Nicotinic acid: how a simple drug from the pharmacy will help hair and skin

Nicotinic acid, which can be found in almost every pharmacy, is also known as vitamin PP, a B vitamin. In the body, it is involved in oxidative reactions, the metabolism of proteins and amino acids, the processes of hydrogen transport and tissue respiration. Vitamin PP also dilates small blood vessels and improves blood microcirculation. Let's decipher what this all means and why you should add acid to your shopping list.

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Description of the substance

Nicotinic acid is a unique remedy, which is also called vitamin PP or B3, niacin, nicotinamide. This substance is produced in ampoules and is often used in the cosmetics industry to create skin care products.

It can also be used at home to prepare useful masks and lotions. To achieve good results, it is recommended to add additional components to the composition - vegetables, fruits, plant extracts. It is also useful to use other vitamins - for example, folic acid.

Glycerin moisturizing mask

A glycerin mask will help quickly get rid of dryness and restore the water balance of the epidermis. Glycerin can be purchased at a pharmacy. While you're there, grab aloe extract in ampoules at the same time - we'll need it too.

So, the recipe:

  • a tablespoon of glycerin;
  • a teaspoon of aloe extract;
  • teaspoon of nicotinic acid.

Mix everything and apply to the skin. This is difficult to do, the mask leaks, so use a cotton pad. Apply several layers of this liquid and wait until it dries. Then be sure to wash your face and apply moisturizer on top.

The effect of nicotinic acid on the skin

This substance helps improve the condition of even the most problematic skin. Nicotinic acid affects the processes of oxidation and reduction that occur in the body and takes part in the development of tissues. It promotes the transformation of fat cells into energy.

Niacin deficiency provokes negative consequences for the body. These include headaches, nausea, digestive disorders, increased dryness and flaking of the skin, premature appearance of wrinkles, general weakness, and sleep disturbances. Using vitamin for the face helps achieve a number of beneficial effects:

  • improve the protective forces of the dermis;
  • normalize the amount of moisture in the structure of the epithelium - this allows you to maintain the hydration of the dermis, but does not lead to the appearance of edema;
  • achieve a light exfoliating effect and activate cell regeneration;
  • increase the elasticity of the epithelium;

  • achieve healing of microcracks;
  • activate skin cell renewal;
  • tighten pores;
  • provide natural UV protection;
  • cope with some skin diseases;
  • tighten the epithelium and smooth out wrinkles;
  • achieve a disinfecting effect, reduce the number of acne on the face;
  • make the dermis smoother, deal with blemishes;
  • stimulate blood flow in the epithelial structure.

Another important property of niacin is the ability to control redox processes in the body. When the balance shifts towards oxidation, aging occurs much faster. The dermis changes structure, becomes flabby, the face loses its tone.

Vitamin B3 can be used not only for the face and neck, but also for the scalp. It helps cope with alopecia, dandruff, dry and brittle hair. To eliminate these problems, nicotinic acid should be applied to the scalp. In this case, the hair should be dry and clean.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, it can be mixed with Dimexide. Esvitsin will be an equally effective composition. It is a solution of vitamins and microelements. With systematic use, it is possible to make hair thicker and stimulate its growth.

Purpose of nicotinamide

In the cosmetic industry, the medicine is used:

  1. As an activator of hair growth, the element expands blood vessels and strengthens their walls. Nutrition and blood supply to the follicles is regulated by the activation of metabolic processes, which helps strengthen them. The procedures cause rapid hair growth due to increased metabolism in nearby areas.
  2. As a remedy against hair loss, positive results are obtained due to the rapid penetration of the vitamin into the skin. Enriching the dermis with beneficial ingredients prevents hair loss. If the expected effect is absent, it is necessary to undergo an examination and make sure that there are no secondary factors causing the development of alopecia (vitaminosis, chemical burns during dyeing, etc.).
  3. As a medicine for the skin, the drug accelerates the supply of oxygen to the follicles. The simultaneous introduction of the vitamin helps to moisturize the dermis and get rid of excessive dryness.
  4. As a drug for dandruff - if the problem is not caused by a fungal infection, then the medicine is pre-mixed with propolis and aloe juice. Attempts to use monotherapy can cause the development of seborrhea due to drying of the skin.

