A boil, or boil in common parlance, is a rather dangerous thing.
Opening and draining boils
A boil, or boil in common parlance, is a rather dangerous thing. His self-medication, especially if he appeared in
papilloma has turned black
Papilloma has darkened: reasons, is it dangerous and what to do
Papilloma has turned black - a fairly common complaint that can be heard from patients visiting a dermatologist’s office.
Profession of a dermatologist: what does he do?
Dermatology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases. also in
Rash in a child with chickenpox
Herpes zoster, symptoms and treatment of the disease
What is herpes zoster? Herpes zoster, also called shingles, is
small ball in the scrotum
Ball in the scrotum: causes, symptoms, examination, necessary treatment and doctor’s consultation
Testicles are male reproductive glands located in the scrotum (lat. Scrotum). Their task
Therapy products
The use of Metronidazole in the treatment of demodicosis, instructions for use
How it develops Scientists have confirmed that the likelihood of the disease is not affected by age or gender
Prurigo (prurigo, strophulus)
What is nodular prurigo: clinical picture and the most effective methods of treatment 
General information Prurigo (prurigo) is a chronic disease belonging to the group of neuroallergodermatoses for which
Feline ringworm in humans: signs and treatment methods
Feline lichen in humans requires immediate treatment, which in turn proceeds with maximum
BeautyNot only foam and gel: 12 options for facial soap
The incredible variety of skin care products in stores and beauty salons has led to
THERMAGE: where is the truth, where is the deception! Real review about Thermage
What is thermolifting of the face? Thermolifting is the effect of infrared or radio waves on the skin.
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