TOP 12 homemade face masks for wrinkles after 50 years

After fifty years, the skin reacts to the slightest irritation, wrinkles and cracks appear on it. And she needs more careful care than before. In addition to lines of cosmetic products that support the beauty and healthy appearance of your face, you can also use home methods that are no less effective than professional products. After 50 years, masks should become an integral part of comprehensive care; they will help the skin maintain freshness and elasticity.

  • For oily skin
  • With honey, yolk and aloe
  • Multimasking for combination skin
  • Masks for the skin around the eyes
      With avocado
  • Smoothing based on mashed potatoes
  • Based on yolk and butter
  • Types of anti-aging masks
      Cleansing “Green cottage cheese” with kiwi
  • With oatmeal
  • Starch based
  • Anti-aging herbal
  • "The Mask of Cleopatra"
  • Pull-ups
      Anti-wrinkle with gelatin and olive oil
  • Lanolin anti-wrinkle
  • With yeast and chicken protein
  • Kefir-protein
  • Tonic
      For sagging skin with paraffin
  • With olive oil and almonds
  • Nutritious
      Pear with avocado
  • With clay and avocado
  • Refreshing
  • Cucumber monomask
  • Cucumber-clay
  • Moisturizing
      Yeast with milk
  • Moisturizing with turmeric and honey
  • Signs of skin aging

    The aging of facial skin depends not only on the years lived, but, to a greater extent, on various toxins that enter the body with water, air and food. Constant nervous tension and depression can speed up the natural aging process. Facial skin aging is characterized by the following signs:

    1. Decreased skin elasticity. This weakens its tone and causes sagging and deformation of the face shape.
    2. The appearance of wrinkles. A network of wrinkles appears over the entire surface of the face. Natural expression wrinkles noticeably deepen.
    3. Swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, bags under the eyes.
    4. Change in natural complexion and appearance of age spots. The face takes on an earthy or yellowish tint.

    Women are very sensitive to their appearance, so they themselves notice the shortcomings that appear.

    At an early stage, it is quite difficult to independently detect signs of aging, so starting from the age of 25 you need to regularly visit a cosmetologist and follow his recommendations.

    Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

    The basic reason for the formation of wrinkles around the eyes is the prolonged exposure to UV rays and the resulting photoaging, as well as the functioning of the facial muscles responsible for squinting. Ultraviolet spectrum B (UVB) activates the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing their excess.

    What's happening:

    1. Natural antioxidant systems cannot quickly neutralize many ROS, which causes stress oxidation.
    2. UVB negatively affects the functioning of mitochondria and this further increases oxidation due to ROS directly in the mitochondria. This promotes the activation of matrix metalloproteinases, which destroy collagen in the skin.
    3. Also at this time, the activity of proteolytic enzymes increases, which leads to elastin fragmentation. These and other pathogenetic mechanisms negatively affect the quality of the dermis around the eyes - facial wrinkles and folds are formed.

    Smoking increases the negative effects of matrix metalloproteinases and leads to the earliest formation of crow's feet.

    Environmental pollution plays an important role in this process - microparticles of urban smog accumulate in the skin, including around the eyes, deteriorate the properties of the dermis, and wrinkles form even more actively.

    Features of skin care after 50 years

    At this age, it is very important not only to regularly and carefully take care of your face, but also to adhere to a work and rest regime. To prolong youth, you need to follow the following recommendations:

    • sleep at least 8 hours;
    • regular consumption of vegetables, fruits and seafood;
    • performing facial massage on your own;
    • giving up negative habits;
    • washing with contrasting water;
    • mandatory evening skin cleansing;
    • applying nourishing cream at least twice a day.

    Only if these rules are followed will the use of face masks be truly effective.

    Facial masks prepared at home from environmentally friendly, natural products will give you the following results:

    • reduction in the number of wrinkles;
    • whitening pigment spots;
    • filling the dermis with vitamins and nutrients;
    • fresh and healthy complexion;
    • increasing skin tone and reducing sagging.

    Signs of skin aging that homemade face masks should help treat.

    Operating principle

    Natural components fill the skin with vitamins and microelements, accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and increase the protective functions of the dermis. When metabolic processes are activated, cell regeneration occurs and the epidermis is renewed, which gives a rejuvenating effect.

    Some berries and fruits with a high content of fruit acids have a good lightening effect and allow you to remove age-related pigmentation on the face. Most products allow you to tighten some parts of your face and even out its shape.

    Homemade mask recipes

    Homemade mask recipes use natural ingredients of plant and animal origin, which provide a noticeable positive effect on the fading dermis of the face.