Ways to use niacin

Vitamin B3 can be used in different ways. It is used externally or consumed internally. The liquid product in ampoules is recommended to be administered into the body by injection.

A derivative of nicotinic and g-aminobutyric acids is the drug Picamilon. It is a nootropic medication that is used to combat circulatory disorders, restore performance, and treat depression.

The daily requirement for the vitamin differs depending on gender, age and body condition. This information is presented in the table:

Patient categoryDaily requirement for niacin, mg
infants up to 1 year4-5
children under 3 years old8
children 4-7 years old11
schoolchildren 8-14 years old15-18
girls 15-18 years old18
boys 15-18 years old20
pregnant women22
women during lactation23

The average course of use of nicotinic acid does not exceed 2 weeks. This remedy is often used before and after plastic surgery, as it activates tissue regeneration processes and helps cope with inflammation of damaged areas.

If you overdose on vitamins, there is a risk of unwanted side effects. These include hyperemia, rashes, fainting, nausea. There is also a risk of dizziness and loss of sensitivity in the fingers.

To improve the condition of the epithelium, vitamin B3 can be added to various cosmetic products. The substance is used to prepare masks, lotions, and serums. External use of niacin has no special contraindications. In this case, people who are prone to allergies need to be careful.

Before topical use of the vitamin, you need to do an allergy test and evaluate the skin reaction.

To avoid unwanted health effects, a small amount of cosmetic product should be applied to the skin. If after half an hour there are no reactions, the composition can be applied to the face.


Here you will find answers to the most popular questions about niacin.

How to replace nicotinic acid

Multivitamin complexes containing nicotinamide (Neuromultivit, Pentovit, Perfectil, Pyridoxine, Complivit, Vitalux Plus, Duovit) will help replenish the reserves of nicotinic acid in the body.

Is nicotinic acid contained in cigarettes?

No. The vitamin has nothing to do with tobacco. Therefore, smokers may also suffer from nicotinamide deficiency.

What products contain nicotine?

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Vitamin PP can be obtained by adding the following products to the menu:

  • beans;
  • yeast;
  • liver;
  • buckwheat;
  • mango;
  • mushrooms;
  • beet;
  • pistachios;
  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • kidneys;
  • millet porridge.

How long to keep nicotinic acid on hair

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The drug does not require rinsing. If you use vitamin PP as part of a treatment mask, you need to apply it for 1.5-2 hours.

How to take nicotinic acid for hair growth in tablets

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Nicotine tablets are taken after meals, 50-100 mg twice a day for a course of 15-20 days. The dosage and frequency of administration may be increased in case of acute deficiency of vitamin PP.

It is recommended to take the tablet with plenty of liquid, preferably milk.

How to inject nicotinic acid correctly

The solution for injections (injections) is sold strictly according to prescription. The following dosage is usually prescribed.

  • For vitamin B3 deficiency. Intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously (your choice) 1 ml of 1% solution 2-3 times a day. Course 10-15 days.
  • For ischemic stroke. Intravenous 10 mg solution.
  • With Hartnup's disease. Intravenously 40-200 mg per day.

More detailed dosage is indicated in the instructions.

Where else in cosmetology is vitamin PP used?

You can find tips on using nicotinic acid for the face, nails and for weight loss. The latter actually makes sense.

With regular massage of problem areas, nicotinic acid for hair helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and also accelerates metabolism.

What happens if you add nicotinic acid to cellulite cream?

The effectiveness of the cream will increase. Recommended proportions: for 1 tbsp. cream 1 tsp. niacin. Course of 10 procedures.

Niacin in ampoules increases the flow of oxygen to cells, helps break down fat and remove waste and toxins. All this stimulates skin renewal and smoothing.

For the best effect, after applying the cream, the problem area should be massaged with patting, pinching and stroking.

How to take niacin to lose weight

Nicotinic acid is involved in the production of certain enzymes and lipid metabolism. It reduces cholesterol levels, accelerates metabolism, and removes toxins.

