Everything about boils on the penis: what they look like, why they appear and how to treat them

When rashes or other formations appear on the penis, discomfort occurs.

An unaesthetic appearance causes disturbances in a man’s intimate life.

One of these problems is the appearance of pustular rashes on the genitals.

Let's consider the reasons for the formation of ulcers on the penis.

What causes ulcers on the penis

An abscess on the body is also called a boil.

This rash is characterized by an inflammation process.

It develops most often in the area where hair grows.

Pustules can form at the location of the sebaceous glands or connective tissues.

The cause of the appearance of pustules on the penis is damage to the organ by pathogenic microorganisms.

They provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

The most common causative bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus or white Staphylococcus.

There are several types of pustules on the penis:

  • recurrent
  • single
  • multiple

Recurrent pustules may appear intermittently.

They develop in several stages.

Let's look at each separately.

The first is called infiltration.

At this stage, the formation of a pustular lesion begins.

This is the stage of formation of an abscess.

An element of a rash appears, inside it contains liquid with pus.

Rejection is characterized by opening and draining of pus from the mass.

After all the pus is released, the scarring stage begins.

The wound is healing.

Subsequently, a scar may remain in this place.

It should be noted!

If an abscess appears on the penis, you need to consult a specialist.

Self-medication can cause secondary infection in the wound.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the exact cause of the formation of an abscess on the genital organ.

Most often, the examination reveals several factors.

The following are distinguished:

  • decreased immune system function
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco products
  • presence of microtraumas
  • wearing poor quality, tight underwear
  • poor personal hygiene
  • hormonal imbalances
  • frequent stress
  • lack of vitamins in the body

If the above symptoms are present, pustules may appear on the penis.

Various diseases can also affect the formation of rashes in the intimate area.

Let's talk about them in more detail.


This disease occurs as a result of pseudofollicular and follicular complications. It occurs due to severe male sweating, pressure and friction in the area of ​​​​the diseased neoplasia. Due to this, bacteria enter the formation. It turns red and irritation occurs. Visually, furunculosis on the penis looks like a lump-shaped seal. It can cause itching, pain and discomfort. Then pus appears in it. It can be eliminated through surgery, but it can also resolve on its own.


Symptoms of furunculosis on the penis include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Fever;
  • Pain syndrome of a strong nature;
  • Itching;
  • Strong discomfort, pain.

Ulcers on the penis due to furunculosis

A purulent abscess is called a boil.

It can form on absolutely any part of the body.

The penis is no exception.

External and internal factors have a direct impact on the formation of boils.

External factors:

  • bad ecology;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • genital hair removal;
  • use of linen made from synthetic fabrics;
  • local overheating or hypothermia.

Internal factors:

  • weakened immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus.

The development of a boil occurs in stages.

First, a small lump forms on the penis.

At the first stage, the surface of the formation is hyperemic and has a higher temperature.

This indicates that the sebaceous gland is blocked.

A critical amount of sebum has not yet accumulated in the omentum.

At this stage it is easiest to get rid of the boil.

The second stage is characterized by the formation of a white purulent core inside the boil.

This occurs due to a large accumulation of subcutaneous fat inside.

The head of the boil is located at the end of the rod.

The formation at this stage of development must be opened surgically.

Independent opening of the boil is typical for the third stage.

Separation of purulent contents occurs along the walls of the shaft of the boil itself.

The rod itself remains inside.

To remove it, washes with antiseptic liquids are carried out.

Complications do occur.

One of them is septic damage to the dermis.

It develops when the pathological contents of the boil are separated into the inner layers of the patient’s dermis.

This problem can only be treated surgically.


Preventive measures against boils on the penis and scrotum:

  1. Twice a day and after sex, wash your genitals with Baby Soap or intimate hygiene product.
  2. Follow the rules of skin care after epilation on an intimate area. If you are prone to furunculosis, procedures involving mechanical removal of the hair follicle are contraindicated.
  3. After shaving the genitals, you need to wipe the skin with chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day until the microcracks close. You cannot swim in ponds or visit the sauna on the same day.
  4. Do not abuse sweets, carbohydrate foods, or alcohol.
  5. Identify and eliminate foci of chronic inflammation caused by staphylococcus.
  6. Carry out adequate therapy for diabetes mellitus as one of the provoking factors.
  7. Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics.

Ulcers on the penis due to herpes

Herpes is a common, highly contagious viral disease.

There are many types of virus.

Genital herpes is one of the most common.

The virus is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Oral and anal contact are also factors in the transmission of the disease.

A household method of transmission is also possible.

Small blisters appear on the head of the penis, in the perineum or on the scrotum.

They are filled with liquid.

The process is accompanied by itching.

After some time, the watery blisters begin to burst.

In their place, ulcers form and are covered with scabs.

In some cases, blisters may appear in the urethra.

This disease will be classified as herpetic inflammation of the urethra.

The first symptoms of herpes development can be confused with acute respiratory infections.

The patient is concerned about general lethargy and malaise.

Increased body temperature, discomfort and soreness in muscles and joints are acceptable.

