Injection therapy ACNE TARDA against the background of age-related skin changes

Mesotherapy is a cosmetic injection procedure in which amino acids and beneficial minerals are delivered to the skin. The introduction of a meso-cocktail allows you to get rid of many aesthetic problems, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and improves blood microcirculation. Mesotherapy is used to combat dry skin, dark circles under the eyes, uneven facial contours and even wrinkles. The procedure is effective in treating acne. Mesotherapy also helps in the fight against local fat deposits - it promotes weight loss, destruction of adipose tissue and improvement of skin condition. A course of mesotherapy can be carried out as an independent measure in the fight against cellulite or as part of a complex therapy.

Meso-cocktail injections are used in the treatment of hair loss. Injections are made into the scalp.

History of the procedure

The procedure was first tested by a doctor from France, Michel Pistor: in 1952, he subcutaneously injected a complex of vitamins into his patient. The effectiveness appeared immediately, Pistor continued his research and found out that the same drug, which is administered to different points of the body and in different doses, will give a different therapeutic effect.

The procedure has changed noticeably by now: now mesotherapy allows you to achieve the desired result - rejuvenation and getting rid of aesthetic defects - which lasts for 1-1.5 years.

How does the procedure work?

Mesotherapy injections include several stages. It all starts with a consultation: the doctor talks to you, finds out what exactly you plan to correct with the help of the procedure, selects the drug and the required dosage.

Then it cleanses your face of traces of cosmetics and impurities, and treats the injection area with an antiseptic. The next stage is the application of topical anesthesia. Thanks to this, mesotherapy does not leave any unpleasant sensations. In front of you, the specialist prints out the individual packaging of the drug and injection, and performs intradermal injections according to the chosen scheme. Then the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic and a soothing cream is applied.

After completing the procedure, Cleo Line staff will tell you how to care for the treated area.

Hydro reserve

The hydroreserve (bio-reinforcement) technique is based on the introduction of special skin boosters under the skin, the main task of which is to restore the water balance of cells, regenerate the structure of the skin, and ensure antioxidant status.

Skinboosters are based on hyaluronic acid, which helps normalize tissue respiration, moisturize the deep layers of the skin, and enhance metabolic processes. The active components present in the preparations have a complex effect188:

  • restore damaged cells;
  • help speed up rehabilitation after aesthetic procedures;
  • optimize work and mitigate the effects of botulinum toxin.

The preparations can be used for any skin type. Skinbooster not only fills subcutaneous voids, but also heals the skin from the inside. It stimulates the long-term production of hyaluronic acid, which in turn has a beneficial effect on problem skin.188

But for hydroreservoir, as for other injection procedures, there are a number of restrictions. The procedure cannot be performed if the following conditions are present:

  • ARVI;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • open wounds, infections in the injection area;

Skinboosters, which are used to create a hydraulic reserve, have high biological compatibility. They are produced biotechnologically, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions to protein components.

Often, preparations for hydro reserves do not require preliminary testing, because they are perceived by the body as a related substance. Due to their high biological compatibility, the active substances do not cause immune or allergic reactions.

Drugs used in the procedure

Our specialists will select the composition of the meso-preparation for you in accordance with the needs of your skin or hair and develop a treatment program to rid you of imperfections in your appearance in a short time. We work only with modern, completely safe drugs from the world's leading manufacturers. All meso-cocktails used in Cleo Line have undergone clinical trials and confirmed their effectiveness. The active ingredients begin to work immediately, and a pronounced cumulative effect is observed.


The procedure involves intradermal injection of therapeutic cocktails into areas affected by acne. The composition of meso cocktails is determined individually. Special preparations normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stop inflammatory processes, activate the protective properties of the skin and increase its resistance to various infections.

Who performs the procedure

In the clinic, mesotherapy injections are performed only by experienced, qualified specialists with specialized education. All doctors who work at Cleo Line have received not only their main specialty. They have also undergone professional retraining in cosmetology, constantly improve their skills, and participate in trainings and master classes. The specialists are assisted by cosmetology nurses who also have the necessary professional knowledge.

The experience and education of each clinic specialist can be found on his personal page.

Recovery period

The recovery period after mesotherapy for facial skin and hair is minimal. The usual precautions are the same as after any other injection procedure:

  • Do not wash your face in the first 8 hours after the procedure; if necessary, it is better to treat your face with an antiseptic (not alcohol!);
  • Avoid cosmetics for 1-2 days;
  • For 2-3 days you need to give up the sauna, steam bath, hot bath and swimming pool;
  • It is better to postpone sports for the same 2-3 days;
  • Within 5-7 days after mesotherapy, you should not visit or carry out aggressive cosmetic procedures - for example, it is better to postpone chemical acid peeling to a later date;
  • You should avoid visiting the solarium for the entire course of mesotherapy.





caliber 30G.