Therefore, taking vitamin tablets promotes weight loss, albeit to a small extent.

The recommended course for weight loss is 15-20 days. Dosage: up to 20 mg of active substance per day.

How is nicotinic acid used in medicine?

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Mainly used for vitamin PP deficiency. It is also used in complex therapy of the following diseases and conditions:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • vascular spasms;
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • poorly healing wounds.

Where to store nicotinic acid

Store in a place protected from sunlight (not necessarily in the refrigerator). The optimal temperature is not higher than 25C.

How does nicotinic acid affect the body?

Nicotine is good for you. Overdose or use of the drug for an extended period of time leads to problems.

  • Digestive system. Long-term use of large doses reduces glucose tolerance and increases blood sugar and uric acid levels. The vitamin increases the acidity of gastric juice, so the drug should not be used on an empty stomach.
  • Liver. Long-term use of high doses leads to fatty liver degeneration.
  • The cardiovascular system. Dilates blood vessels, so a decrease in blood pressure, headache, and dizziness are possible.
  • Eyes. May cause a feeling of dryness and itching of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

How to remove a bald spot on the top of your head

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Nicotinic acid for hair growth is unlikely to help with severe baldness. In this case, you should consult a trichologist for advice.

How to determine vitamin B and nicotinic acid deficiency

It is necessary to donate blood from a vein.

Where can you buy nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid ampoules for hair can be bought in almost any pharmacies in Belarus (in Minsk, Vitebsk, etc.), as well as in cities of other countries (in Riga, Rostov, Penza, Krasnodar, Tomsk).

How to open an ampoule with nicotinic acid

Plastic capsules for rubbing into the scalp are easy to open. Difficulties usually arise with glass ampoules for injections.

  • If there is a dot on a glass product, then it indicates the place where the cone is recommended to break.
  • If there is no point, you yourself need to make a notch on the neck with a file, which is usually included in the package. Then soak a cotton pad in antiseptic and, holding the product with it, break off the top part.

What is the difference between nicotinic acid for hair and regular one?

Composition. Ampoules for rubbing into the scalp contain additional components (water, sodium bicarbonate).

How much nicotinic acid should be added to shampoo?

To enrich a bottle of shampoo, one capsule ampoule is enough. However, washing your hair with this product is still inferior in effectiveness to rubbing vitamin B3 into the hair roots.

What organ in the body produces nicotinic acid?

Vitamin B3 is synthesized in the intestines from tryptophan supplied with food. The chemical reaction occurs with the participation of vitamin B6 and B2.

Why does my stomach hurt from taking nicotinic acid?

Vitamin PP increases the acidity of gastric juice. This is one of the reasons why your stomach may hurt. To prevent this, do not take the drug on an empty stomach.

Why you should eat cottage cheese with nicotinic acid

To prevent side effects from the liver, doctors advise that when taking nicotine, eat foods containing methionine (cottage cheese) or drink additional methionine.

Why does my head hurt after an injection of nicotinic acid?

Nicotinic acid (not only in injections, but also in tablets or sprays for rubbing) dilates blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure and, as a result, weakness, malaise and headaches.

Another reason is the greater volume of oxygen that cells receive. The result can be compared to a migraine as with oxygen intoxication.

Can you trust the pictures that a search engine produces for the request nicotinic acid for hair before and after photos?

In photos taken with an interval of one month, the difference between “was” and “became” is almost invisible, since hair grows slowly. Focus on your personal feelings from using the drug.

The first result that you will notice with regular use of ampoules is that your hair has stopped falling out a lot.

What happens if you drink a lot of nicotinic acid?

An overdose can manifest itself as follows:

  • severe and long-lasting redness of the skin;
  • burning or hot sensation;
  • brown pigmentation;
  • itching;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • fainting;
  • blurred vision;
  • impaired glucose metabolism;
  • cholestatic jaundice.

How to remove nicotine from the body with side effects

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At the moment there is no medicine that can neutralize the effect of vitamin PP. Therefore, it is recommended to treat nicotine allergies by eliminating the specific symptoms that bother you.

Complete elimination of the drug is possible 6-9 hours after use. Drinking plenty of fluids helps speed up the process.

