THERMAGE: where is the truth, where is the deception! Real review about Thermage

What is thermolifting of the face?

Thermolifting is the effect on the skin of infrared or radio wave rays, which are converted into thermal energy and have a positive effect on the skin.
The procedure is aimed at stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, reducing the depth of wrinkles and enhancing skin lifting and allows achieving results comparable to plastic surgery. Thermolifting improves blood circulation, launches rejuvenation processes, and activates the restoration of collagen fibers. In addition to eliminating age-related changes on the face and body, with the help of thermolifting you can get rid of stretch marks on the stomach and remove the “orange peel” from the buttocks and thighs.

Pros and cons of Thermage

According to reviews from cosmetologists, facial thermage is currently the only hardware technique that can have such a productive effect on the deep layers of the dermis and subcutaneous fat layer. Namely, this is what acts as a framework for the skin. Thermage will also be a real solution for those who want to rejuvenate themselves, but are afraid to resort to plastic surgery. This is especially true for young women from 30 to 40 years old (their age-related changes are not yet so pronounced), for whom such operations are undesirable.

Thermage is optimal for women who have recently had a face lift - to consolidate the results. Plastic surgeon Brian Reedy

However, along with the advantages of facial thermage, there are also disadvantages:

  • there are some contraindications;
  • after the procedure there is a risk of swelling, redness and burns;
  • quite high cost;
  • Although Thermage can be done at home, it is better not to experiment without appropriate experience;
  • the effect does not last forever.

So, before you decide to undergo facial Thermage, you need to weigh the pros and cons. But based on practice, this procedure is considered safe and complications after it are extremely rare.

Types of thermolifting

RF lifting

Radio frequency thermolifting (or RF lifting) is a procedure based on the radio wave method of heating the deep layers of skin under the epidermis. As a result of targeted impact on the most vulnerable areas, thinning of the fat layer occurs, reflex expansion of blood vessels and acceleration of metabolism. But the main effect is the effect on collagen. Stretched collagen fibers are reduced under the influence of RF lifting, due to which the skin becomes firm and elastic again.

RF lifting can be carried out in several modes, depending on the type of device and the settings used:


Monopolar. Uniform development of the selected area at the same depth. It is characterized by high power and correspondingly high exposure temperatures (50-60°C), so it is not suitable for delicate areas.


Bipolar. Switching the polarity allows you to reduce the power and temperature of exposure (up to 45°C). Suitable for delicate areas.


Tripolar. The latest generation of devices with constantly changing polarity. It has the most gentle effect and allows you to quickly work on large areas. Can be used on any skin type and in the most delicate areas, including the area around the eyes.

Idealist cosmetology uses a modern monopolar device Radiosurg made in Germany and a bipolar device Geneo+ from Pollogen made in Israel.

The cost of RF lifting at Idealist cosmetology depends on the area where it is performed. Prices start from 3 thousand rubles – separately for the eye area, neck, and décolleté. The cost of the face + neck + décolleté complex is 8 thousand rubles.


Thermal effects are produced using infrared radiation. The procedure is gentle on the skin and does not cause complications. Thermolifting allows you to correct and tighten the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds and jowls, tighten the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Fractional infrared thermolifting

Fractional means that the maniple does not act as a continuous spot, but in fractions, that is, it is divided into small segments of influence.

The essence of the Thermage method

Diathermy, a method of treating various diseases using alternating electric current of high frequency and strength, has been used in the world since the beginning of the last century. However, scientists came up with the idea of ​​making an instrument of aesthetic medicine from electricity (more precisely, from its combination with ultrasound) relatively recently.

In 1995, plastic surgeon Edward Knowlton (USA), using a radiofrequency scalpel, noticed that the patient’s skin in the area of ​​the incision was noticeably tightened and its structure improved. This remarkable “side effect” formed the basis of the technology of radioultrasonic thermolipolysis. And the well-known name Thermage entered our speech due to the fact that the first procedures were carried out on the equipment of the American company of the same name.

