A woman has signs of fungus between her toes
Fungus between the toes: symptoms, how and what to treat
According to statistics, foot skin fungus, or mycosis, affects every fifth inhabitant of our planet.
Fresh vegetables
Diet for seborrheic dermatitis: what you can and cannot eat
Any dermatitis is a reaction to some external or internal factors. In case of
Man in underwear
Pigment spots in the groin: why do they occur and how to whiten the skin in intimate places?
Pigment spots on intimate places or excessively dark color of the perineum are not the only reason for
Anti-wrinkle patch
Anti-wrinkle patch between eyebrows: how to choose the best one
Every woman sooner or later faces the fact that wrinkles appear on her face. Often
Hoffmann's undermining folliculitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Folliculitis is a common form of staph infection. Sign of pathology - pimples or bumps around the hair
Purulent inflammation in the mammary gland: how to eliminate an abscess
A boil is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding layers of skin. Boil on chest
Solid oil for medical applications
Solidol for psoriasis: medicinal properties, recipes, reviews
The therapeutic effects of solid oil were discovered by Rybakov about seventy years ago. A worker with psoriasis has his hands
skin cream
20 face creams with SPF 50 - list of the best and reviews
Few people think about the fact that the sun's rays can influence us positively,
Furuncle in the groin in women
Furuncle in the groin in men and women: how to get rid of it, how to treat it? Ointment and antibiotics for boils in the groin in men and women
When purulent formations form, a large pimple appears on the skin. Serious health consequences or
Harmless growths or harbingers of cancer? Papillomas on the chest
Author - Sergey Aleksandrovich Tverezovsky, oncologist surgeon, mammologist, oncodermatologist, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. Intraductal
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