Galvanic facial cleansing: what is it, devices, prices and reviews

Movements are carried out smoothly to prevent impact on the thyroid gland. The intensity of the action gradually increases, and the frequency of electrical impulses decreases to zero.

In order to normalize the acidity of the epidermis, the skin is re-exposed, but with a positively charged electrode.

During the procedure, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which soap foam forms on the face. It is easily washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, the face is cleansed of any remaining liquid, covered with a mask with nourishing ingredients, and moisturized with cream. The session lasts about 30 minutes.

What to do after the procedure

After thoroughly cleansing your face, you should refrain from wearing makeup or using cosmetics for 12 hours. The skin has become more sensitive than it was before.

It is important to protect it from aggressive influences: UV radiation, mechanical pressure, chemical and temperature factors. Even water can have a negative effect on the skin.

To avoid irritating your facial skin, you should avoid the following for 2-3 days:

  • Solarium;
  • Taking water procedures;
  • Beach visits.

To restore the epidermis, it is recommended to use nourishing masks, moisturizers, and cosmetic clay.

Microcurrents (microcurrent therapy): the essence of the method, the effect

Microcurrent procedure is considered one of the most effective and popular among hardware methods of treatment and skin and body care. Just a few years ago, microcurrent therapy was offered exclusively by elite beauty salons: today everyone can afford it.

What is microcurrent therapy? This is a procedure based on the influence of low-frequency current of ultra-low amplitude. Many cosmetologists call microcurrents “skin treatment,” and for good reason. Microcurrent therapy literally rejuvenates the skin, eliminating puffiness, shallow wrinkles, minor imperfections, etc. The essence of the technique is the micro-dosed application of current pulses. The current used during the procedure ranges from 20 to 800 µA. This, in turn, indicates the safety of the technique: after exposure to microcurrents there is no rehabilitation period, the likelihood of complications is close to zero.

The peculiarity of microcurrent therapy is its effect on the deep layers of the skin. Microcurrents affect not only the epithelial layer, but also all soft tissues - the dermis, membrane, subcutaneous fat, muscles and even blood vessels.

During exposure to microcurrents, slight muscle contraction occurs. By determining the movement of electrodes across the skin, the specialist directs the device to treat areas that require treatment or correction. The shape of the electrodes used in this case is not important: the specialist chooses one or the other based solely on his own convenience. Cylinder electrodes are often used, as well as buttons, fork-shaped ones, etc.

The main advantages of using microcurrents:

  1. No age restrictions;
  2. Visible effect after the first procedure;
  3. Long lasting results;
  4. Painless;
  5. Skin safe.

Before conducting microcurrent therapy, it is important to clarify whether there are any contraindications for its implementation, and yes, there are many of them:

  1. Pathologies of internal organs;
  2. Heart diseases;
  3. Tumors of various etiologies;
  4. Metal parts in the body (pins, pacemaker, “golden threads”, etc.);
  5. Viral diseases;
  6. Violations of skin integrity;
  7. Recent chemical peels, Botox injections, etc.

Efficiency – before and after the procedure

In addition to deep cleansing of pores, galvanic facial cleansing is a technique for smoothing out fine wrinkles, giving the skin firmness and elasticity, and improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Galvanotherapy helps eliminate blackheads and refresh the complexion. Improvements are visible after the first session, but it is impossible to completely eliminate skin imperfections at one time. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete a full course of disincrustation.

There are examples when the galvanotherapy procedure does not lead to positive results. After several sessions, the skin still remains oily and dirty. The number of blackheads on the face increases compared to what it was before the procedure. The problem may be caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, so in this case you should seek help from an endocrinologist.

When the procedure is carried out by an inexperienced doctor, violating its technique, the “after” result can cause a terrifying effect. Without following safety rules, there is a risk of skin burns, capillary damage, and bruising.