The Thermage procedure uses monopolar radiofrequency energy that penetrates the deep layers of the skin. Exposure to radio frequency waves and thermal energy helps to destroy fatty deposits, restore skin smoothness and elasticity, and even out the relief of the skin. But the main thing is that in addition to a pronounced cosmetic effect, there is also a significant therapeutic effect: the skin activates the production of its own high-quality collagen. This means that the process of tightening the collagen framework and improving skin quality initiated by Thermage is extended for a very long period.

How does thermolifting work? At a given depth in the treated area of ​​skin, the tissue is heated to 60°C. Because collagen fibers are highly conductive, the current reaches the hypodermis level, improving the skin from the inside out. Thermage denatures collagen - existing fibers become denser and lose moisture, creating a “corset effect” - the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out (radio wave lifting of collagen fibers). At the same time, new fibrils are formed, that is, the procedure provides both quick and delayed results of rejuvenation.

Thermage effect : fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less significant, the skin looks and feels tighter, denser and healthier. The contours become more precise.

It should be noted that Thermage treatments can be done on almost any area. In addition to thermage of the face or its individual zones (thermage of the eyelids), there is also thermage of the body - thermage of the neck and décolleté, thermage of the arms, abdomen, thighs, etc.

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2 Exilis in MedicCity

3 Exilis in MedicCity

How is the procedure performed?

Thermolifting of the face is a quick and painless procedure that does not require special preparation. Stages of implementation:


Consultation with a cosmetologist, determination of the thermolifting technique, area of ​​influence, number of sessions.


Skin cleansing.


Applying a special thermal lifting product to the skin. It not only eliminates discomfort, but also increases the efficiency of penetration.


Impact on the skin using a device configured to individually selected parameters. The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.

No recovery required. For the first time after thermolifting, it is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight, visit baths, or open reservoirs.

Question answer

It depends on individual characteristics, emotional state, as well as on what a person eats and what kind of lifestyle he leads. Usually the result lasts for 2-4 years in people under 50 years of age. In older patients, the effect may last less.

The procedure is well tolerated and does not cause pain. A person alternately experiences warmth and a slight chill.

The procedure can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the area being treated.

Patient reviews with before and after photos

Cosmetologists at the Idealista clinic practice only those procedures that give visible results. Positive reviews about thermolifting of the face and body confirm the effectiveness of the technique; the visual result can be assessed from the before and after photos.

“I thought for a long time about which rejuvenation procedure to choose, and in the end I settled on thermolifting. I was satisfied with everything! And the price, and the procedure itself, and its result. The changes are noticeable immediately. The skin became smoother and very beautiful. And over the next month, my appearance only improved; all my friends immediately started asking what I was using. Be sure to try it!”

“For a long time I wanted to correct the contour of my face and remove age-related folds, so I decided to go to a cosmetology clinic. They suggested that I do thermolifting. The price, of course, is not very cheap, but I am completely satisfied with the result. It will be necessary to repeat periodically for the results to be maintained. A good procedure and absolutely painless. Yes, and the recovery is very fast and almost imperceptible. Compared to other procedures, this seems to me the most reliable.”

“With age, unsightly folds have formed on the face. Wrinkles are completely invisible in comparison. I read a lot about thermolifting, so I decided to sign up for this procedure. As a result, it took little time and did not cause any discomfort. After the procedure, the result was noticeable almost immediately. The cost is high, but justified, I think. I will continue to do thermolifting.”

History of the procedure

Radio wave technologies have been used in medicine since the mid-20th century, mainly in the field of surgery . There is even a whole direction identified - radio wave electrosurgery, in which a radio frequency scalpel (as opposed to a classical or laser instrument) effectively “seals” the vessels of dissected tissue and works perfectly in a liquid environment .