Cosmetology procedures

To improve the condition of the face, mesotherapy can be performed. The essence of the procedure is to inject a small amount of vitamin under the skin. In this case, the substance is not used in its pure form.

Niacin is mixed with other beneficial components, resulting in a healing meso-cocktail. The procedure is performed in salons. Doing it yourself at home is not recommended.

Typically, mesotherapy is prescribed for the appearance of pimples or acne, the formation of wrinkles or the occurrence of ptosis.

Immediately after the injection, the face begins to turn red.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences, you should follow these recommendations:

  • use minimal doses of the active component;
  • eat well before the procedure;
  • eat a product with pectin - this substance slows down the absorption of niacin;
  • drink an antihistamine before the session - this is required if you are prone to allergies.

After the procedure, there is a risk of a burning sensation. If you follow the cosmetologist's recommendations, this symptom goes away within a few hours. If mesotherapy is intolerant, electrophoresis or other physiotherapeutic procedures may be performed.

Vitamin A -

Vitamin A can most often be found in anti-aging cosmetics, because with long-term course use (about 24-36 weeks) it has the following effect on the skin...

  • gives the skin an even color and texture,
  • stimulates collagen production,
  • reduces the depth of wrinkles and fine lines,
  • reduces pigment spots,
  • and also fights acne (blackheads and pimples).

There are several forms of vitamin A that have varying effectiveness. These include: retinol, retinol esters (for example, retinol acetate), retinaldehyde, trans-retinoic acid, 13 cis-retinoic acid, etc.

Products based on pure retinol, and especially retinol acetate, will be much weaker than products containing retinaldehyde or retinoic acid. However, it is retinol that is most often used in anti-aging cosmetics, because it causes significantly less skin irritation. Unfortunately, choosing a high-quality cosmetic product with retinol is very difficult, because... Many manufacturers use cheap vitamin A substances (retinol esters) rather than pure retinol or retinaldehyde.

Products based on retinoic acid will most strongly stimulate collagen synthesis and reduce the depth of wrinkles, however, as we have already said, they cause severe skin irritation (dryness, redness, itching), especially at the beginning of use. Anti-wrinkle products based on retinoic acid include:

  • Tretinoin,
  • Isotretinoin
  • Retin-A.

Examples of high-quality creams and serums with retinol -

For more information about the effect of retinol on facial skin, how to choose the right cosmetics with retinol, what concentration these products should have, as well as the rating of the best products with retinol, read the following articles:

  • “Rating of the best anti-aging cosmetics with retinol”
  • “How to properly use cosmetics with retinol on the skin of the face”

Rules for using masks with nicotinic acid

Before you start using nicotinic acid for the face, you should check your tolerance. If you experience discomfort, you will have to stop using the substance. The element belongs to the category of unstable chemical compounds that quickly disintegrate in open air. It is recommended to apply niacin-based masks according to the following scheme:

  1. Before using the product you need to wash your face
    . To do this, you should use foam or gel. If you have pimples or acne, it is recommended to use an antibacterial lotion.

  2. Dead epithelial particles should be removed with a scrub
    . Before exfoliating procedures, it is recommended to steam your face.

  3. Apply the mask using your fingertips
    . You are also allowed to use a special cosmetic brush.

  4. It is forbidden to treat sensitive areas of the skin with the composition
    . It is not applied to the lips and area around the eyes.

Don't keep the mask on for too long. The exact time depends on the ingredients of the recipe. On average it takes 15-20 minutes.

For sensitive skin

Nicotinic acid promotes regeneration, so it is also suitable for sensitive skin. To prepare a mask that will relieve flaking, soothe and speed up regeneration, take the following ingredients:

  • cereals;
  • half a banana;
  • half an ampoule of nicotine;
  • spoon of milk.

Pour milk over about a spoonful of oatmeal and let stand for a couple of minutes. At this time, mash half a banana with a fork and add it to the oatmeal. At the end, add nicotinic acid, mix everything and apply to the skin for 5-20 minutes.

Since the mask is thick and tends to slide off the skin, it is better to apply it while lying down.