    Tea, rose petals, linseed oil

    A mask made from these components is suitable for women with dry skin. The oil and substances contained in the tea increase skin tone and elasticity, smooth out wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face. 2-3 teaspoons of dry tea leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water, wrapped in a towel and infused for 20 minutes. The tea leaves are mixed with two parts of linseed oil. A few drops of rose oil are added to the composition.

    Beef liver

    An application of raw chicken or beef liver is used by women for general skin rejuvenation. Biologically active substances stimulate cell regeneration. The dermis receives a large amount of nutrients and microelements, which quickly penetrate all layers from the raw product. In a blender you need to grind 100-150 grams of fresh liver. Rub the resulting mass into your face in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Honey and camphor

    A mixture of these components eliminates inflammation, normalizes sebum secretion, evens out the structure and complexion. The mask is indicated for women with oily and problematic skin. For the composition you should not use base camphor oil, but essential oil. Mix 3-4 drops of ether with three tablespoons of honey and apply the mixture to the face.

    Cottage cheese, cream, egg

    A cosmetic product made from cottage cheese, cream and egg yolk is suitable for dry and flaky skin. Instead of cream, you can use milk or kefir. Mix cottage cheese with cream until smooth. Add the egg yolk and beat the mixture with a fork or whisk, then apply to your face for 20-30 minutes.

    Vitamins and minerals contained in egg yolk.

    "Sophia Loren"

    A firming and rejuvenating gelatin-based mask can be used by women with oily, normal and combination skin. Three teaspoons of edible gelatin are poured with milk or kefir. The composition is mixed and placed in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, the mixture is heated in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. You can add a teaspoon of honey and glycerin or vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) to the composition.

    "Madame Pompadour"

    The composition increases the elasticity of the face and helps get rid of wrinkles. Suitable for oily skin. The lemon is grated on a fine grater along with the peel. The mass is filled with 100 grams of alcohol and infused for three days. Then 200 grams of cream and 1 teaspoon of glycerin are added to the mixture. The composition can be used daily.

    With cucumber

    Fresh cucumber is included in many cosmetic products. Its pulp contains many vitamins. An application with cucumber is good for acne, as it reduces inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Finely grated cucumber can be mixed with honey, sour cream, parsley and the resulting mixture can be used in the form of masks 2-3 times a week.

    With paraffin

    This application is used to get rid of forehead wrinkles. Take 8 grams of paraffin, 3 grams of spermaceti and 20 grams of cocoa butter. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath until smooth. Gauze or bandage is soaked in the prepared mixture and applied to the forehead. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. 2-3 masks per month are recommended.

    Butter based

    Butter-based masks can only be used by women with dry skin. This natural product is very effective in preventing premature aging and wrinkles and maintaining a fresh complexion. A tablespoon of natural cream should be mixed with egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and fruit puree. You can use banana, apple, plum or apricot. Apply the mixture to a washed face for 30 minutes. After completing the procedure, wash off the mask with contrast water.

    From medicinal herbs

    The product for all skin types is prepared from medicinal herbs, water and a binder. This composition has a tightening effect on aging dermis. Dry preparations sold in pharmacies are used as biologically active substances. Chamomile, mint, plantain, bearberry and other herbs are used. Dry herbs are ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with a small amount of hot water, where honey or flour is added for thickness.

    From peas

    A cosmetic mask made from peas has good anti-aging properties. It hides age-related changes, relieves inflammation and soothes irritated areas. Applications with peas have a drying effect, so they are suitable for women with oily skin. Peas need to be boiled, mashed to a puree and diluted with warm milk or cream. Apply to the face and décolleté for 30 minutes.

    Lifting mask

    To obtain a tightening effect, yeast-based masks are used. One tablespoon of the product is diluted with warm milk and infused for half an hour. Separately mix a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of linseed oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath and mix with liquid yeast. Apply the warm mixture for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water.

    Fighting deep wrinkles

    Wrinkles in the skin are evidence of aging. They are formed when the synthesis of collagen and elastin substances decreases, and the cellular activity of connective tissue decreases. During a consultation with a dermatologist, you can find out how to care for your skin after 35 years and smooth out deep wrinkles.

    For folds, one cream is not enough, and any woman wants to stay young as long as possible. In this situation, injection techniques are used:

    1. Botulinum therapy (Botox). The substance, a neurotoxin, creates a block in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle tissue, and it stops contracting and the fold disappears.
    2. Contouring. Involves the use of gels, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. They are injected into the deep layers of the dermis, this adds volume, and the fold goes away.
    3. Plasma therapy. Injecting her own blood plasma (in a small amount) under a woman’s skin creates a lifting effect, wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Hardware techniques are an excellent option for those who are afraid of injections or who have contraindications to procedures. They are also effective and safe. Today, thermolifting and laser grinding are used.