The idea of ​​​​creating the Thermage device belongs to a plastic surgeon from the USA, Edward Knowlton, who used a radiofrequency scalpel in his practice. The doctor noticed that the skin in the incision area quickly thickened and tightened . The observation was made more than 20 years ago and formed the basis for the creation of a technique for deep heating of the skin using radiofrequency energy.

The study of the effects of electromagnetic waves on the skin was carried out from 1995 to 2000. Specialists from Thermage Inc. worked on this, and they developed a cosmetology device of the same name . The procedure has taken a strong place in the field of hardware cosmetology and is in great demand, despite its significant cost.

Cosmetologists recommend doing the procedure from the age of 35 . Facial Thermage produces amazing results; to date, the procedure has been performed at least half a million times . Several years ago, Thermage came to Russia. You can undergo the procedure in one of the aesthetic medicine centers or in a multidisciplinary clinic.

We have collected reviews from domestic cosmetologists about the Thermage procedure and invite you to read them.


The Thermage procedure has several advantages:

  • collagen synthesis is activated, while the upper layers of the dermis remain intact;
  • a noticeable lifting effect appears;
  • the result is noticeable after 1 session;
  • The facelift effect lasts from 3 to 5 years;
  • patients do not require a rehabilitation period;
  • the application of the method does not depend on the season and weather conditions.

This type of anti-aging procedure has a minimum of contraindications and can be used by both women and men who have not reached the age threshold of 70 years.

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Side effects and consequences

One of the advantages of the procedure is the almost complete absence of side effects.

However, if the rules of the recovery period are violated or if mistakes are made by the cosmetologist, the following “cons” may be observed:

  • lack of visible result;
  • thermal burns;
  • fibrosis.

The last point is a particularly strong side effect that occurs when fibroblasts overreact to radiation. As a result, connective tissue grows and subcutaneous scars form.

Differences from RF lifting

Facial Thermage is an analogue of RF lifting. Many people think that these are the same thing. Indeed, these techniques are distinguished by a common principle based on the effect of radiofrequency radiation on the dermis. However, there are also significant differences.

First of all, we are talking about the heating temperature of the skin. For Thermage this figure is 60°C, and for RF lifting it is 40°C. Therefore, in the first case there is a greater chance of getting a thermal burn.

You can also note the following differences:

  • the difference in the monopolar frequency of radiation (with Thermage it is more powerful);
  • complete denaturation of collagen during thermolifting and partial denaturation during RF lifting;
  • number of necessary procedures (1 course for Thermage and a course for RF lifting).


The cosmetologist determines the possibility of performing Thermage individually. At the preliminary consultation, the doctor asks many questions about health, lifestyle, and previously performed cosmetic procedures.

It is recommended to answer sincerely. This will help eliminate possible contraindications and minimize the onset of negative consequences.

You will have to completely abandon Thermage if:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, blood.

Manipulations are not performed if there is a pacemaker or implants in the facial area (except for dentures). Exposure is permissible if the skin is completely healthy. Do not perform manipulation during the acute course of any disease. It is advisable to avoid exposure during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How not to run into a fake

On the Internet you can find negative reviews about Thermage due to the fact that people did not feel the promoted anti-aging effect. But perhaps they come from women who have given themselves not natural, but fake Thermage. Now many beauty salons under the auspices of Thermage offer clients radiofrequency treatment of the face or body with a device other than Therma Cool from the manufacturer Thermage. They attract clients with a lower cost of the procedure. As a result of such savings, a person does not get the desired result and is disappointed. And a fake is easy to spot.

Just look at the device carefully - the name should be written on it in large letters. You should also be wary if a specialist suggests doing several sessions. In reality, Thermage is done only once, and again after a year.

Before the thermage procedure in the salon, you should ask the cosmetologist to show the device. If there is no brand name on it, then it is a fake. Dermatologist Karin Litani

HIFU devices in aesthetics

In 2004, preclinical testing of a prototype device for tissue tightening using high-intensity focused ultrasound began. And already in 2007, White et al reported the first successful use of a HIFU device in dermatology.2

In their study, the scientists assessed the effect of high-intensity focused ultrasound on a human cadaver specimen. They first imaged the facial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) using classical ultrasound and then targeted it with HIFU.

