Botulinum toxin comparison: pros and cons
Korean answer to Botox: 6 facts about the new drug Botulax
Injections of botulinum toxin under the skin are a popular cosmetic procedure that allows you to smooth out wrinkles without surgery.
Fungus in the groin in women: causes of the disease and methods of effective treatment
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What is a chemical facial peel? Cells of the outer layer of skin (epidermis) are capable of renewing themselves,
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Facial muscle lift as a modern way of rejuvenation
External attractiveness and the search for ways to preserve youth are among the interests of any woman. Bad
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So, according to the results, we see that in 41% of respondents, ointments with solid oil caused remission from
Photo: Plantar wart
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Photo: Spine on the foot (plantar wart) Sensation of a foreign body in the skin of the foot, pain and
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Definition of the drug Miramistin is a broad-spectrum antiseptic medicine used in medicine and cosmetology,
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Treatment and prevention of urticaria: 8 questions for a dermatologist
Antihistamines in the treatment of urticaria Urticaria is clinically characterized by the appearance of itchy urticarial rashes on the skin.
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Every year the demand for injection cosmetology, without surgical intervention, is growing more and more. Through such
How to get rid of scars after chickenpox in children
Scars can hardly be called decoration. And often they are an unpleasant reminder of past experiences.
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