Plasma skin rejuvenation Plasma Jet (plasmajet)

The skin is the first to begin to show a woman’s age, so when the first wrinkles appear, the fair sex begins to fight the signs of aging in every way possible. Surgical methods are considered the most effective, but they have many contraindications, side effects and require long recovery. Modern hardware methods of getting rid of skin defects are no less effective, but they have much fewer disadvantages. One of the newest techniques used in cosmetology practice is called Plasmajet, or plasma rejuvenation.

Plasmajet - plasma rejuvenation!

A little history

Plasmajet technology was developed by Russian scientist Nikolai Suslov, who was involved in the development of revolutionary rejuvenation techniques. In the 80s of the last century, he created a device called “Plazon”, which was used to treat poorly healing skin lesions. Subsequently, he moved to the UK and continued developments in the field of medicine, and in 1993 received a patent for the manufacture and widespread use of a device that made it possible to use plasma temperature as efficiently as possible during medical procedures.

Plasmajet technology was developed by a Russian scientist

After improving the development, a system called Plasmajet appeared, designed for laparoscopic (bloodless) interventions. In 2008, he was awarded the title “Innovation of the Year,” and based on the device, the Plasmajet Derma device was created, which is successfully used to correct signs of aging, acne and other skin defects.

What is the difference between laser treatment and plasma treatment?

Operating principle

The operation of the device is based on plasma energy, which is formed when argon is heated to high temperatures. It affects the epidermis in three directions:

  • light waves penetrate into the deep layers of the skin without disturbing its integrity and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • the area treated with plasma is heated to 40 degrees without burns or damage to the skin, which stimulates collagen production and metabolic processes in tissues;
  • ions formed when the plasma is heated clean the deep layers of the epidermis no less effectively than laser peeling, but without damaging the skin.

How does plasma energy work?

Using the Plasmajet method allows you to slow down age-related changes and eliminate the first signs of aging. The surface of the skin is smoothed and tightened, acne, blackheads and inflammatory changes disappear, and the complexion becomes healthy. The full effect of the procedure appears after three months - studies have shown that wrinkles are reduced by 40%, and the appearance of the face improves by 70%.

Important! Plasma rejuvenation can only be used for mild skin defects. The method is ineffective for deep wrinkles, large age spots and severe sagging skin.

Rosacea therapy using the Plasmajet technique

How Plasma Pen Really Works

Let's figure out what power the Plasma Pencil has, to what depth the heat travels and how this affects the result:

  • This is a low-power device that runs on a battery. The output voltage from the built-in batteries is 12 V.
  • The beam passes up to 0.06 mm in depth. It burns holes in the stratum corneum and possibly in the granular layer of the skin. The impulse does not reach the basal layer. The heat is then diffusely dissipated.
  • Each point is burned out manually. The instructions say: “Try to make the distance between the points about 0.5 mm.”

The technical characteristics of a medical device must indicate the power, pulse duration, depth of penetration into tissue, and point diameter. There is no such information in the instructions for the Plasma Pen. This means the impact is unpredictable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Developers and researchers claim that Plasmajet is an innovative technique that has a number of advantages over other anti-aging procedures:

  • affects all layers of the dermis;
  • does not cause pain or damage to the skin;
  • does not contribute to the progression of malignant neoplasms;
  • stimulates collagen production and the formation of new cells;
  • has an antiseptic effect, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and fungi;
  • is not addictive;
  • has a long-lasting effect.

The Plasmajet technique has a number of advantages

The disadvantages include the fact that Plasmajet technology is effective only for unexpressed skin defects and has a considerable number of contraindications. In addition, it belongs to innovative techniques, so it is not available in all beauty salons and is quite expensive. Some women who have tried this method of rejuvenation on themselves note that, compared to laser treatment, the effect of plasma rejuvenation is quite weak.

Facial treatment – ​​Jett Plasma Lift Medical

Advantages of Plasma Liner

This procedure has its advantages:

  • Allows you to tighten tissues and rejuvenate the skin. The effect is very noticeable;
  • Can be used in different situations.
  • Goes well with additional methods used for rejuvenation.
  • The recovery process takes a maximum of 7 days.
  • After the manipulation there are no bruises or burns.
  • The result is noted after the first procedure and increases over the course of six months.
  • The procedure is quite simple, Plasma Liner is very easy to use.
  • The procedure takes up to 30 minutes.
  • There are no side effects.
  • It is possible to remove a skin flap that is superfluous.
  • Can be used more than once until the desired result is achieved.
  • The organs of vision and the human body remain completely safe during the procedure; there are no risks.
  • It costs less than other types of plastic surgery.


The effect of plasma on the skin allows you to solve the following cosmetic problems:

  • rashes of a dermatological and neurological nature (psoriasis, acne, acne);
  • sagging, premature aging and sagging skin;

Skin aging is one of the problems that the procedure will help to cope with.

