06/07/2018 I’ll start today’s article with what has already become a classic situation. A man comes to see
Purulent-inflammatory infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are lesions of a certain layer of skin, subcutaneous
Why peeling is needed Features of laser peeling Indications and contraindications Contraindications in this case are as follows
For many centuries, humanity has been trying to unravel the secret of beauty and youth. More and more new ones are coming forward
Zinc ointment is one of the best remedies in the fight against diaper rash, excessive sweating and
Mesotherapy is a cosmetic injection procedure in which amino acids and beneficial minerals are delivered to the skin.
Pustular skin diseases are a large group of pathologies caused by streptococci and staphylococci as a result of weakening
As a rule, people treat pimples that appear on the face as minor cosmetic flaws.
Seborrheic dermatitis is chronic, with periods of improvement and worsening that persist over a period of time.
Warts are a fairly common problem for many people. They occur due to a virus entering the body.