Solidol for psoriasis: medicinal properties, recipes, reviews

The therapeutic effects of solid oil were discovered by Rybakov about seventy years ago. A worker with psoriasis did not have this disease on his hands, since he was in contact with this substance all the time. Currently, solid oil is actively included in medicinal ointments, and is also added to homemade preparations for psoriasis. Rybakov created an ointment that is still used today due to its high effectiveness.

The composition of solid oil varies; it determines the type of substance. Different types are used to treat psoriasis, but the most recommended is medical. It is used on various areas of the skin and body - nail plates, hands, feet, even in the hair area. Patients choose Solidol because it has a low price, high availability and safety. The product effectively relieves the symptoms of the disease.

The effect of solid oil on psoriasis

Solidol is a thick, dark-colored product. The medicine contains the following components:

  • Soap ingredients.
  • Alkali.
  • Fatty acid.

These components are thickeners for grease. The selected component in the product depends on its characteristics and type. There are two types of solid oil: technical and medical. The first, in turn, also has subspecies:

  • Synthetic - obtained by adding synthetic components to ordinary solid oil.
  • Fatty. The basis of this subspecies are vegetable oils.

Medical solid oil undergoes additional processing. It is used in drug formulations. The choice of this type is considered the best, since it contains fewer harmful substances that can harm the body. But finding it in pharmacies will be very difficult, so many people use technical solid oil. It can be bought at special enterprises or ordered.

Solidol is aimed at treating the following localization of psoriasis:

  • Nails.
  • Hairline.
  • Limbs, body.

The product has gained appreciation due to its low cost, effectiveness, and availability. Compared to corticosteroids, which have many contraindications and side effects, this drug has a low health risk.

Using grease, you can achieve the following results:

  • Thanks to the high absorption of solid oil, useful components reach hard-to-reach areas and effectively act on them, softening the skin and reducing the affected area.
  • Eliminates the symptoms of the disease, that is, reduces the severity of itching and dry skin.
  • Relieves inflammatory processes on the epidermis.
  • Regenerates the skin, and in case of psoriasis, restores the structure of the nail plates.
  • Treats the skin from the inside, relieves swelling.
  • Destroys bacteria and disinfects the dermis.
  • It permanently consolidates the result and delays relapses for a long time.

Psoriasis is treated both with ready-made medications containing solidol, and with those created at home; they are smeared on the skin in the same way as regular ones.

Application area

The scope of application of solid oil is determined by the properties, advantages and disadvantages that we discussed above. Solid oil is not recommended for lubricating components and mechanisms that are exposed to high temperatures. However, it works great in wet conditions.


Solid oil is used when servicing cars to lubricate unloaded and lightly loaded sliding friction units - door hinges and locks, latches, trunk and hood locks, locking mechanisms, window lift units, pedal bushings, seat slides, levers (for example, hand brake).

In domestic cars of early modifications, for example, GAZ-21, GAZ-24, it was necessary to frequently lubricate the front suspension joints. Maintenance was carried out by spraying with grease.

Solid oil is practically not used on modern cars, since it is incompatible with plastic and rubber materials, which are widely used in vehicle components.

Mechanical and power tools

Solid oil is effective as a lubricant for many mechanical and electrical tools. You just need to remember the low threshold of upper operating temperatures and do not use the composition in high-speed mechanisms that can become very hot.

Thus, it is not recommended to put lubricant in the gearbox of an angle grinder or drill. At the same time, solid oil is quite suitable for lubricating hand-held mechanical tools and low-speed drives, for example, winches, hoists, and vices.


In industry, solid oil has found wide application in various equipment units. It is used not only as a lubricant, but also as a preservative.

The grease is used to lubricate gate hinges, locks, and various mechanisms located in the open air.

Belt conveyors, conveyor lines, lifting mechanisms, hinges, hydraulic rods, bearing surfaces of rotary devices, gears and low-speed bearings of large diameters, powerful chain drives, units equipped with grease nipples are mostly still serviced with affordable, effective and cheap solid oil.

This composition has excellent preservative properties and reliably protects metal working tools, machines and mechanisms from corrosion. It is especially in demand for protection during storage of parts made of high-speed steels.

Country applications

In dacha conditions, solid oil also turns out to be extremely useful. It is used to lubricate garden mechanisms, wheel axles of garden carts, pumps, and working tools.

Parts and tools treated with this lubricant are stored for years and decades under conditions of exposure to moisture over a wide temperature range.

