Remove a mole at home
Is it possible to remove moles and other skin growths?
Despite the fact that moles are benign neoplasms, sometimes it is necessary to remove them.
Modern ideas about psoriasis and methods of its treatment
July 29, 2020 Vulgar psoriasis is also called simple, ordinary. This is the most common form of the disease
Bruises after lip augmentation
Biorevitalization for lips (moisturizing, shine, filling) BioReVitaLips
Biorevitalization of lips Biorevitalization of lips is the newest procedure that is definitely worth paying attention to. Cosmetologists
Exostosis of toes.jpg
A lump has appeared on my finger and it hurts
Exostosis of the finger is a rare and not serious disease, but it can significantly
Fat hernia
Why do hernias appear under the eyes and is it possible to get rid of them without surgery?
Those who do not follow a sleep schedule, abuse alcohol and do not eat a healthy diet,
CT diagnosis of vertebral hemangiomas and their differences from metastases
Any deviations from the norm in newborns instill panic and fear in new parents. Hemangioma,
Types of dermatitis, causes and general symptoms
Itching, the most common dermatological complaint, is characterized by an unpleasant sensation with a continuous need to
Salon treatments for scars after chickenpox
Colorless and transparent ointments, gels, solutions for chickenpox
Chickenpox - in common parlance, chickenpox is considered more of a childhood rather than an adult disease that requires
Benefits of the substance for the body
Nicotinic acid: how a simple drug from the pharmacy will help hair and skin
Nicotinic acid, which can be found in almost every pharmacy, is also known as vitamin PP,
Features of nevi
Mole on the penis: causes, possible diseases, dangerous or not
01/18/2019 Introduction from D.S.: the article may seem a bit dry and boring if your work is not related to
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