A specific symptom is the formation of watery blisters on the penis. Urination is accompanied by a strong burning sensation.

A prolonged herpes virus infection can affect a man’s potency and reproductive functions!

Abscesses on the penis due to the immunodeficiency virus

HIV may not make itself felt for long periods of time.

Regular testing is very important for early diagnosis of the disease.

Suspicions about the presence of the disease can be caused by a skin rash, the formation of ulcers, and dermatitis.

In the case of HIV, these pathologies are not considered a separate lesion.

They act as opportunistic diseases.

That is why they are very difficult to treat.

The immunodeficiency virus causes skin lesions such as:

  • Fungal infections. Rashes of various types are provoked by massive fungal proliferation.
  • Pyoderma. Caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.
  • Manifested by the formation of ulcers with liquid contents.
  • Spotted rash. The formation of red spots of varying sizes on the skin is characteristic and is caused by vascular disorders.
  • Papular rash. It is characterized by the formation of a cluster of papules of various sizes.

What tests should be taken for an abscess on the penis?

To make the correct diagnosis and select the optimal treatment, you need to contact a dermatovenerologist!

The patient needs to undergo a series of diagnostic tests.

To diagnose furunculosis, fluid is taken from the abscess.

The pathological contents are placed on a nutrient medium where microorganisms can multiply productively.

The specialist identifies the pathogen.

Next, tests are carried out for sensitivity to antibacterial agents.

This will help you decide on a drug for further treatment.

To diagnose herpes, it is necessary to take a smear from the surface of the lesion.

The material is examined for the presence of pathogen DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

The patient's blood serum is examined using the enzyme immunoassay method.

This is done to detect specific IgM and IgG antibodies.

To diagnose infection with the human immunodeficiency virus, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is performed.

Its purpose is to detect antibodies.

Other laboratory tests may be necessary at the discretion of the attending physician.


Only high-quality diagnostics will help you choose the most effective treatment regimen.

Abscesses on the penis with molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum develops as a result of the penetration of a virus.

It appears in the form of pustules on the head of the penis.

The nodules are dense and have depressions in the center.

This disease is transmitted through contact or sexual contact.

This disease does not pose any particular danger.

The incubation period for the appearance of molluscum contagiosum may vary.


From the moment of penetration to the first symptoms it usually takes from two weeks to six months.

At the end of the asymptomatic period, the active stage of the disease begins.

During this period, seals appear on the skin of the penis.

The nodules have a spherical shape.

Their sizes are quite small - up to 10 millimeters.

In rare cases, they can merge and form large plaques up to five centimeters.

Ulcers with molluscum contagiosum are white with a pearlescent tint.

The elements are dense and shiny.

When you press on the abscess, a white pulp will come out.

Formations can be either single or numerous.

Most often, ulcers appear in the groin area and armpit area.

Sometimes found on the stomach and face.

Rarely the mouth, feet and scalp are affected.


When and which doctor to contact: an operating urologist or a surgeon is usually contacted in case of severe inflammation and ripening of the boil, when a purulent papule forms on its surface. If possible, it is better not to wait for pus to appear and to see a doctor immediately if a painful lump appears.

The doctor identifies a boil by its appearance. Usually it can be distinguished from suppurating atheroma, molluscum contagiosum, lipoma and other neoplasms.

What can be confused with

  • Suppurating molluscum contagiosum - https://prntscr.com/y97x56.
  • Folliculitis on the penis – https://prntscr.com/y97yhr.
  • Wen on the scrotum – https://prntscr.com/y980uv.
  • Sebaceous gland – https://prntscr.com/y98plc.
  • Foreskin cyst – https://prntscr.com/y98r8v.
  • Hypertrophied sebaceous gland on the head - https://prntscr.com/y98sp9.

Ulcers on the penis due to scabies

Scabies is a skin disease.

Appears as a result of infection by parasites.

The causative agent of this disease is the scabies mite.

This disease can appear in various parts of the body.

The genitals are no exception.

When scabies appears in the groin area, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies.

This is necessary to accurately diagnose and eliminate the cause of the pathological process.

The first sign of scabies in the groin is severe itching of the skin.

Subsequently, pinpoint rashes form.

They are usually noted at the site of tick penetration.

Most often the glans and foreskin of the penis are affected.

During the active period of the disease, rashes appear on the scrotum and pubis.

A papular rash forms.

Ulcers are localized under the head of the penis.

The most common symptoms of scabies in the groin include:

  • itchy sensations on the skin;
  • small rash;
  • burning sensation in the groin;
  • hyperemia of the skin on the genitals;
  • white stripes are the passages of parasite penetration.

If such symptoms are present, treatment should be started immediately.

Contact dermatitis

This type of disease occurs under the influence of an irritant. These include medications, certain foods, laundry detergents, cosmetics, condoms, underwear, and so on.

With contact dermatitis, the lump looks like a reddish bump, in the area of ​​which there is itching.

This lump is not dangerous if treatment is started on time. If the infection is not eliminated, then a bacterial infection joins the disease.


Symptoms of this disease are:

  • Peeling;
  • Redness;
  • Itching in the lump area;
  • Edema.
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