    Expected effect of masks

    All homemade masks should be used 2-3 times a week. With regular use, the positive effect is clearly visible. The oval of the face is tightened, and its contour becomes smoother. Wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots are lightened until they completely disappear, and pimples dry out and gradually disappear.

    Results from using homemade face masks.


    Like many girls who take care of their faces, I choose not only purchased products, but also homemade masks. If you choose them correctly, they are no less effective. I have combination skin, so I prefer rice mixtures - they help cleanse and tighten pores, as well as give my face the porcelain smoothness of Japanese beauties. By the way, the mask surprised me with its effectiveness; the result is already after 1 use. I prepare it like this:

    1. I wash about 60 g of rice, add water and leave overnight.
    2. In the morning, I mash the soaked cereal with a fork or in a mortar. To the point of mush. It is better to drain or drink excess water.

    After the rice mask, the skin became more matte

    I apply it for 15 minutes. During this time, the mask dries out and begins to tighten the skin, absorbing everything “extra.” I use it 1-2 times a week. The effect was good even without first cleaning the face with a scrub. Although it seemed impossible to achieve it the first time.


    I've heard a lot about how tomato masks tighten pores. Although I wasn’t specifically looking for a specific recipe, I remember that you need to cover your face with tomato slices (as they do with cucumbers) or mix tomato pulp with oatmeal.

    I decided to try the last method on myself. I prepared and applied the mask, preparing to wait 15 minutes. But after 3, my whole face lit up! It stung unbearably, although my skin is not soft. And she usually withstands different scrubs calmly, because I didn’t expect such an effect at all. I immediately washed off the mixture, but even after washing my face, my face just burned. I smeared it with baby cream and it became a little better. Although the redness subsided only after half an hour... in general, this mask is not for sensitive and irritated skin.


    Bananas are one of my favorite fruits. I prepare a variety of cocktails, desserts and pastries... they also help to maintain beauty. From time to time I make a face mask: I grind a banana with honey and apply it for 15–20 minutes. After using it, your skin immediately becomes like a baby’s.


    Mixtures prepared from natural products have a superficial effect, so it is useless to rely only on them. Lost years, as they say, cannot be returned. As part of comprehensive care, homemade masks slightly, but still slow down skin aging, improving the appearance of the face.

    • Author: woman
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    Rules of manufacture, use and precautions

    When choosing components for a mask, you should focus on your skin type. So, the composition for dry skin should contain moisturizing and oily substances, while oily skin, on the contrary, requires drying ones. It is best to use homemade products from private households rather than store-bought products. Dairy products and eggs must be fresh. It is not recommended to apply cosmetic compositions in the presence of damage, burns and severe inflammation.

    Before applying to the skin, the face should be free of makeup, sweat and dirt. It is very good to use a steam bath after cleaning the dermis.

    The composition should be applied with light movements. The procedure time, depending on the components, varies from 15 to 30 minutes. It is better to perform the procedure in a horizontal position. The mixture should be washed off with warm water, and then a contrast wash should be done alternately with hot and cold water.

    General advice from cosmetologists

    Even the most effective product will not help if it is used incorrectly, so cosmetologists recommend:

    • Be sure to thoroughly clean the skin surface before applying masks;
    • use soft, clean water (filtered or boiled);
    • prepare formulations the quantity of which is sufficient for one application;
    • apply masks along massage lines;
    • avoid the area around the eyes and lips;
    • keep the masks on your face for no more than 25 minutes, since it is during this time that the skin is able to absorb substances applied to its surface;
    • to increase the effectiveness and deep penetration of the active components of the products, steam the skin over herbal decoctions to open the pores as much as possible;
    • rinse off the remnants of masks with initially heated and then cooled water, gently wiping your face with a disposable paper towel;
    • After the procedure, be sure to apply a thin layer of a care product suitable for the type of epidermis.

    Be sure to pre-test each new mask before applying it to your face, placing a small layer on the skin in the area of ​​the inner elbow to avoid an allergic reaction.

    Contraindications and storage of the mask

    Contraindications are individual intolerance to the substances contained in the mask, high temperature caused by infection or inflammation, cancer, as well as a large number of moles or other formations on the face.

    Usually the mask is prepared for one use, but if the product is prepared for several times, it should be stored in the refrigerator. Applications based on dairy products and eggs are not intended for long-term storage.

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