  • fine wrinkles, including in the eye area;
  • “fatigue” of the skin (dryness, sallow color, lack of blush);
  • drooping upper eyelids;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • spider veins;
  • benign neoplasms on the skin (warts, papillomas);
  • scars, scars;
  • bad tattoo.

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo

The procedure can be performed both on the face and on other parts of the body for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It is usually recommended for women over 30 years of age, but if there are premature signs of aging, it can be done earlier.

Attention! Before using Plasmajet for skin rashes along with the correction of skin defects, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology.

Plasma facial rejuvenation


Name of procedure Number of pulses Cost, rub.
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure (up to 1.0 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 200 imp 7 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 300 imp 9 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure (up to 1.0 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 200 imp 7 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 300 imp 9 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (1.0 to 1.9 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation 400 imp 18 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 500 imp 21 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 600 imp 24 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (2 to 4 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation 400 imp 24 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 500 imp 28 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 600 imp 32 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 800 imp 37 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (up to 1 to 1.9 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 6 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 8 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 300 imp 10 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (2 to 4 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 10 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 14 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 300 imp 18 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelid area (1 to 1.9 J/cm2)
Plasma rejuvenation 50 imp 8 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 15 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 25 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelid area (2 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma rejuvenation 50 imp 12 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 20 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 34 000,0
Plasma treatment of scars (1 to 1.9 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 15 imp 1 200,0
Plasma treatment 30 imp 2 300,0
Plasma treatment 50 imp 3 500,0
Plasma treatment of scars (2 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 15 imp 2 400,0
Plasma treatment 30 imp 4 600,0
Plasma treatment 50 imp 6 500,0
Plasma treatment (0.8 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma acne treatment 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma acne treatment 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma treatment for rosacea 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma treatment for rosacea 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma treatment of striae (1 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma treatment 100 imp 6 000,0
Plasma treatment 200 imp 10 000,0
Plasma treatment 300 imp 14 000,0
The cost of one pulse on the device


150 rub.


Like any other medical procedure, plasma rejuvenation has contraindications for use:

  • malignant tumors (regardless of location) or suspicion of their presence;
  • acute infectious processes, especially sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis;
  • endocrine disorders with severe hormonal imbalance;
  • severe liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;

Diseases of the blood system

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • epilepsy and other central nervous system disorders;
  • allergic reactions.

If you have other diseases, chronic or infectious, you should consult your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Be sure to visit a doctor before the procedure

Varieties of Plasmajet

The device consists of two parts – a console and a working module. In a simplified form, the procedure is as follows: at the tip of the working part, argon ignites and forms a plasma, after which the gas ionizes. Next, a plasma flow with certain characteristics is directed to the skin.

Plasmajet device

Devices using Plasmajet technology can be different depending on the mechanism and characteristics of the effect on the skin.

Table. Devices using Plasmajet technology.

Device brandMechanism of actionPeculiarities
Plasmajet DermaArgon plasmaThe procedure does not cause any discomfort (a person can only feel a light breath on the surface of the body), has a disinfecting effect and improves blood microcirculation
PlasMIonized components of nitrogen and oxygenThe device tightens the skin, refreshes the complexion, eliminates fine wrinkles, age spots, the consequences of poor tattooing, scars and marks.
PlaxpotPlasma liftingThe device is easy to use, equipped with a color monitor, supports different modes and is absolutely safe, since the plasma generator in it is separated from the electric generator
Jett Plasma LiftPlasma liftingProduces a deep peeling effect, strengthens the skin, promotes cell renewal and increases the protective characteristics of the epidermis. Used for age-related changes, scars, rosacea, age spots
Plasma linerPlasma liftingOne of the most common devices used for plasma rejuvenation. The procedure can cause discomfort, so it is better to use a gel with an anesthetic effect. Used for skin tightening, wrinkle removal, blepharoplasty, removal of benign tumors


The procedure can only be carried out by a specialist who has been trained and knows all the features of the technology.

Attention! In stores you can buy devices that allow you to carry out the rejuvenation procedure at home. Although manufacturers say they are easy to use, they can cause serious harm if used incorrectly.

Operation of the Plaxpot device

Removal of tumors, tattoos and 30 more procedures in one device for 50 thousand rubles

Unfortunately, advertising lies. The device does not have enough power to remove tumors, much less tattoos. Example: A CO₂ laser beam penetrates the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin and fragments the pigment. The Plasma Pen beam is in principle unable to penetrate deeper than the granular layer. The result is burns, crusts and maceration.

If we compare the Plasma Pen with a CO₂ laser, which, depending on the model, creates about 4000 thousand controlled microdamages at the same distance and depth, then the holes in the skin from the plasma pen turn out to be thick (unfortunately, there is no exact data on the diameter of the point anywhere), superficial, with uneven charred edges.