Effective mask recipes

To improve your skin condition, you can use effective home remedies. To make them, vitamin B3 is mixed with additional substances.

The prepared mask or lotion should be used within 1 hour. Otherwise, the components quickly disintegrate. The product must not be stored in the refrigerator or reused.

With aloe

This remedy is recommended for use in case of irritation and inflammation on the face. It successfully copes with pimples and acne. To make a valuable product, it is recommended to take 1 large spoon of aloe juice and 2 ampoules of niacin. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution and apply to the skin. After 20 minutes you can wash your face.

With ginger

The substance helps to cope with small wrinkles, age spots, and oily shine. The product also successfully eliminates irritation. To get a useful composition, you need to take 1 large spoon of ginger juice and 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid. Soak a cotton pad in the product and apply it to the skin. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your face.

With cream

This product helps smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more elastic. To prepare a valuable composition, half a large spoon of cream should be combined with 2 drops of vitamin B3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure.

With kefir

The composition helps improve skin tone, whitens pigmentation and tightens the dermis. To make it, you need to take 1 small spoon of niacin and 30 ml of kefir. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. After a quarter of an hour you need to wash your face.

With banana and oatmeal

The product successfully copes with skin peeling, helps eliminate deep wrinkles and severe irritation. First you need to make oatmeal with milk. Then 1 large spoon of porridge must be mixed with the same amount of banana and add 10 drops of niacin.

It is recommended to mix the mask until smooth and apply to the face for 20 minutes. Then the composition should be washed off with water.

With glycerin

The product helps cope with tired skin that has lost its tone. The composition is used when necessary to moisturize the epithelium and smooth out wrinkles. To make it, you need to combine 1 small spoon of tocopherol, vitamin A, glycerin and mineral water.

After this, heat the composition in a water bath and add 1 ampoule of vitamins B3 and B12 to it. Moisten a napkin in the resulting product and apply it to your face. After 30 minutes, you can wash and rinse your skin. Finally, apply a nourishing cream.

To improve the condition of the epithelium, it is worth making an effective lotion based on nicotinic acid. To do this, it is recommended to combine 1 small spoon of sage, nettle, and chamomile. Brew the herbs in 250 ml of boiling water for 30 minutes.

After this, add 2 ampoules of the vitamin. Wipe your face with the prepared product. The lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 1 week.

With aloe

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A universal recipe that will suit absolutely everyone. The aloe mask is made from just two ingredients and is easy to prepare.

It is best to use natural aloe gel, extracted directly from the plant that grows on the windowsill. In general, if this is not found, ready-made aloe gel from one of the well-known brands will do.

How to prepare the mask:

  • aloe gel – 1 tbsp;
  • nicotinic acid - half an ampoule.

Mix everything and apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with water. This mask will moisturize your skin, improve your complexion, keep your pores clean, and at the same time provide a good rejuvenating effect.


Nicotinic acid cannot always be used. Key contraindications to its use include the following:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • individual intolerance;
  • damage to the dermis, acne, wounds;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • severe swelling;
  • history of cerebral hemorrhage.

Doctors do not recommend giving niacin to children under 12 years of age. You should also be careful during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to take the product during menstruation or a few days before it starts.

Additional sources of niacin

Vitamin B3 is used not only externally to improve the condition of the dermis. To saturate the body with this remedy, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes and make adjustments to the diet.

Dermatologists often prescribe supplements containing niacin. This helps restore metabolic processes and normalize blood flow in the epithelial structure. Such vitamins help slow down the aging of the body.

It is recommended to drink nicotinic acid strictly according to the instructions, avoiding exceeding the dosage.

Despite the fact that the vitamin is quickly eliminated from the body, if the daily volume is systematically exceeded, there is a risk of developing an overdose. To replenish nicotinic acid reserves, it is worth making adjustments to your diet. Large amounts of niacin are present in the following foods:

  • meat;

  • fish;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits;
  • avocado.

The concentration of the vitamin directly depends on the fat content of the food. The higher this indicator, the more vitamin B3 is present in its composition. However, vegetables and fruits contain little niacin. Therefore, vegetarians are recommended to additionally consume B vitamins.

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