The technique is used for the purpose of uniform distribution and deposition of the drug in the dermis. The needle is inserted at a minimum angle to the surface of the skin to the depth of the cut, which is directed upward. Injections are performed along Langer's lines from the center to the periphery from bottom to top.

Diameter of papules: on the face and neck - 2 mm, in the décolleté area - 3 mm. Distance between injections: on the face - 1.0 cm, on the neck - 1.5 cm, in the décolleté area - 2.0 cm (Fig. 2).

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure has many advantages:

  • Safe composition of the drug;
  • Wide range of indications;
  • Efficiency;
  • Increased skin turgor;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Help in treating acne;
  • Elimination of rosacea;
  • Normalization of sebum production;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Lightening pigment spots;
  • Relief leveling;
  • Stimulation of hair growth on the head;
  • Lasting results;
  • Possibility to combine with other treatment methods.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, and even those are very conditional. These include:

  • Preservation of papules (small lumps) immediately after the procedure - injection marks will disappear within a couple of days;
  • A small number of contraindications.


After the procedure, the oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles and skin creases are smoothed out. The condition of the skin improves: the tone returns, the relief is evened out, the skin literally glows. “Bags” and “dark circles” under the eyes are reduced. Thanks to the activation of internal resources, a positive effect in the treatment of acne is achieved - the number of inflammations and their severity are noticeably reduced. An anti-aging effect is observed. With scalp mesotherapy, hair loss activity is reduced. If mesotherapy is carried out on the body, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, the skin texture is evened out, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced.

To achieve the best effect, mesotherapy is performed in a course. Cleo Line doctors determine the number and frequency of procedures for each patient on an individual basis.



skin treatment in the periorbital area
(Fig. 3)

Technique: “papules”.


caliber 32G.

Injections are made into the skin of the upper and lower fixed eyelids, not reaching 5 mm from the eyelash edge. When performing injections, anatomically dangerous areas should be avoided (the medial part of the lower eyelid is the projection of the exit of the angular artery, the part of the upper fixed eyelid medial to the midpupillary line). The diameter of the papules is no more than 1 mm. The distance between injections is 0.3 cm. Injections are performed in a checkerboard pattern in the direction from the center to the periphery (Fig. 3)



treatment of wrinkles and folds (Fig. 4).




0.3 × 13.0 mm (30G).

The linear technique is performed with the aim of mechanically damaging wrinkles and creases in the skin and creating a drug depot in these areas. HYALRIPAYER® 06 is injected directly under the wrinkle into the dermis at the exit of the needle. This technique is used to treat wrinkles such as nasolabial, labiomental, glabellar, and periauricular. The needle is inserted with the bevel upward at a minimal angle to the skin over its entire length with retrograde delivery of the drug. The needle can contour, but if the injection is performed correctly, it should not show through the skin. The distance between injections is the length of needle insertion. The direction of injection is along wrinkles and folds. The volume of the drug per injection is 0.1 ml (Fig. 4)



treatment of areas with cavity-free inflammatory elements
(Fig. 5)




0.3 × 4.0 mm (30G).

The needle is inserted at an angle of 45° to the skin surface over its entire length. The bevel of the needle is directed downwards. Injections are carried out at a distance of 0.5 cm from the inflammatory element in order to speed up its resolution. The amount of drug per injection is 0.1 ml (Fig. 5)



treatment of areas with stagnant spots, enlarged pores and facial oval
(Fig. 6)


"middle nappage".


0.3 × 4.0 mm (30G).

Used to stimulate regeneration, mainly through microtraumatization and reflex enhancement of blood circulation in the skin.

Injections are performed at a fast pace with a constant supply of the drug at an angle of 30° to the skin surface to the depth of the needle cut. The bevel of the needle is directed upward. The distance between injections is 0.3 cm. The distance between injection lines is 0.5 cm. The lines are arranged in a grid (Fig. 6)


Reviews and opinions of doctors about the procedure

Danilkova Oksana Igorevna

Mesotherapy for me belongs to the category of “favorite” procedures. By introducing certain drugs, be it vitamins, microelements, amino acids, peptides and other biologically active substances, they are precisely targeted to the area where they are now needed. This allows you to work very accurately in the dermis and in the scalp and in places of local fat deposits. Procedures are carried out frequently - once a week and for a long time - at least 7-10 times. But this is the only inconvenience. Many of my patients return to mesotherapy again, which means they like the result!

Belova Elena Andreevna

In my work, I often prescribe mesotherapy for many problems (dry and dull complexion, cellulite, hair loss, pigmentation, scars, stretch marks, rosacea, etc.) and see a clinically pronounced effect from the course of procedures. The composition of the drug for this purpose is determined solely individually, depending on the desired result. I can compare the skin to growing a flower, because it needs watering, care, nutrition, sometimes removing excess leaves, protection from the scorching sun (well, if it’s not a cactus), and the skin of patients often needs the same thing: moisturize, nourish with vitamins and microelements, give antioxidant protection, improve microcirculation. And mesotherapy copes with this task remarkably well.

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