Problems that disincrustation solves

The formation of acne involves a cascade of sequential metabolic changes in the sebaceous gland and increasing damage to the entire sebaceous glandular apparatus. There are several components to this process:

  • increased sebum production;
  • changes in the properties of sebum, including pH;
  • increased keratinization in the ducts of the sebaceous glands (hyperkeratosis);
  • activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Excessive production of sebum is a consequence of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands that are part of the hair follicle. This activity, in turn, depends on the level of male sex hormones (androgens) in the body. The excess sebum accumulates in the follicle and expands its opening - the pore.

Compatible with other cosmetic procedures

Many people are interested in the question not only of what galvanic facial cleansing is, but also how it interacts with other methods of skin cleansing.

According to cosmetologists, to achieve maximum results, disincrustation can be combined with the following procedures:

  • Manual facial cleansing;
  • Vacuum cleaning of pores;
  • Mechanical, laser peeling;
  • Ultrasonic cleaning.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out galvanotherapy together with chemical peeling. When the procedures interact, there is a high load on the skin, which can cause injuries and serious consequences.


Before the session begins, the patient needs to be familiarized with the sensations that may arise during the procedure. In addition to a slight tingling sensation on the face, there may also be a noticeable metallic taste in the mouth. Therefore, the cosmetologist must select a current strength at which you will not feel any discomfort.

The skin in different areas has different sensitivity. Thus, the skin around the nose and eyelids is most sensitive. If the unpleasant sensations develop into painful ones, you need to tell a specialist about this, who will reduce the current strength.

The cosmetic substance is delivered to the tissue area through the sebaceous and sweat glands. A small part of the drug may enter organs located near the site where electrophoresis is performed. But a large concentration of the substance remains on the problem area of ​​the skin.


Can I do it at home?

Seeking independence from beauty salons and not wanting to spend extra money on procedures, many perform facial cleansing on their own.

Home galvanic therapy is no different from salon therapy, and also includes all stages: from preliminary cleansing of the skin to massage manipulations.

The only thing that is required for this is to buy a device for galvanic facial cleansing and thoroughly study the methodology for performing the procedure. If you are not confident that you can handle the task, then you should not take the risk. Even small mistakes in the deincrustation process can cause serious harm to your skin.

How to treat acne at home?

Azelik gel can be used in the treatment of mild to moderate acne5,9. The drug normalizes keratinization processes and reduces the level of free fatty acids on the skin5. Azelik gel exhibits antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes5. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug can be explained by a decrease in the metabolism of neutrophils and their production of free radical forms of oxygen5.


Reviews about galvanic cleaning

Svetlana: “Oily skin has always caused agony. No matter what cosmetic products I used, I didn’t get any tangible results. And thanks to the unpleasant shine, which I couldn’t get rid of, I acquired complexes that prevented me from living a normal life. A friend told me about galvanic facial cleansing and showed me a video of the procedure. Not hoping for results, I still completed 3 sessions. The effect is amazing: the shine has disappeared, the pores are practically invisible, the skin is noticeably cleared of oil. I was very impressed with the procedure.”

Valeria: “I trust my face only to machine cleaning, but since I don’t like going to salons, I carry out the disincrustation myself. Previously, I was often worried about acne and the consequences that they left behind. But thanks to the procedures, it was possible to overcome the disease, although it took a lot of time. Now I have a clean face, healthy skin color - it’s nice to look at my reflection in the mirror.”

Oksana: “Good procedure. After cleansing, my face really became drier, and stagnant acne spots disappeared. Sometimes the skin still breaks out, but this is due to hormones - it needs to be treated, but there is no time. The only thing I don’t like is the cost of the service; for me, as a student, it is quite high.”

Julia: “I like to visit beauty salons and do various cosmetic procedures. Before this, I always cleansed my skin mechanically and, to be honest, it hurts. When I found out about galvanic cleaning, I decided to do it right away. The technique is painless, and the result is amazing. Acne and acne completely disappear after just a few sessions. In addition, I noticed that my complexion evened out and there were fewer wrinkles. I really liked the procedure – excellent results without pain or side effects.”

