yourself, because... this may pose a risk of developing a secondary infection.


No. Unfortunately, there are no effective methods for preventing acrochordons.

Koval Yu.G.

You can get help information and also sign up for removal by calling: 956-70-86

How does acrochordon proceed?

In general, the acrochordon is a benign neoplasm that is not prone to malignancy (malignancy) and proceeds without complications or harm to health and mainly represents a comedic problem. With trauma (shaving, clothing, jewelry), acrochordons can come off with minor pain and bleeding. No dangerous Complications for injury to the acrochordon have not been described. In some cases, the leg of the element is torsed with its necrosis and death, which also does not threaten health.

Reasons for formation

The reasons for the formation of such growths include HPV, as mentioned earlier. A huge number of people are carriers of this virus. Having penetrated inside the body, the virus begins to spread, but for a long period of time they may not be reflected. Under the influence of many factors, the virus can form on the skin in the form of papillomas. Such factors include internal infections, consumption of junk food, systematic stressful situations - in general, those factors that cause a weakening of the immune system.

The main criteria that cause the development of the virus and the severity of its symptoms include:

  • sexual relationships without contraception, built with different partners,
  • bad habits,
  • weakened immune system,
  • metabolic disorder,
  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • failure to follow basic hygiene rules,
  • heredity - the virus can be transmitted during pregnancy.

Depending on the location, the patient may need the help of a specialist who can prescribe an effective ointment for papillomas . In a situation where pronounced symptoms are not observed, but a person wants to know for sure whether he can transmit the above-mentioned virus, then he needs to contact our medical specialists: immunologists, dermatovenerologists.

What are the signs of acrochordon

Acrochordons are often found in the folds (for example, in the armpits, inguinal folds) of the neck, eyelids. The usual localization is the torso (abdomen, back). Acrochordons have been described in the vulva, scrotum and perianal area. There are several types of acrochordons.

Small acrochordon Presented with papules 1-2 mm in width and height, located mainly on the neck and armpits. The color is often flesh-colored or light brown. The elements are soft to the touch and painless.
Filiform acrochordon

Presented in the form of thread-like formations about 2 mm wide and 5 mm long, they can be located on a thin stalk and “hang” over the surface of the skin. Most often light and dark brown in color. Soft on palpation and painless.

Large acrochordon

Large-sized soft fibroids with a diameter of up to 1 - 2 cm, often with a “warty” surface. They can either fit tightly to the skin or be on a stalk. The color is flesh-colored, yellow, light white and dark brown. In some cases, the surface is compacted (keratinization).

Acrochordon of internal organs

The acrochordons of the larynx, large intestine, and rectum have been described, including “giant” ones up to 15-20 cm in length.

Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) syndrome

A rare autosomal dominant disease caused by a combination of acrochordona and skin tumors (fibrofolliculomas and trichodiscomas) with other neoplasms, especially malignant ones (tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys).


This pathology is not obvious until the growths themselves appear. Until this time, the patient may not even realize that he is infected. As statistics show, today 9/10 people are infected with HPV, so many are wondering how to get rid of papillomas .

Papillomas have the shape of thin nipples. The new growth can be silky or denser, and the color can range from light to black.

The symptoms papillomavirus can vary significantly and are closely related to the type of virus and location.

Development of vulgar papillomas in the form of bumps with a hardened crust. Their diameter is more than one mm, they can connect with each other, forming a wide area of ​​infection. As a rule, they appear in the knee area and on the palms.

Formation of flat papillomas and warts with a soft crust. They have a similar tint to healthy skin, but cause itching and pain.

The formation of small bumps with a glossy coating on the feet is plantar papillomas. During walking, such papillomas cause pain.

papilloma virus treatment

Thread-like papillomas in the eye area, papillomas on the neck and under the armpits in the form of small yellow bumps. Over time, they transform from small cones into long formations.

Formation of papillomas on the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips.

The formation of various red-brown growths on the hands and feet is called Lewandowsky-Lutz papillomas.

These types of bumps develop on the vocal cords, and their development is very dangerous as they can cause speech defects. Increasing in size and quantity, they prevent the free circulation of the air mass, so in this case the question arises of how to remove papilloma .

Papillomas in the vaginal and cervical area in the fairer sex and in the urinary area in the stronger sex.


The treatment plan is drawn up on an individual basis, focusing on the type of human papillomavirus, the degree of development of the pathology and the distinctive characteristics of the patient.

If, during the examination, a virus was detected in a person, the symptoms of which are absent, then the doctor may prescribe preventive treatment using cytostatics. This treatment helps stop the virus for a certain period of time.

If the patient has papillomas, then they can be eliminated. A removed papilloma eliminates unnecessary discomfort and helps a person live a full life. The choice of elimination method depends on the location. The final cost will depend on the method.

Available methods for removing papillomas - skin growths:

  • cryodestruction – exposure to low temperatures and liquid nitrogen,
  • electrocoagulation - the use of electric current of various frequencies,
  • getting rid of papillomas with laser,
  • radioknife - the use of high frequency radioactive waves,
  • surgical intervention.

Let's take a closer look at ways to treat papillomas in the comfort of your own home.

These include:

  • removal using celandine,
  • constant use of tea tree oil,
  • use of aloe vera,
  • systematically rubbing the formations with banana peel.

The use of the above-mentioned medications for papillomas will be effective only for standard types of papillomas. If blood discharge comes out of the formation, there is pain, etc., then there is an urgent need to see a doctor.

how to treat papilloma virus

Diagnosis of papillomas

HPV tests are performed in the clinic. As for indicators in the form of standard genital papillomas on the body , the final and correct diagnosis can be made only after a professional examination by a doctor. But due to the fact that today there are a large number of types of the virus, a specialist may prescribe secondary examinations to confirm the diagnosis, which include:

  • general and biochemical blood test,
  • taking a sample for biopsy,
  • polymerase chain reaction method.

PCR helps:

  • detect the presence of HPV,
  • determine the type of virus,
  • correctly determine the number of viruses,
  • understand whether the pathology develops in acute or chronic form.

papillomavirus test

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