High-intensity focused ultrasound was found to create zones of thermal damage in the SMAS of reproducible localization, area and volume. This became the impetus for a closer study of the anti-aging properties of HIFU, which could be used in cosmetology.

In 2009, the American regulator FDA approved an ultrasound HIFU therapy device for eyebrow lifting. A few years later, HIFU was approved for face lifting, neck lifting and other aesthetic indications.

Price per procedure

The price in salons for Thermage treatment of the face and other parts of the body varies depending on several factors. In particular, it is influenced by the region and area of ​​influence. So in Moscow the prices are as follows:

  • eyelids - about 70 thousand rubles;
  • décolleté and face area – 90-150 thousand;
  • buttocks – up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • breast – from 200 to 250 thousand rubles.

A more accurate price should be found directly in the selected salon. Thermage should only be performed in specialized cosmetology centers that have the appropriate certificates. Only in this case can you get a visible rejuvenating effect. Even for women over 50, facial Thermage can be beneficial, reviews say so.

Indications for use

Thermage is considered a less traumatic analogue of plastic surgery for contour skin tightening. Cosmetologists often recommend the technique to those who are afraid of surgery, but want to work on the signs of aging.

Indications for thermage and plastic surgery are identical:

  • the appearance of wrinkles (“mesh”, folds, creases);
  • changes in contours (age-related ptosis, tissue displacement due to excess volume);
  • skin aging (thinning, sagging);
  • uneven terrain (hillocks, depressions, stretch marks).

The procedure helps to achieve noticeable changes in 1 session. The skin becomes thicker and the surface is leveled. The result increases as natural regeneration processes occur. The appearance gets a fresh, toned look.

Important! Thermage is unable to completely eliminate existing problems. With the help of manipulation, their severity is reduced. Wrinkles become less noticeable, the oval is tightened, the skin becomes more youthful.

Preparatory stage. Analyzes and preliminary examination

Like any serious cosmetic procedure, facial thermage has several stages: preparatory, main and restorative.

The preparatory stage begins 2 weeks before the main procedure. It includes a mandatory initial consultation with a cosmetologist, who will assess the condition of the skin and issue a referral for a medical examination. It may include not only a laboratory blood test, but also an additional consultation with a dermatologist if a skin disease is suspected.

Facial thermage - what kind of procedure it is, how it is performed, what contraindications there are and whether it is recommended for the patient - a specialist should give detailed answers to all these questions at the initial consultation.

A week before the thermolifting procedure, the patient should refuse:

  • visits to the solarium and open beaches;

  • eating fatty foods, large amounts of herbs, spices, pickles and preservatives;
  • smoking and alcohol.

Thermage is carried out only if the skin is clean, without pustules, wounds and pimples. Refusal of salt, drinking a large amount of water per day, increasing grain and plant foods in the diet will solve the problem of infectious rashes.

Only after passing all the tests and undergoing the necessary consultations will the cosmetologist set a date for the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thermage is characterized as a highly precise, safe treatment. The procedure is valued for:

  • non-invasive (no incisions or punctures);
  • painlessness (anesthetics are used in exceptional cases);
  • lack of rehabilitation (you won’t have to give up your usual activities);
  • the need for a single exposure to achieve an effect.

Note! The expected result is achieved in most cases. Lack of effect is a rare occurrence.

The disadvantage of the procedure is the long-term achievement of the final result. The high cost of Thermage scares off potential patients. Cosmetologists note that the resulting fibrous frame complicates subsequent work with surgical methods.

What procedures are they often combined with?

The Thermage procedure is often combined with a method called Fraxel. This is laser stimulation of cellular regeneration as a result of which active restoration processes begin in micro areas of the dermis.

Thermolifting is also recommended after:

  • liposuction;

  • abdominoplasty;
  • facelift.

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