Comedones removal

A comedon is an accumulation of sebum, dead cells and microorganisms. Upon contact with air, this conglomerate undergoes oxidation and therefore acquires a dark color. This is how a black dot appears. It can reach approximately 1 mm. in diameter.

Comedones (blackheads) should be removed in a timely manner: in addition to the unaesthetic nature of blackheads, the very presence of a sebaceous plug leads to many unpleasant consequences.

  1. Due to constant stretching, the follicle walls (pores) lose their elasticity. The micromuscles responsible for the tone of the follicle mouth and timely evacuation of sebum atrophy. And we see fatty cysts and rather deep “craters” in the place of former comedones.
  2. The sebaceous plug is a wonderful breeding ground for microorganisms - inflammation that develops into pimples can easily join acne. Inflammations can vary in size and depth. Severe forms of acne are especially common in young men and can result in deep scar defects.
  3. The altered composition of sebum and abnormal acidity (pH) irritate the skin and especially the walls of the follicle. The walls thicken. Sometimes a capsule of dense connective tissue appears around the irritating plug.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Without additional cleaning (ultrasound or manual), it is not possible to achieve complete and high-quality removal of contaminants from the pores. However, this manipulation makes cleansing easier and less traumatic.

Comparative characteristics

Galvanic current Microcurrents
Current source Electricity Weak pulse current, similar to the natural current of the body
Current strength Up to 50 mA 20-800 µA
Peculiarities Acceleration of regeneration processes at the cellular level Excellent lifting effect, increased skin tone, reduced lipid layer
Possibility of using medicinal or cosmetic preparations Yes No
Impact area Big Small
Lymphatic drainage effect No Yes
Safety Possible alkaline burns where the skin comes into contact with the electrodes Safely

Features of electroplating for the face in cosmetology

The face is lubricated with gel, an electric current of 30-80 V, the power of which is 50 mA, is supplied through a special device, penetrating deep. Active and passive electrodes are used. Charged ions appear between them. They move, speeding up your metabolism. The body activates protective functions and begins to restore tissue. Ions, moving in the human body, provoke chemical reactions. In muscles, glands, and fluids there are: proteins with glycogens, colloids with salts, etc. Under the influence of current, molecules disintegrate and charged ions are formed. Skin receptors are irritated, a powerful impulse from the effects of ions activates the central nervous system, harmonizing the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method of treatment is considered gentle and least traumatic. The method has its pros and cons. Let's look at the positive aspects:

  1. The sessions are painless, patients do not experience discomfort.
  2. The skin is not injured, it is impossible to cause any infection.
  3. No surgery is required, and the effect of the current is fast and strong.
  4. There are no side effects or complications.

Let's consider the disadvantages of exposure to galvanic current:

  • to consolidate the result, you need not 1, but at least 2 procedures;
  • the treatment will end and the treated area may turn red.

Indications for galvanization

Galvanization heals the body and rejuvenates it. Indications for use are extensive:

  • the skin looks aging, with weak tone;
  • there are acne scars on the face, various pimples with comedones;
  • dark spots;
  • seborrhea, with acne or rosacea;
  • muscle hypotonia;
  • finer, deeper wrinkles;

There are contraindications. They cannot be neglected.

Are there any contraindications

Not all people tolerate procedures with current. This is a feature of their body. Then, even if the cosmetologist suggests it, you need to refuse galvanization. When the cosmetologist detects a negative reaction, he will stop the treatment. There are various other contraindications:

  • abscesses;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • fever;
  • there are cysts or boils have appeared;
  • tumor or several;
  • eczema;
  • wounds or scratches;
  • blood diseases.

Galvanic current action and efficiency

If galvanization is performed correctly, the effect will be positive:

  • chronic swelling will disappear;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • tissues that are injured will heal faster;
  • tissue cells will receive more oxygen;
  • there will be an analgesic effect;
  • tissue regeneration will accelerate, lymphatic drainage will improve;
  • muscle tissue will not atrophy.

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