Another unusual use of the composition is as a garden varnish. It is used to lubricate fresh cuts of trees and shrubs, preventing their diseases and damage.


Many people have heard about the use of solid oil to treat various human diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that for these purposes the composition used is not the one that is used to lubricate various mechanisms.

Medical grease has almost the same composition and is prepared using similar technologies from natural fatty acids, but, unlike conventional lubricant, it is then thoroughly cleaned. Purified solid oil is used to heal wounds, ulcers, abscesses, and treat psoriasis.

Currently, the industry produces a huge number of greases of various compositions, purposes, and areas of application. In terms of performance properties and characteristics, they are much superior to Solidol. However, due to its minimal cost and its versatility, this legendary lubricant is still in demand and is produced by numerous manufacturers in huge quantities.

Solidol for psoriasis. Contraindications

Solid oil has few toxic substances in its composition. Thanks to this fact, solid oil has no contraindications; it very rarely causes allergies.

If the patient has an intolerance to the components in the composition, an allergic reaction to various oils and acids, then it is contraindicated.

It is not recommended to use solidol for the treatment of psoriasis for pregnant and lactating women. If this is necessary, then only under the supervision of a specialist. During therapy you should not drink alcohol; it is recommended to follow a special diet that limits fats in your diet.

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Precautionary measures

Precautions when using grease:

  • Patients who have individual intolerance should use medications with caution.
  • During the period of treatment, you must exclude fatty, spicy foods from your diet, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to test for drug tolerance (this was described above). If there is no itching, you can safely begin to treat psoriasis with these drugs.

Methods for treating psoriasis with solidol

During the treatment of psoriasis, special recommendations must be followed that will increase the effectiveness of solidol. This will prolong the effect for a long time and allow you to relieve symptoms faster.

  • A product based on grease should have an effect on the skin for ten hours; for this, it will be convenient to use the medicine before going to bed, wrapping the affected areas with cling film to avoid the appearance of greasy stains on the bed linen.
  • Use the product regularly, every day.
  • Cleanse the body. Sodium thiosulfate is used for this. It is also recommended to follow a special diet and not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • After the procedure, wash the skin with soap and water, use a moisturizing and nourishing cream. You need to use grease for at least two weeks. The first results will appear within a few days, the duration of treatment is on average one and a half months, the effect of the medicine remains for a long time.

More than five hundred medications can be found in pharmacies containing solid oil. They are produced in various forms:

  • Creams.
  • Ointments.
  • Gels.
  • Lotions.
  • Spray.

You can make the product at home. Some people use solid oil in its pure form.

Litol - description, characteristics and applicability.

Litol grease was developed in the Soviet Union in the 70-80s of the 20th century as a material that, over time, is intended to completely replace grease.

Mineral oil thickened with lithium soaps of stearic acids is used as a lithol base. This thickener made it possible to expand the range of operating temperatures - the lubricant works perfectly up to +120...+130 °C.

The most famous and versatile material from the series is Litol-24. The additives this composition contains prevent the process of accelerated oxidation of the lubricant. The consistency, load-bearing capacity, water-repellent properties and many other characteristics of the material turned out to be sufficient for its use in most components of modern mechanisms.

Currently, Litol is perhaps the most universal and multifunctional lubricant for mechanisms operating under normal operating conditions.

List of the most popular grease-based ointments.

The distinctive properties of solid oil ointments are that they have a natural composition and have a healing effect on psoriasis no less effective than hormonal ointments, but they have a fairly high price - on average 500-900 rubles. They rarely cause side effects; in most cases, side effects appear due to the influence of the other components in the ointment, and not the grease.

List of ointments for psoriasis based on grease:

  • Ungvetol is an ointment containing TNT. Destroys microbes, stops the development and reproduction of pathological cells. Consists of fatty grease and other natural ingredients. According to reviews from patients and specialists, the product effectively relieves the symptoms of the disease and prolongs remission.
  • Magnispor. The remedy very quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease. The composition contains herbal extracts, various parts of plants, oils, as well as fatty grease. This drug is most effective against rashes on the epidermis.
  • Antispor. The medicine contains herbal extracts, linseed oil, petroleum jelly and fatty grease. Treats psoriasis during relapses, when swelling appears. The average duration of therapy is 30-60 days.
  • Solid oil ointment. This remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. This drug was developed on the basis of solid oil, baby cream, celandine, calendula, and aloe.
  • Kartalin. Kartalin ointment is very effective against many skin diseases, as it quickly and efficiently relieves symptoms such as itching, redness, and peeling. Its composition includes various herbs, honey, fatty grease.

