“Probiotics” and “prebiotics” in cosmetics: lessons from cosmetic legislation

Cosmetological properties

Dermatologists usually recommend using special spatulas to remove cream from the jar. This is done to protect the contents of the jar from harmful bacteria that could spoil the product.

But probiotics for the skin are another matter entirely. These are not the bacteria that cause inflammation and other problems. Probiotic cosmetics will help quickly improve the condition of the epidermis and reduce the risk of skin diseases.

The peculiarity of probiotics is that they “displace” pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from affecting the skin. As a result, an additional barrier is created that prevents the harmful effects of microorganisms on tissues.

Cosmetics with probiotics have several other important functions. Such cosmetics help:

  • slow down the process of moisture evaporation from the skin layers;
  • support natural immunity;
  • slow down natural aging;
  • restore the hydrolipid mantle.

Probiotics don't just work externally. They easily penetrate the skin layers, affecting them from the inside. Thanks to this, the skin begins to take care of itself, producing collagen and hyaluronic acid in a timely manner, restoring damage, accelerating the regeneration of new cells.

But do not think that such creams contain live bacteria. They are extremely unstable and die quickly if conditions are unsuitable. Typically, inactive microorganisms, their DNA or cell membranes are added to cosmetics. Products with bacterial lysate have a good effect. These components of the cream allow you to maintain an optimal microbiome on the surface of the skin, thanks to which it remains young and healthy longer.

To avoid mistakes and buy cosmetics that are guaranteed to contain beneficial microorganisms, look for Ferment in the list of components. If next to it there are the words Bifida, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus or Leuconostos, this indicates the presence of probiotics in the composition.

Sarah Chapman Icon Night Smartsome A3 X503 Moisturizer

Anti-aging night cream with peptides, retinol and ceramides. Plus, naturally prebiotics and probiotics. The cream should strengthen the protective barrier, restore the skin and a healthy balance of bacteria.

Where can I buy:

  • at cultbeauty.co.uk
  • at spacenk.com
  • at lookfantastic.com
  • on lookfantastic.ru
  • at beautyexpert.com

Indications for the use of probiotic cosmetics

Is this kind of cosmetics suitable for everyone?

Yes, such creams can be used for daily care, but they are most effective for certain dermatological diseases.

Age-related changes

As you age, your skin becomes more capricious, dries faster, and becomes wrinkled.

Probiotics normalize the surface microbiome and also act from the inside, improving collagen production and preventing dryness. These 2 factors help to minimize the risk of new wrinkles and make existing ones less noticeable.

Moisturizing very dry skin

Sometimes excessive dryness indicates that the surface microbiome has become depleted. The skin is not able to independently moisturize itself and protect itself from negative environmental factors. To restore the microbiome, it is necessary to populate the surface with new bacteria. Probiotic creams help with this.

Protection from the negative impact of external factors

Water, air, and the ecological state of the environment have a particularly strong effect on the epidermis. Negative external factors lead to depletion of the microbiome, and this is a direct path to dermatological problems.

As with very dry skin, the first important thing is to choose the right cream. External hydration is not always enough. It is necessary to first restore the hydrolipid mantle, and then begin treatment. Creams with probiotics help improve the natural protective layer.

Recovery from tanning and sunburn

A well-known folk recipe for a burn is to lubricate the reddened area with sour cream or kefir. They help well precisely because of the probiotics in the composition. Fermented milk products are good at soothing burned areas, relieving redness and pain. Cream with probiotics helps relieve burn symptoms much faster and speed up regeneration.

Problem skin

Dermatitis, rosacea, acne are the result of the action of pathological microorganisms on the skin. Bacteria disrupt the balance of the microbiome, causing inflammation, peeling, and redness. Dermatological studies confirm the effectiveness of probiotics in the treatment of acne, rosacea, and dermatitis. Probiotic components help restore the microbiome and reduce the risk of another relapse. The result will be even better if you use a cream with probiotics simultaneously with drug treatments.

Hair restoration

When the normal microflora on the surface of the head is disrupted, dandruff, itching occurs, and hair stops growing normally. To restore the microbiome, trichologists recommend using cosmetics with probiotics. This will help cleanse the skin and improve its resistance to harmful external factors. The result is rapid hair growth without dandruff. The strands become more moisturized, soft, manageable, the itching disappears, and the head stops getting dirty too quickly.

A beauty blogger tells more about the benefits of probiotics:

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