Scars after lower eyelid blepharoplasty
How does healing proceed after blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a lifting of the upper or lower eyelids that can tighten the skin in the eye area,
Tired of condylomas - How to get rid of the problem forever
Traumatologist-orthopedist (adults and children) Bogatov Viktor Borisovich Experience 22 years Highest qualification category. Doctor
Intimate papillomas
How to remove condylomas and papillomas on the labia minora
An urgent problem in modern gynecology, which many girls and young women face, is
Everything about removing spider veins on the face and nose
REMOVAL OF VESSELS PHOTO REMOVAL OF VESSELS Duration of procedure: 5-30 min. Number of procedures: 1-5 Price: from 2
Proper acne treatment: what to put on a pimple to make it go away faster?
Proper acne treatment: what to put on a pimple to make it go away faster?
Acne makes life difficult for most teenagers, but it can affect older people too. Why
Let's find out why blisters appear on the head in the hair and how to get rid of them?
What to do if you find blisters in your hair? With such an unpleasant phenomenon as blisters, it may
The effectiveness of patches against herpes
Compid patch antiherpet maskir N15 (Delta Medica)
There is hardly a disease more unpleasant than a herpes infection. Itchy blisters on the lips, pain,
painful pimple in the ear
We determine the weather by pimples on the ears and other folk signs
Why does a pimple appear? When deciphering signs, one always takes into account the side of the body where the sore appears.
Appearance of the ointment
Ichthyol ointment: instructions for use for abscesses
Ichthyol - antiseptic Ichthyol (or ingammol, or in chemical terminology - ammonium bituminous sulfate
aloe ointment
Aloe liniment (ointment) - beneficial properties and methods of use
For external treatment of damaged or inflamed skin, an aloe-based ointment is recommended. It's powerful
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