Bacterial skin infections
What skin diseases are contagious?
Bacterial skin infections are a large group of diseases initiated by pathogenic bacteria and characterized by damage
Botulinum toxin and pregnancy
Is there life after childbirth? Botulinum toxin and pregnancy. What should a doctor and a patient do?
Recently, the journal Expert Opinion On Drug Safety published an article by gynecologists from Taiwan,
Rapid growth of a mole—up to two centimeters per year—is considered dangerous.
Moles on the head in the hair. Should I worry, is it dangerous? Photo
Nevi (moles) often appear on the scalp, representing benign neoplasms. They arise in
a wart appeared on my lip
Flat warts: features and treatment options
Warts are classified as benign neoplasms. They can appear on various parts of the skin and
Indications for vaccination against human papillomaviruses
Human Papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk (types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59), DNA genotyping [real-time PCR]
Molecular genetic study aimed at identifying the DNA of highly oncogenic human papillomavirus genotypes associated with risk
Pimple on the eyebrow: interpretation of signs for men and women
There are no coincidences in life. Many seemingly insignificant events warn of danger or,
Benefits of olive oil for facial skin
How to preserve beauty and youth with olive oil for facial skin
In ancient times, olive oil was often called “liquid gold.” A distinctive feature is that they receive
salicylic acid in cosmetology
Why is salicylic acid used in cosmetics?
Progress in cosmetology does not stop for a minute. appear on the shelves of stores and pharmacies
Swelling and other complications after contouring
Even the procedure of saturating your lips with hyaluronic acid, carried out in an aesthetic medicine clinic, can have
young girl
“Early” aesthetic cosmetology techniques to combat aging facial skin
Signs of age-related skin changes Premature aging occurs at the age of 23-25 ​​years. Even then you can
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