This threatens not only a long period of rehabilitation, but also scars, pigmentation disorders (hypo or hyper), as well as infection.

Example: scabs after a CO2 laser procedure disappear within 3 days, but after Plasma Pen the sellers promise 7 days. This is at least twice as long. No one knows how long the scabs will actually last and how long it will take for complete healing. It could be 3 months, or it could be a year. Depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

How is the procedure performed?

Plasma treatment does not require special preparation or lifestyle changes. 2-3 days before the procedure, you should avoid using aggressive scrubs and peels, sunbathing or going to a solarium. The duration of the session depends on the severity of the defect and the scale of the treated area, and ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

The first stage involves cleansing the skin, treating the surface with a disinfectant and applying a local product (if necessary). Next, the doctor selects the necessary parameters and treats a certain area with plasma. After completing the procedure, a healing cream is applied to the face.

How is the procedure performed?

After using Plasmajet, redness appears on the skin , which goes away within an hour , as well as small red dots. Over time, they become covered with crusts that fall off after 5-10 days. To achieve the desired effect, 3-4 procedures are usually sufficient, carried out at intervals of 3 weeks. Next, you need to undergo maintenance procedures every 6-12 months.

For a week, skin that has been exposed to Plasmajet must be protected from the sun and wind - apply protective products before leaving the house. You cannot use scrubs and other aggressive substances, decorative cosmetics, or go to the bathhouse, solarium or swimming pool. To cleanse the skin, you should not use soap or washing gels, but antiseptic agents.

Skin condition before and after the procedure

How do sellers explain how Plasma Pen works?

Sellers of plasma pens position them as an innovative development of a Korean company. The device is comparable in efficiency to a CO₂ laser, while the pen costs from 15,000 to 150,000 rubles. For comparison, prices for CO₂ lasers start at 2 million rubles. It is the price that sellers focus on.

How Plasma Liner works. Information from sellers' websites:

  1. The needle approaches the skin at a distance of 1-5 mm (depending on the set parameters) and an electrical potential difference is created between it and the patient’s skin.
  2. Plasma forms between the needle and the skin. The skin instantly heats up. Temperatures can reach 2000°C.
  3. The area is saturated with carbon. No bleeding occurs.
  4. The skin is instantly tightened, thanks to the coagulation of tissues - they shrink. Collagen is produced. All that remains is to wait for healing.
  5. Crusts form on the skin, which are designed to protect the treated areas.

Sellers claim that the heat reaches the basal layer and does not affect the tissue under the basement membrane. You will find out later how deep the heat actually penetrates.

Click on the links to read the Operating Manual for one of the Plasma Pen devices:






Side effects

Slight redness and red spots on the skin after the procedure are not considered a side effect and go away on their own after a few days. Serious side effects are possible in two cases - if the procedure is performed incorrectly and if medical recommendations are not followed during the rehabilitation period. Possible complications include:

  • burns;
  • bruises and hematomas;
  • burning and itching of the skin;
  • hemorrhages;
  • swelling;
  • hyperpigmentation.


To reduce the likelihood of side effects, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a specialist and the salon where the procedure will be performed.

Plasma facial rejuvenation is a targeted non-contact effect on the skin

Plasmajet is an innovative rejuvenation technique that has not yet become widespread, but has already gained a reputation as one of the most effective. By taking into account contraindications and choosing the right specialist, she will help restore youth and beauty without pain or side effects.

Extraordinarily effective rejuvenation and tissue tightening

Non-surgical blepharoplasty NEOGEN

Due to clinical studies, NEOGEN is also called a soft blepharoplasty procedure. The NEOGEN procedure can reduce the sagging of the upper eyelid and reduce bags under the eyes. Therefore, in the early stages, when surgical blepharoplasty is not yet indicated, NeoGen soft blepharoplasty is successfully used.

In addition to the lifting effect, wrinkles in the crow's feet area are also reduced and dark circles around the eyes are eliminated.

  • NeoGen reduces wrinkles around the eyes and mouth with long-lasting results.
  • NeoGen reduces post-acne, corrects skin unevenness, and tightens the oval of the face.
  • NeoGen brightens the skin, giving it a fresh, rested look.
  • NeoGen eliminates signs of photodamage on the neck and décolleté.
  • NeoGen removes pigmentation and age spots on the hands.

NEOGEN offers a wide range of treatment options and meets the most demanding expectations of patients.

During your consultation, the doctor at our clinic will tell you in detail the dynamics of changes day by day and how to properly care for your skin. Physicians can customize treatments to suit clients' needs, from a "no pain, no downtime" treatment to a procedure equivalent to a full ablative treatment, naturally with a more pronounced and dramatic result.

Each procedure has both indications and contraindications.

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