average cost

NameRelease formAverage cost, Russian rubles
CytopsorOintment, 200 gr180-240
PsoriumCream, 65 ml150-210
PsorilamCream-balm, 75 ml120-180
PsoricremCream, 100 gr400-500
MagnipsorCream, 120 gr
Cream, 200 gr
AntipsoriasisCream, 50 ml450-580
KartalinCream, 100 ml900-1100

Treatment of psoriasis with solid oil (folk recipes)

At home, psoriasis is treated both with solid oil in its pure form and by making ointments based on solid oil. Various components increase the effect of such products. The following recipes should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Solidol for psoriasis recipe with honey

Honey and grease are the main components of many ointments for psoriasis.

There are several ways to make such ointments at home:

  • Mix solid oil, egg white and honey. You need to take a little grease. This remedy is used twice a day. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use celandine flowers.
  • Solid oil, honey, and baby cream are mixed. You can buy sulfur powder at the pharmacy; this component is also effective in treating skin diseases. It can be used in this recipe. The ointment should be used twice a day.

Recipe for solidol with sulfur for psoriasis

Sulfur, as mentioned above, is a very useful ingredient in healing ointments:

There are the following recipes for preparing solidol-sulfur ointment:

  • Mix solid oil, sulfur powder, two egg whites, chestnut ash and rosehip branches. This ointment is very effective against redness and rashes on the skin.
  • A more complex recipe includes grease, honey, onion and garlic juice, sulfur, protein, rose hips. Mix everything and apply the resulting product to the affected areas overnight. The advantage of this product is that it can be prepared in advance in sufficient quantity and stored in a cool place, in the refrigerator.

Recipe for solid oil with elecampane

Elecampane is a medicinal herb, included in ointments for psoriasis. Medicine with elecampane can be made at home, for this you need:

  • Boil the roots of elecampane in a water bath for half an hour, mix with solid oil, achieve a creamy ointment texture. Apply to affected areas for an hour, then wash off the ointment with plenty of soap and water.

Recipe with Eleutrococcus

Eleutrococcus is a widespread medicinal plant. To prepare an ointment based on it, you need to mix grease, natural vegetable oil, Eleutrococcus, honey, white egg and wax. Steam to achieve a homogeneous structure. Leave to cool for several hours and apply to affected areas.

Expected effects

Effective treatment produces the following results:

  • the patient gets rid of itching, peeling and burning;
  • the inflammatory process in the affected areas gradually decreases and then completely disappears;
  • the area of ​​affected areas is reduced;
  • plaques heal and the appearance of new ones stops;
  • the product penetrates deep into the skin and softens keratinized areas;
  • the damaged tissues are restored, they are actively regenerated;
  • a full course of treatment helps to achieve long-term remission.

Reviews about the treatment of psoriasis with solidol

Reviews on forums about grease (fatty and medical types) for psoriasis are always positive, most patients note the positive effect of the product.

Irina, 48 years old, Voronezh

I got psoriasis by inheritance, inherited from my dad. Both he and I are treated with solid oil, only dad uses it in its pure form, and I buy medicines containing it. I used Ungvetol and Solidol ointment. Symptoms during relapse disappear quickly enough, complications of the disease are not observed. We don’t want to use hormonal ointments.

Alina, 43 years old, Moscow

I made an ointment for psoriasis with my own hands, with Eleutrococcus. For me, this is the most convenient method of using solid oil, and the effect, it seemed to me, has become greater. Symptoms go away quickly, remission lasts a very long time. What else do you need for a good product?

Causes of the disease

Psoriasis occurs due to dysfunction of the epidermis, which normally should be renewed once a month. With scaly lichen, this happens faster; the skin tries to rejuvenate in a maximum of 4 days. The reason for the accelerated process is the inflammatory process. This provokes new and unformed cells to come out, which leads to deterioration of the outer layer and scaliness. The process constantly accompanies a person with periodic remissions and exacerbations. At night, the patient unconsciously scratches the affected areas.

Factors influencing the occurrence of the disease are:

  • disruption of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • heredity;
  • past illnesses;
  • bad ecology;
  • stress, mental stress.

The above circumstances are not the cause of the disease; they only provoke the occurrence of psoriasis, but do not affect the deterioration of well-being. The discomfort is caused by itching and the appearance of the skin. It is most difficult for the patient emotionally, because he has to experience negative attitudes and unpleasant looks from other people. The unattractive appearance prompts you to look for remedies that will help cure psoriasis.

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